Second chapter, this is going to be the slowest one I'll write due to the fact its setting up the scene for the story. Please read chapter notes at the end as they talk about the chapter as well as a Korra idea I have!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Naruto or Avatar and I do this sole for the enjoyment of fanfiction writing when I have a spare moment.

Lying on his bed staring up at the sealing Zuko contemplated his first day in Konoha, it was an interesting and exciting day. When they had entered into Konoha he was greeted to the sight of men and women leaping across roof tops as they went about their business, it was then he noticed on their foreheads the metal protectors and realised that from his readings they were Shinobi.

His awe was apparent as he heard his mother giggle behind him, he turned and looked at her giving her a beaming smile. He laughed happily as he scratched the back of his head, looking around taking in every sight. He'd be here for the next six years and wanted to make as much of that as he could to get to know the village.

Closing his eyes he drifted into a dream filled sleep, one full of battles and wars with men and women gaining honour and glory with him right in the middle leading them all. Clad in the same armour of his grandfather.

His dreams would then change to him returning home to the Fire Nation, head held aloof and proud. His grandfather bowing to him with respect praising him, telling him how proud of him he was and how he was ready to become Fire Lord. His sister begging him to teach her all manners of techniques as she was his humble younger sister.

His final dream was the most surreal, perhaps it was a vision of the future or perhaps it was the madness he heard Tobrimaru talk about regarding Uchiha. The dream was the darkest one he had ever dreamt up. It was him shrouded in darkness staring down at an assortment of the ninja and nation benders. His crimson eyes pulsing brightly in the dark as if tuned into his heart beat, they would howl out war cries before charging him. He would merely sneer at them all below him, leaping down onto the charging men and women cleaving his way through their ranks using nothing but his fists and advanced martial arts.

His Sharingan catching every moment before it happened, grabbing weapons from their hands. Using them against them, the battle would end with the ground saturated in blood. Maimed bodies strewn across like puppet's without their strings.

He'd turned and look down at the dagger in his hand, its reflective surface showing him in a robe of some sort, a black one that ended at the knees, a high collar opened slightly and a strange looking mask around his face. A curious colour, one that looked as if it was organic.

Waking up in a cold sweat the next day Zuko ran his hands down his face, shivering as he stood up. Trying to comprehend what he had just dreamt, he freshened up for the day before heading out of his room in the Uchiha Compound and on his way to the dining room. It was still fairly early in the morning as the sun looked as if it had only been up for an hour.

Sliding the door open he walked in before sitting down at the table, folding his legs underneath him. Sitting at the table Zuko pulled a scroll out from his robes and unrolled it onto the table. Inhaling deeply he stared down at the scroll and began to study.

This would be one of many times he'd sit at this table with a scroll diverting his attention.

-6 Months later-

Standing at the docks he waved his mother off, a sad feeling settling in the pit of his stomach. She had stayed longer then what was intended but that was due to his uncle having failed to take Ba Sing Se.

Losing his son had caused a massive rift in Iroh's heart, understandable but it had caused him to be seen as a disgrace by the Fire Nation to give up just when they could have taken the city. Even though it was only the outer wall.

With the sudden death of Fire Lord Azulon, Ozai was crowned Fire Lord and the war was intensified accordingly. Zuko's father had little patience when it came to war and wanted this to be over as swiftly and as quickly as possible.

Wanting to get his failure of a brother out of the way, Ozai had decided to send Iroh to Konoha saying that Zuko still needed to learn his Firebending and Iroh would be a worthy teacher for the heir to the Fire Nation. In truth, Iroh was the legitimate heir to the Fire Nation and to send him of to a far away country was an easy method of keeping the throne.

It was decided that Ursa would stay an extra three months and when the boat that brought Iroh into Konoha came then Ursa would depart onto that one.

"Iroh, I'm so glad to see you after all this time!" Ursa called out in a delighted tone, the woman warmly embracing her husbands brother.

