T/N: It was a busy night… Party! And beforehand I had worked all night it is not a good combo.

Oh and…

Disclaimer: I do not own Finder Series

(nor Disappearance… you know, only the translator here… damn it! Yuki-kun is awesome!)

Disappearance I

Chapter 8

Two men sped silently through the never ending halls of the ship. They had lost their way a few times already. It was a maze.

They had met fewer people than when they had first come. Few guards had given them a hard time. Hishigi had swiftly ended any fight without a sweat.

They finally stood on the dock. The cold wind chilled Akihito to the bone. He clutched his gun tighter.

He searched the area surrounding them. Movement on his right brought his attention to Yukimura and his team. They were coming from the ship.

Akihito's heart could have burst in his chest when he saw Asami being aided by Kirishima walking towards them. He seemed to hurt. His lover had difficulties to walk and was more a deadweight then anything else. Knowing Asami he had to be really hurt to let someone help him. Akihito's choked on his breath when he heard his lover's mutter a painful chuckle.

Weapons in hands Hishigi and Akihito quickly went to join their companions. Feilong was carried by Yukimura's henchman. He had passed out again. Otsu Takaba was walking next to the Mafioso. Suoh was bringing up to the rear.

Feeling his lover's presence behind him, Asami turned around. Akihito, eyes focused in front of him passed by the yakuza without a look, a gun in each hand.

The young man did not hesitate one second when he saw a guard targetting them. A bullet in the heart. A clean hit. The man went down. Hishigi and Akihito positioned themselves in front of the small group slaying every foe.

Too tired to feel even a bit surprised, Asami let himself be guided to the black sedans. Yukimura's goons took over, protecting their boss. Akihito sat next to his precious lover in the car. One thing was important in his eyes. Taking care of his injuries, "To the hospital!" He ordered.

Kirishima didn't wait to be told twice and departed swiftly after the order. The second sedan driven by Hishigi followed close behind. In it, Yukimura, Feilong and Suoh. Otsu Takaba sat in the front seat next to Kirishima. She was still struck by the recent events of the day.

The young ma knew his mother was strong. For now, she was trying to overcome the shock that she had experienced. Then the questions would fall. And he was not prepared to answer them all. He still felt relieved. Even though the three Mafiosos were still breathing, his mother didn't seem hurt.

Suddenly Akihito felt a weight on his shoulder. Asami's head had fallen on him, passing out again.

The young man did not fight his smile and gently embraced his lover, a hand on his freezing cheek. He tried to warm his lover by bringing him closer to his chest. Asami groaned but did not wake up.

Akihito sighted in relief, freed from his anxious mind. He dreamily stroked the yakuza's jet black hair. He placed his head on his lover's breathing in his particular soothing scent he had missed so much. Do not think, do not think.

Think only of Asami…

Asami's eyes opened with difficulty. His surroundings were blurry. He fought for a moment but could not stay awake and slumped once more into nothingness. It was Feilong's cries that awoke him again and groaned in frustration when he saw that he was laying in a hospital bed. He hated hospitals. His men should have brought him home. Hospitals were too exposed.

What he hated more than anything was that horrible clean smell and those hypocrite nurses. He was still weak but the Chinese's loud yelling was not curing his headache. Feilong felt Asami come to and began to vent louder not thinking of the yakuza's state.

"Tell her, to that shrew, that I'm fine and can go back home!"

Asami only understood half of it and because the Triad leader had woke him up he decided to answer with a glare. Whose idea was it to put him in the same room as him? First the hospital and now that! They would not know what is coming…

"Shrew?" The woman said outraged, "They almost beat you to death, you will stay here till the doctors are satisfied with your recovery!"


"My sons think otherwise," Said the woman. Silence followed her words and she felt surprised. She could not help lifting her hands in surrender. He eyes switched from the Japanese man whose eyes were opened wide to the Chinese who had not closed his mouth. It was Asami who spoke first.

"Your… what?"

"My…" Hesitated Otsu Takaba, "They told you nothing?"

