A/N: Set just after 4x13, written around the same time. To celebrate my coming to this site, I'm going to write a second chapter.

"OK Paige, calm down," Emily said. "What website are you talking about?"

Paige opened up her laptop.

"A has a website and I've found it," Paige explained.

"Why would A have a website?" Emily asked.

"I don't know," Paige replied, "but it's here."

She had logged in now, and showed Emily the site on her web browser. For a moment Emily wasn't sure what she was looking at, but soon it because clear - an endless stream of pictures and text, all about herself and Paige.

"How did you find this?" Emily asked.

"I was googling my name…" Paige began.

Emily gave her a side-eye look.

"I was curious, OK?" Paige responded to the implied rebuke. "Anyway, when I did, this was something like the fifth result."

Paige kept scrolling, and more items kept appearing.

"How many of these are there?" Emily asked.

"I don't know," replied Paige. "It seems to go on forever."

"And where are all these pictures from?" Emily asked.

"They have hours and hours of video of us," Paige answered. "It must be from A. They then take screen shots and write long essays analyzing the video…"

"What are those animated pictures?" Emily asked.

"They're gifs," Paige explained. "People use them to break the videos down into short chunks and caption them with what we were saying."

"They're hard to look at," Emily observed.

"You get used to them," Paige said.

"Where do they get all this video from?" Emily asked.

"I don't know, but look at it all," said Paige. "Here's us on our karaoke date. Here we are kissing by my pool. This one is in your bedroom."

"Oh my God, I feel sick," said Emily.

"I know," said Paige. "A must have cameras everywhere."

"Wait, they don't have any footage of us having sex, do they?" Emily asked, apprehensively.

"No," Paige assured her. "From what is on here, we only seem to kiss. Though we better warn Spencer, as they seem to have hours of her and Toby having sex."

"I'm just nervous ever since we made those videos," Emily explained.

"It's OK, A doesn't seem to have any of them," Paige said.

"What about the other couples?" Emily asked.

"There's a bit of Hanna and Caleb," Paige said. "And for some reason there are hours and hours of Aria and Ezra just sitting around in his apartment talking. I have no idea why that would be of any interest to anyone."

"So this is all A?" Emily asked.

"No," Paige replied. "That's the thing. Look at these icons. Each one is a different person. They never give their real names, but there must be hundreds or thousands of them."

"All pouring over our lives?" Emily asked.

"Yes, especially our relationship," Paige replied.

"Who would do that?" Emily asked.

"I don't know," Paige said. "But they're all over the world, and some of them seem to spend all day doing this."

"What is this site anyway?" Emily asked.

"It's called tumblr," Paige replied.

"It's not even spelled correctly," Emily observed.

"I know," said Paige. "It's missing the 'e'."

"Could that be a clue?" Emily suggested.

"Maybe," said Paige.

Emily took the laptop and started looking more closely at the site. She began to look at the photo captions and read the text posts.

"Paige, I don't think this is A," she said.

"What do you mean?" Paige asked.

"Look," Emily said, pointing to the screen. "A lot of these people seem to like us. See, this one calls us 'my babies', and this one says we're 'so cute'."

"Someone is calling you a 'gorgeous human'," Paige pointed out.

"And here they say you're 'ridiculously attractive'," Emily added.

"Why do they keep calling me Batman?" Paige asked.

"I don't know," Emily replied. "I'm not sure what 'feels' means either, or 'OTP', but these people aren't trying to destroy us, Paige. They're not working for A."

"Then why do all this?" Paige asked. "It's like they're obsessed."

Emily kept scrolling.

"Paige, they're trying to work out who A is," Emily announced.

"What? You mean they're on our side?" asked Paige.

"It looks like they are," Emily responded.

"Who do they think it is?" asked Paige.

"There are so many theories," Emily replied. "A lot of these are people we've already thought of, Melissa, Cece… someone's saying Aria."

"What?" Paige asked incredulously.

