Authors' Note: Thank you Nonnally for three things:

One - Being my second set of eyes on this chapter and beta-ing it.

Two - Being awesome.

Three - Putting up with all my extra special cray this week.

I really appreciate it.

"Ciel," Alois whispers as he hovers over the bed. "Will you get up?" He throws back the blankets making Ciel curl up into a tight ball at the sudden shock of cold air.

"I am up!" Ciel growls as his hand pats along beside him, searching for the blankets. Unable to find them he whines at the chill and balls himself up tighter, pulling his nightshirt over his knees.

"You're not dressed and we have to get going," Alois admonishes.

"Fine, I'll get dressed now," he sighs, rolling onto his stomach and pushing himself up.

"Good 'cause we have to hit the library before Sutcliffs' class."

"We'll get there, don't worry," Ciel yawns as he stretches out. Exhaling loudly and rolling his eyes, Alois strides over to the wardrobe, opening it and pulling out a crisp white shirt and trousers.

"No, you see, I do worry because you're always late," Alois complains, going back over to the bed. He neatly lays the outfit down as Ciel stares at him, watching him smooth the fabric.

"I'm sorry Alois; it's just hard to get out of bed sometimes."

"I know how hard it must be," Alois agrees as he nods.


They're silent for a moment, then Ciel slides out of bed. His feet land on the floor softly. Rolling his right ankle, he grimaces as a dull ache runs up his calf. He puts a little pressure on it to gauge how painful it is. It's not that bad, just as Sebastian had said. Even the swelling has gone down.

"How's your ankle?" Alois asks as he rummages around in the top drawer of Ciel's dresser. Ciel pulls the trousers over onto his lap; he puts his right foot through the leg, taking care not to aggravate it.

"It's fine, a little painful but I can manage."

"That's good," Alois says and smiles, "Sebastian did a good job hey?"

"It was adequate," Ciel responds sharply. Alois shakes his head as he continues to rummage through the drawer.

"Why don't you like him?"

Standing, Ciel slips the trousers on over his thighs, leaving them unbuttoned at the hips. They drop slightly on his hipbones as he quickly takes off his nightshirt, tossing it on to the bed and grabbing the fresh one.

"What do you mean? I don't even know him."

"Yeah, but the way you treated him, it was pretty harsh, even for you," Alois notes, pulling out a white and blue striped tie.

"He keeps trying to help me, it's annoying," Ciel snorts as he finishes buttoning his shirt at the collar.

"Oh you poor baby, a nice guy is trying to help you," Alois mocks in a childish voice.

"I don't need help."

"You're scared to leave the room," Alois states solemnly while closing the drawer.

"I'm fine."

Alois saunters over to him with the tie laced in between his fingers, stopping in front of Ciel, he holds out his hands. Pulling the tie from his friend, Ciel throws it over the back of his neck. Alois smiles as he takes a step forward and wraps his hands around the loose fabric. He loops it around itself as he ties it.

"You say that a lot, you know," Alois remarks.

"Because it's true."

"No, it's not."

"I don't need help. Ever since my parents died I have been on my own, I survived on my own and I think..." He drifts off for a moment as Alois still holds onto his tie. "I think that's how my life is supposed to be."

"Well that sounds lonely," Alois says then sighs as he finishes tying Ciels' tie into a Windsor knot and sliding it up to the base of his throat.

Ciel shrugs, "Maybe, but it is how it is."

"And I'm saying that it doesn't have to be."

"I know."

Dropping his hands, Alois smiles at Ciel as he reaches up to adjust the knot and smooth his collar down around it. Alois walks over to the desk and grabs the silk eye patch lying on a stack of books and passes it to his friend. Ciel takes it from him, shaking out the ribbons and placing the patch over his eye. Going around him, Alois collects the loose strands of ribbon and ties them into a neat bow behind his head.

The two friends carry out their daily routine in a comfortable silence as they finish getting ready to leave. Milling around the room, they gather paper work, collect books and shove all of it in their respective book bags. Plopping their bags by the door, they slip on their uniform jackets and smooth out any creases. Alois glances over at Ciel who is gripping the edge of his jacket tightly, unblinkingly staring forward and sighing out.

Reaching over, Alois brushes his hand past Ciels', causing the boy to smile wearily.

"I'm okay," he assures Alois. "It's just another day."

"Exactly, just another day."

Picking up their bags and slinging them over their shoulders, Alois opens the door, holding out his hand, motioning for Ciel to go first. Once Ciel is out the door, he follows, shutting it behind him.

Outside, they remain quiet as they walk down the corridor. Alois keeps glancing over to Ciel, whose expression is emotionless as he looks ahead. He wishes there was something he could do for him, something that would make his friend more at ease, but he knows that he can't, especially as Ciel never likes to be helped. Alois sees the struggle and strain he goes through on a daily basis and, sighing quietly, he knows that all he can do is keep on smiling and take care of him the best he can.

