"Lita went to use the bathroom." She answered with a sweet smile.

She almost hit the floor as he quickly jumped back from her. He turned toward the direction of the bathroom and saw Lita standing there staring, open mouthed.


Embarrassed, he followed her line of vision down to his still hard erection. "Why the fuck didn't you tell me she was here!" He yelled at his girlfriend as he hurried to tuck himself back into his pants.

Rolling her eyes at him, she turned to walk into the living room. "I tried to tell you. You chose to continue with this little game instead of listening."

"Lita, sweetie, close your mouth. " She laughed at the stunned look on her friends face.

"You guys were just acting?" Lita questioned fists clenched, after finally regaining her ability to think.

Still irritated with being disturbed Darien turned his anger on Lita. "Why are you here?" He snapped, rubbing the now sore spot on his head.

Lita turned a heated glance "I was invited to hang out." She snapped, crossing her arms as she turned to look at Serena. "What was that?" She questioned "You actually enjoy being choked?"

Serena just laughed as she sauntered over to the island and lifted herself onto it. "I enjoy a quite a few unexpected things Lita." She purred as she lowered herself back onto her elbows, methodically rubbing her thighs together.

"Not to sound like a dick Lita." He said as he looked at his girlfriend's legs. Eyes darkening as they narrowed in on the wet spot on her underwear, currently playing peek-a-boo beneath her short skirt. "But get the fuck out." Licking his lips, he walked slowly towards those sexy legs he had yet to take his eyes off.

Giggling, Serena returned her heated gaze to Darien. "Don't be so rude babe." She said, raising her legs and resting her heals on the edge of the counter. "Maybe she doesn't want to leave" looking back over at Lita she continued. "Maybe she wants to play."

Groaning, Darien grabbed her ankles and spread her feet wide before settling comfortably back between her legs. "I don't know if that's such a good idea love." He mumbled, drawing circles on her inner thigh.

"Whys that?" She sighed, lying back on the counter.

With a smirk and a quick thrust of his hips he replied. "I don't think she can handle all this sexy."

Hi everyone, I'm so sorry that it has taken so long to get this posted and that it is so short.

I'm having a bit of an issue deciding how far I can take this story. For the most part ideas come to me when I am lying in bed at night, and at that time everything seems perfect. And then I wake up. In the light of day I can't decide if those ideas are appropriate for or if I should pitch them to an adult website for a video idea. Joking, kind of. Let me know what you think, should I push the limits?

I would also like to say thank you to Nira Avalon, Love in the battlefield, Naria Yanez and Devilsangels11287 for your reviews. They are greatly appreciated, as well as everyone who has favorite or followed this story.
