So far there had only been three times that the foundry had been poorly damaged. Once when Oliver fought off his personal demons as he hallucinated. Another time was when Slade invaded the foundry, taking the team by surprise and invoking a small battle that totaled equipment. The third time had been when Roy had went of his Mirakuru rage, and that was only Felicity's poor computers that were badly damaged. The foundry went weeks in peace, despite many small spats and full-blown yelling wars, the foundry itself was left tidied and everything in it's place.

According to Felicity the foundry would be a heap of dirty undershirts, unclean mats, scattered weapons, and out of date computers if it wasn't for her. All three men somewhat agreed that without their dear Felicity keeping things in place that the Foundry wouldn't be a Foundry but more of an unkempt man-cave. Oliver knew that Felicity needed the clean to work, he had watched her too many times arrange her desk neatly as his EA, her desk in the IT office had been immaculate as well. Often times Roy would strew randoms objects across the foundry's floor or across her desk to tick Felicity off and as pesky as it was it was all in good fun that Roy made Felicity's blood boil. But on the days that didn't agree with Felicity, all of her men found themselves tidying up to help better her mood.

One could say that when the foundry was damaged, so was Felicity's attitude. When Oliver had wrecked it Felicity had felt beyond worried, and angry that he hadn't expressed what was going on. After Slade destroyed the foundry Felicity had felt betrayed, like her home had been invaded and she was angry. For Roy, when he totaled her precious computers Felicity expressed concern but also a hell of a lot of fury. The foundry was Felicity's second home, her special space, her accomplishment and to mess with that was to mess with Felicity.

As Oliver ripped through the foundry the afternoon he wasn't intentionally tearing it apart to hurt the girl that he had found himself in love with, the foundry just happened to be something he could easily destroy as his anger rippled through him. His fist shattered holes into the pristine glass cases and he toppled over trays at the med-table. While he destroyed seemingly everything in his path he left one spot of the foundry in place. Of course nothing in the foundry deserved the beating that Oliver was giving it, Digg's well set-up training area didn't deserve to be wrecked and Roy's handmade targets didn't deserve to be ripped down but above all Felicity's computer station deserved nothing and so Oliver let it be while his anger ruined everything else.

After ripping apart the Foundry Oliver found himself sitting against a pillar and thinking about avoidable his anger had been. This morning when he texted Felicity asking if she would work with him at the foundry today had started all the drama. Over the last two months, two months ago being the night that in reverse Oliver admitted that he loved his girl Friday and kissed her, Oliver and Felicity had fallen out of step and were in the process of getting back in sync. Felicity had kissed Barry but that didn't last long and Oliver was satisfied after her infatuation with the man-child had ended and it had brought them back almost to where they once were.

Sure Oliver knew Ray had been pursuing Felicity. From one man to another he had known that Palmer wasn't only after her IT skills and Oliver understood when Felicity gave up her part-time job to take his offer as head of IT. Did it aggravate Oliver to see Felicity attending events with Palmer of course it did but he knew he couldn't be angry so he tried to brush it off and move forwarded in mending his relationship with Felicity. So after she attended her fifth event since beginning to work for Palmer in the last month, Oliver decided it was his turn to somewhat demand her time. He texted her and asked her to work with him this morning at the foundry and she said she would. In his excitement he had ignored her message about "meeting him there" and he had taken it upon himself to go and pick her up.

Ignoring the unfamiliar car parked parallel behind her own, Oliver had proceeded to waltz up her townhome stairs and knock loudly on her door. While he waited for Felicity and her always chipper ponytail to answer he smiled at her elderly neighbor, admired her fall wreath, checked for potential security threats, and contemplated barging through the door before he knocked again. Louder were his knocks and his heart rate spiked a little because he knew that Felicity had been awake and that she should have answered by now, but he could hear the sound of her light footsteps coming from the other side of the door and he kept himself statue-still as he waited.

From behind a cracked door Oliver could see Felicity. She was makeup-less and her hair was unusually tied up in a messy bun atop her head. She had barely opened to door to peek up at him. She wore a pair of rounded glasses, he knew that these were the glasses she wore when she had headaches, and he could see a pair of fuzzy socks bunched up at her ankles.

"Hi," Oliver had smiled.

Felicity had looked tired, worn out actually, but she had a glow to her skin.

"Uhm Oliver," she stuttered, "I thought I was meeting you at the Foundry in like an hour or so."

"Yeah well I just thought I'd stop by and we could go together, maybe get some Big Belly on the way."

She hadn't looked at him once while he spoke. She studied her feet or glanced behind the door. Oliver had chucked it up to her being embarrassed about her attire and her current state of being at the moment but he had been beyond wrong.

Another set of footsteps could be heard shuffling loudly down the stairs. Felicity's eyes widened to better fit her frames and confusion clouded Oliver's mind. From behind the door came a shirtless Ray Palmer. His hand crept over the side of the door to pull it open wider and reveal a scene Oliver had only had nightmares about.

"Oh," Ray huffed, "I thought it was our Bagel-To-You delivery."

In front of Oliver was a half naked Ray Palmer, he wore a pair of low-sitting sweatpants and he was shirtless. His hair was ruffled and his eyes were wide. Ray side-glanced at Felicity who seemed frozen in place. The back of his knuckles traced her jaw line and her ice melted. Felicity shifted, making eye contact with no one and Oliver took her in. She was in fuzzy socks, yes, and she had her messy ponytail too but she was also in an oversized button-up shirt that barely fell passed her bottom and her legs were bare. Oliver was ready to vomit and fight at the same time.

Instead of doing either Oliver had just mumbled a "sorry" and hurried off, ignoring Felicity's cry of his name. He raced back to the foundry, destroyed it, and was now sitting against a pillar in disgust. He hadn't destroyed the foundry to piss her off but if that had been his goal then it was well accomplished.