I am already in love with this story. I started working on it WAY before I should've too. But oh well. Please enjoy!

The world began with Flash. This is a simple fact to the earths beginning. There are many things he would know, and many things others have yet to know. But there is a theory no one bothers to think of. Flash created the world, and yet no one has any idea when he did so. Obviously he had to be a child at some point, and his powers couldn't grow until he was mature. No one was around back then, it was just him. Even more so, there is one more, slightly more disturbing fact at large. For every good thing in the universe, there has to be something evil and equal in strength to balance it out. And in this world, that is especially true. So then, would this mean there was one in existence that rivaled Flash in strength? And who would this being be?

Flash is going to tell his story to everyone. Everyone in Scare School, as they'd nearly suffered the full extent to an evil entities true malice. Despite how much it pains him, he must get the children to understand. Even more so, he needed his own children to understand. For their own well being. Besides... the man he was going to speak of... is their uncle.

A small child, who couldn't be older than eight, happily fluttered his tiny wings and lifted himself of the ground briefly only to hover slowly back down to the calm earth below him. As his feet touched the bare soil, lush and healthy grass began to grow beneath him, and around him. A fair distance away, a small shrub with blue berries began to grow as well, and behind him a small patch of red and blue roses began to grow as well. The young boy giggled at this, surprisingly not all that amazed with what he'd done. Perhaps this was because he'd done it many times prior to this. He loved doing it with a passion really, as it made this place much more lovely, he just simply wasn't amazed at his own abilities. He'd done them FAR to often to be amazed by them anymore. Heck, he created this tiny world after all. Hence anything he did to it wasn't nearly as incredible as actually creating it.

This child seemed like something otherworldly. Like he wasn't meant to be in this small world at all. He appeared human in some areas, while he clearly wasn't a human in many others. He had small, cute black animal ears, messy light grey hair with various yellow streaks, solid gold pupils with a glowing neon blue sclera, small golden feathered wings, and a yellow tail embedded with spherical emeralds, that was long enough to reach up to JUST the back of his head. This child wore a white t-shirt and a long sleeved silver jacket with the word "Flash" written in green at the top left corner of it. He wore a bronze belt, light black jeans and bronze colored boots. If it weren't clear to anyone, this child was an angel. And a powerful one at that as well.

There was no one quite like him. He was exceedingly powerful, and he could do anything he wanted without issue. He was incredibly strong and fast despite his slightly poor wing strength (he was still learning to fly), and if it weren't clear, he could easily give life. He didn't know what to do with his gift of life, however. Most of the time he'd just use it to grow plants and help the environment flourish. Sometimes he'd use it to create rivers and lakes, and he'd make little fish begin to popular in them as well. He also created many animals such as deer, and bears, and tigers, and even blue jays. He loved watching the life he created grow and live happily within his little world. And even though he cherished it, he did still need to eat. But he'd never kill them. No, someone else did so for him. He hated taking life, but he still needed to survive. And he wasn't quite smart enough to create alternative sources of food (like the common day salad or pizza, or something like that). But again, he'd never kill.

Slowly, this child turned and began to walk down into the slightly darker side of this world. And by this he didn't mean doom and destruction. Just dark and underdeveloped. Just the kind of place his companion liked to hang out at. As he walked deeper into this world, he soon found a figure curled up in a ball with blue fire surrounding him as he slept. The fire didn't hurt him. It didn't cause him to stir. He simply slept through it soundly. As if he enjoyed it even.

This child looked nothing like the one before him apart from his black animal ears. This child had flamy looking dark blue hair with messy bangs, and various light blue streaks within his hair. His eyes were closed, but one could easily see he had rather large fangs and black claws that could easily pierce ones skin. He had small black and dark blue dragon-like wings that were folded up now, and a long, light blue devils tail. He wore a black shirt with torn dark blue wrists and held the word "Pyro" in red writing in the top left corner of his shirt, light black jeans and black boots with a dark blue stripe at the top. It was all to clear that this was a demon child. He looked like the exact opposite of the previous child really.

The angel child smiled cheerfully before reaching over and shaking the other child.

" Pyro. "

The child said in a hushed voice.

" Pyro. It's time to wake up. "

The demon groaned, eyes clenching tightly shut before they opened, reviling he had neon blue irises and pure black pupils followed by black sclera. The demon, or Pyro, slowly sat up and began to rub his eyes sleepily.

" Geez Flashy... "

Pyro whined softly, yawning as he spoke the next part.

" You're such a morning person. "

The angel child, or Flash, giggled, softly shrugging his shoulders.

" Well one of us needs to be. "

Flash reached over and grabbed the others tiny hand, pulling him to his feet. Pyro grunted slightly at the sudden rush before shaking his head free of the blue fire. The angel one giggled, holding up his hands to prevent the water from hitting him, and smiled brightly at the demon.

" Come on. "

He said gently.

" I'm hungry. And I'm sure you're probably hungry by now too. "

As if to prove his point, Pyro's stomach growled rather loudly, getting Pyro to blush a bright purple shade in embarrassment. Flash simply laughed at him and grabbed his wrist, pulling him through the luscious world.

