AN: This is my new story, tell me what you think. Enjoy xx

I don't own InuYasha

Thick framed glasses obscured the stunning view of her azure blue eyes; her raven waist length hair was parted into curtains covering most of her porcelain smooth skin, markings of her inu-youkai heritage striped on her cheeks, wrists, ankles and hips in jet black – although most were unnoticeable under her new uniform. Her nose was buried in a brown dog eared book as she tilted her head to lightly rest on the cool window at the back of the coach; the seat next to her was empty, although it seemed everyone else was crammed into each other's personal space. Everyone avoided, even though they did not know her she could already hear the whispers and giggles such as how geeky she looked or what a Larry Loner she was. Good. Kagome had worked hard in order to place all of the concealment spells and charms on herself, she concealed her mighty aura the length of her claws and fangs had shortened to resemble that of a lower levelled dog demon.

You ask why she would put herself willingly to this situation. The answer is simple. All Kagome wants is peace – a moment where she isn't bombarded by tutors, wanting her to practice her reiki skills one moment and the next pointing a sword at her throat in mock battle, (not that she didn't enjoy a good spar here and there) and did she mention her parents' psychopathic murderer was on her heels that's pretty important too. She was fed up of all of it.

Finally a passage in her parents will became Kagome's salvation, her beloved mother and father had decided that at the age of eighteen she was to attend 'Taisho Elite Academy, for supernatural beings' –TEA for short - as every member of her family had before her. Kagome's family used to be close with the Taisho's but after Naraku had murdered her parents her household devised the plan to spread word that an illness had taken the young mistress Kagome, therefore ending her bloodline. Maybe it fooled some but Kagome always had a sneaking suspicion that some outsiders knew the truth.

The shadow inu was pulled out of her inner musings when the coach jolted making the vehicle sway, in doing so sliding the luggage at peoples' feet. Kagome shifted so she faced the window, watching as the rural surroundings whizzed past, they had travelled deep into the rural western lands – most likely to get away from prying eyes. As more time passed Kagome picked out a greyish blob on the horizon, the closer they got her enhanced sight picked up on four large spires reaching up into the cloudless sky, at the base of the thick pinnacles was a gargantuan castle like building. Further inspection reviled a large plot of barren land stretching half the length of the main structure, on that acres of earth were distinct shapes, some Kagome was sure were demons and humans fighting, random bursts of light (youkai and reiki no doubt) swirled around the foggy figures, maybe this was one of the classes the academy provided – battle training.

Suddenly the coach came to an abrupt stop, leaving everyone in a state of confusion; there were at least a couple miles to go before they reached the school. The sound of the door pistons silenced everyone's babbling.

"Everyone out, just follow the trail set and you might make it to the school. Good luck on your first exam." the gruff slightly amused exclamation of the driver caused a split reaction. Some students stayed silent and wide eyed, others looked ready to have kittens whilst some cockily started betting with their new found friends on who was going to make it to the school first. All the while Kagome closed her book, stood and went to grab her luggage.

"You don't need to take your luggage it will be transported to your dorm rooms." The drivers voice called out again. Whilst others got to their feet Kagome subtly made her way to the front doors, "Good luck girl, you're going to need it." the driver encouraged as she stepped away from the bus. Unfortunately his kind words only served to place a feeling of dread in her gut– this might be harder than she anticipated.