Rin was so fucked. So utterly, completely and undeniably fucked.

Sousuke warned him, told him specifically not to get involved and what does he do? The exact opposite.

The soft bundle of milky white skin and silky fur shifts in his arms with a soft groan, the sharp tangy scent of blood penetrates the redheads nostrils. The mermans head shot downwards sharply staring at the small selkie cradled to his chest, a light red stream slowly swirling upwards from a rather large cut blooming on the silver haired selkies head.

Double fuck, now not only was he going to have to explain this to his sister and his best friend, but he was also going to have to explain this to his the gentle giant and his mackerel addicted lover. The boat he was currently floating in creaked ominously. Rin felt the water shift with the precariously tilting boat, warning bells going off in his head. They had to get out and soon.

Shifting the fragile cargo in his arms he tried to settle the smaller boy into a safer position. Turning back to the large torn opening in the side of boat, the redhead slowly swam towards it. Hoping not to disturb the water to much, to help prevent the boat from further making up its mind about toppling over the side and into the ravine.

Slowly and steadily the two made progress to their escape from certain death. Right as Rin was halfway out of the small tear the boat began to creak again but this time much louder and much faster, the boat was tilting completely and began to make a fast and direct descent.

With a strong push of his tail Rin propelled himself and the selkie in his arms forward. But a jagged end of the metal opening caught his gray fin, the sharp burn of his flesh tearing caused the larger boy to hiss in irritation. He ignored it as he continued strong smooth strokes with his tail getting them both away from the current danger at hand.

It isn't until he's at the edge of the abandoned reef that he turns and watched the boat continue its imminent fall into the darkness of the large crevice. Panting lightly in exertion he froze all movement when the selkie in his arms began to squirm.

Looking down at the currently unconscious bundle in his arms he watched as the selkie shifted, eyes and nose scrunching cutely before softening again. Rin ignored the warmth that grew in his belly, his thoughts were stolen from the small selkie in his arms as he felt the sting of his wound.

Turning to examine it, the redhead found it was long but not incredibly deep and would be an easy fix.

Shifting the small white furred selkie in his arms he continued on his way twisting and turning through large outcrops of rocks as he headed towards his destination. When the large cave came into view Rin began to lengthen his tail strokes moving faster. When he reached the outside of the cave he slowed before gently slapping his fin against the outside of the rock, to allow the caves inhabitants to know he was there.

Haru's dark head popped out from the depths of the cave and he gave Rin an unimpressed look, which was fairly impressive considering his expression was the same as it always was. Rin just mirrored the expression. But when the other mermans eyes lowered to the small white fluffy bundle in his arms Rin felt his cheeks begin to heat up, he growled lightly as he tried to force the embarrassment down.

"Is Makoto here?" Haru nodded silently but Rin's temper flared when he saw the shadows of a smug smirk flit across his friends face. Before he could say anything Haru's face was suddenly his tail as the other mer retreated into the cave, Rin reluctantly followed.

The cave wasn't large but it was comfortable and obviously well lived in, there was a slight clutter but not enough to feel messy. A bed made of moss and other soft things was in the far corner, the cave itself had shelves carved into it, the shelves had multicolored bottles and jars scattered across them. The cave itself had odd knick knacks found from shipwrecks and other random trinkets Haru must have dragged in scattered aimlessly around the cave.

Makoto was swaying in the far corner where a metal trunk lay, his large black and white tail making anything not pinned down spin away from the powerful currents his tail was creating. He held a small stone bowl in his hands as he ground something green into paste.

Haru continued forward and circled the larger mer a few times before wrapping his arms around his shoulders and pressing his face into fluffy brown locks. Makoto laughed quietly and looked up from his work. He reached back to pet Haru's dark hair before turning his attention to Rin. His eyes instantly darted to the white mass in his arms.

"Is he hurt?" Makoto asked setting the bowl down and swimming forward to inspect the selkie, with Haru still attached.

"Yeah, but I'm not sure how bad. When I found him he was unconscious." Makoto nodded in understanding as he gently pushed silver locks back so he could get a better look at the pale skinned boy. With the white selkies hair out of the way a large red gash was now easily seen.

"Go set him on the nest and I'll get something ready." Rin followed the gentle command and as with as tenderly as he could. The boy clutched at him for a moment before he relaxed again and slipped from his arms onto the bedding.

"You're hurt."

Haru's quiet voice startled Rin and he spun around to face his friend who watched him with an almost amused glint in his eyes. Rin growled but then his friends words registered and now that he remembered the cut began to sting. He twisted to get a better look at the gash and sneered at it. Makoto was there in moments looking at the gash, manhandling Rin so he could get a better look.

"It isn't too bad, no need to worry." Rin rolled his eyes, the irony that the only one really worried was Makoto himself. The orca mer took off to the trunk and after unlatching it he began to rummage around inside. He pulled out long strips of thin baby seal fur, it was often collected after the babies shed and then woven into long bands that were used for healing purposes.

Rin sat on an open edge of the bed near the selkie's head as the largest mer continued to rush around the room collecting supplies. His eyes wandered back to the selkie that lay immobile on the nest. He'd only seen the boy from afar but he seemed so familiar. Something about him tickled his memory, and not just because this little selkie had been spying on him since forever. Though in his defense Sousuke had accused him of stalking the white selkie right back, though Rin resented that. Rin wasn't sure why this boy reminded him of something, though honestly after his father's tragic death everything before then had become rather fuzzy.

But Rin was going to take this chance to get a closer look at the other boy. His first major observation was the little beauty mark near his eye, his eyes kept roaming taking in milky white skin and soft pink lips. His eyes lingered for a moment on the puffy white collar of fur that grew around his neck. Rin found his eyes lingered there for a moment.

"There." Makoto patted Rin's fin gently, Rin looked down in surprise to see his tail now wrapped tightly in the soft bandages. "Now, let's see to our little guest." Makoto smiled reassuringly at the redhead before straightening from his bent position and swimming back towards the many shelves of the cave. His large fingers roamed over each jar and container as he searched for each in particular ingredient.

"Oh, where is it?" The brunette grumbled. "Haru!" He called over his shoulder, the ravenette perked at the sound of his name. "Can you come help me." It wasn't a request though it didn't have the harshness of a command. Either way the dolphin finned mer floated towards where his lover was and began to help him search through the many bottles and vials.

Rin returned his attention to the small bundle on the bed, as if sensing his gaze the selkie began to squirm. He let out a small moan of pain and his muscles tensed as he twisted against the soft bedding.

Rin's hands shot out and he gently held the other boy still until his body calmed. As he slowly released the white selkie he found himself running his fingers through his soft silver hair in a soothing manner, a motion he'd done a hundred times with Gou. He couldn't help but smile as the small selkie let out a happy little hum.


Rin froze and slowly turned to face Sousuke's cold gaze. Rin felt a lot like a child being caught after bedtime as he stared at his friend.

"Uhh, hey Sousuke." Rin tried to flash his friend an innocent smile, though it came out more like a grimace. Rin was so fucked.