
Makoto P.O.V

Its just, one more day. Another day, In school, I don't really like school that much. It, is a place where...I am away from Obaa-san. She needs me, like I need her. I don't have anyone else besides my little pet. She's, my Obaa-san. Always there for me. I get up out of my bed, brush some of my longish blonde hair that reaches past my shoulders out of my green eyes.

I go downstairs, and see my Obaa-san in her chair. She's, not well. I don't think, she has long left. I can't lose her, I just need her. She's, someone who has looked after me after my parents...I don't even know. Obaa-san refuses to tell me what's what with my parents.

"G-Good morning...Obaa-san."

"Makoto...good morning. Sleep well my little brat?"

"Muu, I-I'm not a l-little brat. O-Obaa-san s-should I c-cook something?"

"Sure. Please do."

I go into the kitchen and start cooking something for my Obaa-san. She's my, Obaa-san after all. I have to look after her. She's ill, she needs me, that's all there is too it. I can't ever lose her. What would I do without her? I, don't know. I make her some food, because I have to do it, no one else will.

"O-Obaa-san. F-Food is r-ready."

"Alright coming."

I set the table for myself and Obaa-san. She comes into the kitchen and sits at the table.

"Ready for school, brat?"

"Y-Yes, Obaa-san. B-But I-I don't want to g-go."

"Ooh, is that so? But, you have too go. Is it, because you...are worried about me? Or is it, because people pick on you for your stutter?"

I nod a little. People always pick on me because of it. I, try and stay out of peoples way. It is easier than people calling me stutter boy. I only stutter a little, but when I'm nervous, or overwhelming emotions, it gets pretty bad.

"W-Well...y-y-yes my s-stutter...but...y-you are..."

"I'm, what? I've already said I'm fine. So, stop being a worry wart all the time. Geez, you'd think you are the adult and I'm the child."

"A-Are you t-taking your medication?"

"I am Okaa-sama."

I would glare for the comment, but she then starts coughing violently! Into her handkerchief!

"O-Obaa-san! O-Obaa-san! L-Let me r-r-relieve the p-p-pain!"

I go over and use a little healing magic. I'm not a Master in magic, but I know limited magical skills. Obaa-san started teaching me magic, a few years ago. She said I have a talent for it. So, even if I can't cure her condition, I can at least help her like this.

"I'm feeling better now Makoto. But, could you get me a drink of water?"

"Y-Yes Obaa-san!"

I quickly get a drink of water and hand it to her. She thanks me for it and takes small sips. I look at the handkerchief...there's blood there...

"O-Obaa-san, d-do you want me t-to stay off s-s-school?"

"Don't be silly now. Makoto, school is important also."

"I-If y-you say s-so."

"I do say so. Now, finish your meal and get to school."

I nod and go and sit down. I don't want to leave her alone, she's coughing up blood. But, I can't refuse her, right? No, I can't refuse Obaa-san. She's my Obaa-san so I can't refuse her, at all.

After breakfast, I get everything and head for another day at Kuoh academy. I already know about Devils going there, Obaa-san told me about it. I don't mind, as they haven't done anything to me, as if they would. I'm a practitioner at magic. I'm, not strong enough to warrant any kind of threat, I don't think.

I walk to school on my own, always on my own. I sound pitiful now. I, don't like being this way, I just can't stop. I've tried to stop stuttering, but I just can't stop, at all. I don't know why, but Obaa-san said I shouldn't be embarrassed about it. Even though I am embarrassed about it.

"Ah, stutter boy!"

I flinch. A boy, called me stutter boy. I don't like it. I continue walking towards school. I just want them to go away. As I'm walking, they get infront of me...


"P-P, come on! Get it out already!"

"P-Please l-leave m-me a-a-alone..."

"Ahh, you got it out, stutter boy. Now, your prize is...half day of getting called stutter boy!"

"Hey! Enough of that, now!"

Who...was that? When I looked around...I saw, someone...a blonde haired boy...isn't he...ummmmm, Kiba Yuuto-san? The, Prince of the school? He's, a Devil, right? I think he's a Devil...if I remember what Okaa-san said, he's a servant of a high class Devil. What is he...doing? He comes over and looks at the other boys, with an angry expression.

"Kiba! The Prince!"

"Leave, him alone, now. I've seen it before, and it isn't happening again. Now, leave him alone, or I will become angry."