"Ursa, you look as beautiful as I remember. Haha!" Iroh replied with a jolly laugh, hugging Ursa tightly.

Zuko narrowed his eyes at his uncle, ever since his training with the Uchiha's he was able to pick up on emotions and the harder to spot micro-emotions with people. After Ursa and Iroh had spoken for a few brief moments, Zuko stepped forward and made his way towards his Uncle.

"Prince Zuko, it's an honour to see you once again." Iron said in a respectful tone bowing in honour.

Zuko smiled softly looking at his uncle, the man had kept himself surprisingly well together after losing his only son but Zuko could see the fractures in his facade "Uncle, there's no need for titles here. I'm no prince in Konoha, I'm" Zuko answered softly, a small smile on his face.

He embraced his uncle warmly, a shocking display no doubt for Iroh as the boy he had last seen before being stationed to take Ba Sing Se had changed drastically.

"Hah, you keep up that humble attitude of yours Prince Zuko and you'll have to beat all the girls off you with a stick!" Iroh chuckled softly nudging his nephews arm, winking at him.

"Hopefully that wont be needed Iroh, any girls try and get their clammy claws on my little boy will have to answer to me!" Ursa butted in fiercely shaking a clenched hand in front of herself with a determined look on her face.

"Uh...I'll be ok mother, I'm sure the girls in this village don't react the same way as the ones back home." Zuko said nervously looking around to try and find a way to get some distance from his steadfast mother.

"Poor kid has no idea..." One of the Uchiha policemen said under his breath, shaking his head in pity.

Madara appeared suddenly in a swirl of burnt leaves and a cracking sound in the air, smiling sadly he hugged his daughter. Holding her steady for a few seconds before stepping away and looking at her. He sighed sadly before speaking slightly distasteful at the end "Do try and visit if you can my Fire Lilly, I'd rather avoid making more trips to"

Ursa giggled at him smacking his shoulder before responding "Father, be nice. It's not to bad once you get used to it."

Madara simply made a 'Hn' sound and folded his arms. They stood on the docks as they watched Ursa sadly embark on her journey to the Fire Nation, once the ship had set sail and had passed out of their view they began their trip back towards Konoha.

Zuko looked to his uncle noting how sour looked he was as he stared aimlessly at the expanse of forests in front of them towards Konoha.

"Uncle..." Zuko said suddenly causing Iroh to turn and look at him questioningly, they both stopped as Zuko stared on in pity before finishing what he was saying "I'm so sorry what happened to Lu Ten, It must hurt you a lot...I prayed for his spirit when I heard the news. I'm so sorry."

Iroh's eyes widened before his head hung low staring at the floor as tears began to pool in his eyes. Madara had even stopped at this point and had gone of to lean against a tree to give the two some space.

"Zuko, thank you." Iroh returned in a shaking voice barely able to keep his emotions in check, he reached out and pulled Zuko into a strong hug to which Zuko returned.

After the emotional moment had passed the continued on their way to Konoha. A place that would be a home for Zuko and Iroh for the following years to come.

-Six Years Later-

The world had continued on after the departure of Zuko, a war continued to ravage the Bending Nations whilst a new conflict was brought to life upon the Shinobi conflict. It was here in this Second Shinobi war that Zuko was shaped, forged in fire and steel. The young boy quickly became a hardened man, grizzly battles marking him for life.

Six years of hell, six years that made him the man he was today. Clenching his hands around wooden railing of the boat he had stood on all those years ago, heading back to the bending nations. He stared steely over the sea memories drifting their way through his mind.

He mused to himself, wondering how much of the bending nations had changed since he had left. Wondering how his father would react to his return, how Azula would react. For the first time in a long while, Zuko smirked.

'Oh I'll enjoy antagonizing her.' He chuckled to himself, already thinking up way to humiliate her in all forms of combat. Perhaps he would trap her in a Genjutsu, maybe block her chi points or even beat her in firebending...

