Strange Love

A Batman and Harley Quinn fanfic

Disclaimer: I still don't own the rights to any Batman related material

Chapter Five-Tying up loose ends

The road to the island in which Arkham Asylum was on was a curvy and long road, the gates to the Asylum were huge once you went in you never came out. The Asylum looked like something out of a horror movie, but then again its creator Amadeus Arkham was just as crazy as the patients that inhabited it, this place was called the loony bin for a reason, the Joker would fit in quite nicely here.

Batman's intercom rang it was Nightwing

"Hey Bruce where are you?" Dick said

"Dick, I have to drop off Joker at Arkham then I'll be home" Bruce responded

"Ok we'll be here" Dick said

"Always good to hear from you Dick" Bruce said

"Same here Bruce, Nigthwing over and out" Dick said hanging up the intercom

Batman parked the Bat mobile at the entrance to the Asylum and walked Joker up to meet the guards that would escort him from there, Batman was exhausted he hadn't slept well since that night that he and Harley spent together and that seemed like ages ago but in fact it was only three days ago.

There with the guards was Doctor Burton the head of the Asylum's physicist ward he worked with Doctor Young the two had to admit the patients and administer the proper dosages of medication.

"Ah Batman, always a pleasure, so we have Joker back I see, excellent, I will inform Dr. Young immediately" Dr. Burton said

"Thank you Doctor, make sure he has a room with lots of padding, this one is off his meds for sure" Batman said admitting to himself that it was a stupid joke but it made Dr. Burton laugh

"No problem, take care now, if you are ever interested Professor Strange would like to meet you" Dr. Burton said

"Not right now I really need to get some sleep, chasing down punks like him is trying work, but it keeps our streets safe now doesn't it" Batman said

"Ok I'll let him know, thanks for stopping by" Dr. Burton said waving goodbye to Batman

Batman walked back to the Bat mobile and Selina was waiting for him she sort of just appeared there, she was good at that

"To what do I owe this pleasure Selina?" Batman said smiling at Catwoman

"Well I missed you, and was feeling up for a little adventure, can we go somewhere where it'd be just the two of us" Selina said winking at Batman

"Sure I know a place get in" Batman motioned for Catwoman to get into the Bat mobile

Batman and Catwoman drove off into the sunset together they're relationship renewed maybe now they could settle down together, now that Joker was in the Asylum, no doubt that Harley would try to break him out at some point but like always Batman would be ready.

Back in Keystone City Harley and Flash were having a conversation but it became rather one sided as Flash seemed to be annoyed and confused as to why Harley was in his town.

"Start talking Clown girl, why are you here?" Flash asked

"Well there was a little trouble back in Gotham, the Bats took Mr. J to Arkham and we had to get out while we could things heated up quickly, I need to get back there but first I needed to find a safe place to lie low for a while" Harley said

"Ok, by the way are you trying to earn some extra cash by taking a babysitting job that sure is one cute kid there" Flash said

"Thanks, and this is my daughter her name is Cherry Pie, she is the reason why I need a safe Haven, Please Flash?" Harley said looking at Cherry, and Cherry looked back at her and smiled

"Is that so, well I'm not sure, there might be a place that we can go, I'll have to ask so wait here, be back in a jiffy." Flash said running away living up to his name

"You know that man Mommy, he seems like a cool person and he can run really fast" Cherry asked Harley

"Sort of hun, I know a friend of his called Black Canary, that's probably who he was going to see, we'll just wait here till he gets back" Harley said to Cherry

"Mommy, I'm hungry and sleepy, and cold, and I miss Daddy" Cherry said tears forming in her eyes

"I know sweetie, I am too, and I also miss your father terribly" Harley said hugging her daughter

Flash then returned a big grin on his face and then he spoke

"Canary is fine with letting stay at her place, follow me"

"Awesomeness, oh and one thing that Canary told me, she said that since you are the fastest man in world that you've never given her an orgasm, you finish so fast, hahahahaha" Harley said laughing

"Well, I'm sure that I have? Anyway this way" Flash said grabbing Harley and Cherry and leading them to Black Canary's house

Back in Gotham

Batman and Catwoman were sitting on rooftop across from the G.C.P.D building just sitting there, Catwoman was purring gently, she was joking but she was happy just being with Bruce again watching the sunset she was in love, and this time she meant to hang onto him and never let him out of her sight again.