Kiba-san becoming angry...hehe, I don't think I want to see that. The boys run off away from him, he comes over.

"Hey, you alright?"

"F-F-Fine. W-Why are y-you..."

"They, shouldn't bully you, because of your stutter. What's your name? My name is Kiba Yuuto."

He told me his name? I already knew it. Everyone knows his name in school.

"M-My n-name is...I-Izumi M-Makoto..."

"Izumi-kun then? Its a nice name. Izumi Makoto-kun. Spring of sincerity, I like that. That's it, isn't it?"

I nod a little. He's nice.


"Izumi-kun, shall we head to school? You know, I've wanted to talk with you for awhile now even though I didn't know your name."

He has? Why would he want to talk to me? Is it, for his Master? No, that's silly. I don't have anything to offer a high class Devil.

"M-Me? W-Why?"

"Because, I thought we would make great friends, that's all. Besides, you are the only boy in school that doesn't hate me, or expresses it openly."

"I-I don't h-hate you. I-I don't h-have a-a reason to h-hate you."

"Hehe, I see. Then, we should be getting to school."

I don't understand why he's being so nice to me. It isn't because for the sake of being nice, is it? I'm sure this has something to do with Devils, I think. We start walking to school, together. I've never walked to school with someone before. I find it strange. Even a Devil is a person.


"Say, Izumi-kun. Do you want to eat lunch together?"

"O-Ok Kiba-san."

Eating lunch with a Devil will be fine. I know the Devils aren't after me. A Devil after me, hehe. We get to school, and head in different directions. We are in different classes, despite being in the same year. He said that he will becoming to my class to, pick me up for lunch.

When I get to class, I just sit down at my desk, and face away from everyone. The only people who don't call me stutter boy, is Hyoudou-san and his pervy friends, and Kiryuu-san, and I'm pretty sure Hyoudou-san has convinced himself that I'm a girl.

It isn't like I dress up in girly clothes or anything, he just thinks that I'm a girl because of my small frame. He's actually convinced himself that I'm a girl, I believe. I'm not really sure, he just calls me a girl. Not in a mocking way, just saying I'm a pretty girl. Before I can refute him, he walks away with a red face.

As class goes by, I feel a sense of foreboding. Ugh...I don't know about this eating lunch with Kiba-san now. I feel like something is going to happen. I don't know what, but I just know something is going to happen. Good or bad, no idea.

After class I wait for Kiba-san to come. I don't know what's going to happen, but I will fight back, if I have too. Although, against Devils...I don't think I would win. I barely know any attack spells but I could summon my little partner.


Huh? A hand is waving infront of my face, I look...Kiba-san. Oh, did I go into my own little world again?

"Y-Yes Kiba-san?"


I stand and nod. I follow him wordlessly out of the class, as girls start talking about something called BL. I don't know what BL is. I know it is shortened for something, but I have no idea what BL stands for.

"Izumi-kun, incidentally. Rias-senpai, would like to talk with you."

"W-Why? I-Is it b-b-because y-you are D-Devils?"

"You know? I don't know what Buchou...erm, that's what we call Rias-senpai in the Occult Research club. Anyway, I don't know what she wants to talk about. All I was told, was to talk to you, and ask you to come to the clubroom."

"S-So...y-you lied b-before? Y-You said y-you didn't know m-me."

He bows his head to me. So, he lied to me. It is what a Devil does, isn't it? Lying to humans like myself.

"I never meant to deceive you. I was serious about wanting to talk to you. But, Buchou has different ways of, dealing with people. She's, got a unique way of thinking."


"Y-Yes, unique. Anyway, she will explain better than I ever could."

I nod. I don't know what she wants. I couldn't even venture a guess, unless it has something to do with Devil works. I'm, not going to become a Devil. I don't want to be a Devil. The only way I would become a Devil, is if I didn't have a choice, or there was something in it for me.

We make it to this, clubroom of theirs within ten minutes. After saying something I didn't quite hear, we enter the clubroom. I look around. Yes, I can tell this is a place for Devils. The scriptures on the walls, ceiling and floor.

"Aha, you came."

A voice, brought my attention to a desk. Behind the desk, was a woman. A woman named Rias Gremory-senpai. It is undeniable when I see the red hair, and her power of a high class Devil.

