AN: Hey everyone! So, this is another apprentice fan fiction, I know there's like a thousand of them, but I wanted to give it a go. Slade and Robin are my two favorite characters from Teen Titans. Anyway, I wanted to make a note that if I have anything wrong, I haven't watched Teen Titans in a while. I'm on a high kick though and I'm hoping this won't be a total flop. I enjoy honest reviews, so if it sucks, tell me, but please also tell me why! Other than that, thanks and happy reading!

Disclaimer: I don't own the Teen Titans, any of the other characters, the setting, ect.

Robin woke with a sudden fright. His mind was fuzzy and he couldn't see anything in the dark room. He reached over for his bed side table, but much to his surprise, nothing was there. Robin sat up in his bed quickly. The whole lay out of the room was wrong from the outlines he could see. Robin reached down for his flashlight in his utility belt forgetting he didn't sleep with it on. Robin cursed at himself under his breath and hopped down from his bed trying to locate a door.

With difficulty, Robin finally found the door and flung it open. He wasn't sure where he was, but he knew he needed to get out. Robin was in stealth mode as he entered the dark hallway. He slinked in the shadows and listened carefully but didn't hear anyone coming. Robin looked for a window, but didn't see anything remotely helpful. It was only a long hallway that held a few locked doors and had a turn that lead to somewhere else in where ever he was at. Robin had a feeling his capturer was around that corner, but Robin couldn't find another way out. He'd have to run the risk of running into someone to get out of here.

Robin steadied himself and suddenly flipped the corner. He stayed in the shadows until he reached the opening. It was a huge room that was nearly completely bare. Unfortunately, there was some light in this room. Robin's heart beat uneasy as he saw who was standing in the middle of the room. Though the villain had his back turned from Robin, Robin knew who it was and he stayed in the shadows of the hallway tempted to run back to the room he'd came from.

"Enter, Robin." Slade's voice was calm and smooth. Robin flinched. How had Slade even known he was there? His back had been turned and Robin was still in the shadows. Robin held his ground looking for a way around Slade and out. He searched the ceiling and such, but found nothing.

Slade slowly turned around to face Robin. "I said enter." Slade said in a less patient voice. His one eye was fixed on Robin's figure in the dark. Robin felt his body tense at his tone. It was a warning, telling Robin he didn't have another choice and honestly, if Slade already knew where he was, Robin would've preferred to fight him in an open room rather than a small hallway.

Robin only briefly hesitated before stepping out of the shadows into the new light of the open space. Slade watched the boy's movements. They were tense. Slade could sense the attack the boy was holding back and he was ready for it. Robin's eyes darted all over the place trying to find a way out, but couldn't see anything.

"You were out for quite some time." Slade informed Robin as Robin stood a good distance away from him.

"Slade, what do you want?" Robin hissed out.

"Is it not obvious?" Slade as slightly amused the boy was asking. It was obvious Slade had kidnapped him because he wanted HIM. Still, Slade sighed when the boy was quiet. "Come now, apprentice, you're a smart one." That got a rise out of Robin. Robin immediately don a fighting stance glaring intensely.

"I am NOT your apprentice!" Robin said firmly.

Slade chuckled amused as Robin threw out blind rage punches. Slade blocked them with ease and threw a few back himself, but he was holding back on the strength behind the punches. He could easily kill Robin if he hit him too hard in the wrong place, and so Slade was extremely careful, calculating every move he made to make sure they hit the appropriate target. Robin cursed under his breath when he fell again. Slade paused momentarily to allow him to get back up, and Robin did so wheezing. The boy took on another fighting stance but paused trying to figure out where to hit Slade to keep him down. Robin was about to throw himself into another attack when Slade's words stopped him cold.

"Bruce would be very disappointed that you're letting your emotion get in the way of your fighting." Slade said calmly as ever. His one eye gleamed and Robin could feel the smirk from under the mask. Slade watched the boy flinch but otherwise reminded unmoved. If Slade hadn't known any better, he would've assumed Robin hadn't heard him. But he could see the tension grow in Robin's stance. Robin had heard him. Loud and clear.

"W-What did you say?" Robin didn't mean to stutter, but his couldn't seem to make words in his panic. Slade's eye held amusement.

"I said, 'Bruce would be very disappointed that you're letting your emotions get in the way of your fighting'." Slade repeated coolly. Though Robin was panicked beyond belief at this point he decided to play dumb.

"Who's Bruce?" Robin asked, but even he could hear the act in his voice.

"Bruce Wayne." Slade said evenly, relishing the fear he was bringing the teenager. "Or as you like to call him, the Batman."

