Big Hero 7

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, Marvel's Big Hero 6 comics, or Disney's Big Hero 6 movie.

BE WARNED this story takes place during the movie and contains SPOILERS.

-Start Chapter-

Tadashi Hamada looked at his younger brother Hiro as he drove the two of them through the streets of San Fransokyo. The young man cringed at the thought that he had just agreed to take his little brother to some back alley robot fight, not even an hour after the two of them had been bailed from jail for being at another fight the cops had broken up. His brother had been there to compete and win with his superior intellect and mechanical prowess. While he was there to keep Hiro from getting beat down by all the thugs who would be unhappy with being swindled.

Having lost their parents when they were young the two had been raised by their loving aunt, Cass, for the past ten years. It wasn't perfect, but it was good for the small family. Hiro proving to be a genius graduated from high school at thirteen and proceeded to spend the next year of his life creating battlebots, instead of putting his talents to use. Tadashi wasn't disappointed in Hiro, just worried he wasn't living up to his full potential.

That's why when he offered to drive Hiro to his next fight, he was hoping that on the way a slight detour would give Hiro a glimpse at what he could become. And this diversion was going to be taking place at one of Hiro's most hated locations. A school.

Since Hiro was a bonafide genius school bored him. He could even be quoted as saying that he didn't want to go somewhere to have people tell him stuff he already knew. But Tadashi was hoping that his school the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology, or SFIT for short, would show Hiro that there was still much he didn't know, and hopefully that would keep him away from bot fights.

Claiming a pit stop to Hiro's questions as to why they were at his school and not heading towards the battle, as Tadashi pulled up to the gleaming steel-and-glass robotics building. While the younger brother continued to complain, the older one could see the curiosity slowly leaking past his mask of annoyance. While the brothers had access to some pretty advanced technology at home, there was nothing that could compare to the robotics department at SFIT. And to someone like Hiro that was an exciting thought.

Shortly after entering the lab the two brothers jumped to the side as they heard a girl with a purple streak in her hair yell as she zoomed past them on a strange bike with detached wheels before she parked it on a rack.

While the boy gushed over the levitating electromagnetic suspension bike the girl had been developing and working on for the past several months, Tadashi decide that one of the best ways to get Hiro to come to his school instead of bot fights was to get him some friends. So as Hiro fawned over the bike Tadashi decided to step in.

"GoGo, this is my brother Hiro," Tadashi said as he looked towards the short girl who was chewing a wad of gum.

Blowing a bubble with her gum before popping it, she moving aside to let Hiro inspect her bike that had its wheels suspended between magnets causing less friction and making the bike incredibly fast. But not fast enough according to the young woman, who was back to working on her bike.

With his inspection of the bike done Hiro began to look around the lab where he met Wasabi, a tall muscular man with dreadlocks, working on a precise laser optic system. The dark skinned man gave a display for Hiro by throwing an apple into the laser grid, causing it to turn into hundreds of thin slices before their eyes. However while the man was showing off his system GoGo had snuck up behind him and messily took a tool from his desk, causing Wasabi's need for order and neatness to kick in resulting in a chase around the lab between the burly scientist and speedy engineer.

As the two brothers watched the sweet voice of a girl warned them to move as she rolled a large ball of metal towards a hydraulic lift. Once everything was in place Hiro was introduced to Honey Lemon, a chemistry major, with an exuberant greeting following soon after. The resident chemist was working on what she called her chemical-metal embrittlement process. Soon she had coated the bsphear in pink chemicals, and after Honey used her cell phone to snapped a selfie of herself and the two brothers to commemorate the occasion she walked over to her creation, stating that the best part was still coming. And lightly touched the ball making it explode into dust.

While Hiro was dumbfounded by the display, he was still quick on the uptake as he digested the information Honey told him about her project. It was a few minutes later when he started looking at his brother's friends. And realizing that they had weird names. Which he so elegantly pointed out, and caused a groan from Wasabi followed by a comment from Tadashi about how Fred handed out the nicknames.

Asking who that was, Hiro received an answer from a new voice from behind him. Hiro turned around, only to scream as instead of another boy, a kaiju monster was standing directly behind him. Which waved its arms in a calming manner before removed it's head to reveal a lanky blonde-haired boy with a friendly smile. Who explained that he was the school mascot, and while he wasn't directly a student he did love science. Which promoted an argument over why Honey wouldn't make him a formula to turn him into a fire breathing lizard. Eventually the arguing settled down as Fred leaned back in his seat.

"So where's my fellow lab-rat tonight," Fred called out to the assembled students.

"Don't know. I'm not whiskers keeper," GoGo called from her work station.
"Yeah right GoGo. I saw you take your bike outside for a test ride, and I'll bet you were looking for him so you and he could have a race," Wasabi called in a teasing manner, that made said girl lower herself behind her bike to hide a blush.

