Friendly reminder: I started writing this pre season 5, however I may start to incorporate something aspects.

Also thank you so much for everyone that patiently waited for an update. I appreciate all of your kind words.

Chapter Three

Stay With Me

Jordan laid on his couch, a bowl of popcorn on his chest as Lydia sat on the floor. Her back against the couch, and the beastiary in hand. He tossed pop corn kernels up and into his mouth. "Wait, so what is it?" he asked with a full mouth.

She smiled looking up at him. "It's called a Barghest." she looked over the book "According to this it's a monstrous black dog, originating in England. It is said to sometimes to take a wolf form, or a man that vanishes in flames. It has fiery eyes, much like how your eyes glowed orange. It appears at the death of a notable person. It is said that it can foretell the death of an individual. That would also explain how you end up showing up in places that I'm drawn to, and since apparently being a banshee is hereditary, maybe being a Barghest is. Your last name is Parrish and this is some sort of death dog. It is even told that it would escort young women home to protect them...hmmm that sounds just like a certain deputy I know..."

He raised a brow "So...let me get this straight? You think I'm a dog?" he couldn't help but to sound just slightly offended.

"Scott's a wolf, Kira's a fox, and Malia is a coyote. Is it really all that weird?" She raised her brow. "Honestly it's the closest thing that I can find matching your description."

"But...not a stray death dog? But like some kind of banshee death dog?"

"That would explain how you're drawn to me." she smirked gazing up at him.

"I guess it could...but I could think of a couple other reasons to be drawn to you." he leaned down brushing his lips against hers. "But lets not close the door on the fire kitsune thing. There is something a little cooler about being a Japanese fire fox than a big black dog. Besides Kira doesn't have to do a weird transformation on the full moon so I'm all for that."

"Yeah well aside from Kira my experience with Japanese foxes aren't that great." She smiled against his lips and gently brushed his hair down with her fingers.

He caressed her chin and smiled at her "Whatever I am...I'm glad I have you helping me." He leaned his forehead against hers. "It's nice not feeling alone in this...To know that someone else had to deal with this same thing."

She smirked "Yeah well, I'd be glad if you weren't tossing popcorn all over the place and getting it in my hair." she shook her hair free of a few kernels. He chuckled and pulled her into a playful kiss.

The past few days had been good between them. This relationship was new and they knew that they had to keep it a secret because of her age and his standing in the community, but her friends knew about it. Mostly because Scott could literally smell Parrish on her all the time. Her relationship with Parrish had been a relatively innocent one especially compared to her usual ones. They weren't intimate but they were still very close. She usually spent majority of her nights cuddled close to him watching a movie, eating dinner and going over the beastiary.

"C'mere" He smiled standing up, taking her by the hand, and pulling her close.

"Wh-what are you doing?"

"We've been at this for hours and all we got is big black death dog." He chuckled pecking her forehead. "I think we've earned a break." He pulled her by her waist into his body. "For both our sakes."

"And by break, you want to have a dance?" she smiled and looked up at him.

"Why not? When was the last time you actually just danced?" he began to sway her.

She closed her eyes leaning her head on his chest, moving with him. The last time I danced... "The last time I danced was the night of the winter formal last year..." she whispered.

He grinned "Let me guess, you had hundreds of guys hounding you for a date and you ended up going with the captain of the Lacrosse team in a fancy limo."

She glanced up at him, before moving to bury her head in his chest taking in his scent. Her grip tightening just slightly. "Actually, I was dumped not too long before that, my best friend ended up going with my ex boyfriend, the co-captain of the lacrosse team and I ended up going with Stiles." That night seemed so trivial. She was just a high school girl going to a dance. She worried about what her hair was going to look like, what dress to wear and how perfect her shoes were. "I...I guess it was my last night of being human...if I was ever considered human." she whispered. "That was the night Peter bit me."

