Prompt1 Vastra vs dead lizard
Notes: pre-canon

«Jenny? Jenny?» Jenny immediately understands that something is wrong. Vastra's voice is strangely agitated, it never happens, and when it does it means something terrible must have happened. She quickly leaves her current job in the kitchen to run towards the greenhouse.
«Look.» Says the reptile as soon as she appears at the door pointing towards a spot in between two big terracotta pots.
The girl hesitantly walks towards it while the Silurian stays put near her favorite chair, observing the girl's movements as she bends finally able to see what put her mistress in such distress.
It's just a common reptile that hasn't moved an inch in spite of their presence and jenny immediately understands why Vastra got so agitated.
«I'm sorry, ma'am.» She tells her as she gathers the tiny lifeless body in her towel.
The Silurian gets nearer once she can find her courage. Looking at the small lifeless reptile brought back a lot of painful memories and she couldn't find it in herself to touch it. For a moment its green scales had looked just like her own.

«Come on.» Says Jenny as she softly takes her hand to bring her to the garden out back. Vastra is taken aback by this strange unexpected contact of their skin, so soft and delicate. She can hardly feel it when jenny lets her hand go to move closer to the flower patch, bending down to gently lay the small corpse in a freshly dig hole.

«We have to give it a proper burial.» She explains moving closer to let her see what she's doing, and Vastra is thankful that jenny understood her feeling with no need to explain, with no need to make fun of her own insecurities.
The earth covers the cotton covered lizard and jenny turns towards her with a bright smile on her face.
«Now that spring is near you will see a lot of them in the garden.» She tells her pointing to the wall where two of them can be seen bathing in the sun. The Silurian observes full of curiosity. they've only recently moved to Paternoster Row and the gin palace where they had lived before did not have a patch of green they could call their own. In that dark, dank apartment all they might have found were cockroaches and spiders, she didn't know there were creatures similar to her own on earth. Now that Jenny has shown them to her, her heart fills with warmth and her smile widens like a child's on Christmas morning. Maybe the girl doesn't even know how much her mistress, currently admiring the peacefully sun bathing creatures laying amongst green grass and flowers, truly appreciated that gesture. that picture had evoked in her memories of many centuries before, when dinosaurs roamed the Earth and she, a young cub, would play fight with her sisters. As she breathes in deep the fresh spring air Jenny's perfume reaches unexpectedly her nostrils and her heart beats a little faster. That smell, that presence can make her forget the earth used to be theirs before humans invaded because now, even though the girls doesn't yet know it, she has someone to fill her days and her heart with joy and a love she didn't think possible.

Prompt2 Jenny vs Lizard

A scream coming at her from the kitchen immediately puts all of Vastra's senses in alert. her jenny is in danger and she needs to run down the first floor stairs to save her.
They almost run into each other on the bottom of the stairs and Jenny curls up in her arms. she looks terrified and the Silurian can't help but be surprised to see her in such a state. In all those years together they have fought all sorts of enemies and she doesn't know what could possibly be so scary in their own kitchen to have her running away.
The young girl still attached to her arm she walks surreptitiously in the kitchen while Jenny points at something under the end table with a trembling hand.
«Under there.» She says while remaining on the doorstep but as soon as she sees the menacing creature dart from under the table she runs screaming on top of a chair. Vastra catches the small creature that has frightened her wife half to death.
«A lizard?» Asks the Silurian, wondering if Jenny is somehow making fun of her.
«Keep that thing away from me.» She orders, her arms shielding as if the small creature could jump her at any moment.
«Dear, you can not be afraid of a lizard, just look at it, it's… it's a Lizard!» She says pointing to herself first and then to the small wriggling body in her hand.
Vastra feels slightly offended that her wife should hate a creature so similar to herself.
«Those things are unpredictable and they move so quick…» Explains Jenny, fully aware her fear is absolutely irrational, more so for a woman married to a very real lizard woman.
She kisses her, she hugs her, she shares her bed, but the Silurian isn't really a lizard and Jenny knows that very well. Her movements are different than those of that quick-paced unpredictable little creature that has invaded her kitchen.
Meanwhile Vastra releases her mini-sister out into the open through the kitchen door. Jenny can now dare to put her feet back on the ground, an embarrassed smile on her face.