"Buchou, I brought him like you requested."

"Yes, thank you Yuuto. Izumi-kun, it is a pleasure."

She gestures me to a chair, opposite of hers. I go over and sit down.

"W-What is it y-you wanted G-Gremory-senpai?"

"Straight to the point I see. Alright, I will get straight to the point. You, have a great deal of magical power. Each time you walk into school, myself and that idiot Sona feels it."

That idiot Sona? Who's, Sona-san? There's a girl called, Souna Shitori-senpai, the Kaichou of the student council, is it her she is referring too?


"Again, straight to the point. I like that, no messing around. The point is, I wanted to ask you something. Your magical power, you know of it, yes?"


"Great great. Lets see, are you perhaps a magician? Either that, or you are proficient in magic?"

I don't know how to answer that. I'm, not proficient. I know basic things, like heating up water, seeing through clothes and other everyday things like that. I know limited magical attacks, but I know how to use elements, for the most part but I excel with healing, according to Obaa-san. That's the one I focus on.

Obaa-san said I have a gift for healing. Although, it isn't enough to help her, other than relieve pain when she's in it. I have a pact with a creature, but I'm not going to tell her that unless she gains my favour.

"W-Where are y-you going w-with this?"

"Right. If you don't mind me asking, what are your full capabilities? I see you as, a potential. If we can sense your power each time you walk into school, then it must be quite large indeed. As you are already aware I presume, I am a Devil. And I have something called a Bishop Evil Piece."

"I-I-I know w-what it is. M-My Obaa-san has a-already told m-me about it."

"I see. That's quite convenient then. So, please tell me what you are good at."

I stay silent. I shouldn't have to tell her anything about me. She's a Devil. I used to believe in God, not anymore. If God existed, then he would keep Obaa-san safe. She's devoted to him, yet he isn't helping her. That's why, God isn't someone I believe in anymore. He abandoned me and Obaa-san along time ago.

"Erm...Buchou. Maybe you should..."

"What Yuuto? How else would you have me ask him?"

They do know I'm sat right here? I do know what I am doing. And I can hear them.

"I, don't know."

"Then...Izumi-kun. Let me put it another way. As a magic practitioner, what types of magic do you use?"

Isn't that the same as what she asked me just a minute ago? Why ask the same thing, and only put it in a slightly different way?

"T-Tell me...w-why you w-want to know? I-Is it b-because you w-want me t-to join y-your peerage?"

"Ah, yes. If I'm honest, I would like to ask you that. Just the other day, I made someone my new Pawn. And, I've been searching for a strong magically inclined Bishop. And with the magical power you radiate, it would only be easy for me to assume you could fulfil the Bishops role quite effectively. That's why, I wanted to know, what magic's you use."

"N-New Pawn?"

"Yes. Hyoudou Issei. My new, pervy Pawn. He's, quite strange, but full of energy to become Harem King. Hey, maybe that would tempt you. Want a harem? Devils form harems, you know?"

I'm not won over by suggesting something like a harem. And, I can't leave Obaa-san.

"S-Sorry, no."

"Ooh, I see. How about, confidence? You suffer from that, right? I've watched, and seen how people pick on you, for your cute stutter. I find it adorable."

Is she trying to seduce me now? She doesn't even know what I can do, yet from the sounds of things, it sounds like she is trying to seduce me.

"I-I'm f-fine."

"Uwah! Tell me, something you want, and I will tell you if I can get it you."


"You want friends? Done. Even if you don't become my Bishop, I would be your friend, anytime."

She...would be my friend? Even if I don't become her Bishop? I don't know whether she is lying, or telling the truth. Wait, Obaa-san taught me a spell that could find out if she is lying. Although, I would have to...kiss her, and that strange since I just met her. And it only works for one question. One kiss, one question. I'll have to improve on that.

"I-I...erm...senpai...I-I, will t-tell you if y-you t-tell me s-something."

"Alright. That's fair. So, want to know if my breasts are real? They are real yes. I've not had a boob job. These things are actually real. Want to feel?"

I do a spit take at her! D-Did she really just offer me that!?


"Hehe, sorry. People ask me if they are real, so I just presumed...anyway. Tell me, what do you want to know?"

"D-Does G-God exist?"

She gives me a strange look before answering honestly.