"Ciel, hey!" A voice calls out to them. Ciel cringes, instantly recognizing whom the voice belongs to and he starts to speed up. "Ciel, wait!" Sebastian calls out again.

"Ciel, come on," Alois puts his hand on his shoulder, slowing him down. Grumbling, Ciel rolls his eye as Sebastian catches up to them.

"Good morning to you both."

"Morning Sebastian," Alois says as greets Sebastian with a broad grin.

"Are you stalking me now?" Ciel huffs, picking up the pace again.

Sebastian shakes his head. "No, I just want to see how your ankle is doing."

"As you can see, it's fine."

"Yeah, it looks like you're walking on it okay." He smiles at the younger boy.

"I am."

"So, where are you guys off to?" Sebastian asks while adjusting the sagging strap of his satchel up his shoulder.

"The mess hall," Ciel replies bluntly.

"Oh great, I'm headed there too. I'll walk with you."

"Sure!" Alois agrees.

"You don't have to," Ciel mumbles.

"But I want to. Is that okay?" Sebastian asks, not taking his eyes from Ciel.

"Of course it's okay," Alois says cheerfully then looks at his friend, "Ciel?"

"Fine, whatever," Ciel sighs.

As they carry on down the corridor, Ciel hurries himself along in an attempt to get away from Sebastian, whose one stride is three of his. Deeming it almost impossible to out pace him, Ciel slows down and starts to walk alongside him. Alois hangs back, completely amused by the whole scenario and how uncomfortable his friend actually is. Ciel sighs as he starts to walk in rhythm with Sebastian, who just smiles, causing him to wrinkle his face into a scowl.

"So, Ciel, where are you from?" He asks.

"England." Ciel answers curtly.

"I figured that much, I mean where in England?"

"Herefordshire." Alois interjects.

"Alois!" Ciel spits.

"Well he asked and you weren't answering."

Ciel rolls his eye. "He's just being nosy."

"No, I'm really not. I just want to get to know you," Sebastian defends.

Ciel gives him a suspicious look. "Why?"

"I don't know, I thought that maybe we could be friends?"

"I have enough friends," Ciel answers coolly.

"And you couldn't have one more?" Sebastian questions.

"You could always use more friends, Ciel." Alois titters from the back. He can't see it but he knows Ciel must be grimacing at that remark.

Sebastian sighs in defeat. "Okay, not friends then. But how about this, let me protect you."

Ciel's eye opens wide and he says, "You want to what?"

"Protect you. Make sure you're okay," Sebastian answers then smiles his best cheerful smile.

Stopping suddenly, Ciel turns to Sebastian, his mouth drops open to protest but before he can utter a syllable, Claude comes up from behind and interrupts them.

"Michaelis, where did you go this morning?" he asks.

"And who is this?" Alois inquires, pushing Sebastian to the side as he steps in front of Claude.

"This is my roommate, Claude Faustus," Sebastian begins, "May I introduce you to-"

"Alois Trancy, it's nice to make your acquaintance." The blonde says as he interrupts Sebastian and holds his hand out. Claudes' eyes drop to as if look at it but he ignores Alois, turning back to Sebastian.

"Playing with children now?" He asks with an arched brow.

"Children?" Alois pouts, "I'll have you know that I'm not a child, I'm fourteen."

Claude folds his arms across his chest as he stares at a sulking Alois.

"The very definition of a child," Claude replies.

"And how old are you?" Alois asks.


"Well I'll be fifteen in November so, there." Alois snorts. Claude sighs derisively as he pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Really now Michaelis, just when I start to think better of you," He shakes his head.

"I'm walking them to the mess hall." Sebastian states.

"Because they can't get there on their own?"

"Excuse me but we are quite capable of getting there on our own." Ciel snaps.

"Of course you are. No one was saying that you weren't." Sebastian says as he smiles.

"It was implied," Ciel accuses.

"I don't think Claude meant anything by what he said," Alois interjects.

"Yes I did." Claude agrees then smirks. Scowling, Ciel stamps his foot down to get their attention.

"Okay, that's it! Sebastian, listen to me," Ciel begins. "I don't need or want you as a friend and I certainly don't need your protection. So, please, just leave me be, please," Sebastian looks at him and then his face softens.

"All right, if that is really what you want?"

"It is," Ciel confirms. "So just, go."

Sebastian nods solemnly. "Okay," he resigns. "See you around, Ciel."

"Good bye Sebastian." Ciel says. His face remains stern as Claude shakes his head, completely confused by the whole interaction.

"Come on Michaelis, you heard him," Claude says as he pulls Sebastian by the sleeve and they start to leave.

Alois and Ciel watch them go as they head down the corridor. Alois slaps Ciel on the side of his arm, sending him forward slightly.