"Lydia...I-I'm sorry." he pulled away and looked down at her. "I'm sorry..." he pressed a kiss to the crown of her head.

"It's ok..." she gave him a small sad smile. "I'm over it..." she continued dancing. "Things move on." If she could change a single thing about that night she wouldn't. If she was never bitten she probably would have never been let in on this whole other side of life. She would have been even more helpless.

He smiled and twirled her before pulling her closer. "Well a woman like you should dance more often." His grip on her now was more secure. As if he was trying to protect her from her bad memories. There's nothing he could have done about that night, but he sure as hell wouldn't let anything like that happened to her again.

"I think that can be arranged." she grinned as she swayed, her back against his chest and his arms around her waist.

His head moved to rest in the crook of her neck. " smell nice...Is that a new perfume?"

"It is~" she chimed and looked up at him, moving in closer to kiss him.

He smiled pecking her lips softly. She slipped her hands into his hair and pulled him closer to deepen the kiss. Breaking the kiss he leaned his forehead against hers.

"So where did you learn to dance?" she continued swaying with him. "Was it with some girl you left behind in Illinois?"

He smiled "Actually it is." He felt her body stiffen ever so slightly. He kissed the top of her head. "My mother loved to dance."

She blushed in embarrassment, thankful that he couldn't see her face. "Oh...well then that's sweet." They danced for what felt like forever.

She glanced at the radio after hearing it skip a few times, but Jordan seemed to pay it no mind and continued swaying. A lower voice caught her attention and the music seemed more ominous. She froze for a moment and pulled away from him, staring at the radio. "Lydia...? Are you ok?"

She tilted her head moving closer to the radio. "Did you hear that?" she whispered.

"Hear what? Lydia?" He stepped closer "The radio?"

"This sounds like...death..." she ran her hands over the radio, her eyes narrowing ever so slightly. "It's..." her finger tips moving against the radio knobs, turning it up louder. "It sounds like..."

"Lydia...what song?" he slowly approached her. "The radio isn't on?"

"What?" She looked around and realized that the radio wasn't even plugged in. "No..." she gripped her hair. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "I hear him..." she dropped to her knees and covered her ears. "He's...he's hurt... he-"

"Lydia! Are you ok? what do you hear? Who do you hear?" he hurried to her side and wrapped his arms around her.

"Peter..." she whispered. "Peter he-" she gasped before a loud ear piercing scream. Parrish covered his ears cringing as she relinquished all the air in her lungs before slouching over limp.

The pack gathered at Parrish's house Lydia sat on the couch. It didn't take long for them all to gather as Lydia's wail was heard throughout all of Beacon Hills. Derek paced hanging up the phone. "Well I just got done talking to Braeden. She and Morell went to check on Peter at Eicken and they have no idea where he is. There is no forced entry or exit and nothing on any of the cameras."

"Why wasn't police notified that they lost a patient?" Scott looked over to him.

Stiles sighed. "Because that whole floor is off the books. Peter Hale was never officially checked into Eicken house, therefore he never went missing. What are we doing now?"

"Peter knows not to mess with Scott. He can't beat him. He isn't foolish enough to attempt again unless he knew he had the upper hand." Derek crossed his arms over his chest.

Scott furrowed his brows. "You already made up your mind haven't you?" He recognized the looks in Derek's eyes. They were the look of a man that wasn't going to change his mind.

He nodded. "Yeah...Braeden and I are going to go find him. If Lydia's vision is right then he's off injured someplace so he can't get too far. I don't know how he got out but I feel like there's something bigger happening at Eicken."

After there meeting Stiles and Scott left to investigate Eicken, and Parrish opted for driving Lydia home so that she could rest. He's never had the chance to witness her banshee scream before. The power behind it, and how it left her absolutely drained of energy and in a daze. Hearing her scream felt like every nerve in his body was going to explode. Scott mentioned that it could have been because of supernatural hearing and being so close to her when it happened but it felt like so much more.