"Did you really have feelings for Harley? Even though it was all a lie, you can tell me" Selina asked

"At first yeah, but after I learned the truth I knew that I could never let her mess with me again like Joker, Harley will forever be my enemy, not like you Selina" Batman said leaning over and kissing Catwoman on her lips

They kissed for a while a very passionate one, nothing could possibly ruin this moment and Catwoman's beauty was emphasized by the setting sun, she had never looked prettier to Bruce then she did now, then they watched the sun set just sitting there the two protectors of Gotham forever in love

Back in Keystone City

Harley was awed at the site of Black Canary's house; she hadn't seen Canary in a long time and wondered if Canary would recognize her.

Canary answered the door her long blonde hair down to her shoulders she didn't look much different than she did the last time Harley saw her she was a very pretty woman, and welcomed them warmly into her home

"Harley Quinn, wow it's been forever, how are you girl" Canary said hugging Harley

"Not too good Canary, Mr. J's in the Nut House no thanks to the Bats, anyway we had to get out of Gotham I needed a place to take my daughter until I am able to return to Gotham and free Mr. J, so can we stay here?" Harley said

"Of course Harley, stay as long as you like, is this your little girl? She's adorable, how old are you sweetie?" Canary said

Cherry Pie ran to Harley and grabbed onto her leg and buried her head in her mother's leg

"Sorry Canary she's a little shy, she'll warm up to you soon, we're tried, thanks so much for taking us in" Harley said

"Well Canary, I need to go, do you mind watching Cherry for me, I'll be back with Mr. and the we'll came back for her" Harley said

"It's no problem Harley, it will be fun I haven't had a kid here before but I'll keep her safe, I promise" Canary said

"Whenever you're ready Harley I'll take you back to Gotham, we'll be there in no time" Flash said

"Thanks Flash, that's very nice of you, you are both very nice" Harley said and cried a little

That night Harley tucked Cherry into the bed gave her a kiss and thanked Canary again and then she headed back to Gotham to free Mr. J, Cherry was safe and now Harley had to see her Puddin again, she just had too.

Flash stayed true to his word and dropped Harley off at the entrance to Gotham since he was the fastest man alive they got there in no time at all.

"Ok, here we are Gotham city, come by again Harley, don't worry about your kid we'll watch her and make sure she's safe" Flash said

"You know I was wrong about you heroes, here I thought all of you were like Batman but you're not, you're a nice guy and that's rare" Harley said

"No problem, well see ya around" Flash said as he ran away

It was Gotham alright, Harley wasn't sure were to begin so she just started walking and then it happened she was completely surrounded by cops.

"Oh crap" Harley said

"Don't move Quinn, you're coming with us no questions asked, I'm Amanda Waller and I have a job for you, you can't say no" Amanda said

"Sigh, I suppose" Harley said following Amanda.

In another part of Gotham

Batman's intercom was ringing interrupted this magical moment, Catwoman had fell asleep in Batman's strong arms she jumped when she heard his intercom ringing

"Go ahead Alfred" Batman said

"Sir, I think that you'll want to hear this, apparently you received a strange invitation in the mail, want me to read it to you" Alfred ask

"Sure, what is it Alfred" Batman said

"Ok, so it says Sir, that you and a guess are cordially invited to a Tea Party, and to arrive promptly, it continues sir it says that is very rude to be late, should I rsvp or what Sir" Alfred said

"No I'll check it out Alfred, are there directions?" Batman said

"This is the strange thing it is addressed as Arkham Asylum" Alfred said

"Arkham? So something fishy is going on in Arkham, do you think that is why Joker wanted to be captured? I knew it was too easy, he never goes this willingly, and ok I'll go to Arkham" Batman said

"Do be careful sir, I'll pray for your safe return" Alfred said

Batman and Catwoman exchanged worried looks and then they kissed again and then Selina spoke

"Oh boy that sounds fun, so are we going to the crazy house then?"

