Sorry I've been away for a while but I'm struggling with school and stress ;-;

Vastra couldn't stand it any longer. Jenny's screams were deafening and it broke Vastra's heart. She wanted to be in there with her darling wife, but Jenny knew that it would be torture for her to see her in such a state. Even so, Vastra had now decided to burst in and hold Jenny's hand.

Then the screaming stopped just as Vastra ran in and Jenny flopped back, exhausted and filled with relief that the pain was over. Strax held a small bundle of blankets in his arms. "It's a girl! Shall I destroy it?" He said excitedly. Vastra glared at him and snatched the baby off him, being careful not to be too aggressive as she did so, cradling the little mammal gently in her arms.

"Shh, shh... Let's go over to Mummy. Look at you, little one! So beautiful..." Jenny held the baby girl and stroked her hair, unraveling the blankets and wrapping her up in a more comfortable fashion than Strax could manage.

"Hello, sweetheart. I'm your mother. And that grumpy green lady is as well." The child opened her eyes and stared at Jenny, who was smiling tenderly. "She's got your eyes, Vastra."

Madame Vastra walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. The little mammal had the brightest, bluest eyes in the world, and the Silurian felt as though she wanted to protect and spoil her forever and ever.

"What shall we name our little darlin'?" Jenny asked, looking up.

"You choose. We agreed if it's a girl, you choose and if it's a boy, I choose, so fire away."

"I quite like Annabelle. Suits her, don't you think?"

Vastra smiled. "Hello, little Annabelle."

Jenny then wanted to sleep, so Vastra sat in a chair next to her and held Annabelle in her arms, speaking to her softly.

"When you're a bit older you will see not everyone is like me and your mother. No ape seems to support the idea of us being together, but you will be different, darling, and you'll be the most beautiful mammal to have walked the Earth." Annabelle gurgled softly and started crying, waking Jenny up.

"Vastra? What's wrong? Where's Annabelle?!" Jenny was suddenly up and alert, her eyes searching.

"She's here, safe and sound. I think she's hungry, dear." Vastra passed Jenny Annabelle, and her wife sighed with relief. Strax had to show her how to breast feed, and Jenny was honestly surprised on how much he knew.

"You were right about her being hungry!" The younger woman laughed softly.

"Do you think I'll be a good mother?"

Jenny smiled softly. "Of course I do. You're doing everything right so far anyway. It's like you're born to do this."

"Thank you, Jenny." Vastra couldn't believe it.

She had a family again.


Thanks for reading! Think I'll make this a series if you all like it :)