Disclaimers: I do not own NCIS or its characters. They belong to CBS and showcreators. I make no profit off of these stories, just playing in the snadbox. I do owe the character of Leah Dawson-DiNozzo.

Warnings: Spoilers for "Twenty Klicks". Rated more on the heavy T side as it contains suggestions of adult themes.

A/N: I'm working on the next multi-chapter story in the series, but while I'm doing that and getting it ready to post I figured I would write some episode tags, one shots based on what we're seeing on TV every Tuesday. (And really is just an excuse to write more of Tony/Leah). "Tiny Photographs" was a future fic, as Baby Jack's birthday is September 16, 2015. So some of these one shots will happen before Tony and Leah got married and while Leah is pregnant. This first chapter takes place before "Will Be Yours Forever". Any confusion, please feel free to PM me :). Enjoy the first tag to "Twenty-Klicks"!.

"From Russia With Love"

With the roar of U.S military jets behind him, Tony desperately tried to get a phone call through to home.

Several attempts later, his fiancée finally answered. "Did you find them? Are they okay? Delilah and I have been up all night worried sick."

Tony sighed, heavily and looked across the tarmac at Gibbs and McGee… a little battered and bruised, but otherwise lucky to be alive. The helicopter crash alone could have killed them before any Russians with assault weapons caught up to them... or wolves according to McGee. "Yeah. I found them. Both are alive, banged up, and just want to get home. We're in Germany now, waiting to get a flight back to D.C. I'll be late, so don't wait up for me, sweetheart."

"Alright… but promise me you'll call when you land in Washington?" Leah asked, sounding a bit anxious. "Please?"

"Promise," Tony replied, not begrudging her that anxiety because well… he'd felt it since Gibbs and McGee had been lost in Russia. "I love you."

"I love you, too," Leah echoed before hanging up.

Tony shoved the phone back into his pocket and proceeded across the tarmac towards Gibbs and McGee. He wasn't sure what to make of his boss since dragging him out of Russia, quite literally. There was a funny look in his eyes every time Gibbs looked at him. "I finally got the satellite phone to work," he said, softly, almost too softly that his fellow agents couldn't hear him over the roar of jet engines.

McGee nodded and his shoulders eased. "Was Leah with Delilah?"


"Was she angry that I…didn't call her?"

"Doesn't sound like it, Tim."

Gibbs gave him that funny look again as McGee climbed onto the plane with a handcuffed Kevin. The former marine had barely spoken since they had arrived in Germany, waiting for their next flight. It was really starting to unnerve the senior field agent.

Tony shoved his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket. "You alright, boss?"

"You didn't have to risk your life to come get me," the team leader responded.

"But I did, boss. We didn't know your situation… if you were dead or alive... you needed help."

"And Leah? Would she have been happy if those Russians had killed you?"

"Boss… you can't use Leah to keep me behind a desk."

Gibbs let out a shaky breath. "I know, Tony," he whispered. His brow furrowed and he gave the senior field agent the same look that was unnerving him, and said only two words… but they had a profound impact. "Thank you."

Tim wasn't surprised to find that Delilah was still up when he made it back to their apartment. And he also wasn't surprised that Leah had stocked their fridge full of casseroles so they wouldn't have to cook.

Delilah was sitting on the sofa. She made space for him, silently, and Tim nearly fell into her arms. It felt good to be held by her. Felt good to be out of that forest cheating death and back on friendly ground. He buried his face in her hair, soaked in her smell and sighed. "It's good to be home," he murmured. He lifted his head. "How was Dubai?"

"Obviously not as exciting as Russia," Delilah quipped with a smile. "And I was only there for a few days."

"Are you going to have to go back?" Tim asked.

"Yes. That was the deal when I moved back home that I spend two weeks a month there," she said with a sad smile.

Tim nodded even if he was disappointed. "When do you have to leave?"

Delilah frowned. "Tomorrow afternoon."

"Oh. So we only have tonight…"

"Yes. Is that a problem?"

"Somewhat… long transatlantic flight from Germany."

She looked at him incredulously. "Tim. What do you think Tony is doing with Leah at this very moment?"

He chuckled. "If I had to take a guess…"

Delilah silenced him by kissing him, intensely. Her lips ignited a fire in him, one of intense desire and at the same thankfulness that he was still here to enjoy this. He returned her advances just as eagerly, finding the buttons on her blouse and started to pull them while she wiggled him out of his jacket. Tim forgot that he was tired and sore. He gathered her up into his arms and carried her into their bedroom to spend the rest of the night with her and forget about Russia.

"I thought I told you not to wait up for me," Tony said when he found Leah in their bedroom wearing a very revealing black nightie.

"I figured you could use some stress relief," Leah replied, coyly.

Tony dropped his bag by the dresser and slipped out of his jacket. He sauntered towards her and grabbed her by the waist. "I have a lot of stress," he told her, pulling her towards him and closing the gap between their bodies. "Sure you can relieve all of it?"

Leah wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers teasing his hair while she smiled at him. "I hope so. But we can have fun trying can't we?" she asked, pulling him down for a kiss. She backed up leading them to their bed and grasping his tee shirt in her hands, she laid them down on top of it. Her hands roamed underneath the shirt, running over firm muscle. "My man got in shape over the summer."

"Working out was a good way to release some tension of the sexual variety."

"Were you that tense?"

Tony yanked his tee-shirt off, tossing it aside. He straddled her and continued to kiss her almost relentlessly. As he began to slip her nightie off, he quipped with a seductive little grin, "What do you think? My beautiful fiancée was halfway around the world in Cairo. Now… how about we relieve some of that stress, sweetheart."