"Ow, what was that for?" Ciel hisses as he soothes his arm.

"What is wrong with you?" Alois asks.

Ciel shakes his head. "Nothing, what is wrong with you?"

"Ugh, never mind." Alois groans as they start to make their way to the mess hall.


The following day, Sebastian sits at his laptop, staring blankly at the screen. The room is dimly lit by early morning sunlight seeping in through the slit in the closed drapes. He is trying to study but he can't seem to focus his attention.

Picking up his pen, he rolls it in between his thumb and index finger, tapping it down on an open notebook. After yesterday, it has become apparent to him that he will need to try a little harder to get into Ciels' good graces, but how? Sebastian isn't used to being rejected, his intellect, charm and handsome good looks typically make him irresistible to everyone he comes across but Ciel seems to somehow be immune. A fact that annoys and frustrates the young man. All he wants is to get to know Ciel, spend time with him and protect him though they have only just met.

All of this confuses him; he's never felt like this before nor has he really cared for anyone, let alone someone he's known for less than forty-eight hours. However, there is something about Ciel that intrigues and captivates him, even though he knows next to nothing to about him.

Closing his eyes, Sebastian tries to remember the way Ciel looks and how he carries himself; he imagines that he is somehow here with him. What would that be like? He thinks. Would Ciel be coquettish and shy or would he be boisterous and domineering. Somehow Sebastian knows that he would be neither, probably never wanting to be caught dead in his room, especially as the young boy wants nothing to do with him.

Still, his imagination runs rampant, envisioning picnics and boat rides along the Thames. Their meetings will be perfectly chaste until the day Ciel has a stray eyelash on his cheek. Sebastian will lean over and gently sweep it away, making the boy blush furiously under his delicate touch. Ciel looks away but he licks his lips, inviting him to come closer. Sebastian slides his hand to the back of his head and draws him near, Ciel turns to him, his eye flutters and slowly closes as his lips part. Sebastian runs his nose over his, breathing out just before their lips meet.

"Michaelis, what on Earth are you doing?" Claude questions mid yawn as he sits up in bed, rubbing his eyes. Sebastian opens his eyes and immediately sits up and drops his pen down on his notebook.

"Thinking," he answers on a sigh.

"Not this again? Must we go through this every morning?"

"I'm not thinking about the usual stuff," he admits.

"Then what is it?"

Sliding the pen along the crease of the notebook, Sebastian shakes his head for a moment, and then turns to Claude.

"Do you believe in love at first sight?" he asks. Claude snorts as he reaches over, picking up his glasses from the bedside table.

"Absolutely not. Don't be ridiculous," he scoffs.

"Yes. You're quite right. It's ridiculous." Sebastian agrees as he nods. The question itself is silly. How can he be in love with someone he just met, especially when he knows next to nothing about him? Thinking for a moment, he smiles as he closes his laptop.

"Where are you going?" Claude asks.

"I have to do something." He states as he stacks his books and notebook on top of the laptop.

"So early?"

Sebastian picks everything up and moves it to his bed as he looks around for his uniform jacket, finding it hanging over the door of the wardrobe.

"What time is it?" he wonders outloud.

"Half past seven."

"Oh, well I'll walk around a bit first then."

"Walk around? Michaelis, what are you up to?" Claude inquires. Sebastian puts his jacket on, slipping it over his arms; he buttons it and heads towards the door.

"Nothing. I'll catch up with you later." He waves as he leaves. Claude watches him go with a look of utter confusion as Sebastian shuts the door behind him.

Walking down the hall Sebastian starts to work his plan through in his mind. The boy needs someone to protect him, which is what Sebastian wants to do, however, Ciel has made it clear that he wants to be left alone. How can he protect someone who doesn't want protection? Smiling, Sebastian has an idea, he just needs to formulate it properly first.


Sebastian finishes mulling over his plan as he wanders around the campus. Feeling satisfied with what he's going to do, he checks his watch for the time. It's eight-fifteen, perfect; he smiles as he turns to make his way over to the mess hall.

Arriving, he stops just at the back and his ruddy brown eyes scour the hall. After a moment, they land on Ciel, sitting at one of the middle tables with Alois and a few other students. His plan is simple, as Ciel wishes to be left alone, that's exactly what he will do but that doesn't mean that Sebastian can't keep him safe from a respectable distance.

With that in mind, he stays at the back, watching and observing Ciel. The first thing he notices is how isolated he is from everyone but Alois, who is animated whilst he talks and holds court over the table. Everyone hangs onto his every word as though he is preaching the gospel, but Ciel remains unenthusiastic, sitting quietly as his friend carries on. Even though he isn't in the limelight, Ciel seems to be uncomfortable with the secondary attention he gets, as though social interaction is completely foreign to him.

