Ok turns out I had half this chapter written before my finals, so I powered through and finished the chapter! Hope you guys enjoy it!

Now as for the main City Shadows, I know I haven't updated that since early November, but the reason for that is because D-Sniper and I are still planning out all the chapters and situations for each Signs. It's the same thing we did with the Coins where we planned out where each would be found before progressing through the story. We've got the majority planned, but still need scenarios for two Signs. So, feel free to suggest ideas. And please be specific. If you're not going to elaborate, then you're probably not putting effort into the idea and ideally, we'd like ideas from people who actually care. TLDR: if all you're suggesting is a location and not a scenario, don't bother.

Sorry if that sounds harsh guys, but sometimes a firm word is needed to get results. It's honestly a bit disappointing to ask for input and all we get is someone saying "maybe they can go here!" ...and do what? Why that location? What would they do there? So, if you're going to suggest an idea, please put enough thought in the idea to form at least more than one sentence. You don't have to suggest an idea, but if you do, please put some effort and thought into it.

As Remy and Mala approached the borders of the Fire Kingdom, Mala gasped at the sight of the palace off in the distance. "Whoa… I never knew it looked like… this!"

"Hey! Stay focused!" Remy whispered sharply as the pair carefully snuck behind large rocks and trees.

"So how do we get in?" she asked.

"Shen Du's got too many patrols. Sneaking by them isn't going to be easy. So, we'll have to go through the sewers. Over here," he said, leading her to a large drainage pipe spewing out piece of garbage littered in vile smelling ooze.

"Oh, that's disgusting!" Mala whined, pinching her nose.

"Don't be such a baby, princess. Just hold your breath and stay close," he said, waving for her to follow him into the pipe. With every step they took, the sewage squished and muck sprayed up onto their legs. Mala squealed a few times and even grabbed onto Remy when she saw a couple rats. Remy, however, just rolled his eyes and kept going. When she squealed again and complained at the smell, Remy grabbed her wrist and pulled her through the rest of the sewer along with him.

"Oh that was disgusting!" Mala cried, trying to shake as much of the sewage as she could off her.

"Quiet!" he hissed, pushing her into a nearby alleyway after they climbed out of the sewer into the Fire Kingdom. "Ok, the palace is up there. If you want to see your boyfriend, make it quick."

"He's not my boyfriend!" Mala argued. "And you're not coming with me?"

"No! For all I know I could be walking into a trap!"

"Do you honestly think I'd be capable of setting up a trap for you?" she asked.

"No, but I'm not taking any chances. You go in yourself and we'll meet back up when you're done."

"Where can I find you?" she asked.

"I'll find you," Remy insisted.

"And here I thought you were starting to trust me," she muttered. "I shouldn't be too long!" Mala quickly transformed back into her demon form and instantly turned invisible. She sprouted her crystal wings and flew up to the palace. She had never been to the Fire Kingdom before so she didn't know where Drago's room or anything was in the palace. She found a large open window and flew in, but remained invisible. She'd just have to look around the palace herself until she found Drago. She carefully flew down hallways and up stairs, avoiding patrol guards and the dragon demons that patrolled with them until she finally caught sight of Drago as he disappeared behind two large doors. Carefully, she opened the door and followed him inside.

"Show yourself!" Drago shouted, forming two fireballs in his hands. He noticed the door open and close on its own after he entered his room. Doors didn't just open and close on their own.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Mala cried, becoming visible as she held up her hands in defence. "It's just me!"

"Mala?" Drago gasped, extinguishing the fireballs. "What are you doing here? I've been worried sick about you! I heard you were kidnapped by humans!" he cried, running up to her and hugging her tightly.

"I know! That's why I wanted to see you, to let you know I'm ok. And 'kidnapped' may not be the right word in this context," she laughed nervously.

"What do you mean?" he asked in confusion.

"I sort of actually… ran away with one…" she revealed hesitantly.

"What are you talking about? Why would you run away with a human? Mala, what's going on?"

"Drago, just listen to me! I found out who my father is!"

"You did? Who?" he asked.

"Jasper! My mother's servant," she answered.

"The human? What? And you believed whatever crazy person told you this?"

"I heard my mother say so herself and I can do this!" Mala took a step back and transformed into her human form, wearing the Ryder uniform Remy had given her.

"Wha?" Drago gasped, unable to even find the words. He stepped back from her, shocked, maybe even horrified at what he was seeing.

"Just listen to me, Drago. If my father is human, then there's a good chance your mother might be too!"

"Shut up! I am not half-human! I'm a fire demon! Don't you even dare suggest anything different!" Drago roared angrily.

"But Drago, that might be why we can't find anything about her!" Mala cried, trying to reason with him.

