You Are Mine Dovahkiin

As promised, here is the Skyrim story between a female Alduin and a male Dragonborn. I hope you all enjoy it and if you like this pairing I would suggest reading The Legend of Saviik by MaChaoJustice. It's a slow build up but with what he has planned for it, it is shaping up to be a great read so check it out!

The next chapter of Were It So Easy will be out by Friday as well so keep them eyes peeled and also I have my first MLP spin-off in planning as well between Mike and his herd so keep an eye out for that too.

Disclaimer: I own nothing, all characters are copyright of Bethesda. Elder Scrolls 6 has been confirmed by Bethesda!

Alduin looked upon the four figures in front of her with a snort escaping her snout. 'Those pathetic excuses for heroes couldn't slay me in uneven fight before and they think now would be any different?' She thought amusingly. 'They are annoyances at best; the Dovahkiin however is another story.' She thought as she looked at her objective.

Marius had a small chill run up his spine as Alduin turned her gaze at him. Their first fight on the Throat of The World left him with a very bad feeling but now it seemed like she was sizing him up for something. Being an Imperial meant you had a decent amount of intelligence but for some reason he couldn't figure out why he was extremely worried. His mind turned to that one moment at the end of the battle that made his stomach churn uncomfortably.


Marius tightened his grip on his sword before rushing forward and aiming a strike at Alduin's neck. Alduin merely waited as the sword came down on her neck but didn't even make a dent on her scales. Marius backed away but not quickly enough as Alduin's head ended up smashing into him and sending him into the word wall.

"You are strong Dovahkiin but you do not equal my old enemies. Your Thu'um is and always will be weaker than mine but I do commend you on getting this far." Alduin spoke clearly to him as Marius slowly stood up on shaking legs only to be blasted back to the wall again by Alduin's Unrelenting Force shout. "You cannot beat me Dovahkiin but you have piqued my interest."

"Shove…..your…..interest…up….your…..scaled….ass!" Marius stuttered out nastily as he trying to regain his breath.

Alduin looked amused. "Even on your knees you show defiance, Dovahkiin." Alduin's entire body had numerous jolts of pleasure and anticipation running through it. She first wanted to kill him but now she had another use for him. "It makes me giddy with anticipation of the coming battle but no matter what you do, you will submit to me in the end. Zu'u fen wahl hi dii, Dovahkiin." She said as she took flight again, leaving Marius and Paarthurnax alone on the Throat of The World.

Marius had an uneasy feeling in his stomach when she said those words. He wasn't versed in the language of the dragons but those words clawed at him even if he didn't know what she said and that made him afraid.

Paarthurnax turned to Marius with a sad expression. "I do not envy you now Dovahkiin; when Alduin wants something, she goes after it."

"What do you mean Paarthurnax?" Marius asked with that uneasy feeling turning from bad to worse.

"When Dov want something, we go after it. Mu lann, mu horvutah. Alduin has declared that you will be her's." Paarthurnax said as Marius found it hard to swallow all of a sudden. "She has felt the power of your thu'um and feels that you might be better as her Zaam, her slave."

Marius wished he never heard that part as he left the mountain.

-Flashback end-

Marius was still worried about what Alduin had planned and the way she was looking at him didn't help quell his fear, like he was a piece of meat that she wanted. He tightened his grip on his sword and waited for her to make her move.

"You show defiance in the face of fear again, my Dovahkiin." Alduin said to Marius.

"I'm not yours! I never will be!" He shouted back only for Alduin to laugh in response.

"I will enjoy breaking you Dovahkiin, even with my old enemies you cannot win." Alduin raised her wings and jumped into the air. "Strun Vild Yem!" She shouted as the sky began to rain meteor.

"Bring her down Dragonborn! We can't beat her when she is flying!" Hakon yelled as Marius sprang into action.

"Joor Zah Frul!" Marius shouted at her and was surprised when she didn't move out of the way.

The shout hit her and she was forced to land as her wings became heavy as lead but as soon as she did she rushed towards them as they dove out of the way. Marius was the first to recover and quickly rushed in for a strike but Alduin had planned for this. As soon as he got in close, she struck out and her wing clotheslined him and sent him face first into the dirt at her feet, unconscious. With Marius out of the fight, she turned her attention to the three who caused her downfall millennia ago.

"Here we four are again. You couldn't defeat me over a millennia ago, what makes you think you could do so now?" Alduin told them as Hakon shot forward and swung his axe but she dodged it and with a swipe of her head, sent him towards the rocks.

"I will take your head!" Gormlaith yelled as she charged Alduin.

Alduin smirked as Gormlaith got closer before attacking her. With a massive bite of her jaws she trapped Gormlaith in them and threw her halfway across Sovngarde. "The same result as the last time it seems." She turned her head to Felldir and with the same smirk on her face addressed him. "Now here you stand before me but without the Elder Scroll this time. How do you plan on winning now old one?"

"I may not have the scroll but that won't stop me from trying!" Felldir said as he rushed forward only to be met with an Unrelenting Force shout that sent him into a stone pillar and rendered him unconscious.

"Pathetic Joor's but what could you expect from those who are all brawn and no brain?" Alduin said aloud before she heard a groan from Marius. "Finally awake Dovahkiin?" She said with mock-surprise.

"What did you –" He couldn't finish because Alduin had grabbed him in her back claws and jumped into the air. "Put me down World Eater!"

Alduin kept smirking as he struggled to free himself. "I don't think so my little Dovahkiin. Hin ven los naal dovah mahfaeraak. You are trapped with me until the end."

Marius went pale with fear as Paarthrunax's prediction came true. The only thing he could at this point was plot an escape before something happened that made him lose his chance for survival.

I'm going to stop it right here but rest assured that this isn't finished yet. It's going through the same thing that Were It So Easy is and that means it might take a couple chapters. You can't build a romance between two mortal enemies in a single chapter without it going down the tube. To the authors who can make a 10k word one-shot I salute you but that is something that is out of my league at the moment. Also, I apologize for the short fight scene but they aren't my strong suit and plus I wasn't looking for a long and drawn out fight but a quick ending one-sided battle. Hakon, Felldir, and Gormlaith couldn't beat Alduin in a three-on-one fight so I merely used that same tactic in this story.

Like it or hate it but please stick around for the next chapter. I will make it better than this one, I promise.

All words come from Thuum. org.

Dovahkiin – Dragonborn

Zu'u fen wahl hi dii, Dovahkiin – I will make you mine, Dovahkiin. (Wahl can mean to create, build, raise, make and construct depending on the use. In this instance, Alduin is saying she will make him her's.)

Mu lann, mu horvutah – We want, we catch. (Some English words still aren't translated so I had to improvise but this roughly means they always get what they want.)

Zaam – Slave

Strun Vild Yem – Storm Rock Blaze. Alduin Meteor shout (used with permission from Legend of Saviik by MaChaojustice)

Joor Zah Frul – Mortal Finite Temporary (Dragonrend Shout)

Hin ven los naal dovah mahfaeraak – Your path is by me forever. (Dovah has two meanings, according to thuum . org. The noun form means dragon but used as a pronoun means me. Don't try to fight me by saying I don't know anything, please look it up before you flame.)