Love now, Love Always.

Hello! Back, because someone liked my writing enough to request a new story!

Again, another Hotchner/Reid story, this one will be a multi chapter, all about their relationship!
This is dedicated to 'Sue1313' I really hope you like this, and it's what you had in mind! To everyone else, I also hope you enjoy this!

This part is almost like a prologue... so sorry about it being short!

A/N – No Hayley or Jack, this also takes place before the show actually started...

Please, read, review and enjoy!

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Love now, love always, I saw my mum write it in a card once to my dad on his birthday, I never really understood why she wrote it because a year later me and my sister watched our dad pack his bags and leave without even a word.

I saw my godmother say it at the christening of her youngest son, but the next day she was moaning about how much she regretted having him, saying she was too old. But then I read the letters that were sent between my grandparents. I saw that to some people 'Love now, love always' meant something. Of course, when you grow up you want to love someone as much as you love your teddy bear but when you're grown up I guess you see the world differently, and by the world I mean love.

Of course, your parents say they love you, but they have too, right?
Friends will say they love you, but is there any meaning behind that?

However, when the love of your life says they love you, it's almost like you don't question it, maybe because when the love of your life says 'Love now, Love Always' you hope and pray it will always be like that? Maybe when you start to write it and not say it, it loses meaning, but maybe marriage makes it worthless, maybe it means more in a relationship when they fell in love at first sight?
Love now, Love Always, maybe it was the people? Maybe it was the people, maybe it was the love they had for each other, maybe love now love always, was their vow, for now, and forever?

What if love now, love always was a rule to live by?

"Papa, what does love now, love always mean?"
"It means I and your father will love each other for the rest of our lives..."
"It means I and Papa fell in love and from that moment on we decided to love each other forever."
People's marriages crash and burn, people regret the decision to have children; friends say I love you and it means nothing...

However, there are people in this world who will say 'Love now, Love Always' and mean it.

Aaron Hotchner was a man of few words, but 'Love now, Love always' was a phrase that would forever be in his vocabulary.

Spencer Reid loved his work, but he loved him more, so from the moment they'd met, 'Love now, Love always' was almost like a vow, a vow to be together forever.

"I love you now and I will love you always." It was that simple.

I really hope you like this so far and decide to stick around!
'Sue1313' I really hope you enjoyed this, thank you for the ideas!
I hope you all decide to review!
Thank you for reading!
Until next time!