He escorted her into the house and to her room. She seemed to be doing much better now that she had calmed down. She walked into her bathroom to change into something more comfortable and Jordan walked around her room. Checking for anything and everything. Years of military and police academy training conditioned him to do so as second nature. He heard her bathroom door open as she walked out of it. His back was still toward her. "You know I never imagined your room to look like this. It looks so normal."

She smiled and walked beside him as he looked out of her window. Wrapping her arms around his waist. "Well, what did you imagine my room looking like?"

He smirked down at her and led her toward her bed. "Never mind that, you should get some sleep."

She sighed and hugged her knees. "I don't want to sleep right now..." It wasn't uncommon for her to be plagued by nightmares especially if her vision involved Peter. She noticed him glancing toward the door. Her hand reached out for his, gently caressing his fingers. "Stay with me..." she whispered.


She tugged his hand down toward her, pulling him on to bed with her as she pressed her lips against his. She couldn't help but have this unexplainable feeling in the pit of her stomach. Something told her that her vision of Peter was so much more than what was on the surface. Something told her it was more about Eicken House and less about Peter. But she couldn't explain it and didn't want to lead them on a while hunt through Eicken without a more solid feeling. As for now she wanted- no needed a distraction.

He caught himself with his arms to keep from putting his full weight on her as he returned her kiss. This kiss was rather desperate unlike the others. Like she was seeking something. Rather it was company, solace, or understanding he wanted to give it to her. He cupped her face, gently caressing her cheek with his thumb.

She tugged on his upper lip as her hands tugged at his shirt.

"Lydia..." he groaned and pulled back a bit. "Don't..."

She quieted him by kissing him deeper and tugged him closer by his hair. "Jordan please..."

He kissed her a little harder before pulling away to collect his thoughts. "We discussed this..." he mumbled. "We had a deal.." he brushed his lips against hers.

"I know I promised to wait until I was eighteen didn't give me much of a choice either..." she pouted and gazed up at him.

"You promised."

Her hands slid up his abdomen, and stopped as she noticed the stern look in his eyes. "Fine...I'll behave...just..." she sighed "Can you just stay a little while longer...? I don't want to be alone..."

He nodded and kissed her forehead before rolling off of her and laying on his side. His hand moved down her arm, before intertwining his fingers with hers. "I'll stay for as long as you want me to." He pecked her fingers before she moved to settle closer to his chest. This was how they ended up most nights anyway. Just together, enjoying each others company.

A few weeks had passed, there hadn't been word on Peter's whereabouts, nor had there been any other visions from Lydia. Once again things seemed to be returning to normal. That being said there was no more progress on what Parrish could be.

Lydia arrived at the police station. "Hey Sheriff" she knocked on his door, and poked her head in. She held up a bag. "I brought lunch." She'd been going to the station so often she got into the habit of bringing the Sheriff a healthy lunch. Stiles was constantly worried that his dad wasn't eating right, so she took it upon her self to make him a delicious lunch. Knowing that he had a much harder time saying no to Lydia then he did at Stiles.

"Thanks sweetheart, happy birthday by the way." he smiled, looking up from his paperwork. "Parrish is in the break room."

She grinned and placed his lunch on his desk. "Thanks, and I know how you missed the taste of french fries so I baked you some sweet potato fries."

"Thank you." he called out as she left for the break room.

She opened the door to the break room and smiled seeing Jordan sipping on his coffee. "Hey." she chimed.

He turned around surprised and set down his coffee. "Hey, Happy birthday." He couldn't help the smile that formed on his lips as soon as he saw her.

She hurried to him, hugging him tightly. "Thank you." She tip toed to kiss him but he pulled away.

He looked down at her, quickly returning the hug before pulling her off. "Lydia, I'm at work."

She frowned "Yeah, well you were the one who was so stuck on me turning eighteen...well I made it. It's a milestone." she grabbed his hand. "I'm having a party tonight...You're coming right?"