Shaking his head he smirked, clearing the thoughts away. Inhaling the sea air he smiled happily turning from his spot on the boat and walking towards his uncle who had sat in the middle of the ship playing Pai Sho with a few of the guards.

Laughing to himself he made his way over to his surrogate father and sat down next to him, watching with keen interest at how his uncle played the game.

Having Iroh look after him for the past six years had affected Zuko deeply, where it would had been foreseeable for Zuko to be completely obsessed with gaining more power for the respect and admiration of his father.

Although due to the time he spent in Konoha, Zuko had changed radically no longer was he an impatient boy with an insatiable want for power. He was now a battle hardened Shinobi that knew what must be done for the greater good of Konohagakure as well as the Fire Nation and any man or woman that got in the way of peace would be dealt with.

The voyage back to the Fire Nation passed by quickly, unlike last time Zuko had much to keep his mind occupied from meditating to playing Pai Sho to working out on the ship. There was much an experienced Shinobi could do to keep himself active.

Once docked Zuko and Iroh departed and quickly began their walk towards the Palace in the centre of the city. Winding their way through side alleys and passageways they kept hidden from the general population. A choice Zuko had pressed for, over time he had grown distasteful of anything that would cause attention to himself.

A side product of the ravenous horde of Uchiha fan girls back in Konohagakure, it also didn't help that once word spread he was also royalty. At that point Zuko had learnt quickly how to leap across rooftops as well as sticking to trees and walls with chakra.

It wasn't long until they were spotted by a group of civilians when they stepped out into a busy main street. A gasp from a teenage girl drew the pairs attention to them, the girl the squealed out aloud "It's Prince Zuko, he's back!"

It wasn't long until they had been swarmed by eager civilians all wanting to touch and greet the missed pair, from the crowd came many greetings and warm returns and the few occasionally direct to Iroh. Zuko swore he heard a gruff man growl out from the crowd "Iroh, you still owe me that money!"

"FIRE GUARDS COMING THROUGH, SPREAD APART!" Several voices called out in irritation as people began to be forcefully moved.

The red and black armoured warriors stepped up in front of the duo bowing respectfully, the captain of the group stepped forward and spoke "Prince Zuko, Lord Iroh. My apologies we we were not at the docks to greet you. We were not expecting you until tonight."

Waving his hand lazily at the guard. Zuko responded in a bored tone "Mah, mah. There's no need to apologise. Uncle and I like to be early when we can be, don't we uncle?"

Elbowing his Uncle in the ribs who had gotten distracted staring at a rather beautiful woman, Iroh laughed it off scratching his head before he beamed at the guards "Yes, Prince Zuko is right. I take it Fire Lord Ozai has been informed now about our presence?"

The captain nodded stepping to the side and beckoning with his hand to allow the men to walk on as they would follow behind.

Grumbling under his breath he stared at the gates to the royal palace with animosity, he would rather be on the battle field in the Shinobi Nations then deal with this drivel. He had to leave his team, his friends and woman he cared deeply for.

He sighed to himself, knowing it was expected of him to do this. His Grandfather had given him very specific instructions to do as what was expected of a Fire Prince and the second in line to rule the Uchiha clan.

Oddly enough when he thought of the throne Zuko wanted nothing to do with it but when the talk of him ruling over the Uchiha clan as a respected and feared Shinobi brought him nothing but excitement and eagerness to fullfill that role.

Then once he gained the respect and the reputation that came with being head of the Uchiha clan he could then turn his sight to the ultimate role, that of the Hokage. When he had left Madara had finally stepped down as Hokage passing over the role to Sarutobi Hiruzen. A surprise to many but an understandable choice.

Madara had began to desire a simple life, the one of the village beginning to way on his shoulders to much. He had given so much for Konohagakure and although he did get things in return it was time for him to retire, to enjoy the peace and tranquillity he had began to desire.

