Oliver raced down the stairs and slammed his quiver onto the table and loudly said, "Felicity, where is he?"

Felicity was typing away at her monitor, looking at one screen to the next. She was frantically trying to search for this guy. Roy had made it down the stairs and looked at Oliver and then at Felicity.

She slowly stopped typing and closed her eyes. She let out a sigh and looked back up at Oliver, "We lost him."

"What do you mean we lost him?" Oliver abruptly replied.

"The only possible way was that he used some device to scatter the signals."

"You have credentials that should have stopped that from happening," Oliver unzipped his hood and walked to the other side of the foundry. Roy shook his head and followed him.

Felicity dug her face into her hands. She felt incompetent and that she let the team down. It wasn't the first time that a crook had diverted a GPS signal that she had planted on them. Maybe Oliver is right, she might not be the expert in the game anymore.

Roy pulled Oliver aside to where Felicity couldn't hear them. "Look man, I know it's tough to let that son of a bitch go like that. But you can't blame, Felicity. She's trying her best. Sometimes we aren't perfect."

"If she had planted something more advanced onto him, we could've caught him." Oliver firmly said.

"Sometimes we fail in order to do better. You're focusing too much on being the Arrow. You need to have some time to yourself as Oliver."

Oliver scoffed and looked over at Felicity, who was still sagging in her chair. He felt a wash of guilt overcome him. He went too harsh on her. "I live here now. I don't even have a home. This is all I do," Oliver shook his head.

"Just take some time to yourself. I'm going to head out." Roy patted Oliver on the shoulder. They both nodded heads in agreement. Roy went off to the bathroom to change into civilian clothes. What a night it's been for him too.

Oliver let out a breath and looked over at Felicity again. Ever since the night at the hospital, she hasn't been performing as well. He slowly walked over to Felicity with his head down.

Suddenly her phone buzzed from a text message. She picked it up and opened the message. Her lips began to crease into a smile as she shot a text message back. She rose from the chair as Oliver approached her. Maybe a little too close.

"Hey Felicity." Oliver caught her off guard.

She backed up a little from the chair to give them some distance. "Oliver, look, I'm sorry about tonight. I just—"

"No, I'm sorry," Oliver said. And Felicity saw how he genuinely meant it through his eyes. He felt bad for snapping at her.

She let up a soft smile and gave a little nod. "I have to head out now. I've got a busy day tomorrow. Have a good night." And with that, she picked up her coat and headed up the is, she didn't want to spend that much time around Oliver unless it was strictly business. She loves what she goes with him when it came to the Arrow, but distance is what she needs most to heal.

And Oliver didn't even get to say goodbye. He was a little confused though. 'Busy day tomorrow? She doesn't have to report to the foundry until 6PM,' he thought. He's been thinking of a lot of things.


Back at Felicity's apartment, the TV was on and The Blacklist was premiering its second season. Felicity had ordered pizza and bought a bottle of Barefoot Pink Moscoto on the way home. She was a happy camper. She had also found out that Barry had just woken up from has coma. They have been exchanging text messages throughout the weekend.

If Oliver could actually give you a day off, it would be nice if we could see each other, haha.

I think I can make some time to stop by Central City. A break from crime-fighting seems too essential right now.

I just hope he doesn't break my neck. How has the city been?

Nothing big within the past five months. I got a job at a geeky computer store. I wish I could tell the owner that all his products are Grade D, haha!

No more IT girl, huh?

Funny that you ask because I have an interview with Ray Palmer tomorrow. A girls gotta pay her rent somehow.

Wait, so you're going to work for the guy that is stealing Oliver's company?

You make me sound awful if you put it that way! I am trying to seek out his intentions by working there, Barry.

Oh, show is back. Text ya in a bit.

Barry laughed. He is infatuated with this girl. She is amusing and yet adorable.

I can visit you this weekend. If you are free that is—and if you are feeling well.

I know you just woke up from a coma and everything. I don't want to bombard you.

It's okay if you say no, we can pick another weekend.

Felicity I would love for you to visit me.