Robin tried to think of what to say but his mind went blank. Slade knew! Robin was in almost a frenzy to will this all away. He closed his eyes, still hidden by the mask, and counted to three in his head. When he opened them, Slade was still standing there, watching him. There was no point on denying what Slade knew. Robin knew that even if he could get the words out, lying had never been his forte. Robin briefly realized that if Slade knew Batman's identity, he knew of Robin's too. However, he was more focused on what Slade might or might not have already done with this knowledge. Then it hit him. He hadn't done or told anyone yet. No… Slade was bringing this up as a threat, a warning. Slade was using it to bribe Robin. To force him back into the apprenticeship again. Realizing this crushed Robin on the inside. He tried thinking of a way out of it.

"What do you want?" Robin asked, though he already knew what his answer would be.

"Patience, Robin." Slade's cool, smooth voice was like acid in Robin's ears. Robin realized he hadn't dropped his fighting stance yet, but didn't move to do so. The fury inside of him wanted to be released. He wanted to kick and punch the man until he was unconscious. How dare he threaten the Batman?! Did he even know what he was dealing with? WHO he was dealing with?

That was a stupid question. Of course he did. Slade ALWAYS knew. He knew everything. Robin forced himself to release the breath he hadn't even realized he'd been holding, never taking his eyes off of Slade's. The room was deadly silent. Both men were watching each other intensely, waiting, daring for the other to make the first move. Slade was the first to move. He turned his back to Robin and walked over to a table near the end of the room. Robin's eyes darted for an exit but didn't see one. Besides, with the threat of the known identities in the air, Robin knew he couldn't leave anyway.

Slade threw a box in Robin's direction. Robin caught it without thinking. He briefly opened it and glanced down. It was the apprentice uniform from the last time. Glancing back up, Slade was watching him again. Robin glared.

"I assume you know where your room is." Slade replied un-phased by Robin's glare. "Be back here in no more than five minutes." Robin's feet reminded planted to the floor. Slade moved and clicked a button on the keyboard. An image of Alfred cleaning the living room came on the screen. Robin's heart ached. How had Slade gotten cameras in the Wayne Manor?! Robin could deduce by himself that if Slade had hidden cameras in the Wayne manor, he had a way to kill all of them with a push of the button as well. Robin guessed some kind of toxic gas that could be released, but he wasn't sure. Robin watched the old man on the screen humming softly, completely unaware that someone was watching him. "Five minutes." Slade repeated.

Robin growled a little under his breath taking one last look at the screen before turning to head back to his room. Robin got dressed numbly. Robin searched all of his room for something to use against Slade, but could find nothing. The room was a spacious place, with a dresser, a bed, and a small bathroom attached. But other than that, it had nothing in it. There was no source of entertainment or anything that gave it a homey feeling. Robin rolled his eyes. What did he expect? This was Slade he was talking about. The man wouldn't give him the luxury of… well of anything really.

As Robin reentered the open room, Slade was waiting on him. The screen with Alfred on it was still on, distracting Robin greatly as he entered. Robin stopped at the entrance peeling his eyes away from the screen and focusing on Slade.

Robin held back the snide comment about how Slade was like a stalker with so many cameras everywhere, and instead just quietly glared at him. Robin's eyes kept flickering to the screen. He wondered what Bruce would've done in this situation. Would he be giving into Slade? No, Robin thought. He'd just beat Slade to a bloody pulp and then lock him away. Robin wanted to do the same, but he couldn't seem to even land a hit on this guy and with the unknown possibility that Slade could have something installed to take out both Bruce and Alfred in a second, Robin wasn't sure he should risk it.

"Apprentice?" Robin's eye snapped back to Slade breaking him out of thought. "I left the screen on as a reminder. If it becomes too big of a distraction, I can easily fix that." Robin's glare intensified. "Understood?" Slade questioned. Robin nodded with clenched fists. "That's when you say 'yes master'." Slade corrected him. "Understood?"

Robin was about to say something smart alecky, when Slade's eye looked over to the screen. Following his eye, Robin watched as Bruce entered the room with Alfred and begun lowly discussing the weather. Robin swallowed back his insults and unclenched his fist. "Yes…. Master." He said in a defeated tone. He had called Slade 'master' not because he wanted to, but in he knew that it was expected since Slade had told him so in the past apprenticeship. Still, the words burned Robin's mouth.

"Good boy." Slade said with approval, which of course only irritated Robin further.

Yay! So first chapter done! Hope you enjoyed! Again, honest reviews would be awesome!