Hashirama had screamed out that Madara had been taken over by an evil spirit when he had heard those words from his long time rival and friend but the man was glad that his friend had finally found peace. It wasn't that uncommon to find Madara taking trips to the fire nation to spend time with his daughter.

Zuko was overjoyed when he had heard the news, not only was he happy that his grandfather could train him more now but the choice of the new Hokage couldn't be any better for Zuko, after all what's better to have the new leader to be your very own team leader. Tsunade and Jiraiya both agreed with him and had congratulated their teacher when they had found out.

Grunting in irritation he resided himself to the simple fact that he would have to work quickly and efficiently if he ever wanted to get back to Konoha any time soon.

Snapping from his internal debating and day dreaming he casually strolled into the Palace grounds, staring up the stairs at the gathering at the top of them. He already spotted his Mother, father and Azula.

Sighing he looked over to his uncle before saying in a tone that showed how much he didn't want to go through all of this "Well, here we go then...let's get this over with uncle..." he finished with a groan.

As they quickly approached the gathered welcoming party Zuko had adopted more of pleasant facade to make it at least look like he was happy to be back. Although once he made eye contact with his mother he showed her a genuine happy smile.

"Prince Zuko, Iroh. Welcome home, you both have been sorely missed. A lot has changed in the past 6 years and by the sight of the two of you. The same could be said for yourselves." Ozai said in a rather irritated tone, no doubt annoyed at the audacity of his sons unannounced arrival.

Zuko and Iroh both bowed politely to Ozai, humouring him for now. Zuko's eyes drifted across the three in front of him. His mother had not changed since the last time he saw her a few years back but he had been surprised at the change in both his father and sister. It seemed after taking the throne of the Fire Nation his father and sister appeared to have become more twisted somehow.

The moment Zuko and Azula made eye contact the hatred his sister had form him seemed to re spark once more. To Zuko's credit he agitated his sister more by simply raising a questioning eyebrow at her before turning his attention back to his father and mother.

"Thank you for the warm welcome father, I am happy to be home. Konohagakure was a nice place to be in but it doesn't hold the same in my heart as the Fire Nation does." Zuko said respectfully, bowing his head although the sarcasm was blatant to Iroh.

Ears twitching he heard his Uncle mumble sarcastically under his voice "Yeah, really toasty..."

Smiling sinisterly Ozai chuckled deeply. Beckoning every one to come inside the palace, entering the palace Zuko was surprised to see it had changed somewhat. All paintings and signs of the previous Fire Lords had been completely stripped away and replaced with things only about Ozai. As if his father was trying to erase the past so only he could be remembered.

The night passed by just as Zuko had expected it to do, his father made some obnoxious speech about power, family and honour and then promptly said that he had a plan to end the war once and for all using Sozin's commet. An unsurprising move to Zuko as he had read extensively about the Fire Nation whilst in Konoha, from the Shinobi reports. He was exposed to the true dark side of his home country.

The food was traditional Fire Nation cuisine and it was something Zuko had to admit he missed, in a way it made him happy to be back home. If only slightly.

The nights entertainment were simply stories, his family and the gathered Generals had a keen interest in what Zuko had done over the past 6 years and he was more then happy to oblige. He told them of enrolment into the Shinobi Academy, how he was treated like a peasant and had to earn his respect. How Madara would literally beat him to an inch of his life in training sessions. How he first met his team mates, their test from Sarutobi. Becoming Team Sarutobi and then the missions they undertook and then three years of hell in the Second Shinobi War.

He didn't go into the full grisly detail of what acts of carnage he had witnessed and had taken part in as that was private information that was only available for high ranking Shinobi of Konoha and the other countries involved. In the end Zuko had dropped the subject after telling them that he was more then battle readied for anything the bending nation had to throw at him.

"In the end, I've proven myself time and time again. The second Shinobi War helped shape me from a boy and into a man. From a person into a weapon." Zuko said quietly, ending the conversation of his 6 years as an active Shinobi.