"He does yes. I'm sure you know about the war between the three factions? Well, he's the leader of the Angels side. Opposing Devils like myself. Why is it you wanted to know?"

So he actually does. I...knew he did, and he isn't helping Obaa-san now. If she dies...then, I've got nothing left. No one...

"B-Because...he isn't...h-helping...Obaa-san...a-at all..."

"I understand. While I can't comment on that situation, I do know that your Obaa-sama is a great woman. She's very strong, and wise. Everyone knows Amaya-sama. Sorry if I'm stepping out of terms right now, but being the grandson of Amaya-sama, must mean you have a unique power. She's renowned as a strong magician. Capable of taking on Maou level opponents back in her day. And her child, was a renowned magician also. So, it must be reasonable to conclude that you are a talented magician, or at least user of magic's."

She knows about Obaa-san? She knows family. Even I don't know the full details of my family. I, don't know anything.

"H-How is it y-you know..."

"Research. I found out your last name, and went to work. It didn't take me long to come across Amaya-sama. Izumi-kun, you...are a...I don't know how to put it exactly without offending you. I would say, a strong prize for anyone, although that sounds like you are a possession, which you aren't. The one thing I want to know is, do you know the healing formula? The one said that can surpass other healing techniques? The one in possession of the Izumi family?"

"I-I'm not p-proficient in it b-but I-I know it."

She comes over and picks me up! Uwah! She then starts spinning me around! Why is she doing this!?

"Izumi-kun! You are the one I want! Please! Pretty please become my Bishop! I'll do anything you want! Want me to kiss you!? Want me to do anything for you!?"

Is it that important? I've not really began to learn it. I, only know the basics of the healing formula.

"P-Put m-me down!"


She puts me down. I stabilize myself. I feel a little dizzy.

"Sorry Izumi-kun! But, if you know that formula, then I know you a great asset to my team. It isn't like I want you to give up your life for me. I, want to make your life, better for a lack of a better word. What I want, is to give you more family. Izumi-kun...may I call you Makoto instead?"

"G-Gremory-senpai...f-family? A-And y-yes...y-you c-can call me b-by my first n-name."

"Fantastic. So, Makoto. Please say you will think about it? I will honestly do anything for you! I will get you a harem. I will give you Akeno."

Is she offering me a person? Does she mean...Himejima-senpai?


"Alright Yuuto. Makoto, I will give you Yuuto. I don't know which way you swing, so you can have the Prince, or the Onee-sama named Akeno or both if you are bisexual, which I'm not judging...although that would be totally fucking hot...Anyway, it is just, that healing formula is something I would like on my team. Only, three people know it in the world, and you're one of them."

What's going on all of a sudden? Why does she keep offering me people? I'm scared.


"Alright. Maybe I went a little far. But, it is very important to me. You, are very important to me, and the world! Just think, you, the healer of my peerage. And, I know you know some magic, although you haven't revealed what yet. I'm not asking as a senpai, but as your...friend."

"I-I-I...can't. S-Sorry. I-I can't l-leave Obaa-san."

"And I'm not asking you too. Contrary to what you might've heard of Devils, the Gremory clan, my clan are known to spoil their servants. I don't even think of them as servants. I think of them as my family. Even gay ones like Yuuto."

Kiba-san does a spit take at Gremory-senpai!

"B-Buchou! I'm not gay!"

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that. Its ok my gay Knight."

"Please stop calling me your gay Knight! I'm not gay!"

Wow, who is he trying to convince? Us, or himself? The way he said it, sounded desperate. Either he is gay, and doesn't know about it. Or he is actually straight and doesn't like being called gay. Or, he is bisexual and doesn't like admitting to liking guys as well as girls.

"If you say so my gay Knight." He cries anime tears. "Makoto, if you would go over what you know, magically I mean. Of course, I would do anything you want. So, please?"

"W-Well, y-you c-could tell me a-about...y-yourself."

"Sounds fair. So, shall I go first?"

"P-Please do."

So, she starts telling me about herself. I didn't think she would, yet she actually is. I never knew about Gremory-senpai much. She seems kind, if a little mental. After the whole deal, I start explaining what I can do. Even if only a few years of training, I guess I've become a little good in using magic, I suppose. I don't know if it is, worthy of a Bishop piece, but I guess I might be able to.