"Well she didn't find me if she was," came a loud call from the front of the building as a tall boy with spiky golden hair came in carrying several bags.

"Ah, Naruto if I had known you would have been back so soon I would have postponed my test," Honey called as the now named Naruto passed her a bottle of something from one of the bags.

"Honey you've been running those tests every day lately. I'm sure it did just as well as always and you even got it to be a more vibrant pink with a smoother coating than usual, and I'll bet you took a picture of yourself with it, probably alongside the new kid, that I can look at," Honey had the decency to blush at her fellow blonde's words before she moved on with her work, sneaking a quick glance when Naruto wasn't looking.

Hiro could only stare at the man who was now standing in front of him holding his hand out for a fist bump as he introduced himself. "Name's Naruto Uzumaki, you can call me by any of the nicknames you hear though. As for you if I had to guess I'd say that you're Tadashi's little brother, right?"

Pushing his own fist against the man's hand and introducing himself, Hiro received a wide smile, and a good look at the man's face. He could see that beneath his bright blue eyes were several whisker like marks on his cheeks. Explaining GoGo's strange nickname from earlier. Their introductions done the man left to pass out different containers of varying things to the other students.

Hiro let a smile form as Tadashi gave him a pat on the shoulder, before taking him to see his own project. A nurse bot named Baymax, that knew 10,000 medical procedures, and looked like a giant marshmallow. However after Baymax's demonstration was over, the biggest surprise yet was ready for Hiro as Professor Robert Callaghan, the inventor for most of the tech Hiro used in his battle bots, and head of the SFIT robotics department came into the lab and introduced himself. As the Professor looked over the bot that Hiro had brought for his fight, and was now showing off, the Professor made mention that Hiro was very skilled and wondered if he had considered applying for the institute. However Tadashi had to point out that Hiro was currently into bot fighting, and would need to give that up if he wanted to learn under a master of robotics like Callaghan. Of course once they said goodbye to everyone and left the school, Hiro just had to find out how to get back into the school. And with the bot fight forgotten Tadashi couldn't have been happier.


It was about an hour later, after the two of them had returned home that Hiro stopped talking about the school for awhile, and instead began talking about Tadashi's friends.

"They all seem really nice, but there's something off about Naruto?" Hiro questioned about the strange blond.

Giving a soft laugh Tadashi looked over at his little brother. "You noticed that huh? Naruto's a bit different from most people, mainly because he's got amnesia and can crush steel."

"Really?" Hiro yelled as he turned to give his full attention to his brother.

"Yeah, one day a few months back Honey came to the lab one morning, and found him laying face down in front of the door. Well she got some guards to help him off the campus and to a hospital, but he woke up when they picked him up. So he fought back, and actually threw the two guards across the parking lot before he jumped to the top of the building and started running away."

The look of shocked disbelief on Hiro's face was enough to make Tadashi laugh.

"He threw a couple of guards across a parking lot, and then jumped to the roof of a building," Hiro yelled in shock as he stared at his brother.

"He may not look like it, but Naruto is the strongest guy any of us have ever seen. I wasn't kidding about the steel thing, but he's also fast. He even out ran GoGo on her prototype mag-lev bike. She finally caught up to him on the other side of the city an hour later while he was taking a break."

Hiro's stunned silence caused another bout of laughter from Tadashi.

"I wouldn't have believed it myself if I hadn't seen it myself after GoGo brought him back with her so she could see how fast he really was. She apparently found him at a ramen bar, salivating, and with no money, so she paid for his lunch and he happily followed her back to the lab. After running a few tests to see how strong and fast he really was, we all swore ourselves to secrecy on the true details to protect him. Since he didn't know where he was or who he was apart from his name, due to the amnesia, we just kept him at the lab. Occasionally we use him as a lab rat for a test, have him move something as the gorilla, or like today we have him run errands as the gopher (go-for). Basically he's the lab's pet, which is funny because his other nickname besides Whiskers is Foxy." Tadashi finished as he stretched out on his bed.

After a few seconds of silence Tadashi looked over at his brother, and could only sigh at the look on his face, somewhere between saddened and confused at Naruto's situation.

"Don't worry about it too much Hiro, Naruto sure doesn't, and if you're curious we can only give you information about him once you're a student. That and if you're a student you can probably help him more at the school than moping around here." That seemed to do the trick as Hiro gained a look of pure determination. "Come on Hiro I know how you can impress Professor Callaghan and get into the school."

The two brothers smiled at each other while Tadashi explained about the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology's annual Tech Showcase, where the winner would get admission into the school.

-End Chapter-

First things first yes I know the title is stupid and unoriginal.

Next I only plan on going through the main story of the movie, so this should be a shorter fic.

Thanks to Cylon One for help with grammar.

Thank you for reading and please review.