After breakfast, they head to class with Sebastian following close behind. He's curious; they seem to be taking the long route instead of one that would get them to the lecture rooms quicker, which means they will be late for their lesson. Sebastian wonders why they would go the long way, but then he quickly realizes that it must be to avoid going through the quad and possibly running into Derrick.

As they carry on walking, Ciel stumbles; sending him forward and Alois quickly catches him. Sebastians' lips twitch, fighting not to smile as realizes that Ciels' shoelaces have come undone. Ducking behind a pillar, he peers around, seeing Alois lightly jibe him for not being able to tie a bow properly. Ciel snaps back a quick retort, which only makes the blond shake his head as he helps him up.

"He really is helpless," Sebastian chuckles softly as he recalls Ciel tripping over undone laces the day they met.

Finally arriving at their classroom, the boys go in and Sebastian leans on a nearby column, settling in for a long wait. He intends to stay here until the lesson finishes and follow along to the next one.

Only having been outside for less than twenty minutes, the door flies open and Ciel is marched out as he is thoroughly bollocked by Ms. Sutcliff. Sebastian smiles as he watches her drag Ciel out by the scruff of his collar and tells him to stand against the wall and wait until called back in. As soon as her back is turned, he sticks his tongue out, pulling down his waistcoat in a huff. Grumbling, he presses his shoulders on the wall, rolling his head back and closing his eye.

Sebastian stares at him, his cheeks aching from smiling too much, but he can't help it, the more he watches, the more he becomes enamored with the young boy. It's in the way he defiantly takes his punishment, how he leans against the wall, arms folded tightly across his chest with a haughty little pout on his lips. His stance and demeanor all prideful, as though nothing can touch him but Sebastian knows this is only a front.

Of all the things he has started to learn about Ciel, it's that however untouchable as he likes to pretend he is, Ciel is also very frightened. Sebastian has seen Ciel scared before, how that arrogant appearance he puts on quickly fades and is replaced by fear.

An hour passes, the bell rings declaring the lesson over and Alois comes bounding out of the room and over to Ciel. After handing him his books, the pair take off to their next lesson. Sebastian continues to trail behind them, carefully staying a safe distance so as not to be seen. He follows along with some of the other students, trying to blend in with them just in case Ciel turns around.

As he escorts him, Alois natters on about various bits of gossip he's heard, catching Ciel up on the news of the day or whatever else he missed while outside on detention. Nodding along to each new piece of information, Ciel feigns interest, barely acknowledging that words are even spoken.

So he doesn't care for gossip? Sebastian surmises. Alois goes silent for a moment; a shiver runs up his spine as he feels like something isn't quite right. Eyes dart around, but initially they don't see anything peculiar. However, glancing over his shoulder, he spies Sebastian who simply nods. Chuckling, he faces forward, placing his fingers to his lips to try and stifle it.

"What's so funny?" Ciel asks.

"Hm, what?" Alois queries.

"You laughed at something."

"No I didn't."

Ciel stops and turns toward his friend. Alois' eyes shoot over to Sebastian who quickly ducks behind a large stone column.

"What's the matter with you?" Ciel asks.

"Nothing. Nothing's the matter." Alois shrugs him off.

"Then why are you acting so weird?"

"I'm not acting weird, this is me being normal."

"Since when?"

"Since always."

"Fine, whatever." Ciel sighs as he starts walking again. Alois follows alongside him; his lips twitch as he fights the urge to giggle.

After a while, they arrive at their classroom. Ciel starts to open the door to go in but Alois hangs back.

"Go on, I've just got to talk to someone for a second." Ciel regards him suspiciously as he arches an eyebrow.


"God, you're nosey this morning, just go sit down."

"You are acting weird."

"Fine, I am, now go sit down." Alois gently nudges him towards the door. Ciel swats his hands away from him as he straightens out his uniform jacket.

"Okay, whatever," Ciel concedes, as he goes inside the classroom. Alois looks around and smiles as his eyes land on Sebastian who reappears from behind the column and walks over to him.

Folding his arms across his chest and resting on his right hip, Alois shakes his head at Sebastian as he approaches.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm doing as Ciel asked and leaving him alone."

"And the following?"

"Well, he didn't say that I couldn't follow him."

"Ciel is right, you are stalking him," Alois accuses.

"No, that's not... look, I just want to protect him."

"Even though he's made it perfectly clear that he doesn't want your protection?"

"Well, yeah." Sebastian pauses for a moment as he clears his throat, "I also want to get to know him better."

Alois eyes him suspiciously, "Why?"

"Because I do."

"Oh my God, you like him, don't you?" he gasps as Sebastian nods. Alois sighs, "Ciel is very hard to get to know but he's worth knowing. If you really want to get to know him, try a little harder."

"How can I try any harder if he won't let me?"

"Well, I think I may be able to help you with that," Alois says as he smiles devilishly.

"How so?"

"Well the best place to get to know Ciel, is the library."

