A/N: Alright, so this is my first story and I'm super excited for it! I'd like to dedicate this to my good friends Arieko and ARMV7 who have some awesome fics if you want to check them out!

Any and all criticism and feedback is greatly appreciated, thanks a lot!

2/11/2015 EDIT: Whoops sorry guys, I know I haven't updated in a LONG time, but I'm working on it still, this is not going to be abandoned!Also I've updated a bunch of errors in this chapter, so enjoy!

Weiss couldn't believe it.

After her lab partner had been missing for half of class, Weiss excused herself to the washroom to go find the infuriating blonde.
She later found her with her arm trapped in the vending machine behind the school.

Weiss took in the sight in front of her. The girl she'd gone to school with for the past five years, the star captain of the rugby team, with a venting machine stuck up to her shoulder, squatting on the cool pavement, relentlessly tugging her arm in hopes of wedging it out.
Yang let out a huff of frustration and heard a small "click" behind her. She whipped her head around to find the source of the familiar sound. It was Weiss with a phone in her hand and a smirk on her face.

"W-what are you doing?" the blonde asked, her face flushed.

"What does it look like I'm doing? Besides, I should be asking you that question."
Yang averted her gaze from the other girl, her free arm wiping away the hair that was stuck to her face by her sweat, exhausted
"Well, I just wanted my chocolate bar, but this stupid machine ate my money!" The blonde turned her body to give it a hard kick, "So I did what any sensible person would do. If it wouldn't give me my chocolate bar, I'd take it myself!" she said, giving another violent tug at her arm.

Weiss shot her an incredibly disappointed look, crossed arms and all.

"Are you kidding me? Yang you dolt! I can't believe I'm missing class for this!"

"Um excuse me, you obviously don't understand how good these chocolate bars are."

The heiress raised her eyebrow and sighed, this wasn't the first class she has missed due to Yang's efforts, or more, lack of.

"Well Miss Captain of the Rugby Team, your first problem is that you're pulling horizontally, while your arm is in a vertical position." Weiss slowly walked over to Yang and pushed her to sit on the ground, straddling her lap.

"H-hey! What are you doing?" The blonde could feel her face heating up, she had had a crush on the girl since she had become her lab partner, and was always purposely making physical contact with the shorter girl, claiming it to be an accident and apologizing abruptly after, but still starring at her out of the corner of her eyes.

Yang had never skipped a class of biology, knowing Weiss was always in class, even if she was sick. Although the captain notoriously skipped most of her other classes, only consistently going when her position on the team was threatened by the principal.
Weiss, on the other hand, would never participate in such a brutal sport, instead becoming the co-captain of the volleyball team.

"Yang? Are you even listening to me?"

Yang shook her head, focusing back on the girl that was completely straddling her now, both of them, flushed.

"Uh sorry, Weiss! I zoned out there for a second."

"Whatever, so what I was saying is that we are going to force you out so we can get back to class"

The blonde nodded slowly.
"Okay, so I am going to shove your shoulders down, and you have to fall back with me, but keep your chin on your chest or you'll hit your head!"

"Aw, you care about me!" Yang cheered as she wiped a mock tear.

"No, I just don't need to deal with blood all over my new clothes."


Weiss really didn't want to be bothered with this, especially since she was missing her biology class for her, but couldn't help but to smile, seeing her school crush below her, 'I even bet if I looked down right now I could see right down her shirt.' She leaned in a little closer hoping to catch a glimpse below the white v-neck shirt.

"Uhhh.. Weiss? My eyes are up here."

Weiss snapped back and looked in the direction of the voice, both their faces beet red, Yang looking anywhere but the snow hairedof the girl still laying down, one hand on her head.

"Ugh, don't be indecent! So on the count of three, we're going to do this. "One," they slowly started rocking back and forth in preparation, Yang starting to imagine… different things she could do with Weiss that involve rocking back and forth.

"Three!" Weiss shoved Yang's shoulders to the ground, forcing her arm out of the vending machine and sending them harshly to the ground. Yang, to much misfortune, slammed her head to the pavement.

