This is actually a remake of "Dark Past". That story was originally written by another author that gave me permission to repost it. It's the story that inspired all of my Nessie loses her memory stories. Now I want to create my own version of it and I'm adding lots of twists of my own. Anyways, I hope that you all enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight.

Chapter 1: My Life Really Sucks

"Nessie wake up!" my stupid annoying older adoptive brother Marty yelled at me as he jumped on me.

I groaned. "Five more minutes, go away"

"No" he said. "It's your first day of your junior year and my first day of my senior year and I'm not going to let my miserable kill joy of a little sister ruin it for me!"

Damned it! I hated school! The only subject that I did even remotely well in was music. All of my teachers treat me like a stupid little baby that needs counseling or something. Maybe I did. I mean, I don't know who the hell I am or where the hell I came from. All I remember is waking up in this hospital like room and after that it's all a blur. Next thing I remember is spending all of my childhood in London, England with my adoptive parents and adoptive siblings before moving to Alaska when I was 13 and a half years old.

I finally got up and dragged myself out of bed and made my way downstairs.

"Morning Nessie" my 14 year old sister Sammy said through a mouthful of pancakes. Gross.

I just nodded my head in her direction. She sighed. Seriously did everyone think that I was that insecure? The dull kitchen seemed to absorb my mood as I grabbed myself some pancakes. The house was so quiet without my brother Matthew. Matthew was the oldest out of Marty, Sammy, and I. He was barely 18 years old when my our parents died in the so called "accident". They were found in their car just off the side of the highway outside of town. But if you asked me I've been through enough crap in my life to think that it was more than just an accident. So after that we left it Matthew's care. He left for college now and we probably won't see him until the end of semester. I missed him so much. He was always there for me. He was the first person I saw after leaving the 'hospital' in the far north of England. I don't know what I was doing there. I just know they used to run these random tests on me. I keep trying to find out why but all the documents lead me to a dead end. Matthew and I did everything together and he always stood up for me. I was surely going to miss him.

After our morning routine Matthew drove us all to school. The ride was quiet. When we got to school Brittany, the school bitch, sneered at me. I groaned. What could she possibly say to me on this crappy Monday morning?! I glared at her, but she just laughed and walked away.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw several of the new kids getting out of their cars; obviously they were Dr. Cullens kids. Everybody has been talking about them. I sighed as they all stared at me probably thinking "who is that freak?" because that is what everyone thinks. But the way they were looking at was like they knew me. I don't know how because I have never met them before. I just shrugged it off and walked inside of the school with their eyes boring into the back of my head. Seriously, could they be anymore obvious?

The bronze haired boy suddenly laughed out of nowhere. Cool, finally I'm not the weirdest person in school anymore I thought as he kept laughing while the others stared it him in curiosity and annoyance.

I glared at nothing as I walked into the school totally unready to start this worthless day. God my life really sucks!

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