"The library?" Sebastian asks.

"Yep, it's his favorite place; it's where he feels the most comfortable." Alois stops for a second as he looks around. "I'd better go but he'll be there from two."

"Why are you helping me?"

"Because you're going to need all the help you can get." Alois shrugs.

"Oh, well, thank you, Alois,"

"Best of luck, Sebastian," he winks.


Two o'clock rolls around quickly and Sebastian strolls into the library.

Wandering down an aisle, he trails his fingers along the spines of each book he passes as he nears the center of the room. His steps are slow as he approaches the end, spotting Ciel sitting on a dark green leather chair in front of him. Creeping toward the edge, Sebastian presses himself against the wooden bookcase.

Ciel crosses his leg as he rests his book on his knee, reading the page intently. His whole body is relaxed as he leans back, reading a mystery novel by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Turning the page, he grins to himself as he continues reading, completely enthralled in the details of the story.

Smiling, Sebastian continues to observe Ciel, completely absorbed by him and noting all of his subtle nuances. He notices how he uses his thumb and index finger to twist and separate the edges of the paper to turn the page. How his eye scans each line and how contented he is, seemingly in his element as he enjoys the story. Ciel looks safe here, comfortable and at ease, Sebastian can see why it's his favorite place to be.

Sebastian wants to get a book, something he would be interested in and sit with Ciel. They wouldn't need to speak to each other, just sit in the peace, reading, enjoying the silence and the company.

"Michaelis, what in the world are you doing?" Claude questions him as he comes up from behind. Startled, Sebastian jumps and whips around, scooting down the bookcase to remain out of view.

"Claude, what are you doing here?" he whispers.

"I could ask the same of you, shouldn't you be in Biology?"

"I… got distracted."

Claudes' eyes travel from him to Ciel, who is still sitting on the chair.

"Are you spying on that boy?" Claude asks, arching his brow.

"No, well, yes." Sebastian admits.

"What on Earth has gotten into you? This is not normal behavior, you know."

"Since when did you become the authority on normal behavior?" Sebastian asks.

"Since he told you in no uncertain terms to leave him be and yet, here you are."

"I have a good reason," Sebastian defends.

"Well you'd better," Claude says then scowls.

"I do and I'll tell you later," he insists as he grabs Claude by the arms and starts to push him down the aisle. "Now you have to go before-"

"I see you?" Ciel interrupts.

"He saw you. He saw you." Claude practically sings out with an amused smirk.

"What are you doing here Sebastian?" Ciels' tone is stern as he crosses his arms across his chest.

"What else to do you do in a library?"

"Didn't I tell you to leave me alone?"

"Well, to be fair, I was leaving you alone," he reasons. Ciel rolls his eye as he turns to Claude.

"Is he always like this?"

"Yes," Claude replies as he adjusts his glasses, "It's quite maddening really."

"You can go now, Claude." Sebastian urges under his breath.

"I could but then I would miss this." Claude shrugs as he leans back against the bookcase.

"So this is where the party is?" Alois chimes in as he appears from around the corner.

"There's no party, Alois," Ciel states dryly. "Sebastian has been following me."

"Oh, I know."

Ciel gives Alois an angry look. "What? How did you-"

"Who do you think told him you'd be here?"

"Alois, how could you?"

"Now this is far too amusing," Claude chuckles dryly. Alois cocks his hip to the side as he lowers his eyes, batting them slowly.

"Oh hello again, Claude is it?"

"Hello, Alois," Claude replies

"What are you doing here?"

"Michaelis here skipped class and naturally I was curious as to what he could be up to."

"So you've been spying too?" Alois carries on as Ciel moves to stand beside Sebastian.

"You skipped class?" Ciel asks as he rests his back against the shelf.

"Well I have my reasons," Sebastian answers.

"Spying on me is not a valid reason."

"I wouldn't have to if you would just let me protect you," Sebastian defends.

"I … don't … need … your … protection. Now will you please leave me alone?" Ciel growls as he steps back from Sebastian. Grabbing Alois by the sleeve, he pulls his friend away from Claude as he marches down the aisle.

"Ciel, will you let me go?" Alois complains.

"No, we're leaving," he declares. Alois twists his arm out of his grip and stops. "What are you doing?"

"I'm not leaving," Alois answers.

"Why not?"

"Because one, I don't want to, two, I think Claude is cute and I want to keep talking with him and three, which I think is the most import, you are out of your damn mind."

"I am no such thing," Ciel huffs.

"Yes you are, Sebastian has been nothing but nice to you and you treat him like crap."

Ciel rolls his eye. "That's because he doesn't take the hint, I don't want his help."

"Yeah, yeah, you're a broken little toy and no one will love you. Grow up, let people help you every once and a while and stop being a right royal arse about it."

"I don't care for your tone," Ciel says.

