So here is my new story I wanted to try making a new story because I did one called is love enough but it wasn't very good so I'm starting from scratch.( Cassandra Clare owns the mortal instruments)

Clary has had a troubled life but when one day she is saved by her unknown brother with an amazing knew family and a new cocky jerk who happens to be the only one who understands her. Can she let him get close? Or will her past catch up with her present?


It had been 24 hours since I can to live with my brother and my life already felt so much better. My new brother John had saved me from a night mare and I was so lucky to have him now in my life and for him to save me from my past.


'Clarrisa open this door now or else your get your punishment!' My drunken mother shouts from behind my door as I hid underneath my bed. 'No go away!' I hear banging and a crack I peek from under my bed to find my mum and dad standing in my door way with my door in two half's on the floor. I scream I run past them towards the stairs. 'Clarissa you will only make this worse for yourself!' I run for the stairs and feel something push me. I crash down the stairs seeing only black spots and starts whizzing around. I hit the bottom of the stairs and see the front door open and a man running towards me. I looked up to seem a man who was wall well compared to me and he had salt and pepper coloured hair 'Hey sweetie, its ok im a family police officer we are taking you to your brother' he smiled and I was beginning to blackout and I croaked 'Brother?' and blacked out'


Hearing beeping machines I open my eyes slowly adjusting to the bright lights in the room I was in. looking around all I see is white and I see im attached to tubes.' Hey there Clarrisa is it' I look to the side to see white blonde hair and black eyes valentine 'Please don't hurt me' I whimpered and he rushed over to my side. I see he is about 19 and not valentine. He sits on the bed and brushes a few strand of red curls out of my eyes and says 'I'm Johnathan Lightwood I'm your brother' he smiled. I gasped 'I have a brother' he laughed and hugged me 'yeah and I'm right here and I will look after you I promise. Understanding what he was saying I nodded and hugged him back.


This morning I got a call from my mother Jocelyn who was after her weekly money. We had deal I won't tell anyone who my parents are and can stay with my adoptive family and I give her money for her alcohol until this morning. 'Yes Jocelyn I posted your money' I signed my I was talking to my mum and she wants money not me. 'Johnny can you call me mother for once in your life' she slurred. I was about to answer when I heard a girl shouting 'Mum I'm m home I'm going bed'. Shock shot into my body like a bullet. 'Jocelyn who was that?' she was chuckling on the phone. 'That little Clarissa she's 17 mine and Val little girl and you little sister' she giggled. I put the phone down and rang the police. I'm not having my little sister with them pair.

I put my boots on and ran to the local police station and went to the front desk and explained my situation and before I know there is a whole team in three cop cars and me in the leading one on the way to get my sister. We pulled up and the police knocked onto the door and a massive scream echoed from inside. The police bashed the door in and I watched as small red head tumbled down the stairs. Luke ran towards he and she passed out and I ran to her side and scoped her up and placed her onto a ambulance bed and she was off to hospital.


I could see Johnathan deep in thought. 'Hey Jonathan whats the Matter?' he smiled and said 'Call me John or big bro' I giggled and said 'Big Bro whats the matter?' he grasped my hand and said 'I was thinking do you want to live with me and my adopted family I know your most problem have trust issues but they're really nice I'm getting a flat soon so you can live with me but for the time they won't mind'. I nodded and said 'Tell me about your family. He must have seen hoe tired I was because he got on the bed with me and put his arm around me 'Well there is Maryse who is my mum and she is fantastic she seems hard but she is really loving then there is Robert who is a big goof he is good at his job but really funny and then my other siblings Max who is 10 and is a big geek loves comic book Isabelle who is a fashion diva Alec who is shy but really funny and then there is Jace god where to describe him he is Cocky, arrogant and player and my best friend'.

I was falling asleep listening to John talk about the perfect family but I was imagine what this Jace was like Tall brunette or blonde Geeky or sporty but I can't help but feel butterflies about a boy I haven't met yet.

So here is my second attempt at a story please please review so I know what I'm doing right or wrong and I hope to do a second chapter thanks xxx