"Lydia I'm still a cop. I'm sure your friends don't want me there, witnessing all of their underage drinking. Not to mention we've all been briefed about your party and we're all on stand by tonight in case anything happens." he smirked as he rubbed her shoulders "Your parties are pretty legendary."

She smiled "All the more reason for you to be there..." she pouted "Jordan...please..." she leaned closer to him, brushing her nose against his. "I'm finally eighteen...we're not breaking any laws."

He brushed his thumb against her cheek and pecked her forehead. "I"m still at work. It's inappropriate."

"Do you ever get tired of being so blandly by the book?" she eyed him and bit her lip subtly.


"If you don't want to go just tell me." she huffed and crossed her arms over her chest.

"It's not that, I just don't want things to get too out of hand."

"Out of hand? Like what having people actually see us together? Like we're a couple or something?"

"Don't say it like know I love being with you."

"As long as no one knows you're actually with me. I'm done being someones dirty little secret." she sighed, running her hand through her hair. She had to deal with it with Aiden and quite honestly she was over it.

"You're not my-"

The door opened and they pulled away from each other just as quickly. An officer raised a brow. "The Sheriff would like to see you two in his office."

"Sure thing." Jordan replied and looked down at a flustered Lydia. As soon as the other deputy had left he sighed " think Stilinski knows...about us?"

"I don't think he had a reason to...sure we spend time together but as far as he knows it's all beastiary stuff." she furrowed her brows. "But what if he does?" Lydia looked up at him.

"Then...we'll handle it. It's gonna be ok." He took her hand and gently placed a kiss against her hair.

They both made their way into the Sheriff's office. "Sir?" Jordan called out, and Lydia peaked in behind him.

"Oh come in, and shut the door behind you." he took another bite of his sweet potato fries. "Have a seat." The two awkwardly sat down across from him. "Alright so Lydia, you're mom gave me the heads up that you're having your party tonight at your house. First off how many people did you invite?"

"Pretty much the whole town."

The Sheriff sighed and rubbed his temples "That's what I thought" He turned his attention to his deputy "I want you there, undercover all night. You don't leave until it's over. I am not taking any chances after what happened last year."

Jordan looked to Lydia and then back to the Sheriff. "What happened last year?"

Lydia crossed her arms over her chest. "I assure you, It won't happen again."

The Sheriff took a swig of his water. "According to Scott and Stiles everyone that went basically got drunk off of a punch that was spiked with wolfsbane and started hallucinating. Then Lydia somehow managed to kidnap Derek drag him out to the old Hale house, use his blood and ritualistically resurrect Peter Hale, which in turn also seemed to trigger all of this dead pool nonsense." he turned to the banshee sitting across from him. "Did I miss anything?"

"I told you it's not going to happen again." she assured him.

"And the last time you threw a party it ended with a werewolf being decapitated by assassins outside of your lake house."

"In my defense that wasn't even supposed to be a party."

"And when the boys and Malia went to a bon fire at the school they were almost set on fire. That one has nothing to do with you but, excuse me if I'm a little apprehensive when it comes to parties, not to mention that half the time it seems to be my men trying to kill people. Parrish is one of the few people on this force that I can actually trust and I want him undercover at your party. In case anything supernatural shows up or happens I can count on Parrish to try and protect you guys."

"Sir, I'm not too sure that's the best idea."

"Well Parrish if you can give me one good reason on why I'd risk the life of not only my son, but his best friends, who I also consider my children. In this town of werewolves, hunters, kanimas, and what ever the hell else there is I'd love to know it. Please tell me what is so bad about my idea, because I'm really getting sick and tired of the teenage body count in this town."

Parrish coughed awkwardly and looked down. "Never mind sir..."

Lydia rolled her eyes and glanced at Parrish. "Well this'll be fun."

To be continued...

Review please, thank you for your support and I'll be sure to update soon.