A loud grunt was heard from both parties, Yang's distinctively louder than the other girl.
It took a moment for both girls to steady themselves after their fall. Weiss was the first to move, slowly rising and scooting off of the girl still laying down, one hand on her head.

"Yang, are you okay?" Weiss spoke as she hovered over the blonde.

"Ugh yeah, I think I'll be fine, I just hit my head."

"Are you kidding me? What did I just tell you NOT to do?" She brought her hand to Yang's, causing her to wince at the contact.

"Ow ow ow, please don't do that!"
The heiress huffed, taking her hand away and moved her hands under the taller girl's arms, tugging her to a sitting position.

"Come on, you dunce, let's get you to the nurse's office."

A loud ringing sounded from the bells, indicating that the day was over, but Ruby still scribbled away at the words on her page, a few more and—


Ruby put her pencil down and sighed whilst stretching out her cramped hand. Gathering her work and standing from her seat, she made her way into the hallway, saying brief goodbyes to those she knew when passing their lockers to one last classroom.
The young girl reached the door to her English class in a matter of seconds and slowly made her way through the door.

"Oh, hello Ms. Goodwitch!" She glanced toward her teacher, who responded with a small 'hi' before setting her eyes on the other form at the end of the room.

Ruby looked towards the woman who was an oak desk, smaller than Ms. Goodwitch's, adorned with stacks of papers nearly reaching half her face.

Today, she appeared to be wearing a plain white button up that seemed a little too tight around her chest, both sleeves rolled to her elbows. The younger girl felt severely under dressed by comparison, wearing a thick red hoodie with the school's logo printed on the front and torn, navy jeans. Ruby's gaze slowly dripped down as she noticed the top few buttons were flipped open, revealing a subtle amount of ample breasts.

When she realized where she was staring, the red clad girl flashed her eyes back into Cinder's, her eyes showing Ruby her full attention, a small smirk barely gracing her lips.

"H-hi Miss Fall, how are you?" She sat down in her usual desk, closest to the student teacher's.

"Much better now that you're here, Miss Rose, now could you do me a favour and help me mark these quizzes?" taking a stack of papers and cutting it in half.

"Of course, Miss Fall!" she beamed, taking the small stack and clicking her pen, ready to mark.

"Good girl, here's the answer key." she purred, her eyes returning to the work load in front of her.
After what seemed to be hours, Ruby heard the sound of the eldest woman in the room standing up and shuffling around with her bags and some papers.

"Alright ladies, I will be leaving now, but you two are fine on your own?"

"Yes, thank you," Cinder answered, "We'll be just fine here, right Ruby?" With both eyes on her, the younger girl let out a quick 'yes' and turned back to the page she was marking. Three out of ten. Ruby stared at the poor person's mark and then their name, Jaune. Typical.
Ruby finished her half, looking up to realize the woman was staring intently at her. After making eye contact, Cinder slowly rose from her seat, walking over to Ruby, hips moving in a hypnotizing rhythm, swaying to the beat of her steps.

"So Miss Ruby Rose, do you have any stories for me to read today?" The older woman stepped behind Ruby still sitting in her desk, catching the younger girl's shoulders in her grip.

"O-oh! Well, I finished it just after the bell so of course there'll be errors, but it's about a couple of girls on a road trip, but their car breaks down in the middle of a snow storm!"

"Well that sounds interesting, I surely must know what will happen next!" the woman's voice spoke, dripping with false innocence and only partial curiosity. Ruby went to hand the sheet to Cinder when her hand batted it away and returned back to the girl's shoulders. "I'll just read it on top of your desk, you don't need to move a muscle." She gave a squeeze to her shoulders.
Cinder leaned slightly forward, her breasts grazing against the younger girls head as she read the words before her. Mixed with the pressure at the back of her head and the new found fingers rubbing circles into her shoulders, Ruby felt a sense of comfort wash over her, as if she could fall asleep where she was, her eyelids slowly fluttering closed.

"Oh.. Ruby.." silver eyes flashed open at the sound of her name having been said in such a strange manner. Perhaps surprise, she thought? The hands on her shoulders pausing caused Ruby to turn in her chair shooting Cinder a questioning glance.

