Disclaimer: I do not own Dr. Who nor do I ever wish to.

Inez's POV

I watched the Doctor, Amy, and Rory arguing in the elevator. Why was it so easy for them to forget me this fast? It wasn't natural. I was sure of absolutely one thing. I hated this place. I hated this white room. I hated my mind being trapped and controlled by my clockwork father. That mess of my machines had once been human, like the daleks.

If there was one thing I valued that I wasn't a coward when it came to…it was my memories. I wanted to keep all my memories, the good ones, the bad ones, even the ones that didn't seem like they mattered. I liked holding on to the pain despite the suffering I was fated with. In a weird way it made me feel like I had strength. It was like a favorite perfume. Like the scent of darkness. It was drugging…

The room I was in offered little in ways of traditional escape. It was white, it was walled, and there was one window through the outside but it was unbreakable. I did have the option of using the 10th doctor's clone though. He did routine checks for every hour that had passed in here. He also brought by whatever kind of food that was requested. So the next time he came by to ask me what kind of food I wanted, I decided to stop acting like a prisoner. I talked to him like we were friends.

"So you are technically dead right?" I asked him. John Smith narrowed his eyes at me.

"I thought we went over this. There is no going back for me. The 10th doctor left me there with my wife. My Rose without a thorn I came to call her. We were happy. At least I was, and I think she was to. I just died, it happens. There's nothing she can do about it, and there's nothing I can do about it. If you think you can, you're welcome to try." He challenged.

"Still…you're filled with so much anger. I'm just checking. I don't want to die in here you know." I deadpanned.

"Can I ask you something?" he said in a studious sort of voice.

"Yes?" I asked calmly.

"What is it about him?" John ran a hand through his hair.

"What do you mean? Is it the adventure? The fact that he's not human? His terrible fashion sense? What specifically?" I asked.

"Why is it that aliens are more attractive than humans?" John chuckled.

"Because they aren't bound by human conventions. Things like age differences for example, and humans don't have to feel guilty for disregarding them. They can always blame the alien. Especially when the Doctor's so easily self-sacrificing." I pointed out. Perhaps I was being cruel, but the Doctor was cruel.

"That makes sense. That also explains why it's so hard to return to the "real" world." John rubbed his forehead.

"Then why would my father try to keep you hidden from the 11th doctor?" I asked.

"Because he'd stop trying to save you in order to save Rose. Even if I'm dead, he'd reset the whole universe to make sure she was happy to. Just like Amy. He'd flip if he saw me. The more memories he loses of you, the more he thinks of Rose." John stared hardly at me.

"I don't have anyone to replace him with in my memories. Is that what does it? Is that what creates that ripple of energy? Him resetting the universe? Even in a tv show…what if it echoed further than anyone thought? Scratched the edge of the universe I live in…that would explain how the time energy got through." I thought to myself. John sighed.

"Your father didn't have to re-manufacture the time energy you know." He explained.

"You've told him this, haven't you?" I guessed. John nodded.

"The time energy is really just missing DNA in your reality. What your father did was recreate time energy that could be seen. It's not true time energy, it's fake. A supplement." John clicked his tongue.

"So that woman who gave it to him?" I asked,

"I still don't know who she is. The show seems to think that she could be my mother, I'm not sure. Then again your story isn't recorded in the show either. I wonder why that is. I've got all the same thoughts the doctor does so my brain pattern travels the same way. That's why you must have some importance. You were all but erased from me. It's like I wasn't good enough. Like someone else was being chosen. It's weird, I don't know how that can happen." John thought to himself.

"Who are the other companions I don't know about in my universe?" I asked.

"There was a girl named Jasmine, and a boy named Allan." John answered.

"Jasmine and Allan? Their stories weren't included…were they violent?" I asked.

"Yes…dark souls who didn't have much to go on in life. Doctor Who is branded as a childrens show, isn't it? Maybe that's why your stories weren't included." John seemed to be thinking really hardly about something.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I'm still trying to figure out why I had to be replaced. Why I wasn't good enough. You seem to be getting along just fine with me right now. Well, not me but you know what I mean." The tenth doctor's clone Waved his hand. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Maybe that's not the problem…maybe…you saw something you weren't supposed to see?" I asked.

"That could be it." John nodded. He stared at me a bit longer before grabbing my hand.

"Come on, I know you were plotting your escape anyways weren't you?" he asked. I nodded.

"The doctor's headed in the wrong place anyways. He's going to the top level in the first section of this castle. You're in the top level on the second section. This place is basically a clockwork castle with two towers on opposite sides. Edel purposely led them the wrong way, he didn't owe you. He hates you." John pointed at me. I gasped.

"Why does Edel hate me? I've never met him before!" I exclaimed. John stopped me.

"Your father told me about the kid whose eye you stabbed when defending yourself. Did you ever know his name?" John grabbed my shoulders.

"Oh, he still hates me?" I understood now. This place was full of the people who would cause me pain.

"The Place of Wasted Time…it's for the people who will cause me pain or have caused me pain isn't it?" I asked. John nodded.

"You and the Doctor. That's why I'm here. It caused the Doctor pain to leave Rose. Even leaving me with her might not have been good enough for him. It was like a light sedative vs full on chloroform. I was a suitable solution at the time. That's why neither of you are safe here. I can't save him, I can't even see him but…I can save you." John grinned.

"Even if I get reset, loose all my memories. I don't want to live forever as a machine if that's what my father has planned even further down the line…" I said. John nodded.

"That is what he has planned. He thinks that if he can erase your memories from your universe and reset you…then the entirety of the shows universe in addition, that he can save you." John explained as we hid from a nurse behind a wall.

"Everything will just keep echoing and it'll create far too many paradoxes!" I exclaimed.

"Precisely. Your dreams, your nightmares…you can't get rid of them." John warned.

"I know." I stopped running with John to grip my head. A massive headache had just hit me, like a warning that leaving right now might not be the best.

"John what are you doing?" My father asked stopping us…

"Well we were just…I was just taking her to the cafeteria?" John tried…somewhat convincingly.

"Alright. Go on then." My father said surprising us. I looked at John wondering what was going on. He shrugged his shoulders.

"You aren't exactly a prisoner here my dear. You are my daughter. I'm not like the Doctor…I'm not like your mother…I'm not going to keep you locked up." My father said desperately.

Liar. He was just like the rest of them.

I thought in my head. John saw the anger in my eyes, as he shielded me.