"Well that makes us even 'cause I don't care for yours either."

"Fine," Ciel snaps.

"Fine," Alois agrees.

"Well then, I'll see you back at the room." He turns, stropping off.

"Where are you going?" Alois calls after him.

"Anywhere but here," Ciel replies as he storms down an aisle toward the exit. Alois watches him leave, running a hand through his hair, trying to calm himself. Claude and Sebastian come up behind him; they both stop and look around.

"Where's he going?" Sebastian asks. Alois shakes his head as he continues to stare at the door.

"Who knows?"

"You should go after him," Sebastian says.

"No, in situations like this, it's best to leave him be."

"Then I'm going to go after him," Sebastian says more to himself than Alois.

"Of course you are," Alois sighs as Sebastian heads to the exit. After watching him leave, Claude turns to Alois.

"I really don't know what's gotten into him." He shakes his head. Alois looks over at him with a knowing smile.

"I do."

"Well, I wish someone would explain it to me."

"Walk me to class and I'll tell you all about it," Alois says as he smiles.

After storming out of the library, Ciel heads down the corridor toward the quad. Spotting him ahead, Sebastian rushes to catch up, although he figures he's the last person he'd want to see right now. Slowing down, he watches as Ciel stops just before going through the quad. Straightening out his waistcoat, he draws in a deep breath, steadying himself before he makes his way through.

Moving slowly, he attempts to go through unnoticed by the other students as he sneaks around the groups and cliques. Keeping his distance, Sebastian continues to trail behind him, trying to blend in with the people around so as not to be seen.

Stopping for a moment, Ciel glances from side to side, and then over his shoulder. Sebastian quickly turns, pushing his back against the wall in order to remain out of view as Ciel carries on. Sighing with relief, Sebastian peels himself from the wall and continues to follow behind. Who is he looking for? Sebastian wonders.

Ciel walks through the center of the quad and on through a corridor. His body tenses, instantly feeling uncomfortable and scared as he realizes that he is one of the rare blue badges in a sea of green. There are a lot of students around, some heading to their dorm rooms, others to class and the rest just hanging about. Balling his hands into tight fists, he holds them firmly at his side as he goes through.

"Well, well Phantomhive, finally alone," Derrick calls out from behind. Ciel freezes, too scared to budge an inch, his shoulders start to raise to his ears and his body quivers.

"G-go away Derrick," Ciel manages to get out.

"Or you'll do what?" Derrick snorts as he looks around. "There doesn't seem to be anyone here for you now."

Ciels' head turns from side to side as his eye scans the corridor, looking for someone, anyone who could help him, but Derrick is right, there is no one to be found. Instead, he sees a crowd start to form as he turns to face Derrick, who has taken off his blazer and is rolling up his sleeves.

Sebastian stands back, watching the whole situation start to unfold before him. Putting his knuckle to his chin, he taps it as he thinks.

"Should I go now or wait?" he wonders aloud.

Ciels' eye is wide with fear and panic as he staggers to the side, his shoulder hits the wall and he presses his back against it firmly. Shuddering as his pulse quickens, he takes a deep breath and holds it, trembling as Derrick approaches.

"Please, don't do this," he pleads as Derrick steps closer.

"Kick his arse!" someone shouts from the crowd. They are becoming increasing rowdy, already smelling the impending whiff of blood in the air.

"Thump him Arden!" another student sounds out.

"There's no running from me now you little cocksucker. I got you." Derrick grins.

Sebastian quickly pushes and weaves himself through the crowd, fighting to make his way through. Ciels' eye instantly lands on him as he appears in front of the crowd.

"Sebastian," he breathes out, relieved to see him.

"What?" Derrick turns over his shoulder to follow Ciels' gaze. "You again?" he spits.

"If you'll excuse me, I'll be leaving with him," Sebastian announces with a smile.

"Like fucking hell you are," Derrick tells him.

"Language, you're a gentleman after all," Sebastian says calmly.

"Oh mate, I've wanted to punch your face in from the first moment I saw you." Derrick grins. Sebastian takes another step closer to him, smiling broadly as he opens up his arms.

"Well go on then. Hit me," he goads.

Standing before the boy, Sebastians' body is relaxed as he waits for Derrick to make his first move. Well, if it's a fight he wants, it's a fight he'll get, Sebastian smirks.

Rolling his shoulders, Derrick balls his hands into fists. A smug smile graces his lips as he lunges forward towards Sebastian. Anticipating the move, Sebastian quickly sways and steps to the side dodging the blow. The force of his momentum causes Derrick to fly into the crowd; they hold him and push him back into the center of the circle. The audience is loud, raising their voices with each whoop and chant as the pair size each other up.

Sebastian stands squarely as he watches him, studying his stance and body language. He reads him, already knowing what his next strike is going to be. Derricks' shoulders hunch, he flexes and balls his fingers as he breathes in deeply. He's been in several fights before, a veteran with an excellent track record of being unbeatable, no matter who he comes up against. Shaking out his arms, he rolls his head from side to side to ease the tension building within him.

