-Uzushiogakure, Fallen base of operation, one week later-

The past week had been amazing for Naruto and the gang. When they had explored the island remains of Naruto's family home, they had been in awe. There were two full housing complex's capable of housing 150 people each. Each person would have their own room as well, no communal sleeping arrangements. There was a kitchen and dining hall that was completely furnished that could feed anywhere from 300-350 people comfortably at a single time. It had no supplies in it, but that was remedied with a quick trip to Wave by a disguised Takashi. They had explored around more and found what had been marked as a city hall building. Inside was a control room that boasted full control for water, heat, and gas for the entire island. There was an academy as well that housed what looked like a military school on top of the standard looking classrooms. There were also a set of training grounds that sat on the far side of the island and connected to the water of the lake.

All of this was impressive but what really took their breath away was the library and archive. Both were kept in the same building. It was a building the same size as one of the housing structures but full of books. There was content on everything from jutsu to history of different villages. It was the most complete library they had ever seen.

While everything looked amazing, it was all in various stated of disrepair and the trio had decided to dedicate their time to beginning maintenance on their new home in the next few days. Heavy layers of dust would need to be moved and lots of interior work would need to be finished before they could move anyone else into the housing. Things were pilling up, but it didn't deter them at all.

The past few days had been a blast for the trio as they explored the island and the heritage that Naruto's family had left behind.

In the mornings they would all train together and spar. Naruto would wake up very early and work hard on his Shadow Fox style that was coming along very well thanks to Kurama's help. After a lunch together the group would split off from one another and Naruto would bury his head in one of the many books that he had found and read non-stop until dinner time. He had found himself reading through at least one to two books a day. So far he had read history on his family. The fearsome Uzumaki and their sealing arts, feared far and wide. After he read about his family he had decided to find his families seal books and teach himself. He felt he needed to keep their ways alive now that he was one of the few alive. He wanted to honor his family.

Takashi would spend his afternoons, training his eye and chakra reserves. He had taken to experimenting as well with what he could charge with his chakra and how he could use his chakra to manipulate and enhance objects. Hinata's afternoons were spent reading as well. She had picked out a book on water jutsu that she found interesting and had began teaching herself water style techniques to enhance her combat capabilities.

After dinner Naruto would spend time with Hinata. They would read together or walk the island and explore it together. They had learned that inside of the control room was also a complex seal array that looked like a control seal to Naruto. He had researched it a little and knew it controlled other seals and decided to test it out one night. To his and HInata's surprise, the seal controlled the entrance they came through. They could now seal it al will, making the island an even more perfect hidden base. They could also manipulate the light that was given to the chamber that the island was in. Through experimentation, the Naruto had managed to set the lights to mimic the natural light cycle of outdoors.

The two had grown very close in the past week. They would talk for hours on end and learn as much as they could about each other, which only deepened their feelings for one another. The two had also become even closer friends with Takashi. He had finally explained his eye to Naruto and told HInata. The two and accepted it without any problems and now the trio were as close as family.

The three of them had chosen to move into the highest apartments in the housing complex. Hinata and Naruto had not moved in together, still feeling shy and not wanting to rush into anything.

It was very early in the morning a week after their arrival now and Naruto was running through his normal pre-group work training. He had run through his physical training and was now working on his technique. If he learned one thing about his new style, it was that he may not hit a lot, but he could hit like a ten ton rock. The Shadow Fox style focused on high mobility and dodging, something that Naruto had been quick to enhance with his shadow clones. Kurama would watch him run through strike and practice stances and offer feedback and corrections. So far, Naruto was impressed. He only knew four attacks, but they were devastating if they connected.

Naruto continued his practice as he pondered The Forgotten a little, bouncing ideas off of Kurama.

'So, should we have an initiation rite? a uniform? or are we more relaxed than that?' Naruto thought to his companion.

'This group of ours if going to be a mercenary outfit for hire kit, we need to look professional. A uniform would be nice. As for initiation, I'm not sure. It really is up to you.' The giant fox replied.

'Ok then, what kind of uniform should we have?' Naruto thought as he struck a practice dummy so hard it virtually shattered.

'Very good Kit.' The fox praised before continuing. 'A uniform should convey purpose and power. Appearance is just as important a tool to a ninja as skill itself. Morale can be effected by appearance of enemies.' The Kurama finished.

'hmmm…..I have an idea! Naruto shouted in his own mind before realizing that he had been talking longer than he thought as his friends appeared at his training field.

"Hey Naruto" Takashi greeted cheerfully as he started to stretch.

