Author´s note:

Man, it feels good to get back to writing. Sorry about not writing stories, my grades kind of dropped so now I am only allowed on the computer on Fridays and the weekend… so sad. But that means I have now a bunch of ideas for one-shots for my favorite pairing (TiPo, as you probably knew), so I will try to update quickly for the 3 days I can write. Anyway, that´s my explanation for the reason I haven´t been here lately and might not update as soon as I used to, but now to the story! Hope you all like it and leave reviews!


Chapter 1- the perfume

Mantis, Po and Tigress were all in the training hall, they were sparring against each other, or mostly Mantis and Po against Tigress. This might have seen unfair, but Tigress enjoyed it, after all, she could beat both of them and she was always up for a challenge. And she wanted to punch and kick their faces for trying, or even thinking, they could prank her, and in sparring, she could make it all look like it was part of training. Where were the rest, you ask? They were having a day off, even though they would have also enjoyed seeing Po and Mantis scared to death. Why? Well…


Po and Mantis were in the kitchen ´preparing´ the food. Well, Po had finished making the soup, but Mantis and Po had an idea for a prank for Tigress. They always wondered if she had a girly side, or at least a part of her that could tolerate the color pink. So they decided to buy some catnip into her soup. Po had a bowl and was burning a little bit the catnip so it´s scent would grow stronger and maybe had a bigger chance to have an effect on Tigress.

They took Tigress´s bowl and put one leaf of catnip in it, and started mixing it, so she wouldn´t notice, just as Mantis was about to put the other one, Tigress came in.

"Hey, Po is dinner ready'" She said, then she looked at them. Her frown turn to an angry expression.

"What are you doing to my soup?!" she asked, looking at them with a death glare.

"Umm…" They both answered, none of them wanting to face her wrath, they glance at each other and were preparing to run, when Master Shifu came in. They sighed in relief.

"Do you mind explaining why is it taking too long?" HE then look up to see an enraged Tigress looking at Po and Mantis who seemed to be preparing to run, however Mantis had something in his hand…catnip!

"What do you think you are doing!?" he yelled at Po and Mantis. Tigress smirked at them.

"Well, we… it´s….not…maybe…" They managed to mutter.

Master Shifu was thinking about what he was going to do about it, he finally said:

"Very well" Tigress mouth dropped open, certainly he wasn´t going to let them get away from it, would he? "I was thinking about giving you a day off tomorrow, but since Tigress was planning on training, you are going to join her as well, and do some sparring". Tigress couldn´t believe her ears. She was happy, no, more than happy, she would get her pay-back, and Master Shifu basically just granted her wish. This wasn´t the case for Po and Mantis, who were already thinking of their funeral.

Master Shifu made his way outside and then tigress just smiled at them, a mischievous smile. They were even more scared. Everyone got inside the kitchen and started eating. Telling them about how Master Shifu just told them about their day off and how they were looking forward to it, unlike them.

Back to present time with Tigress and Po and Mantis…

They were beginning to spar, and even before starting they could feel the pain. When they started Tigress sure was angry, she started delivering punches to both of them and landing them on both of them. It was at a speed that you couldn´t even see her moves. She threw them up and down, side to side, smashing into the walls, but before they could defend themselves, Master Shifu hurried into the training hall, making everyone stopped what they were doing, and looked at him to see what he was going to announce.

"There are wolf-bandits in the bamboo forest, and since I now were you are, you should be taking care of it". He strictly said to his 3 students.

Mantis and po were ecstatic that they wouldn´t have to spar with Tigress anymore. Tigress made a little frown by hearing this, however, no one noticed. She got in all her fours and dashed through the door all the way to the forest. Po and Mantis soon followed her behind, having a hard time trying to catch up with her. She then started slowing down, Po and Mantis did the same, Tigress motioned them to be silent and hide, they were wondering why, but they didn´t defy her orders.

A couple of seconds later, a pack of wolves, about 6 of them, appeared. One of them was carrying a big sack with him, it appeared to be fragile, since he was being cautious with it, and the sack was emitting some tinkling sounds. Po turn his gaze towards Tigress, who silently moved her fingers, counting to 3. Po understood perfectly, she was telling him that on count of 3 they will strike. He turned to Mantis and whispered the plan.