"I know," said Emily. "It's ridiculous. I mean, Aria has been targeted just as much as the rest of us. I mean, there was that time she was locked in the crate on the train…"

"And then there was, um…" Paige added.

"Ah…" Emily replied.

"There was…" Paige said.

"Anyway, I'm sure there were others," said Emily. "There must have been."

"Who else are they suggesting?" Paige asked.

"Ezra," said Emily, somewhat perplexed.

"Mr Fitz?" asked Paige.

"That's what they're saying," Emily said. "But it can't be. If we're looking for board shorts then we're after an adult man with an inappropriate interest in teenage girls. That's hardly going to be Mr Fitz."

"And he's always helped you guys," Paige pointed out.

"Exactly," agreed Emily. "I mean, just the other night he came all the way to Ravenswood without us even having to ask."

Emily kept looking through the discussions.

"It looks like they don't really know," she said. "There are a lot of suggestions here for us though."

"Like what?" asked Paige.

"Well, we probably should close the blinds more," Emily replied. "Fair enough really. Not leave important evidence lying around… take photos of clues… record conversations… wear gloves… all take self defense classes…"

"Sounds like a lot," Paige observed.

"I'd like to see them do better," Emily replied, getting grumpy now.

She handed the laptop back to Paige.

"Emily, it's just people talking," Paige said.

"I know," Emily replied. "It's just weird being scrutinized like that."

"Well, at least they all like you," Paige said.

'What do you mean?" Emily asked.

"A lot of people don't think you should be with me," Paige explained.

"Why not?" Emily asked.

"They say I tried to drown you," Paige replied.

"You didn't…" Emily began, then just rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"A lot of people still think Maya was your true love," Paige said.

"Maya's dead," Emily replied. "I really did love her, but she's gone. Do they want me to be unhappy the rest of my life just because they can't accept that?"

Emily took Paige's hand.

"I love you now," Emily said.

"I love you too," Paige said.

"I'm almost afraid to ask, but what else is on there?" Emily asked.

"Well a lot of people are talking about Alison coming back," Paige replied.

"They know?" Emily asked, shocked.

"Know what?" Paige asked back.

"They know…" Emily began. "I mean, surely they know she's dead."

"You'd think so," said Paige.

"Yep, she's dead," Emily continued. "Dead and buried and found and buried properly and dug up and buried again."

"Yeah," agreed Paige.

"Not coming back at all," Emily said. "Still six feet under and staying there. Not pulled up or anything. I mean, she probably didn't even own a red coat."

"Are you OK?" Paige asked.

"Fine," Emily replied. "Perfectly fine. Not like Ali, who is dead. Completely, absolutely dead."

"You sure you're OK?" Paige asked.

"Just… getting used to things," Emily replied.

Paige looked at the site a little more.

"People also write stories about us," she said.

"Stories?" Emily responded.

"Yeah," said Paige. "Short fictional pieces about the two of us."

"Now that's really weird," Emily said. "Writing stories about us? Who on Earth would do something like that?"

"There's quite a few of them," Paige said.

"What are they about?" Emily asked.

Paige looked more closely.

"Most of them seem to be about sex," she replied.

"Oh," said Emily.

"Apparently we have a lot of sex," Paige noted.

"Well, we do," said Emily.

"Yeah, but not like this," Paige said.

"What do you mean?" Emily asked.

"We seem to be really into rough sex," Paige explained. "These stories are full of it. Then there's the toys. And you like being tied up while I tease then pleasure you. I mean, we don't do any of that."

"No," Emily said, wistfully.

Paige looked up at her. Emily looked quickly away.

"Em," said Paige, "I… I'd always been too nervous to ask."

This got Emily's attention.

"You mean…" Emily began, but didn't finish the sentence.

Paige just nodded once, then Emily began to smile.

"OK, back to the website," Emily said. "Is there anything else?"

"I'm not sure," Paige replied, looking through the text in front of her. "What does 'Spaily' mean?"