"Hey Takashi" Naruto replied, and turned his attention to his girlfriend. "And hello to you Hime" Naruto greeted her with a small peck on the cheek and a big hug, using his pet name for her.

"Hi Naruto" Hinata smiled and blushed a little. She still could not get used to having his attention all the time.

"Hey before we start out today, I was wondering if we could spend today talking through the final points of The Forgotten and getting things rolling with that?" Naruto asked.

"Sure man, no problem but do you mind if Hinata and I spar a little first? We wanted to test each other's eyes a little." Takashi asked, nodding to Hinata.

"Sure thing! I wanted to look into something anyway. Meet me over at the academy. Classroom 1." Naruto said and waved a goodbye to his companions as he leapt towards his destination.

"Does he ever run out of energy?" Takashi mused out loud as he finished stretching.

"No, but its part of why I love him" Hinata smiled and replied. She had already stretched and was ready to go.

"Ok before we start, can I see your eye?" Hinata asked. "You said it mutated and has different abilities. I want to know if we can still classify it as a Byakugan."

"Well. sure. I haven't actually looked at the thing since I put it in. Never wanted to really." Takashi replied and tapped his eye patch, deactivating both the inhibitor and the adhesive seal.

Catching the eye patch as it fell, Takashi looked at Hinata and she gasped slightly.

"I know, it was a rushed field surgery I did myself. Its a miracle I got the damn thing in. It looks bad right?" Takashi said.

"No. Not that, it…well…..I don't thing you can call it a Byakugan." Hinata replied, transfixed by his eye.

The eye itself was nothing like it should have been. Gone was the pale white color, replaced with a vivid light purple. Instead of having no iris, it contained a darker purple circle within the pale coloring of the eye.

"Huh?" Takashi asked and made his way to the water to see his reflection. "Holy crap! Look at it! What happened!?" Takashi exclaimed as he saw his eye's appearance. He stood and turned back to HInata as she started to talk.

"Well. you said you have a unique chakra. Maybe it forced a mutation so the eye could be more comparable with it?" Hinata asked, trying to get a closer and more detailed look at his eye.

"Maybe…..Anyway, want to try it out against your eyes? I'm curious as to how this'll go" Said Takashi smiling as he remembered the whole point to this.

"Of course. lets see what your eye can do compared to mine." Hinata replied also with a smile on her face. She was curious to see what his eye could do.

Hinata formed a familiar hand sign and he Byakugan came to life. As soon as it did she let her mouth drop open a little.

"How much chakra do you have!?" she asked, flabbergasted by what she saw.

Takashi's eye was draining his chkra at easily ten times the rate at which her eyes drained her.

"Enough for this" Takashi smiled and charged HInata. He wanted to test his eye a little.

Hinata dropped into a Gentle Fist defense and prepared herself. Takashi was no slouch at hand to hand, but much more preferred to fight with his Bo. Which is why it was so easy for HInata to break his charge and turn it around on him. She threw srike after strike, but found nothing connecting.

Takashi was good, but how could he dodge EVERY strike she threw. After about a minute of this, the two separated for a second to catch their breath.

"Weird." Takashi muttered between breaths "Normally, I can see energy transfer and get a projection of possible paths that the target can take. With you its different. I only see what you will do. No options."

"You can read all of my moves?" Hinata asked surprised that Takashi's eyes worked so well.

"Well, only the physical ones." Takashi replied.

"Then how about reading this?" Hinata said as she started running through a set of hand signs very quickly. When she stopped she yelled "Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu" and a massive dragon of water erupted from the lake they were next to, catching Takashi off guard and sweeping him off his feet with a big impact.

As he coughed up water and fumbled to his feet, he fished in his pocket and drew out his eye patch and placed it back over his eye.

"As fun as it may be getting drenched, I think I may be at my limit for now. Great surprise by the way. How long have you been working on that?" Takashi asked making his way to a slightly panting Hinata.

All week, Its really the only thing I mastered. Think Naruto will be impressed?" HInata asked, collecting herself and starting to lead the way to where Naruto said he would meet them.

"Of course he will." Replied Takashi who fell in step beside her. "So what do you think he wanted to check out?" Takashi asked.

"No clue, guess we're about to find out right?" Hinata replied with a smile.

The two fell into a comfortable silence as the neared their destination. When they finally reached the academy and entered the old building, and found classroom 1, Naruto was nowhere to be seen.

"He said classroom 1 right?" Takashi asked HInata as the two scanned the empty room.

before Hinata could reply they heard the pounding of running feet from outside the room. The duo turned in time to see Naruto burst into the room with a goofy grin on his face.