One finger up.

Two fingers up.

Three fingers up.

And strike. Everyone was punching the wolves with all they could. Po was, as always, taunting them and telling them his moves. There were only 3 wolves standing, the rest were tied up by Tigress, who did it quickly, not wanting to lose her chance to beat up the others. As everyone was dealing on the wolf they were fighting with. Tigress was with the wolf who had the sack. He tried running away, but Tigress caught up to him. "Going anywhere?" She said. The wolf tried going somewhere else, but it seemed as Tigress was already there. HE started to panic, so he opened the sack. Tigress was curious to what he was going to take out, but was surprised when he took out a fragile bottle of pink perfume. The wolf held it out to her, she was going to throw a punch when the wolf sprayed it to her. She started coughing, and her vision was a little blurry, but she was trained for worse and a perfume wasn´t going to stop her. She started delivering punches without thinking where it was going to land, luckily, all of them managed to hit him. The wolf finally collapsed with some bruises. Po and Mantis then came and tied him down, but took the bottle he was holding in his hands. Tigress was starting to get back her vision and in a couple of seconds she was alrigth as if that never happened, however, she still had the smell of the perfume. When Po and Mantis came over her, they started to smell something unfamiliar, coming from Tigress.

"Are you wearing perfume?" Po asked her gently, not wanting to upset her, or make her think she smelled bad, because she actually smelled really nice.

"Yes, but not because I want to, that wolf spray me with perfume".

Mantis started to let out a soft laugh, until he heard a growl. They all started to head back to the Jade Palace, Tigress carrying the sack full of perfumes. Mantis then started noticing a label in the perfume, and read it. Girly Perfume.

He couldn´t hold it anymore and burst out laughing.

"Hey, Tigress, the perfume is called Girly!"

"Well, it certainly smells like it". She said in annoyed tone.

Po was quiet, wondering why the wolf would sprayed her with perfume, and if it had an effect on Tigress. Probably not He thought maybe I am just overthinking things again. And he let his mind drop the topic and think about other things, like how beautiful Tigress was and how good she smelled… wait what?

When they got to the jade Palace, Po headed directly to the kitchen to cook his delicious soup. He was surprised when everyone, except Mantis and Tigress, were already there. They all greeted him and started making conversation. Po was listening and making jokes while cooking, something he was already a master at.

Tigress went over to Master Shifu to give him the sack. Shifu took it and opened it, and his eyes widen.

"Is there something wrong, Master?" Tigress asked concerned.

"Not at all, I am merely wondering why did they wanted this." He said, his mind clearly in another place.

"Well, I am going to try to find what this do, you are free to go Tigress" Shifu said before disappearing into the hall.

Mantis and Tigress soon came to the kitchen, Mantis had a smile on his face when he saw that soup was being served by Po. But Tigress wasn´t like that, she looked like she was getting sick. Po noticed this and was wondering why if in the morning and when they were battling she was perfectly healthy. Everyone sat down and started eating, and were joined by Shifu. All of them were talking about their free day, and in the case of Po, their battle. Tigress wasn´t eating at all, she was just poking her noodles, and with one hand she was holding her head, she felt sick, and dizzy, she felt nauseous.

"Tigress, are you feeling ok?" Po asked, just as master Shifu was going to ask her.

"Ummm, Oh, yeah." She said.

"Actually, I´m a little bit tired, so if you excuse me, I am going to go now, thanks for the dinner, Po". She stood up, and went to her bedroom.

Everyone was wondering if she was actually ok, but they decided to leave it like that, knowing she didn't like to be bothered. Everyone headed to bed and went to sleep. Po was having a hard time sleeping, and he didn't know why, maybe because he wanted to see if Tigress was feeling better, or if she needed help, but after thinking about her, he finally fell sleep. Little did he know that tomorrow was going to be a very… different day.

Ok, I really hope you like this chapter and please leave your reviews! I will try to update as soon as possible! And if not, then you know the reason why, well, thanks for your patience and I promise I will try my best to write more often, or at least write more on the 3 days that I have. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!

Peace out