Here's the reminder part of one-shot. Again, it's quie random though it seems fitting end.

Cold & True - Closure

As Senior Inspector Abhijeet steps in prison he catches eye of almost every criminal there. And then all of peace is vanishing his ears fills with shouting from both sides as he walks further down in prison. The shouting, mugs banging at cell, filth, nothing stops that man from moving forward. Taking each step with authority he ignores all of it and continues to more forward until he comes face to face with cell at the very end. The prisoner is sitting rather quietly in one cover with her face hidden in her knees. Abhijeet stops there and the motion the inspector behind him to leave. Young man hesitates momentarily before obeying. He puts his both hands in his pockets he stands there, silently observing the cell and the prisoner, waiting for her to acknowledge his presence.

"Having fun?"

"Ah. Senior Inspector Abhijeet, always the pleasure." She lifts her head to look at the man on the other side of bars.


"I know the location is rather... rough but still." She stands up and walks up to cell bars, the bars which has trapped her in this awful place. "Awful nice of you to join me." She smile at him, the damn smile which made her look so innocent but right now knowing the true face behind it makes her look rather vicious.

"I came because..."

"I know why you are here." She gets all serious and he shifts his weight from foot to foot. "Though, I wonder, why now? I mean doesn't it seem rather cliched, you being here just few hours before I am going to meet with death."

"You dug your own grave the very moment when you put a bullet through someone's head." Senior Inspector spats his words, pointing at her. Prisoner is startled and upset at the statement, there is a glimpse of sadness in her eyes, she looks up at Abhijeet.

"I am so sorry, Abhijeet. I am really sorry. I made the grave mistake, please, Abhijeet, believe me I realized my mistakes." She starts crying and starts begging Abhijeet.

"I don't want to die, please Abhijeet, help me. I am so sorry, I was misguided." She falls on her knees and moves forward to touch his feet. Perplexed, Abhijeet kneels down to her level holding her hands removing from his feet.

"Sunanda, what are you..." She keeps crying, keeping her head down.

"Sunanda, please." He is slightly worried at this and first instinct is to make her stop crying. She suddenly stops crying and looks up to meet with his eyes. Her eyes filled with tears seconds ago are now grown cold and dark and she starts laughing loudly. Abhijeet is puzzled and taken back at sudden change in her.

"This is what you were expecting, right?" With swift she removes her hands from his grasp, somewhat scratching his hand and stands up, wiping away the tears she smiles a sinister smile. "I would fall on my knees, beg for your forgiveness, beg for help. Sorry to disappoint officer but this is not going to happen." Rage builds up inside him as he stands up angrily.


"I am not afraid of dying, Abhijeet."

"I know you are not."

"Why are you here, Abhijeet?" Sunanda is growing impatient now.

"Just wanted to make sure."

"Make sure of what?"

"Your boss... he wouldn't be pulling any stunts, right? Trying to get you out or kill you... which would be rather stupid as you are going to die anyway." She shakes her head.

"We're back to that, are we?"

"What? I am just checking in."

"I told you, I don't have a boss."

"Come on, you really want me to believe that?" He teases her and and her heart almost warms up.

"And I thought you knew all about me." She gives him hard look before spitting the words out, slowly.

"I. Don't. Have. A. Boss."

"I don't believe you." He simply replies and she throws her hand in frustration.

"Not my problem."

He shakes his head and laughs.

"And here I thought you would make the right choice."

"I will say what I told you before, if it will make you stop asking. I don't have a boss. I work for higher bidder. I am a contractor. As I said... I don't have a boss." He comes so close to cell that his face is inches away from hers, gap allowed only by bars.

"I will find him, with you or without you." Sunanda rolls her eyes mischievously. She leans closer.

"Dream on." Gently she whispers in his ear as she had done so many times before when she would whisper sweet nothings in his ear; it all seems so distant just like any other lifetime. But right now her voice is cold and vicious enough to make him shiver. But Abhijeet doesn't let it affect him.



"Why me?" She stops for a moment at just look at him and he allows her gaze to 'look' at him.

"I thought you weren't interested."

"I am, now."

"Why now?"

"Why not now?" She turns away and he simply waits. It isn't until few moments passes and she realizes he is waiting patiently for her answer. Then she realizes the purpose of his visit.