"You're late to your own meeting Naruto." Takashi shot at the blonde.

"I know, I know, I know but you have got to see this! It's super cool and I think we can use it!" Naruto replied holding up a jet black mask. It looked like the kind of mask that hunter-nun would wear.

"Cool, but there's one problem" Takashi said taking the mask from Naruto and inspecting it. "Doesn't look like it's finished. No eye holes. But thats an easy fix. I like it" Takashi finished.

"That's what I thought too, but I was reading these old fuinjutsu scrolls the other day and came across something that might help, put the mask on." Naruto said, beaming.

Takashi looked at his friend like he was crazy, but did as he asked. The mask had a set of straps on the back that would hold it in place on his head. After putting it on, Takashi was greeted by nothing.

"Look, Naruto I don't knw what you're getting at but…." Takashi began.

"Channel a little chakra into it!" Naruto cut Takashi off.

Sighing, Takashi did as his friend asked, and gasped. The darkness faded completely to be replaced by the smiling face of his Naruto and the questioning look of HInata. He could see, like see through the mask!

"Whoa! Naruto, I can see! How did you…" Takashi started but was cut off again by his hyperactive friend.

"Like I said, I came across this seal in an old fuinjutsu training scroll called a transparency seal. It makes the mask transparent to you on the inside! How cool is that!" Naruto was almost bouncing he was so excited. "I worked a while on perfecting the seal and now I think I am good enough at it to do it for a whole bunch of masks!"

"A whole bunch? Are we all going to be getting one?" Hinata asked, still examining the mask Takashi had now taken off and handed to her.

"Ya! I was thinking that it could be the official uniform of The Forgotten. I want each of us to be able to decide what our divisions wear, how they train, what kind of initiation if any you want, but I want us to have one unifying feature. One thing that makes us all Forgotten." Naruto said, looking between his two friends.

"So, we can shape out divisions any way that we want?" Takashi asked, rubbing his chin and thinking.

"Ya. As long as they follow the core rules that we agreed upon and wear a mask during operations, then everything else is decided by their division heads." Naruto replied.

"I like it." Hinata smiled at Naruto and handed the mask to him. "So, whats the plan now Naruto?"

With both of his friends eyes fixed on him, Naruto put his hands behind his head and smiled his foxy grin.

"Simple." Naruto replied. "Recruitment."

-Konoha, Same time-

As the morning wore on a little, Tsunade found herself at her new favorite place to be. She was currently sitting on top of the Fourth's head, just where Naruto would have been found. She had brought with her a small breakfast and was enjoying a little alone time away from her paperwork and troubles. She liked coming here because it made her feel closer to Naruto. She missed Naruto like no one else. She missed her surrogate little brother, all of his antics and the genuine joy and hope he seemed to bring into everyone's lives.

When Kakashi had returned without Hinata, Tsunade had been confused. Until Kakashi delivered his report. She was ecstatic that Naruto was alive and well. He had found a friend and a new dream. That had hurt a little at first, but she couldn't blame him. He had been thrown from a home that he had defended almost to death. She would have moved on as well.

When Kakashi had told Tsunade about Hinata, she was happy. Yes it caused her a monster migraine from the Hyuga clan, but that girl had found happiness. The Hyuga were still trying daily to get a mission together to find the heiress who had 'gotten separated from Kakashi during a routine delivery mission gone very wrong'.

Hinata's true location and true status were only known to Kakashi, Tsunade, and Jiraiya. They had sworn to keep the secret to protect the Hinata and Naruto.

Tsunade's thoughts were disrupted as a familiar presence behind her drew her attention.

"Jiraiya, what do you want?" Tsunade asked, surprised that the Toad Sage was even in the village at all. He was supposed to be out of the village working his spy network.

"Nice to see you too, Hime" Jiraiya replied to the curt greeting as he took a seat next to Tsunade. "I came back because I have something you may want to know."

"Is it about Naruto?" Tsunade asked hopefully.

"No, that boy is impossible to find when he wants to be hidden. This is about Danzo." Jiraiya looked at his former teammate with a worried expression. "He's gathering support, and fast Tsunade. He has all of the civilian council at his side, and a few of the ninja clans as well. My spies caught wind of a root messenger reaching out to Kumo as well. Tsunade, this does not look good."

Tsunade was shocked. She knew that Danzo had village support, but reaching out to a long time rival and enemy of Konoha. That was new.

"What did his messenger want?" Tsunade asked.

"From what I can gather, he wants to form an alliance. He promises them land, military aid, economic aid and….." Jiraiya hesitated.