Asami's menacing face threatened her to speak more.

"Yuki-kun is the son I had when I first married. Akihito is my second son, from a young love. I thought…"

"They played us…" Muttered the Chinese man, pouting in his bed.

"You need to switch the roles from time to time…" Said Yukimura full of sarcasm. He entered the room in quick strides, glancing briefly at the Chinese man before kissing his mother's forehead. He hugged her for a few seconds before letting go. "They aren't annoying you, I hope?"

"Don't worry Yuki-kun, I learned how to keep a man in bed at the best school. You two drove me nuts."

"True" Burst out Yukimura giving his mother another kiss.

"Yooooouuuuuuuu!" Menaced Feilong who felt like he would go to hell and back to tell the mafioso what he had on his mind.

Asami cut him and with a rough voice said, "Where's Akihito?"

"He's with the doctors" Answered Yukimura, "He shouldn't be long." A fleeting smile appeared on his lips as he saw the still bruised men. It gave them a manly look. Yukimura came to Feilong's side and caressed his foot covered plaster and kept going to his knee.

Without feeling the contact, Feilong could not help not tremble. He glared, preparing what he was going to say. "Don't even think of…"

Yukimura did not let him finish his sentence and went for the kill, pressing his lips against the Triad leader. When he let go of his tender lips he stayed just above the young man, their breath mingling. The young man closed his eyes, it felt so good and forgetting where he was, with who, why, his name. The tempter's lips descended on his neck, his nose drawing the outline of his neck. Feilong could not hold back a long sight and he trembled in the bed sheets.

It was like that that Akihito found them when he entered the room. Akihito smiled when he noticed his mother's blushing face. Feilong had not sensed him but Yukimura gave him a wave smiling cheekily his way and promptly went back to torture his victim.

In a moment the man's mother felt she was one too many and an invisible force pushed her out of the room. Thought, she did not forget to kiss and hug her son before. Akihito tightened his grip on her before letting her go. Closing the door behind her door he grew tense.

It was strange, he had dreamed of seeing him again but when he wanted to be in front of his lover again he just felt stiff and scared?

The yakuza stared at his lover and like Kirishima, he too saw the differences in his character. Asami discreetly smiled, he knew it wouldn't displease him. He followed the line his muscles created through his tight shirt and inspected his new form. Perfect hips and ass, he thought. He licked his lips just thinking of what may happen.

Akihito felt his burning stare and slowly turned around. His wicked stare was for him and Akihito understood he wanted him at ease. He came closer to the bed, sitting next to his companion, holding his hand.

Suddenly, Akihito's features contorted into a sad expression. He had not taken the good… hand. The bandages hid his cut finger from his sight. It had been his fault. It was his fault. Slowly placing it back on the bed, Akihito looked away trying to hide his tears.

Asami had watched his many feelings passing over his face. He was so easy to read, still. He sighed, why was he making it a big deal. He took hold of his chin and brought him closer and murmured in his ear: "It is only a finger, idiot."

Trembling, Akihito placed a hand on his chest and pressed his lips against his.

Asami knew then, that their relationship had changed. It had already developed coming back from Macao. Akihito had accepted to live with him. But, this time was different. Akihito had grown. He was not a victim anymore. He was his equal. He was his… man. He could have blushed at the thought. But it was with his usual fervent need that he kissed him back. His young lover fell into his arms breaking out a painful groan, but Akihito did nothing. Their tongues battled for dominance like the violins and the trumpets in a concert. Akihito's eyes blackened with lust and desire. How much time had he waited for this? His eyes fell into golden depths and never resurfaced. He did not desire it anyway.

It was only one of Feilong's louder moans that shook them from their trance.

T/N: I'm going to update each Sunday. Easier that way.

Chapter 9 is the last chapter of Disappearance I. I need a piece of advice. Do I open up another whole story for DII? Or do I continue it in DI? And I call it Disappearance part 2?

This is what Mzak did, she did two stories, one D and the other one DII.

… so… What do I do?