He knew eventually his mother would coax more out of him but for now he didn't want to talk about it, he wasn't like Orochimaru. He didn't take obscene pleasure from the act of taking lives, every time he closed his eyes he saw the faces of the men and women he had put down. It will always haunt him but he was an Uchiha and that was his burden to bare.

Of course Azula didn't believe a word of it and had expressed her disbelief towards her older brothers story. He didn't particularly care what the little girl had to say for herself, she was a 14 year old girl that needed taking down a peg or five and he'd gladly do it.

"So Zuzu, if you're as strong as you claim. Perhaps you'd like to do a little training session, who knows perhaps I can help you unlock more of your precious clan for you?" Azula snidely remarked, laughing in a mocking manner at the end.

Zuko looked up from his cup of tea, staring at her lazily he simply made a 'Hn' humph sound before going back to drinking his tea. He smirked as he heard her begin to growl angrily at him, after finishing his tea Zuko excused himself before heading back to his old chambers.

Before leaving he looked over his shoulder at the gathering of people all sat at the tables, his uncle seemed a lot happier to be back in his home land. His place of birth but he knew like him that he missed Konoha, the life they made there. The friends, the family and the ties that came with that country.

After retreating to his bed for the night Zuko didn't initially go to sleep at that point. Instead he had a few other things to do. Clasping his hands together he quickly went through the seals for the Summoning Technique, causing a large hawk to appear in a cloud of smoke.

The avian stared at it's summoner before bowing its head in respect to Zuko, it then croaked out happily "Lord Zuko, what can Mishi do for you?"

Smiling down at the old hawk he quickly pulled a scroll out from his robe and attatched it to one of it's legs. He stroked the side of its head before responding "Deliver this scroll to Konoha for me Mishi, it's just to let HQ know I've arrived and everything is going normally."

The bird chirped softly before taking of with a great gust of wind from its large powerful wings. It flew from one of the many opened windows in his bedroom before heading out with unnatural speed towards the Land of Fire.

Hearing his door creak open slowly, he turned on guard to face who ever it was. Much to his relief it was just his mother, she made her way through the door before quickly embracing her son.

"Mother, It's been four years since I last saw you. I'm sorry for not writing to you but the war took a lot of time from me." Zuko said as he hugged his mother, he hoped she wouldn't be to sad towards him for not writing.

"Zuko, my darling little boy. You've grown so much, never think that I'm ashamed or saddened by you not writing to me Zuko. I'm just glad your alive and some what well, I've heard the stories of the massacres during the war. The horrors from both sides, what my father did...what you all did..." Ursa responded in a hush whisper, even though she had heard stories of the demon that her son had become on the battlefield she was relieved to know that it had not poisoned who he was.

Smiling sadly he hugged her once more, they moved over to the table in the corner of his room before sitting down. Ursa beamed at her son clasping her hands on her lap before she giggled out "So, tell me more of this Tsunade."

Zuko who had conveniently taken a mouth full of water spat it out comically and fell out of his chair, he clambered onto his feet a blush on his face as he stuttered out "What, no. Tsunade and I are just friends!"

Ursa snickered as Zuko fell into his chair looking overly embarrassed, she smiled sadly before sighing and responded "Zuko, I can tell by the way you talk about her that you have feelings for her."

She paused allowing Zuko to recompose himself, she placed a hand upon Zuko's squeezing it softly she grinned "I'd like to hear more about this young lady that has caught your heart."

They talked for a few hours before Ursa wished him a good night and left, leaning into his chair Zuko stared as his mother left. Watching her leave sadly he decided to turn in for the night.

The next morning was surprisingly peaceful for him, he was used to being woken by the Uchiha servants at some ungodly time in the morning and then heading out to team meetings with Jiraiya and Tsunade.