"And what Jiraiya?" Tsuande asked, almost knowing the answer.

"And the son of the Yellow Flash." Jiraiya finished.

"No….no no no no no. there is no way on earth that Danzo knows where Naruto is hiding! You can't even find him!" Tsunade started to panic slightly.

"Of course he doesn't. I know for a fact he has no clue. But what he did offer was the last known location of Naruto and all the information that we have on him. Danzo wants to server Naruto up to Kumo on a silver platter." Jiraiya said, clearly upset as well.

"….We need to warn him. Somehow…." Tsunade said, standing up.

"How? We can't even find him. How are we supposed to get him a warning? You know that if Danzo finds out about you trying to help Naruto that he'll have the Hokage hat in no time and you'll either be banished too or worse. Hime, we have to think this through." Jiraiya replied, also standing. "What good would we be to Naruto if Danzo won?"

Tsunade sighed in defeat. Jiraiya was right, she just didn't feel like she could do nothing about Naruto's current situation for much longer without going crazy. The two Sannin looked out over Konoha for a minute before the silence was broken by a third person.

"Lady Hokage, I wanted to inform you that Danzo has just called an emergency council meeting." Kakashi said as he materialized behind the two. He was wearing his ANBU uniform, but the two knew him well enough to tell it was him.

"What!? What is that snake up to now?" Tsunade replied as she left, racing towards the council chamber with Jiraiya in tow.

-Konoha, Council Chamber, emergency meeting-

Danzo had done it. He had delivered his final blow. He had never really expected things to go so smoothly, but who was he to complain. All he needed now was….

As if on cue, the doors to the council chamber were thrown open with enough force to remove them from their hinges. Tsunade accompanied by Jiraiya and Kakashi entered the room.

"Ah, why thank you Kakashi for collecting Tsunade for us. You are dismissed." Danzo said dismissively as all eyes in the room became trained on the trio.

"You're not the one who orders MY ninja around Danzo" Tsunade spat back venomously as she placed a hand on Kakashi's shoulder to keep him where he was. "He stays."

"Oh Lady Tsunade, I believe you are mistaken. I do order the ninja of this village around now." Danzo replied smugly as a smile plastered itself across his features.

"What do you mean?" Tsunade shot back, a bad feeling forming in the pit of her stomach.

"Simple Tsunade, I called a special council meeting to discuss your competence as Hokage. We all agree as well that your attachment to the demon that we banished has clouded your judgment and made you an until leader. As of five minutes ago, you are no longer Hokage." Danzo stood as he finished with his smile fading into his usual passive face. "I have been elected your replacement."

"THIS IS BULLSHT!" Tsunade screamed, letting the rage and killer intent flow from her freely. No one in the room except for the elders and Danzo could dare to look at her. "HOW DARE YOU!"

"How dare I what? I simply took action that would ensure the best future for the Leaf. You were a soft leader unable to do what had to be done. I will not make the same mistakes." Danzo replied calmly. "Tsunade Senju and Jiraiya the Gallant, the two of you are hereby restricted to village duty. You are to not leave the gates of Konoha. To do so will be considered treason and you will be labeled as missing-nin. Do I make myself clear?"

Tsunade felt her world shatter around her. She couldn't even run away from this. No, she was gone. That was a matter of fact. Tsunade would not stay in the shell of the village her family had founded. She was now certain of her actions.

"Hai" She replied angrily to Danzo and stormed out.

Jiraiya had been too dumbstruck to speak. Instead opting to follow Tsunade from the room.

"Hime, are we really going to roll over like…" Jiraiya began but was instantly cut off by the angry slug princess.

"Hell no we aren't done. Since we can't leave we have to take our time and gather supplies so that we can leave. I'm done here, i'm don't with this hell hole of a village. Do what you can to gather info on where we could hide once we are ready to leave. It'll take time, but we are gone. Nothing is keeping me here anymore. I do not fear Danzo or his orders." Tsunade finished as she stomped off towards her favorite bar.

Jiraiya was about to follow but decided against it. She had told him to start looking for their next course of action, and he wasn't about to say no to her. He would check on her periodically and make sure that she didn't do anything too stupid.

How had things taken such a bad turn so quickly. The toad sage let out a sight and disappeared as he went to get in touch with his spy network connections in Konoha. Running and using his network was going to be a headache now that he was restricted to Konoha…

There we go. Sorry about the delay on this one, things have been a bit crazy though. Hope you guys liked this one. Next one is going to be good. I dot ideas all cooked up and ready to go. As per usual read and review and maybe share the story if you like it. Until next time.