Chapter 1


James was tying his tie in front of the mirror in the house he and Ceit had bought together, a year before after Ceit had walked back into his life with their son, a son he didn't know he had, who they subsequently rescued from a kidnapping. They had also had a daughter three months ago, Carrie. After that Lewis had retired and moved in with Laura Hobson into a new place together and James had been promoted to DI.

"James? Do you want some breakfast?" Ceit, his Scottish wife asked from the door to their bedroom. James turned to her and she helped tie his tie for him.

"Coffee will do, thanks Ceit." James sighed, resoundedly. He was stressed and Ceit could see it. She raised her eyebrows at him speculatively.

"You need to eat, James."

"I'll eat later with you, Carrie and Jamie. I promise." He kissed her tenderly. "I love you."

"I love you too. Be careful." Ceit said in her native Gaelic as James walked past her to the stairs. Jamie was sat at the kitchen table, dressed in his school uniform and eating his cereal, opposite was the sleeping form of James' daughter Carrie in her Moses' basket. James stroked Jamie's hair and kissed the crown of Carrie's red hair.

"Be good, Jamie. Have a good day at school." James said as he walked to the front door, pulling on his coat and picking up his wallet, ID and his car keys.

"Bye Dad, hope you catch some bad guys." Jamie said proudly looking up as his father left for work.

James smiled at his family, Ceit now holding Carrie, her hand on Jamie's shoulder. "I hope so too." With that he left and drove to the Station for the day's work.

He sat in the old office he had shared with Lewis, behind his old sergeants desk- he had refused to sit in Lewis' as he still regarded it as his boss' desk. There was a knock on the door and Innocent walked in.

"Morning James."

"Morning Ma'am."

"This is DS Maddocks," innocent said as a dark haired woman walked into the office. "She's your new DS. Maddocks, DI Hathaway."

"Good morning, Sir." The newcomer said and James grunted in reply. Innocent smiled.

"I'll leave you to get acquainted." She left, closing the door behind her.

James scowled, he didn't like strangers invading his life.