"S-Seriously? Not only White magic but also Norse, Rune symbols, Summoning, and Black magic also. Y-You also have a pact with a Raiju!? A Raiju!?"

"Y-Yes. I-I-I call h-him Rai-kun."

"I see. Well, what you've told me, makes you more than worthy of being a Bishop. My healing, supportive Makoto."

I never agreed to be her Bishop.

"Buchou, you are getting ahead of yourself."

"Yes, I know Yuuto. But, did you hear!? Raiju! The thunder beast! It is like a thunder version of Sona! Anyway, Makoto. It is of course your choice. Think about it, Makoto. I wouldn't force you into anything of course. Black magic, White magic, Norse magic, Rune symbol magic, Summoning magic. You, are more than qualified for the role of Bishop."

"B-B-But I-I'm n-not p-p-proficient in t-those."

"Never the less. I believe you would be happy being, my Bishop."

I look away. Being happy. I would be happy if Obaa-san would get better, but I don't see that happening.

"I-I don't..."

"Say. I have an idea. Why don't you speak with Ise? He's, a strange boy but he recently became a Devil, so he should be able to tell you what's what with regarding to that."

"Y-You r-really want m-me? N-No one h-has ever w-wanted m-me..."

She cuts me off, by hugging me! Uwah! I wasn't expecting that at all!

"Well, I want you. It might seem strange, but I want you as my Bishop. I don't want anyone else in the world. Just, you. My cute little Bishop. Future Bishop that is, if you want. Anyway, talk to Ise. He will be able to tell you things I couldn't possible understand. Like being a servant, I wouldn't be able to say anything about that. But, you could also talk with my gay Knight if you want."

Kiba-san cried anime tears at being called the gay Knight again. I wonder if he is gay? I don't know him enough to judge him on anything. Let alone wonder about his sexuality.

"Buchou, please."

"What? You are my gay Knight. Or at least in my fantasy you are. Hehe, hey, maybe you are gay after all."

Does she want him to be gay? Why would she want that?


"My gay Knight. I want you to love my future little Bishop. Think about it. You, blonde Prince, and you Makoto, stuttering cutie. That would be a lovely couple."

"Buchou, your yaoi fantasies are as ever, imaginative."

"Yes thank you my gay Knight. Now, my gay Knight. You can talk with your future lover, my cute stuttering future Bishop."

I back away slightly. She's, a bit mental. I go over to Kiba-san and sit next to him. I open my bento and place it on a small table infront of me.

"E-Erm...Kiba-san. W-Why did, G-Gremory-senpai..."

"Call me her gay Knight?" I nod. "She thinks, because I haven't got a girlfriend, that I'm automatically gay. I-I don't want a this current time. I could say the same about her not having a boyfriend, but she would flip out."

"I can fucking hear you my gay Knight! Now, feed him Yuuto!"

Uwah! Maybe she likes the idea of two boys being lovers. I shy away from her. She's not very sane, is she? She's kind, but a little...into boys being lovers.

" are going to scare him away."

"What like you scare girls away!?"

She's not going to let it go, is she? But, I start talking with Kiba-san until the end of lunch break. So much has already happened. I don't know what else to think, about it. Me, being offered to be a Bishop. Am I, even worthy? I don't really know. Gremory-senpai seems to think that I am worthy of being a Bishop.

...After school, I had been asked to go to the schools Occult Research room, again to talk with Hyoudou-san. I don't know what to do. I'm nervous, because lots of people are here. I'm not good in crowds. The people here, are Kiba-san, Himejima-senpai, Toujou-san, Gremory-senpai, and Hyoudou-san.

"The stuttering Angel~ You are so cute!"

"I-I'm a-a boy."

"No, you're confused. You, are a cute girl."

Why does he keep saying that? I'm not a girl.

"Ise, he's a boy, not a girl. Geez, I know you are perverted, but come on! Now, start talking to him. Tell about the benefits about being a Devil."

"Y-Yes Buchou! Now, Makoto! The benefits of being Buchou's servant is, you can stare at her oppai. No, I can only do that!"

"Oh for fuck sake Ise. You're not doing it right! Ise, explain the good parts of it! Like how kind I am!"

"Yes Buchou! Makoto, being Buchou's servant means..."

