" watcha doing?" mabel asked her twin broher who was trying to put together something. " oh mabel, thank goodness you are here! can you help me fix this 'thing' that i accidentally broke" dipper replied holding up several pieces of some precious item. " .gosh dipper, thats grunkle stans most precious item! hed be furious if he knew that you broke it!" mabel said snatching the pieces from dippers hand. dipper started to worry alot. mabel noticed this and thought of a plan. " hey, i have a fantastic idea, we put the pieces together temporarily by putting duct tape all over it! no one will suspect anthing for a few days giving us time to think of a permanent plan!" mabel said with a big smile plastered across her face. dipper wasnt so sure of her idea but he had no other choice so he quickly agreed.

later that day, the twins were finished duct taping the whole thing back together. it didnt look that convincible but it was all they had for now and grunkle stan was a pretty convicible person, well sort of.

mabels pov: i was so tired after doing all that work and decided to go take a nap but then i realised that i was about to ask dipper to do something with me. i ran to dipper and he seemed just as tired as me. "so me soos and wendy thought we were gonna go do some adventure tommorow, so i wanted to ask you if you wanted to come?" i said to dipper jumping up and down. " you sure wendy is coming rght?" he asked me, since he had this huge crush on her which everyone except wendy knew. i nodded still jumping. the moment i said that, he said yes and started jumping with me, which proved that he was excited because he hates doing stuff like that.

dippers pov: i was going on an adventure with wendy! and ofcourse soos and mabel but thats not the point, the point is that she is gonna fall in love with me and propose me on the spot and ten years later, we would get married and have beautiful children.. ok maybe im overreacting but hey, it could happen. i was soo excited for the next day and it came sooner than i expected. surprisingly, i took the longest to get ready and the other three were waiting for me outside the shack. i finally came out. "yo dipper, what took you so long?" wendy asked me in her usual friendly smile. i was so embarrassed but i finally told her something"i was looking for my journal haha, cant go anywhere without it" i said with a nervous giggle but in reality, i put on every perfume i owned and tried to comb my hair in a really handsome way and a whole bunch of other stuff just to impress wendy. "oh my gosh, whats that strong smell coming from you dipper" mabel said holding her nose. it was then i realised that i put on too much of perfume. "oh that! well i was about to grab the journal but then my hand knocked over a perfume bottle and it fell on me and broke" i lied. "where exactly are we going mabel?" wendy asked her. "i dont know! thats why i brought dipper along" mabel said pointing her index finger at me.
"wait i thought you knew!" i said getting really worried. "wait dudes, so if none of you know where we are that means we are... LOST!" soos yelled. we started panicking like crazy. "we cant be that far away from the shack! lets just walk back until we reach it" i said trying to calm everyone down but i was freaking out myself. " yeah.. yeah you are probably right" mabel said breathing heavily and her eyes twitching, mabel hates it when she gets lost. we started walking back and after a hour of search, we finally gave up. "uugghh, mabel! why couldnt you have just asked me where we should go instead of bringing everyone to the middle of nowhere and then announce that im the one incharge" i yelled at mabel half feeling sorry for her."sorry dipper.." was mabels reply. "well.. looks like we have to sleep in the forest tonight" wendy said with a smile. wendy doesnt like getting lost either but she loves the outdoors. " thats a great idea dude" soos said. " but none of us have our sleeping bags." mabel said. "not to worry about that, just bring me some branches and clean leaves." wendy said with her hands on her hips. soon there was a pile of branches and leaves and wendy started to make the base of the bed with the branches and put the leaves on top to be comfortable and incase it gets cold,she put a huge leaf on top to use as a blanket. wendy is soo perfect, perfect brains , perect smile, perfect everything. it was getting dark so we decided to go to bed early so that we could go search for the shack the next morning.

mabels pov: dippers right, i should have told him that he was incharge. i guess this is the punishment! sleeping with a bunch of bugs. not that i dont like bugs its just that, we dont really know what they would do when you are sleeping with like a thousand of them!well whats happened has happened, thre was nothing i could do to change that. when it finally became night, i laid down on the soft green leaves that was put on the branches. it was freezing cold so i covered myself with the huge leaf. it wasnt the most comfortablest night but i must say that it was not bad and no bugs crawled over me the whole night, that im aware of. infact, i slept so well that i was the first one to be awake. i decided to take out some food for everyone out of my bag and wait for them to wake up. it was the least i could do after all the trouble i made them go through. it seemed like forever until everyone finally woke up. dipper still seemed pretty mad at me but eased a bit after seeing that i got him some breakfast. "well since we are here why not go exploring" wendy said with a grin. "not like we have any other choice" dipper said with a grumpy face.
i gasped. that was the first time i heard dipper say something to wendy rudly. wendy was surprised too. she didnt say a word, she just grabbed her cap and started walking motioning us to do the same. i was even more surprised when dipper didnt seem like he is worrying about what he just said to wendy. "look dudes, the mystery shack" soos pointed at the gift shop grunkle stan owned. i was so thrilled and ran to it but someone or something stopped me. i looked around and tried again but no luck. there was a magic forcefield surrounding it. "b.b.b but how?" i said touching it. dipper tried to break the forcefield but it didnt work. "thres something fishy going on here" wendy said looking around for anything suspicious. "you dont say" dipper said with his arms crossed. we all looked at him shocked. "dipper whats wrong with you?" i said shaking him. "whats wrong with me?!... whats wrong with you?" he said taking my arms of his shoulder and throwing them down violently.
my heart broke into a million pieces seeing my brother act like this. especially towards me. "whats gotten into you dip?" wendy asked bending down on on knee.
a tear ran down my cheek as dipper slapped wendy across the face.