"C'mon Arden!" someone cheers as he side steps around Sebastian. Leaping forward, he tries to take another swipe but Sebastian quickly ducks as the fist flies over his head.

"God damn it!" Derrick curses. He flails about with both arms in frustration, neither one touching a single hair on Sebastians' head as he darts and dives, dodging each failed attempt. Keeping on the balls of his feet, Sebastian relaxes into the rhythm of his movements as he dances around him, staying perfectly calm whilst Derrick starts to become puffed out from all his efforts.

Sebastian always favors his odds in a fight; he's light, quick on his toes and fast. Arching an eyebrow, he observes his opponent. He's breathing heavily through his mouth as beads of sweat start to form on his brow. He's losing his temper and speed with each missed hit. Sebastian knows that if he can keep him going for just a little longer, he'll be too tired to carry on, and then he can strike.

Irritated that he can't land a single blow on his challenger, Derrick starts to slow. His movements are jerky as his arms start to get heavy. He misjudges Sebastian, assuming that since he is from the Sapphire Owl dorm, he will be weak and easily beaten. However, with each tired move he makes, he fails to break through Sebastians' defense.

Still standing against the wall, Ciel is transfixed on Sebastian, watching as he bobs and weaves around Derrick. He's curious as Sebastian doesn't throw a single punch, he just maneuvers and escapes. Derrick starts to growl, mustering up more strength to strike again. Sebastian chuckles as he looks at Derricks' haggard appearance, he seems completely knackered by the way he puts his hands on his knees as he gasps for breath. His face is red, sweaty and puffy and his hair is mussed. The chants from the crowd are slowly dying down as they realize that their man is about to lose. Their eyes are open wide. They can't believe what they are seeing; their prized fighter seems to have been bested by an upper classmen in a blue badge.

This is almost unheard of as the Green Lion dorm prides itself on being the strongest. Smirking, Sebastian thinks about adding insult to injury, taking a swipe and just ending it now but he decides that he will wait, after all, there is an audience to perform for, not to mention Ciel.

"Well when are you going to hit me?" Sebastian asks then grins. Grunting, Derrick propels himself forward but Sebastian stays still, breathing in, his mind clears as everything starts to slow around him. Watching Derrick come closer, Sebastian quickly reaches out and grabs onto the boy's right fist, holding it firmly. Wriggling to try and free himself, Derrick struggles while Sebastian squeezes the fist tightly; pushing him back with each step he takes. His knuckles give way and crack under the pressure of Sebastians' grip. Wincing, Derrick tries to raise his free hand but Sebastian swats it away. "Now, now." Sebastian smiles.

With each new step they take, Derrick whimpers from the force of Sebastian's hand on his and his back finally hits the wall. The crowd is hushed as they watch Sebastian tower over him.

"L-let me go," Derrick stutters. Sebastian shakes his head.

"Why would I do that when we're having so much fun?" he purrs.

"What are you, some kind of freak?" Derrick hisses, the pain shoots up from his wrist to his elbow making him cry out.

"A freak, you say?" Sebastian snorts in between Derricks' feeble whimpers. "No, I'm not a freak, just simply one hell of a-"

"Teacher! A teacher is coming!" someone calls out and the crowd quickly scrambles to disperse.

Instantly letting go of Derricks' hand, Sebastian grabs onto Ciels' sleeve tugging him away from the wall.

"Let's go," he says, dragging Ciel behind him he marches through the corridor, passing the other students as they all scatter in different directions. After a while Sebastian lets go of Ciels' sleeve and they start to walk side by side.

Careful not to walk too quickly as Ciel struggles to keep up; Sebastian maintains a steady speed towards the dorms. Every once and a while, he glances over at Ciel, whose face is scrunched up in concentration, he must be thinking about something but he remains quiet.

After a while, Ciel bows his head and sighs.

"Sebastian?" Ciel says softly.

"Yes?" Sebastian answers, keeping his head forward.

"I want, um, to thank you," he mutters.

"Thank me?"

"For back there with Arden. That was amazing."

"Of course, not a problem," Sebastian pauses as he starts to smile. "You know, I could do this all the time."

"Not this again," Ciel exhales in exasperation.

"I really think you should take me up on my offer."


"You should reconsider, especially as you really need looking after."

"Looking after?" Ciel repeats, turning his head toward Sebastian.

"Yeah," Sebastian says and nods. Ciel stops dead, Sebastian carries on walking until he realizes that Ciel is no longer beside him. "What's the matter?" he asks as he stops and turns.

"You," Ciel answers.


"Who says I need looking after?" Ciel snorts.

"Well, I've been watching you and-"

"I knew it! You are stalking me."