Thinking back on his closest friends, he hoped they would be coming to the Bending Nations soon as he'd very much enjoy showing them around. Not long after he had woken up servants had come in to see if he was awake and wanted anything. He told them he'd be heading to the dinning hall for breakfast, they tried to help him dress into Fire Nation clothing but he refused stating he much preferred the feeling of Shinobi Armour and his black cloak with its high neck collar.

They bade him a good morning and left him to his own devices. With a quick once over Zuko made sure he had everything he needed before he left his room. Quickly making his way through the Palace until he arrived where every one had gathered.

Entering quickly yet quietly Zuko took his position at the side of his father at the dinner table, hungrily tucking into food whilst his ears twitched slightly listening to all the conversations in the room.

Suddenly the main doors slammed open and a rather out of breath Fire Guard ran into the room holding a piece of parchment paper in his hand. He collapsed down onto his knees in front of them all before apologizing profoundly for interrupting their breakfast.

"Guardsman, you better have some important news to barge into our dinning room!" Fire Lord Ozai barked out, spit flying across the table. Slamming his fist down loudly, lightning crackling around his hand.

The soldier visibly shook in fear, jumping in pure terror. Almost forgetting the reason why he had come into this room in the first place "M-my apologies sire b-but there's imp-"

"It's alright Guardsman, I'm sure you have something important to tell my father. Please, speak. Put our...fears to rest." Zuko said suddenly, cutting of the guard and both his father. Much to the shock of every one but it was apparent by Zuko's face that he to was not amused by the interruption bt unlike his father he wouldn't punish this guard in any shape or form. He narrowed his eyes, analysing exactly what it could be that a lowly guard such as this would barge into the Fire Lords morning meal.

"My lord, news from the raiders near the Southern Water Tribe...He's been spotted, sire. The avatar is back!" The guard suddenly blurted out, fear apparent in his voice as he held the parchment out towards the table.

Wasting no time Zuko leapt from his seat to in front of the guard, shocking and stunning all around to see it. Zuko snatched the parchment from the guards hand, his eyes quickly scanning the document.

Eyes widening as he read, a large grin spreading across his face. Swivelling on his heels and telling the guard to leave he quickly made his way back towards his father and with a respectful bow he handed him the parchment "Excuse my excited behaviour father, I over-reacted. What the man says is true, according to this parchment the Avatar is very much alive, yet he Is just a boy."

Ozai snatched the paper from his sons hands, unsure on how to react to his son. The boy he had sent away all those years ago had turned into an enigma to him. He knew from the stories and the letters that Zuko had sent to Ursa that the boy was very powerful and very capable at doing anything.

"Guardsmen, summon the war council. I want them in the council room immediately!" Ozai declared loudly, he looked around the room as every one scrambled to action.

Looking at his family he pursed his lips before standing from his seat at the head of the table "All of you are permitted in the War Council. This is the beginning of a great time for our Nation!" Ozai declared.

Once the Council had been gathered in the planning room Ozai had relayed the information to his council. Obviously a lot of them we're surprised, alarmed and slightly apprehensive about this new information.

"Father, allow me this great honour of bringing you the Avatar. I assure you I will have him bound at your feet within a year!" Azula suddenly blurted out, gaining the attention of the entire room. A lot of the people gathered all smirked believing in what Azula had just said.

All but a few. It started out low and barely hear-able before it gradually gained in noise. Zuko was laughing and he was laughing at Azula.

As he stood up his laughter uncontrollable, a deep mocking laughter rumbling in his chest. He stared at Azula snidely, a sneer on his face as he looked down on her with disdain. A sight that shocked Azula to her core.

Swivelling on his feet he stared his father in the eyes before dropping down onto one knee, head bowed low before he muttered out "Father. I highly advised against entrusting such a delicate task to Azula, instead give it to your brother and myself. You can check my records from Konoha, I have had countless missions with tracking down prey and delivering them dead or alive with success. A small child barely the age of 12 has little to no training experience compared to a fully seasoned Shinobi such as myself."