"I don't think you gave me the right story, this isn't quite appropriate for a school setting."
Ruby leaned in and looked over her paper in a panic.

The young girl had given Cinder a completely different story that focused on more… suggestive themes. Ruby felt her face flush tomato red and began sweating profusely. She darted up from her seat in an attempt to flee from the horrible situation she had gotten herself into. Her body temperatures now rocketing as she felt herself become drenched in sweat.

"TH-TH-THANK YOU MISS F-F-FALL!" Ruby grabbed her bag and papers in one almost smooth motion and sprinted toward the door, leaving one last look at her teacher.. Who was smirking? She had to get out of there and get some fresh air.
Of course, Ruby was lying about her hockey practice, they only met every other day of the week, but as the team's star player she was expected to always be in top shape, so she usually went to the weight room with Blake. Today, Ruby thought, would not be the one ofthose days.

Some things are never that easy though, as Ruby's locker was four away from Blake's, who was putting on her running shoes.
Seeing Blake, the girl really didn't want her to see her still so flustered, so she decided to try and pass the dark haired girl as quickly as possible without being noticed. Which failed of course. Her feline ears perked at the footsteps coming her way.

Blake shot her head up to see who would be moving at such a brisk pace so late after school to find her good friend, Ruby. She felt her pulse quicken as each step became closer and closer, "Hey Ruby!" today had been their workout day together, since her soccer season didn't start until later in the year, and she knew Ruby wanted to keep herself in shape, despite already having hockey so often.

'Shoot' Ruby thought, avoiding eye contact with the older girl croaking out a small "Hi Blake," before speeding up her pace. That is, until a strong hand gripped her hood forcing her to stop and turn, the hood didn't allow any movement, like a leash, until she was set free by Blake.

"Ruby, what's up?" The dark haired girl questioned, her eyes filled with concern. She had never seen Ruby so… flustered before. She had no idea what could have made her want to seemingly avoid people right now, let alone her best friend.

"O-oh you know, I'm just going home now!" Ruby tried her hardest not to stare into Blake's questioning look, her eyes trained on the ground. She could feel the other girl's amber eyes narrowing at her, pleading for eye contact.


The younger girl let out a high pitched sound from her throat before answering, "Yes?"

"It's Tuesday, we always workout on Tuesdays. And besides, your dad doesn't even get off work until four, and Yang has practice today."
"Yeah, well I'm walking home today!" Ruby could feel herself starting to sweat, having always been incredibly horrible at lying.
"Your house is literally fifteen miles away."

"Well I need to get the exercise, you know how it is!" Ruby became frustrated, she just wanted to go outside and cool off, she didn't want to deal with any of his right now.

"Then why aren't you working out today? That's pretty counter-productive, especially for you, Ruby. I think you're lying."
With that final declaration, Ruby went from frustrated and flustered to furious, this girl refused to let her go!

"What the hell Blake? Can you just leave me alone? This is none of your business, now if you would ever so kindly let me pass," she spat, taking time to articulate every word. Blake just stood there, shocked at what was happening, allowing Ruby to continue on her track. What had caused the younger girl to act in such an awful manner, Blake had no idea. She felt hurt and could feel her stomach drop at such a cold display. She had taken a liking to the girl, her heart pounding harder and her palms becoming clammy whenever she was around Ruby, but when the she acted so hostile, especially towards herself, Blake had only feelings of worry and concern.

She had been associated with bad people in the past, and she had done too many horrible things to count on one hand, but Ruby was a person free of guilt or bad deeds. Ruby made her want to become a better person, and she already made her feel like a better person. The way her innocent smile and soothing words brightened up even the darkest of days.

Just the thought of Ruby comforted Blake, but she hated seeing Ruby acting in such a way, it scared her even. But nevertheless, she would obey her wishes. She was scared enough with the pressing possibility of that her feelings might not be reciprocated.

The black haired girl shook her head out of these thoughts and decided to head to the school's leadership room to study with Weiss.