"No, I wasn't I was just trying to get to know you better."

Ciel folds his arms around his chest as he looks at Sebastian with suspicion.


"What do you mean?" Sebastian asks.

"Why do you want to get to know me?"

"Because, you intrigue me." Sebastian answers, "And I can protect you, like a bodyguard."

"Like a bodyguard?" Ciel asks with an arched brow.

"Yeah." Sebastian is smiling.

"That's ridiculous. I don't need your protection," Ciel balks, making Sebastian frown.

"It seems to me that you do, especially from Arden."

"I can handle him," Ciel lies.

"It's obvious that you can't."

"I can take care of myself Sebastian; I've been doing it since I was ten. I survived then, I'll survive now and without you," Ciel snaps as he starts to storm off.

"So stubborn," Sebastian sighs, shaking his head as he follows after him.

Frustrated, mad and wondering why he just can't be left alone, Ciel hurriedly strides down the corridor towards the dorms. Sebastian quickly catches up to him and walks alongside him.

"Ciel listen, I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything by that," he apologizes.

"Then what do you mean?" Ciel huffs, quickening his pace.

"I think your bullying is pretty serious and I can help."

Frowning, Ciel tries to escape him but his strides are much smaller than Sebastians'. But as he turns a corner, his laces start to unravel, dangling down the tops of his shoes. Falling under his feet, he trips over them, tumbling forwards but Sebastian catches him before he hits the ground.

"Oh bollocks!" Ciel groans as Sebastian holds him upright. "Why does this keep happening?"

"You tie them too loosely. The bow needs to be tighter." Sebastian observes, kneeling down in front of him.

"What are you doing?" Ciel questions as Sebastian wraps his hand around his ankle, pulling his foot towards him.

"Tying your shoelaces," Sebastian states, quickly tying the laces into a tight bow. Ciels' eye darts around as he starts to become anxious; students look on at the pair as Sebastian starts to tie the laces on the other shoe. His cheeks flush at the unwanted attention and Ciel taps him on the shoulder.

"Will you get up? People are staring," he grumbles as Sebastian finishes.

"Let them."

"Sebastian, please, get up," he urges through gritted teeth.

Smiling, Sebastian stays kneeling. "Let me protect you."


"Then no."

"I'll walk away."

"I'll follow you."

"Are you insane?"

"No, I'm perfectly sane; I just want to protect you," Sebastian tells him. Emitting a high-pitched groan, Ciel rolls his eye and nods.

"Fine, all right, you can protect me. Now will you please just get up?" Ciel agrees as he tugs at Sebastians' jacket to help lift him up.

"Great, you won't regret this!" Sebastian smiles broadly.

"I think I already do," Ciel sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose and exhaling loudly. He starts to carry on walking down the corridor with Sebastian tagging along. "So what does all this entail?" he wonders, keeping his face forward.

"What do you mean?" Sebastian asks.

"I mean, how do you purpose to protect me?"

"Truthfully, I haven't actually thought about it, I didn't think you'd cave." Sebastian grins.

"Well, you didn't give me much choice," Ciel mumbles under his breath.

"If it makes you more comfortable, we can sit down and come up with some terms and conditions with what I will and won't do?"

"I suppose that sounds fair," Ciel shrugs.

"We'll agree to them and then I can start protecting you. We can even make it official, if you like?"

"Like a contract?"

"Sure, we can make a contract. Claude can draw one up for us; he wants to be a solicitor so this is right down his alley."

"Fine," Ciel sighs.


"Yes, if it'll get you off of my case, I'll make a contract with you."

"Excellent!" Sebastian smiles, he draws in a deep breath to try and temper his enthusiasm.

They continue on in silence, Sebastians' mind races, he has finally gotten Ciel to submit to his request and he will have his chance to protect him. He couldn't help but smile at the prospect of getting to spend more time with Ciel. Sebastian knows it will take a while but he is certain that over time, he will wear him down and break down whatever defenses Ciel chooses to put up.

Finally arriving at the dorm, Sebastian holds the door open for Ciel, who walks through, and he follows behind.

"So, when do we do this? Make a contract, I mean," Ciel asks as they walk up the steps to the second floor.

"Tomorrow is Saturday, we can do it then," Sebastian suggests as they stop at Ciels' dorm room.

"All right," Ciel agrees.

"Well then, I'll see you tomorrow." Sebastian grins as he starts to leave.

"Sebastian, wait."


"What is it about me that makes you want to protect me?"

"I don't know, I just do. I find you worthy of my time and efforts," Sebastian answers as he smirks.

"You are strange," Ciel says.

"Wait until you get to know me," Sebastian says. "I am so much more." He smiles as he turns, walking back down the hall towards the stairs.

Ciel stands next to the door, watching Sebastian as he goes. The corner of his mouth twitches as a smile fights its way onto his lips.