Hi Everyone I hope you're having a great week! Here's a little treat for all of you awesome readers (I will try to update again on Sunday or Monday but I have a packed schedule through then...). As always, please read and review, and I hope you enjoy this chapter! I'm excited for the new PD episode tonight too. :D

Chapter 26

A few hours later, after Mouse had noticed on the security footage that Maddie had gotten into a car in the pickup line that looked identical to her mother's, Erin had sent Elise and her husband home for the night and Erin had gone home to rest while the rest of the unit kept looking into the plates on the car and if any cameras picked up the car. As Erin and Jay were talking in their living room a frantic knocking at their front door made Erin jump, almost spilling her decaf coffee.

"Who do you think that is?"

"Don't know," Jay said. He got up off the couch and after looking through his peephole, he suddenly got worried – Elise and her husband were outside the door.

Jay opened the door and said, "Elise, what's wrong!"

"Oh, Jay, we were going to bring this to the station, but your house is on the way so we wanted to see what you thought of it," Elise said quickly.

"Thought of what?" Jay asked, not sure where his sister was going.

"This," Elise said, "Mike found it in the mailbox soon after we got back to our house. It's signed from Leo?"

"Leo?" Jay said, eyebrows raised, "You mean Leo Leo?"

"That's all I can assume," Elise said, "I think he knows where Maddie is."

"You think who knows where who is?" Erin asked, joining the conversation at the front door. "What's that?" she asked, pointing to the letter that Elise had just put in Jay's hand.

"A letter from someone who has apparently been stalking me, if it's the same Leo," Elise said.

"Leo? From New York?" Erin said.

"I think so," Elise said worriedly.

"What does the note say, Jay?" Erin asked, now really concerned.

"See for yourself," Jay said, handing the note to Erin. Her stomach dropped as she finished what was written on it.

Hey Elise, glad to see you're doing well. Say hi to your brother for me. –Leo

***Two hours later***

After Jay had called and told Voight about the letter, he and Erin had agreed that Elise and Mike would stay with Erin at Erin and Jay's place and Jay would go into the station to help since he knew more about Leo than Erin did. Since Erin didn't want to wake Peter, she was sitting in the front room with Elise and Mike trying to make a little bit of conversation.

"Can I get either of you anything to drink? Or to eat?" Erin offered.

"Thank you but I'm alright," Mike replied, "Elise, honey, would you like anything?"

"No thanks," Elise said, "I just want my daughter back!" she spat, suddenly realizing that she'd used an impolite tone and said, "I'm sorry, Erin, I'm just so scared…what if they don't find her in time?"

"The unit is full of great detectives, your brother included. They're going to find her, I promise."

"Aren't cops not supposed to make promises?" Elise asked.

"I know my fellow detectives," Erin replied, "Unfortunately all we can do right now is sit tight and wait for Jay to give us an update. As if my magic, Erin's phone started buzzing on the coffee table and Jay's name flashed up on the caller ID.

"Thank heavens," Erin said, picking up the phone and quickly hitting 'answer.' "Jay, have got anything?"

"Yeah, after we had Leo's name to go off of, we looked back at the drug guy that I busted a couple of weeks back…turns out he was one of Leo's lieutenants," Jay said.

"Wait, are you saying that Leo's involved in a Chicago drug gang?" Erin said, shocked.

"And high up at that," Jay said, "Mouse just nailed down a location on the car and we're rolling out now. I'll call you after."

"Jay, promise me you'll be safe. I'm scared cause I'm not there to watch your back," Erin said.

"I promise. I'll call you later, babe. Love you," Jay said as he was walking down the stairs to the locker room.

"Love you too," Erin said, sighing as she hung up and looked up at Elise and Mike.

"And?" Mike said anxiously.

"They're heading to a potential location right now," Erin said.

"But you said something about Leo and a drug gang? Is that true?" Elise said with a horrified expression. "What will they do to Maddie?"