So, he starts telling me about his life as a Devil so far. I got the gist of what he was saying. Although, his perversions went back to Gremory-san, again and again. He's a huge pervert, interested in her boobs. By the end of the conversation, I had pretty much got that he is pervy but a good person also.

"That's the best of it! You can become a Harem King! But, I am going to be Harem King, hehehehehe! Harem! You want that, right!?"

" isn't...s-something I-I think about..."

"What are you, mad!? You should want a harem! Girls to love and adore you! Isn't that the best?"

Girls, to adore and love me. Adore and love me. Girls to adore and love me...

"M-Maybe. B-But it is-isn't like a-anyone w-would want s-s-stutter me."

"Hey now, that isn't true. Look, I have Buchou. Me, having Buchou!"

"You don't have me Ise! No one owns me! Doctor!"

Doctor? She needs a doctor?

"G-Gremory-senpai. D-D-Do you n-need h-healing?"

Then, as I was saying that, Himejima-senpai came over and hugged me from behind! S-Senpai is hugging me from behind!

"Ara ara. Izumi-kun. Buchou is just a little insane. She's, a nutcase. She has a doctor, a psychiatrist. But not to worry, the rest of us aren't insane. Just Buchou."

"I am trying to scout him as a Bishop, and you make me sound like a mental patient! Why do you hate me!? If its not you, it is my gay Knight, or my perverted Pawn, or my silent loli Rook. Everyone is against me all the time!"

"I-I'm n-not against y-you, G-Gremory-senpai."

She comes over to me, and holds my hands tightly with teary eyes.

"You understand me! You, seriously do! Please Makoto! Don't leave me alone with these horrible people! They all abuse me in one way or another. I need you around to protect me from them. I need an innocent soul to protect me from these darks souls! Look at them! They are all shifty! Especially her!" She points to Himejima-senpai. "She's the most evil one, out of all of them!"

I'm, a little scared. I don't know what I am supposed to do right now.

"Ara Buchou. You are scaring my cute little kohai."

"Leave me alone Akeno. You are seriously against me, all the time. You, who is my Queen, is trying to hurt me, again."

Hurt her...I need to get home! Obaa-san will be worrying!

"I-I need t-to g-go. P-Please e-excuse me."

Without waiting for a reply, I leave. I need to tell Obaa-san about this. They are a little strange, yet kind people also. Even if they are Devils.

I get home, and see Obaa-san sat in her chair. I go over to her.

"H-Hello Obaa-san."

"Makoto, you are late. Something happen?"

"T-The Devils, a-asked me t-to become a-a Devil."

She pats the side of her, I sit next to her.

"A Devil huh. They want you to become a Devil. Hmmmmm, what do you want? It isn't about what they want, or what I want, but what do you want, Makoto?"

What do I want...I want...

"...I w-want f-friends."

"I know, you do. So, Makoto. The question isn't if you want friends. The question is, do you want to be a Devil? A Devil, forever? You know, that means you can't face God anymore."

"G-God d-doesn't c-care anyway. If h-he did...y-you wouldn't l-leave me."

"Leave you? I'm not..." I give her a little look. "Ok, I am. You know it, and I know it. I don't have long left. Makoto. You wont be alone, when I'm gone, you know?"

I will be alone. I don't have anyone else.

"I-I don't..."

"You, will always have me. Whether it is here, or in here."

She points to my heart. I know she is trying to make me feel better, but I can't feel better.

"I-I guess..."

"Hehe, don't be silly. I will be in here. Anyway, be a dear and get me some water."

"R-Right away Obaa-san!"

So, I go into the kitchen and at the same time, way up my options. Being a Devil or stay a human. If I'm a Devil, they would always be there for me. If I stay human, once Obaa-san dies, I will have no one. I guess my choice is simple. My life, as a Devil. I wouldn't mind being a Devil. If it means, I can have someone to depend on. I'm going to think about it a few more days, but I think I will become a Devil. God doesn't care about us, but the Devils care about me.

And, that's the first chapter of the Angel fic! He wont have a Sacred Gear, even if he is part human. As for his parents, you'll have to wait and see. For the harems, I don't have a clue as of yet save for one or two, which I will post next chapter. As for Asia, she wont appear for awhile yet and if you didn't read it on my other story, she will become Makoto's Brave Saint later on. Also, while he might seem weak willed right now, he will grow into a stronger person. Please suggest for the harems, thank you for reading!