Snapping his head upwards. Fully matured Crimson Sharingan staring like a devil into his father's soul, the man was visibly stunned by both his children's outbursts. For once in the man's miserable existence he was lost for words.

Azula's face was comical. She had turned bright red, the rage manifesting itself in her like a wild fire threatening to escape if left unchecked. She snarled and clenched her fists, beating her foot into the ground like a bull about to charge.

Ozai caught onto this and couldn't help smirk evily. He had the perfect idea, rubbing his chin and humming to himself in a deep but quiet tone he responded to his sons comment "I have a way to settle this feud that has been growing between you and your sister since your arrival as well as sorting out who will claim the Avatar for me."

Pausing for dramatic effect Ozai chuckled before continuing "Like the event that caused you to leave us 6 years ago, you two shall battle for the right. Outside in the courtyard, both of you...NOW!"

Zuko quickly stood to his feet, bowing towards his father before twisting sideways as he jumped spinning downwards to the floor, he stood up. Brushing the dust from his cloak before striding out as Azula stumbled down the stairs, gnashing her teeth like a rabid dog. Hungry to fight her brother once more.

It didn't take to long for them to gather in the courtyard, every one eager to see the outcome of the duel that would take place between Azula and Zuko. They all shared one thought in common 'This won't last long' but who they thought would win was drastically different to the truth of who would win.

Just as Zuko was about to take his spot in the arena, Iroh grabbed a hold of Zuko's arm before whispering to the boy "I know you're putting on an image Prince Zuko but please, remember this is your sister. Don't use Jutsu's, don't lower yourself like that."

Smirking at his Uncle, a classic Uchiha cocky grin marking his face. He chuckled before responding "Don't worry uncle, I'm just going to humiliate her. Not maim her...Just watch."

Iroh stared at Zuko in worry, hoping the boys sadistic nature wasn't about to rear its ugly head once more. During the War Zuko had almost turned into a monster and would have if it wasn't for Tsunade or more importantly. Him, In the time that had passed Iroh in all intense and purposes was Zuko's father.

Once there were no more interruptions the fight began. Azula attacked first kicking upwards sending a torrent of fire towards her brother, who did nothing but simply take a step to the left and allow the flames to roar past him.

He raised an eyebrow at Azula, mocking taunting her "You missed a spot of the gardens..."

Azula snarled and began a routine of complex Kata's as she punched and kicked in several different motions sending waves of fire towards Zuko. Who simply dodged, side stepped or ducked under each blast, acting as if nothing was happening to him and he was just doing a simple exercise routine.

That was the straw that broke the camels back with Azula as she howled out like an enraged monster and charged her brother sending torrent after torrent of scorching blue flame that blackened the concrete from the head alone.

Narrowing his eyes, Zuko ducked violently under one of the roaring walls before with a crack of thunder rapidly closed the distance between him and Azula with lightning like sprinting arms stretched out behind him as he weaved between every fire blast that Azula threw at him.

Suddenly he was in front of her lashing out with his arm and knocking hers up with his elbow. Slamming his forearm into Azula's side, winding her painfully. He followed up with a wicked set of jabs to her Chi points, locking them away for a temporary period of time.

Azula's eyes widened to the point it looked as if they would threaten to pop from her skull, she collapsed harshly into a heap on the floor. Her body shaking with rage and humiliation, Zuko crouched down by the side of her grasping tightly her hair as he pulled her head up so he could hammer the final nail into the coffin, he snarled darkly as he hissed out into her ear so only she could hear and no one else "There is no value in beating the likes of you, my foolish little sister. You are nothing but trash, only your hatred for me will ever be enough to kill me. If you want to kill me, then curse me, hate me and live a long unsightly life and if the day ever comes where you have the same eyes as me. Then come to me because only then will you be worth anything."