"All I can say right now is that Leo is high up in one of the Chicago drug gangs, and Jay might have busted one of his lieutenants a few weeks ago," Erin replied.

"Oh my God," Elise said, "I had no idea."

"Neither did we until now," Erin said, "But Jay should be calling me with another update soon."

"Okay," Mike said, "Elise, babe, that's progress, right?"

"I know," Elise reluctantly admitted, "I'm just scared out of my mind."

***Two hours later***

Elise and Mike rushed into the 21st district lobby, and after Jay buzzed them upstairs he took them straight to the break room, where the door was currently shut and the blinds drawn. When Jay opened the door, Elise and Mike both squealed with joy as Maddie got up from the couch where she'd been sitting with Antonio and ran into her mother's arms. Many sets of tears began to stream down faces, but they were all happy tears because everyone had been reunited.

"So did you catch any of Leo's lieutenants?" Erin asked Jay over the phone.

"Not yet but we've already started looking, believe me," Jay replied, "We've got everyone looking into the lieutenants except Voight and Antonio are interrogating Leo right now."

"Did you stick Antonio in there to make sure that Voight doesn't beat Leo to pieces?" Erin asked.

"Not really…this case struck a chord with Antonio too so he wanted to be in there with Hank," Jay replied.

"Understood," Erin said, "You listening in at all?"

"Yeah I'm in the viewing room right now, if I put you on speaker then you can listen too?"

"Okay, just give me a second to plug in headphones," Erin said, fumbling around one of the drawers in the kitchen. Once she'd plugged them in and put the earbuds in her ears, she said, "Okay, go ahead."

Jay put the call on speaker just as Voight was asking Leo, "Why Maddie? Out of all the kids in Chicago?"

"Well I think it's pretty obvious," Leo said, slumping down in his chair, where he was sitting with handcuffs strapped tightly on his wrists, "Elise and I dated for a while during and after high school. Then I found out she was pregnant, and I left."

"Why'd you leave your pregnant girlfriend?"

"Because back then I wanted nothing to do with kids," Leo spat, "I was scared. Then a few years later my engineering career went down the drain fast and I had a friend who was high up in one of the drug gangs in NYC. He vouched for me to get in over there, and I made some money there until there was a falling out."

"What kind of falling out?" Antonio asked.

"What do you mean?" Leo asked.

"The kind where you wanted out or someone else wanted out?" Antonio asked.

As Voight crossed his arms and continued to stare at Leo, he said, "Why do you want to know? Haven't I been arrested on kidnapping charges?"

"You'll also be charged with drug charges, thanks to one of your lieutenants," Antonio said.

"Ah, see that's where it gets interesting," Leo said, "That guy that you busted remembered the name of the cop who put him in handcuffs and when he said the name was Jay Halstead, I nearly did a double take. So, I figured if Elise's little brother was in Chicago, that Elise might be too…even though Elise chose me over him after high school."

"Stop with the storytelling, get to the point please," Voight snapped.

"Well, I reached out to a few friends of mine, since being high up in a drug gang, I have quite a few," Leo said a little too arrogantly, "And they told me that Elise had remarried and had a kid named Maddie. So, I decided to pay a visit to Maddie's school yesterday to have a little fun."

"You call kidnapping a ten-year-old girl a little fun?" Antonio said, realizing that he was now really angry with this guy and would have to try and not lose his cool.

"I thought Maddie was my kid at first," Leo said, "And I wanted to meet her because she was my flesh and blood. But then when we pulled up at an elementary school I realized that Maddie was too young to be my kid, and it just made me angry that my kid seemingly hadn't made it into the world and that Elise had moved on with somebody else."

Voight and Antonio looked at each with yep this guy's gone nuts looks and Leo asked, "Do either of you actually know what happened to my kid? Did it die or something?"

"Elise had a miscarriage," Antonio spat, "Because she was under so much stress after you left her with nothing. And I think that's all we need from you, Leo. You can rest in jail tonight knowing that you'll probably never be outside of a cell for the rest of your life."