Disclaimer: Frozen is copyright to Disney.

Through Windows: Chapter V

Out in the lot, everyone hugged and shook hands, then went their separate ways for the night. Elsa left "Hans On" with a confidence that was foreign to her. The streets were empty, and in all her tipsy glory, she joyfully peddled up the road and threw her arms into the air, somehow managing keep her bike upright despite her slight instability.

The freezing air burned at her throat and lungs, and Elsa felt great. "W'hooo!"

She'd actually shouted out loud into the wind, her tone blissful and a little slurred, listening to the echoes from the silent, sleeping town. With the help of the intoxicants in her system and her good pals, she discerned what it was she wanted. What it was she needed.

And she was damn well going to get it.

Upon approaching the tall hill that lead to Arendelle street, she flung one leg over her bike to join it's twin, hopping off once the bike slowed enough for her to jog along side it. Her toolbox clanged loudly against the bike frame when she wobbled, tripping on her own two feet. The blonde looked up the length of the hill, and saw the dim lights of the streetlamps ahead casting shadows on the street, and against the brick and timber buildings.

As she began her ascent, the thought of the time of night crossed her mind, but her inhibitions were foggy enough that she was able to throw the idea aside. If it wasn't already past midnight, it was close, but she didn't care. She was huffing and puffing from the exertions of her bike ride as she hiked up the sidewalk. She didn't care about that either.

In fact, the only thing she did find herself caring about at that moment were the things said to her by her friends today, and the things she should have said the last time she saw that girl.

When she reached the crest of the hill, she stopped to take a few deep breaths. In a most remarkable display of timing, snow once again began fluttering down from the clouds above. Elsa took an extra moment to tip her head back and look up at the sky. She wasn't actually superstitious, but right then, she really did take it as an omen.

Blowing out a puff of air, the blonde began to walk up the sidewalk, being sure to keep her bike steady so as not to disturb the quiet of the late evening.

"A crush," Olaf's words were like a whisper on the edge of hearing.

She passed the first storefront, for every step a doubt rising in her mind, only to be quashed by her inebriation.

"And most lovable."

She was still panting, but it was subtle.

More hushed words swirled through her mind, still fuzzy from the nights events, and the high she was riding from her epiphany back at the shop.

Elsa managed to keep the peaceful silence around her unbroken as she carefully rested her bike against the wall outside the door to "Thrifty Things". She glanced up, and to her surprise, the lights on the upper floor were still on. The next thing she knew, she was standing on the doorstep, looking down at her worn out sneakers.

The muted echoes stopped and Hans' voice called out to her, clear as a bell, his words ringing in her head.

"It's okay. Let it go."

Her jaw set with determination, Elsa fought her way through the doubt and confusion. Her pounding heart begged for her to flee.

"You can do this," she said aloud, though her tone was hushed. She finally lifted her head and stared at the door, resolute. She raised a hand to knock, but her knuckles didn't strike the wood.

The door flew open.

The redhead on the other side of the entrance blinked, eyes wide with surprise. For a second, Elsa wondered if maybe the girl was psychic, but when her gaze traveled down the length of her arm to what the girl was holding (aside from the doorknob), a tranquil calm washed over her.

Oceanic eyes studied the green speed bike, held upright by the girls hand on the center of the handlebars. Elsa looked back up into the girls aqua pools, making a vague note in the back of her mind that she was bundled up for riding.

"Hi," the redhead finally murmured, barely above a whisper.

"Hi," the blonde breathed her reply.

Silence descended on them again, but it lacked the awkwardness from before.

Clearing her throat a little, Elsa continued, "I was in the neighborhood, and wondered if you-" she paused, "If you would still like to get a coffee."

Panic almost set in when she heard the girl reply in a quiet voice, "No." But when she saw the timid smile blossoming on the girls lips, her heart kicked into overdrive again. Didn't scare her this time, though. "But if you wanted to take a ride with me, that would be alright." Her line of sight flicked from Elsa, to the pale blue bicycle against the wall, and back again.

The blonde was stunned for a few seconds, then smiled winningly, "That would be great." She cautiously extended a hand, "Elsa."

When the redhead gently took hold of her outstretched fingers, they didn't shake, merely standing there holding each others hand.

"Anna, and it's really nice to finally meet you."

A/N: So, that's the final part of this piece; I know the story is short but I felt it was important to pick a simple plot that I could commit to completing. However, when I said we were near the end, it was a little white lie. The truth is, I have written a few one-shots that follow the events of this piece, and have rough plans for a few others. The ones that are complete will be posted as I finalize editing on them. Unwritten ones will need to be both completed and edited before they can be posted, obviously. I can't make any promises about the ones that haven't been done yet, but expect the ones that are to be up sometime soon.

Thanks for sticking with me to the end if you made it here, readers. If you enjoyed this little journey, please feel free to share what it is you liked about the story. I like to know what I am doing right. Keep an eye open for the aforementioned one-shots, if you still have an interest.