Flash slowly bit into the cooked fish, enjoying the flavor and at the same time, he was feeling sad about the fish's fate. He felt horrible, as he'd helped Pyro catch it. After all, his fiery companion didn't like water. Water didn't hurt him or anything, but considering the other was a being of fire, naturally, he didn't enjoy water.

The angel looked up, watching Pyro devour the fish heartily. It made sense really. Pyro was a carnivore. The fangs kinda proved that. But Flash didn't judge. He would never be able to eat meat or anything that was once a living being with such confidence. But it was what made Pyro, Pyro. And it was also a reason why the two could get the nutrients they needed to live a healthy life. Berries and fruit wouldn't be enough for them to live off of.

" So Flashy. "

Pyro said suddenly in a slightly muffled voice.

" How are you- "

" Uh uh uh! "

Flash quickly intervened, playfully wiggling a finger at the other.

" Don't talk with your mouth full Pyro! "

Pyro rolled his eyes, yet he was smirking as well, so there was no issue. The demon chewed a bit more before swallowing and retrying his thought.

" Anyway. How are you doing on your flight practice? "

Flash's childlike smile soon fell, sighing and letting his wings fall into the dirt. He wasn't a strong flier. At most he could hover for a few seconds, but that was it. Despite how strong his wings looked, in truth, they weren't all that strong, and he couldn't soar through the air like his brother.

" Not... very well, thank you. "

He said sadly, soon getting a frown from the other. Pyro soon huffed as he rose to his feet, dusting his jeans off quickly and promptly. The demon suddenly leaned forward and grabbed the others arm, pulling him to his feet. His dragon like wings soon opened wide, and before Flash knew what was going on, Pyro LEPT into the air, causing the other to shriek and hang on for dear life.

Luckily for him the demon soon landed on a cloud, sitting the other down with his legs crossed and close to his thighs. Flash looked up at the other in confusion, wondering what the other was doing. Pyro didn't USUALLY up and pull something that, he tended to be very predictable. So what was he doing...?

Pyro stood proud, hands on his hips and grinning, his fangs glistening in the sunlight.

" Alright bro! "

He said boldly.

" Welcome to flight school! I am going to help you fly no matter what! "

Flash blinked, a little unsure about what to say to this. Yet at the same time, he was excited to no possible end. His big brother was going to teach him to fly properly! He couldn't help but jump a bit in glee, eagerly awaiting his brothers first tip. Pyro soon bent over, his wings stretching up high into the sky.

" First, make sure your wings are straight, like this. "

Pyro instructed, Flash quickly getting to his feet and bending over, stretching his wings as much as possible.

" Good. Now, begin flapping harshly at first, then smooth it out once you're off the ground. Watch. "

The demons wings flapped violently for a moment, lifting him from the ground, and then they slowly slowed down to a gentle flapping.

" And that's about it. Flap harsher to move faster through the air, lean left to go left, and lean right to go right. That's really all there is too it bro. "

Flash gulped, soon flapping his wings harshly in hopes he'd get off the ground. Slowly but surely, his wings managed to lift him off the cloud, and the angels face simply LIT UP once he saw he'd done it. He tried to slow his wings down a little bit, but he soon landed back on the cloud. Flash huffed, clearly frustrated before trying again, making it off the ground briefly before he landed again once he slowed down. Again and again he tried, till finally he threw his head back and cried out in frustration, falling to the cloud with a huff.

Pyro frowned, trying not to giggle at what he'd witnessed, before kneeling at the others side, forcing him to sit up.

" Getting upset won't help Flashy. "

He said calmly, once again trying not to laugh as Flash began to pout. Thinking quickly, he picked the other up and held him with one hand on his torso, lifting him high into the air. Naturally, Flash shrieked, not understanding what was going on. This confusion soon turned to fear as Pyro began to fly through the skies.

" Pyro! "

Flash yelped, too afraid to move.

" P-please put me down! "

" Just relax and flap your wings Flash! "

Pyro called. Despite his obvious fear, Flash complied, flapping his wings at a speed that felt natural to him.

" Now close your eyes. "

" What?! "

Flash yelped, looking down at the demon.

" Are you CRAZY?! "

" Just trust me bro! "

Pyro called with a smile. Flash shuddered, but decided to trust his brother. After all, Pyro had never steered him wrong before... slowly, the angel closed his eyes, focusing on his flying. Despite not being able to see, he felt confident in his flight, and he could only really feel a love for his flight. He felt... safe. Serene.

Slowly he willed his eyes to open, looking down for reassurance. To his shock, Pyro was no longer holding him up. Flash stopped in midair, turning around and finding Pyro hovering there, waving and grinning at him.

The widest smile probably appeared on the angels face in that moment. In an instant, not even realizing he was doing it, he flew in a large, fast loop before flying right into Pyro, soon knocking the two straight onto a cloud.

The duo were breathing heavily, and it took a moment for Flash to move off of the other, but once he did, the two immediately began laughing in joy. Or adrenaline. Either way, Flash had flown in the air without falling. And he had Pyro, his amazing big brother, to thank for it.

A bit of a simple beginning, with a really cute yet dull ending. But I hope you all liked!

Btw, I want to make sure this story doesn't have any typos. So if anyone notices any, please let me know. I'll give the first one to point each one out a shout out in the next chapter! ;D