"Yeah I have a feeling that we will be in for one long night, are you sure that you want to go, It's not just Joker were dealing with but the others as well" Batman said

"Why not I was invited as well, plus I could put in some girl time with Ivy, doubt that she'd be happy to see me though, considering what happened last time, I let her flowers die and she was really really mad" Catwoman said to Batman

"keep your guard up, something tells me that there is more to this then just a strange letter, ready to go hun" Batman said to Catwoman

"Yeah baby, I'm ready I'll enjoy this" Catwoman said laughing and Batman laughed as well

They headed to Arkham Asylum together, Batman had faced many perils but nothing like this at least he had Selina for backup what a team they made, Batman and Catwoman the new dynamic duo.


Slade woke up in the one place he did not want to be, Prison, he stroked is goatee thinking about the fact that he almost won. "Damn you Joker, if we ever meet again I'll kill you now it's personal, but I won't stop there I'll also kill your Wife and Child, No one crosses Slade Wilson and lives" Slade said to himself

They had taken his weapons and his mask he felt naked without all his gear, solitary confinement was just as bad as being in the nut house. Then someone spoke to him from the other side of his cell

"Slade Wilson I presume, I'm Amanda Waller from the United States Government, and I have an assignment for you, trust me you won't refuse once I tell you what it is" Amanda said

"Ok, you have my attention, so what is it" Slade responded

"You are to assemble my Task force and break into Arkham Asylum, rumor has it that Joker has taken over the place and we want to know what he is planning, this is a Suicide Mission some of you will not be coming back, with your reputation you are the leader, so what do say? Refuse and you'll spend the rest of your life in Solitary confinement" Amanda said

"Yeah limited options I suppose, so who am I in charge of?" Slade asked

"That's more like it, so here are their dossiers, you're making the right decision here Slade" Amanda said

Amanda handed Slade the dossiers on his team, Slade looked them over and was shocked at one in particular

"What is the meaning of this, Amanda there is no way that this is Deadshot, I killed him, and Harley Quinn what the fuck are you trying to pull here" Slade said

"I thought that you may say that, apparently there was more than one person with the persona of Deadshot, you did kill him it was Floyd Lawton the original Deadshot, you'll be working with his brother Roy Lawton, that won't be a problem will it, again there is no changes to the roster it is what it is" Amanda said

"So Deadshot has a brother huh, this is interesting; one question isn't Harley still with Joker?" Slade said

"She is our ringer, no one know the layout of Arkham better than Harley Quinn, she's unstable but we can use that to our advantage" Amanda said

"Just better hope that she doesn't double cross us because if she does then she'll answer to me" Slade said

"By the way, I've never heard of these ones Killer Frost, Giant Shark, Recon, who are these tools?" Slade said

"Mostly convicts just like you, so you well get started immediately and rumor has it that Batman will be there as well, try to avoid any confrontations with him if you can, I know that you have a history" Amanda said

"Fine, but I'm not going anywhere without my gear, understand" Slade said

"You will head to the rendezvous point where the others are waiting, best of luck Slade and don't try to pull anything because we'll know, we are the Government after all" Amanda said

"Sounds like I don't have much of a choice here either way so let's get going, get me out HERE!" Slade said

Amanda let Deathstroke out of his cell, and they both headed to rendezvous point.

This the end of Strange Love

Batman and Deathstroke will return in One Night at the Crazy House the rise of the Suicide Squad