"Because it is so easy to fool an emotional man." That's what her response is when she finally turns around to face Abhijeet. She carefully looks at him waiting for his reaction but none comes. He stands there like a pillar; calm and composed and then he smiles.

"That's it?" She doesn't respond and he laughs. "You chose me because you thought it was so easy to fool a Senior Inspector by telling false story and shedding crocodile tears."

"It worked, didn't it?" She sneers but soon realizes her mistake which makes him smirk. "If you knew about me from day one, why didn't you just hand me over? Why went along?" She couldn't help herself from asking even though she hates herself for being curious enough to actually voice her question.

"I believe in saying 'keep friends close but enemies closer'." He finishes the sentence with wink just to irk her further. Suddenly a rage takes over, a fire is visible in his eyes.

"It maybe easy to fool an emotional man but not easy to fool an officer." His voice drop and grows cold but rage is visible in his eyes but his body is so compose and calm it makes Sunanda uncomfortable, slightly afraid yet again. This side of Abhijeet scares many who have seen it. People closer to Abhijeet knows that he might be threatening when he is reacting in anger or letting his emotions show. But Abhijeet is truly terrifying when he doesn't let his emotion show, doesn't let them take over his body and brain, just like right now. Before they can continue their little chat, young officer comes and let Abhijeet know that meeting time is almost over. Abhijeet simply nods and officer leaves the alone once again. Turning his attention back to her, Abhijeet studies her from head to toe.

"Well, it was nice chat, glad we had the 'talk', now, can I rest before they put me to rest forever?" She says sounding bored, gesturing him to leave. But Abhijeet doesn't move an inch.

"You know, I do get your point. I am an emotional man deep down somewhere." His confession takes her by surprise and earns her full attention. She moves closer to bars but not to close.

"I am an easy target."

"But earning your trust is the hardest thing one can do." He looks at her somewhat surprised but she dismisses it. "Took a lot of effort and yet." She sighs looking around. He doesn't speak and the silence stretches between them.

"I caught myself thinking so many times, caught myself wishing... that you were no one else but Sunanda." She is shocked by the statement. "I caught myself wishing that I didn't know the things I know about you. Then it would be so easy and then I would..."

"You would what?" He looks at her gazing deep in her eyes, making her uncomfortable yet she doesn't break the eye contact.

"I would have proposed you." He breathe gets stuck in her throat. But she gains composure quickly.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I know that deep down you wished at times that Sunanda was real too."

"But she's not real."

"It didn't stop you from wishing it."

"How can be you so sure?" She will not let him know, she will not take the bait. No matter what.

"Because..." She almost freezes when his hand almost touches her cheek, thumb slightly brushes her cheek.

"In those moments, I looked in your eyes and you allowed me to... see that girl." He drops his hand bringing it to his side. Sunanda is almost waking up but she shakes her away, locking her away in deep corner where she can't hear her.

"But of course, I am not that emotional, am I?" He is smirking and that makes her very angry. She will not allow this bloody man to manipulate her.

"No, you are a bloody good officer. A noble one." She spats at him.

"Touchy, are we?"

"I still don't get your purpose of visit." He knows that she knows but wouldn't admit. That's alright because he wouldn't say it either. Instead he asks one of the questions which really had been bothering him all along.

"Was it truly worth it?"

"Go home, Abhijeet sir. Celebrate your victory tonight."

"Oh trust me. I will." Finally he decides to make his move, he had only turned around when he hears her voice.

"It's not over, Abhijeet." He turns around.

"Taking me down doesn't mean it's all over."

"Not at all. But one less assassin." He replies patiently, she leans forward against the bars.

"You will kill one tonight and 3 will born tomorrow." And there it is again, that sinister smile. Abhijeet controls himself from responding and turns his heels around and begins to walk away.

"It's not over yet, Abhijeet." She calls after him.

"My death is not the end, Abhijeet. It's not over." She whispers to empty cell before laughing loudly like a maniac. Her laughter echoes through the prison and does fall in Abhijeet's ears who falls deaf to it and keeps on walking.

'It's not over yet.' Her words roam around his mind as he takes a last look at the prison before shaking his head to clear those noises and finally exiting the jail.

So... I hope it wasn't too boring.