Chopping the side of her neck, he knocked her out in a clean before standing. Staring down at the crumpled body of his sister he turned to his face and smiled.

"So, when can we go?" Zuko asked in a cheery tone, a rather large and pleased smile on his face.

The studdened awkward silence, the resounding answer to the fight that every one had watched. It was several moments after when Ozai responded.

"Gather your things, I will give you one of the best ships our Nation has to offer, you set sail for the Southern Water Tribe in 6 hours. Be ready my son, bring our country honour." Ozai said proudly to his son, he strode forward before embracing his son in a fond hug. Something that stunned every one else, it shocked his mother so much she feinted.

"Uuuuhhhh, Yeah...Ok...I...Uh...Gonna go do that..." Zuko said awkwardly as he shuffled away like a penguin, Iroh quickly running after his Nephew.

As the made their way back into the temple, Zuko looked over his shoulder briefly before whispering to his uncle "What the hell was that about?"

Iroh simply responded with a shrug and a 'I dunno..'.

Shaking his head Zuko's response was 'Well, I'm not beating Azula like that again. That reaction from Ozai was just plain...wrong..'

Thanks for reading this chapter guys, I tried to keep it as interesting as I could and you'll all be happy to know that the story will be picking up in momentum now.

Just to let you know after about 4 chapters I'll be posting a mini-chapter that is effectively a snapshot in time during the time frame that Zuko has spent in the Elemental Nations. This is just to let you guys know what happened to Zuko and what turned him into the man he is now.

Now these chapters will be very short as they are just snippets in his life, i'm estimating they'll be between 2 to 3 thousands words.

I've been late posting this as I've recently started playing WoW again in my rare free time preparing for Draenor.

As well as that, I've been watching Legend of Korra and I've had two independent story ideas for it to do after this fanfiction. The second story idea spoils up to Season 3 of Korra so don't read that bit unless you've caught up.

The first one is based on a man called Hashirama Senju (He's not the original one but a great, great great grand son.) Basically has the same Mokuton bloodline that his name sake had but can also water and earth bend, since the Mokuton is a combination of Earth and Water Chakra if I remember correctly. This will start at the same time Korra Ep1 did, with her going to the city and getting ambushed by Amon's goons but Hashirama saves her and Mako.


Second idea is based on season 3 episode 6 where you meet Lin's sister and her family, during her acupuncture session the memories she sees also have a few new ones. It turns out that Lin's also jealous of her sister due to the fact that Lin is Naruto's mother, she was lied to after giving birth to Naruto by Danzo she believes him because she knows Minato had died and Danzo provides her with a fake dead baby.

She'll then leave Konoha for 13 years she'll then come back to Konoha after clearing things up with her sister as she feels its time to pay respect to her husband and her son. There she'll meet Naruto and she'll realise she was lied to.

Naruto will look like a spitting image of his dad when he was 13 and will be very much like him personality wise but he will have Lin's temperament. Naruto will also be an Earth Bender and later a metal bender.

This will be just before the Konoha invasion by Orochimaru, Sarutobi will be at his full amount of strength due to personally training Naruto as the boy will be more mature. When Orochimaru summons the passed kages he also summons Minato, unluckily for him it also drags the Shinigami out. He'll be pissed at Orochimaru and at this point Korra will use her role as Avatar to get the Shinigami to release Minato and revive him and instead take Orochimaru.

This will be more of a fanfiction based on Naruto, Minato and Lin with Korra potentially becoming a love interest for Naruto. Naruto, Minato and Lin would return to the city for four years whilst Naruto trains and prepares for Akatsuki (They'll be different as Obito will be killed by Minato when he attacked the village, so Pein will be doing the original 'use the bjuu as w.m.d's')


So what do you guys think, option 1 or option 2. I'll be putting up a poll as well for you guys to vote. Keep in mind that this story will come AFTER the Zuko one.

Thanks for reading and please do leave reviews and don't forget to vote on the Korra idea!