((Sorry for my little absence there, guys! I had a lot of stuff to do this week and I also had to plan out some things for how this stupid fantasy/adventure thing will work. UGH. I HATE PLANNING.

Anyway, here's the final chapter (this is more of an epilogue and a reason for why Iceland hasn't even been here the whole time).


Hetalia isn't mine.))

"So you guys just...switched clothes?"

"Yup," Norway and Finland replied, both back in their own clothes. The two, after waking up Denmark, revealed the switch and explained the bet. Sweden didn't have much of a reaction (he did look kind of miffed at Norway, though), but Denmark was genuinely shocked.

"So that's why you were acting weird?" Denmark asked stupidly, still processing the story. "That was Finland?"

"In all honesty, I thought my impeccable aim would've been a hint," Finland admitted, embarrassed.

"That was it?" Denmark asked, eyes wide. "I thought Norway had been replaced with some magical monster or something."

"I heard," said Norway pointedly. "I have absolutely NO idea how you even came up with that idea."

"Hey, after that huge adventure? I have a right to be paranoid!"

"Enough," said Sweden, giving Denmark an elbow in the ribs.

"You know, Den," said Finland, sweatdropping slightly. "Doesn't all this mean that you were right? Norway and I can switch places and nobody would be able to tell."

Denmark perked. "Hey, yeah! See, Norge? I'm always right!" He flashed a smug grin at Norway, who rolled his eyes in response.

"What are you guys up to?"

Everyone looked up to see Iceland entering the room, looking expectant.

"Where have you been all day?" Denmark asked, an eyebrow raised.

"At Hong Kong's," Iceland replied, not hesitating. "I felt that it would better to go and do some friend things than stay here and watch Finland and Norway switch."

"WHAAAA?!" the Nordics cried. "You knew?!"

"Yeah," Iceland said nonchalantly. "I was walking past the bedrooms to go and sit in my room when I overheard Finland attempting to sound like Norway. Knowing you people, I decided to get out of there as fast as possible so I texted Hong Kong and I left."

Denmark and Finland looked incredulous while Norway and Sweden both exchanged knowing glances.


IcyPuffins: Thanks for the save yesterday.

MajiHK: No prob. What happened while you were gone?

IcyPuffins: Denmark almost murdered Finland with an axe.


IcyPuffins: You there?

MajiHK: LOL, Ice. LOL.


EDIT: I FORGOT ABOUT THE BET. The Nordics agreed that because Finland was nearly murdered, the bet was called off and no one had to do anything. ^_^

Hahaha, that omake was Iceland and Hong Kong doing an online chat afterwards.

So! Anyway. Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Tips for future Nordic stories? Plot suggestions for future Nordic stories? I'll take whatever.

I hope you enjoyed the story! I had tons of fun writing it and seeing your reactions to the hilarity that is the Nordic 5. ^_^

See you next time!))