"You're wrong! I am son of the Fire Demon Sorcerer! No weakling human is my mother! You don't know what you're saying!" he yelled, grabbing her arm.

"What are you doing?" she cried, trying to pull her arm from his grip.

"Taking you to my father so he can talk some sense into you!"

"No!" she shouted, ripping her arm free from him claws. "Drago, I know this can be hard to accept. I had trouble accepting that I was half-human too, but once I realized it was the truth, I knew I had to help them!"

"Help the humans? That's what you're doing? Are you insane?"

"I'd like to think that I'm not!" Mala bit back, crossing her arms. "Drago, we can't just sit around while our people suffer! We have to help the humans! They're part of us!"

"No! I am a demon! I will never help the humans! Don't you dare suggest that I'm part human, ever!"

"Drago, please!" Mala begged.

"Get out! Just get out, traitor! As long you're siding with the humans, I never want to see your face again!" Drago roared.

Mala's eyes began tearing up, hurt by his words, each of which felt like a dagger piercing into her heart. "I…I thought you were my friend…" she muttered sadly before turning back into her demon form and flying out the window.

"I SAID GET OUT!" Drago roared, blindly throwing a fireball towards her. He hadn't aimed his throw at all, but the fireball avoided Mala and instead struck the curtains of his window, causing them to catch on fire.

Down below from the streets, Remy caught sight of a small shimmer in the sky. It had to be Mala. But where was she going? He followed the shimmer as best he could, only to see it disappear behind the walls enclosing the kingdom. Going back out through the sewers, he finally found Mala, in her human form, sitting on an old log hunched over. Based on the sniffling he heard and how much her shoulders shook, he had to say that she was crying. He approached her slowly and she made no motion in response nor did she give any indication that she knew he was here. As he sat down next to her, he avoided looking at her, hoping that the tension in the atmosphere would somehow dissolve on its own. Sadly, that didn't happen. When he saw no other option, he finally spoke up and turned to look at her.

"I take it things didn't go too well?" he asked.

"No…" she mumbled quietly in her arms. When she finally raised her face from her arms, Remy could see her red and puffy eyes as tears continued streaming down her face. She sniffled loudly as she wiped the tears off her face. "H-he didn't believe me and the way he looked at me…he might as well have called me a monster!"

Remy sighed and raised his arm around Mala to lightly pat her back reassuringly. "You're not a monster," he said. He didn't realize what he said for a few seconds. What had gotten in to him? Why was he so concerned with a demon's feelings? But there was no taking back his words now that they were out. "You're just a girl."

"He and I knew each other since we were kids…I thought he'd listen to me! I thought he'd believe me! But he just told me to leave! He said he never wanted to see me again!" she wailed, inhaling sharply to try and hold in the tears that threatened to fall once more.

"You can't always predict how people will react. Look, I know you're upset right now, but we shouldn't stay here. You might not like to hear this, but Drago's probably going to tell his father about this," Remy said, standing up.

"You're right," she said, standing up with him and wiping off the last of the tears. "We should leave before Shen Du sends guards after us. Don't worry about me," she insisted. "I can keep it together, I promise."

"Dad," Drago called, entering his father's study.

"Why have you disturbed me? Can't you see I'm busy?" his father hissed at him angrily.

"It's important! Mala was just here."

"Lang Yan's daughter? What are you talking about? Reports stated that she was kidnapped from the Crystal Kingdom!"

"Well the reports are wrong. Mala wasn't kidnapped, she ran away… with a human."

Shen Du narrowed his eyes at his son angrily. "I don't have time for ridiculous stories, son."

"I'm telling the truth! She told me herself that she ran away with a human because she found out who her father is."

"Who?" Shen Du asked, intrigued.

"Jasper Reid, her mother's servant," Drago answered.

Shen Du's eyes widened suddenly as he angrily slammed the desk in his study into the wall, shattering it and scattering the papers all across the floor. "I KNEW IT!" he roared angrily. "I knew that witch was hiding something! I should have known she'd use the book to hide her secrets!"

"What are you talking about?" Drago asked.

"The Book of Ages, where all history is magically recorded. It is how I was able to create all of this! But, in exchange for Lang Yan's help, I allowed her to make her own changes so long as they did not conflict with mine. And now that I know what she's been hiding, I can take the Crystal Kingdom and crush Lang Yan beneath my heel," Shen Du grinned widely.

"And what about Mala?"

"That half-breed has made her choice. For siding with the humans, she must die."

Man, is it me or do a lot of people want Mala dead? XD

Well I could also use some suggestions for what to write about in this story next. I'd like to bring the focus back onto Linos and company since the past few chapters have been very Mala and Remy centric. Again, please put thought into ideas if you choose to suggest some.

Also kinda getting back into Sonic the Hedgehog right now... in particular that Black Knight fic I started ages ago. Thoughts?