Daddy Jay is kinda my favorite, so I felt the need to write this last night.

Macy gave a quick twirl in her new purple dress and sparkly silver ballet flats.

"Wow! Who is this beautiful young lady and what happened to my baby girl?"

"It's me Macy, daddy!" She squealed with giggles. "I just put this fancy new dress, on and mommy even let me wear some of her makeup. Do you like my yip stick?" She puckered her lips to show off the thin layer of pale pink lip-gloss Erin had allowed her to apply.

"What? My Macy girl is to little for lip stick." Jay teased his five year old.

"It's a special for my first daddy daughter dance. Now be a gentleman and tell me you like it." She sassed and Jay bent to pick her up.

He and Erin both laughed at her bossiness. "She's yours alright." He shot Erin a playful wink before turning his attention back to the child in his arms. "I love it. You look gorgeous."

"Well thank you." She beamed proudly. "And I really like your purpley tie. It matches me perfect."

"I'm glad you approve." He pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"Okay, set her down so I can take some pictures of you two." Erin interrupted.

Not wanting to take pictures, Macy and Jay both groaned simultaneously.

"Mommy, really? Do we have to? Daddy always smiles like a weirdo for pictures."

"Hey! I do not!"

"Yeah you do, dad! I can't help if you look silly when you try to smile."

"Yes, you do have to Macy. It's your first dance, and everyone at the station would kill me if I didn't get a picture of you and daddy. Now say cheese, and babe" she looked to Jay "try to smile like a normal human, please."

"See told ya!" Macy quipped.

"You and your mom are both brats." Jay replied through his fake picture smile.

"Okay, all set. You two are good to go." Erin stuffed her phone back into her jean pocket. "Have fun." She kneeled and kissed Macy's cheek. "And be nice to your old man, okay?"

"I'm always nice, mommy."

"Oh, of course you are Macy girl. How could I forget?" She playfully teased. Macy was just about the sassiest, bossiest, person she'd ever come across, but she could also be the sweetest and most adorable. Her personality was truly one of a kind, and kept Jay and Erin on their toes at all times.

"And you" Erin stood placing a hand in Jay's chest. "Have a good time with our girl tonight." Macy was already trekking towards the front door, so Erin leaned in to whisper in his ear. "Then bring your ass home, because the suit is working for me."

A sly smirk overcame his face. "Oh yeah?"

"Oh hell yeah." Erin nodded and she leaned in to meet his lips for a goodbye kiss.

"Eww stop kissing before I puke on my dress!" Macy squawked from the front door where she was impatiently waiting. "Let's go or we're gonna be late!"

Macy practically dragged Jay into the hall the dance was being held at.

"Hurry up, daddy! I don't wanna miss it!"

"This thing lasts another two hours. You won't miss anything, Macy girl."

Her face lit up and she waved frantically when they walked in and she spotted one of her friends. She looked up silently asking Jay for permission.

"Go dance with your friends. I'll get us some punch." He encouraged while watching her scurry off.

She made it a few steps towards her group of little friends before coming to an abrupt halt, turning around on her heels, and running back towards Jay. She threw her arms around his waist and looked up at him. "Thank you, daddy. I love you." She smiled her adorable dimpled grin, and Jay was sure his heart melted in his chest.

"I love you to, beautiful. Now go dance with your friends and have fun."

"Okay, save me a cookie too please!" She called, scampering away to the dance floor.

After dancing a few songs, while Jay sneaked a few candid photos and texted them to Erin, Macy ran over to the table.

"You having fun?"

"Yeah I'm thirsty from all my dancing!"

"Then it's a good thing I got you some punch." Jay handed her a little cup. "I got you a cookie like you asked too."

From the seat beside him, Macy leaned in and gave her dad a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thank you."

"You are very welcome."

"Don't you want a cookie to?" She mumbled with her mouth full of chocolate chip dessert.

"I may have had one already."

He was met with a kinked eyebrow smirk that was filled with doubt. God she looked so much like her mother. "Just one?"

"Okay I had two!" He chuckled.

"That's what I thought, mister."

"Nothing gets past you does it?"

"Nuh-uh. That's why I'm going to be a great detective some day."

"You wanna be a detective?" It was the fist time he'd heard her say that. Usually, she'd say princess or pop star when asked what she wanted to be when she grew up.

"I wanna work with you and mommy. Don't tell mommy, but mostly I just wanna be your partner."

"You do?"

"Yeah." She said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world and he had to be crazy to not have already known. "Two Halstead's. We'd catch all the bad guys, don't cha think?"

Jay grinned proudly. "Yeah I do. Now what do you say we go dance kiddo?"

After the dance, Macy fell asleep on the car ride home completely worn out. Jay unhooked her seatbelt to carry her inside, and the movement made her wake for a brief moment.

"Are we home, daddy?" She asked groggily.

"Yes we are."

"I had lots of fun."

"Me to, beautiful."

"Ya know, I think you're the bestest daddy in the whole world." She yawned out sleepily, but he still managed to catch every word.