I soon pulled up to his mum's house, slowing to a stop.

"So I'll just wait in the car?" I asked unsurely, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah, unless you wanna see me kick the livin' shit outta my stepdad, then yeah," he responded with his usual sarcasm.

"As much as I would love to see that, I'll pass. I'd better just stay out here, in case you need a getaway car."

"Yeah, sounds good. Keep the engine runnin'," he replied, patting my back before hopping out.

I laughed, leaning over the console and shutting his door behind him. I watched as he walked across the lawn, ducking out behind the house and out of sight. He was no doubt sneaking in through the back or something equally ridiculous.

I was only in the car for about another five or ten minutes, bobbing my head to the beat of Feel Good Inc. by the Gorillaz, not noticing Nathan stumbling back towards the car.

"Laughing gas these hazmats, fast cats, lining them up like ass cracks! Lay these ponies at the—fucking shit!" I snapped, jumping as I heard him climb into the car, looking awfully defeated. There was quite a large red mark on his cheek, and he seemed in shock. "Dude, what happened?" I asked, turning down the volume.

He was silent, seeming to have trouble speaking. "She hit me," he said, sounding like he was struggling to believe himself.

"You're fucking with me, right?" I asked, shock obvious on my face.

He just shook his head blankly.

"That's not okay, you know that, right? That's not fucking okay. Why did she do it?"

"I broke his nose."

"Wait, what? You broke her fucking boyfriend's nose?"

He nodded.

"Shit man, and you didn't think she's be pissed?"

He shook his head.

"Fuck! Did you at least tell her about 'im being a nudist or whatever?"

He was quiet, debating what to say. "She already knew."


He nodded.

I was quiet.

"Dude, that's fucked up. That's really fucked up," I said softly, sighing and shaking my head.

It was quiet for a moment, the only sound in the car the hum of the CD.

"Were you rapping when I came in?"

"Oh, fuck off. You just broke your stepdad's nose, you don't have any room to be talking."

He smirked, a slightly forced laugh passing his lips. The humor quickly wore off, and we were left in car, stuck with the depressing realization of Nathan's situation.

"She'd never done that before," he said quietly. "She never hit me. Even when I was little, never have me a spankin' or nothin'."

I paused, choosing my words carefully. "I'm sorry," I said after a moment. It was all I could say. I didn't know how to comfort him—his mum had just slapped him, what was I supposed to say? So I just stayed quiet, and we stayed like that for a long time.

"You've got anywhere to go?" I asked finally, looking up at him.

He hesitated, seeming to decide what exactly to reveal to me. I couldn't blame him. In the past ten minutes, I probably learned more about his personal life than anyone should.

"If you need it, you can, uh... Spend the night at my place. I don't mind. It's small, but I know you're sort of stressin' right now and—"

"It's alright," he interrupted, his eyes down. "I've got a mate I can stay with. Don't need to get all sappy."

I froze, watching him carefully. He was obviously struggling, seeming to be lost in thought, the slight smirk on his face that I thought would be permanent was gone. But I didn't want to prod—I know I had done enough of that this past half hour. "Alright," I said softly. "Where to?"

We stopped in front of a tiny home, that looked like the opposite of the kind of place where Nathan would stay. "This is your house?" I asked, unbelieving.

"Not mine," he answered. "Just a friend's. I'll see you later," he said, climbing out, but I caught his arm. He turned around, shocked by the sudden movement. "What?"

"Just..." I paused, choosing my words carefully. "Take care of yourself, alright? Don't do anything stupid." I slowly took my hand back, popping open the glove box and taking out a pen and notepad, scribbling something down. "Give me a call if you need anything, alright?"

He took the paper, looking down at it with confusion. "Uh, thanks," he said, stuffing the note into his pocket. "Yeah. I'll give you a ring."

I nodded, smiling slightly. "You do that. See ya."


He shut the door, walking up the sidewalk to the house, and I waited. I didn't want him just wait for me to leave, and walk off to where he was really planning on going. I felt like an over protective parent, but I couldn't help it—after all that had just happened, I think it was understandable.

He walked to the door, knocking, and it opened a moment later. I squinted to see who it was, if it was Curtis or Simon, but was shocked as I recognized the silhouette in the doorway. It was the blonde girl from the community center, the volunteer he was chatting up.

He was fucking the volunteer girl.

Before he was able to wave me off, I stepped on the gas, pulling out and quickly driving off.

I wasn't sure what I was feeling—I wanted to laugh and punch him at the same time. He had somehow managed to actually get someone to sleep with him, which was a shock in the first place, but... I could feel my stomach turning over as I drove towards my apartment, clenching the steering wheel. I didn't want to think about it. I really didn't want to think about it.

So, instead, I turned up the volume on my dash, blasting "Naïve" by The Kooks, definitely not thinking about Nathan.

The next morning at the community center, the attack of the old people had resumed, and they filled up the room.

Curtis, Alisha and Kelly were at least faking have a decent time, attempting to show to old blokes how to dance, while Simon seemed to be being squeezed to death by an old woman. It was a pretty funny sight, and I was surprised that Nathan wasn't cracking jokes from the sidelines, but he looked worse than ever.
I was surprised, since even after what had happened at his mum's, I would've assumed getting laid would make him feel a hell of a lot better. Apparently not. I couldn't help but feel smug, smirking as I sauntered towards him.

But, before I could make a smart-ass comment, she sped off, terrified by the old woman approaching him. She looked pretty disheartened by him speeding off, and I frowned, glancing at the poor woman. "I'm sorry, he's just in a mood today," I apologized, giving her a pity smile. "I'll go check up on him."

I walked out the doors of the recreation room, soon finding Nathan leaving the community center. "Hey, wait up!" I called after him, attempting to chase after him in wedges, only managing an awkward speed walk. But he slowed down for me, although he didn't seem very happy about it. "What was that? The old woman seemed heartbroken. Just cause you're fuckin' that blonde chick doesn't mean you get to be a douche bag to everybody else."

He cringed. "I don't know what you're talkin' about. I didn't fuck her."

"Oh sure," I laughed sarcastically. "I bet you just spent the night on her couch, after chattin' her up like that a couple days ago. I'm not stupid."

"You know what, fuck off," he spat poisonously, catching me off guard.

"What?" I asked, stopping and grabbing his sleeve. "You fuck off, you're always making shit jokes about me bein' posh and fuckin' Simon or whatever, and I make a joke about you getting laid and you can't take it?"

He glares at me, ripping his arm from my grasp. "Whatever," he muttered, walking towards the overpass, me still trailing behind him.

"Did things not go so well between you did?" I asked, cocking my head to the side. "You weren't shit in bed, were you?"

"No!" He snapped, obviously frustrated.

"Then what? Why are you pissed? You finally got some pussy, and I'm practically congratulating you, and now you're all pissed? What the hell did you do to fuck this up? Did she laugh at your dick or something?"

"No! Just stop talking about it," he hissed, narrowing his eyes at me.

"She did, didn't she?"

"I fucked an old woman, alright?" He almost shouted, and my jaw dropped.

"Come again?" I scoffed, not believing a word.

His lip was quivering, eyebrows furrowed as he watched me. "I fucked that old lady from the community center."

"Wait," I said holding up a hand. "So, instead of fucking that blonde dime, you decided to fuck her Nan? Okay, ew?"

"No!" He groaned, shaking his head. "It was somethin' with the storm! It made her young again! I don't know! It wore off right about when she—" he stopped, too ashamed to finish his sentence. It only took me a moment to figure it out.

"Oh, that's just fucking nasty."

"I didn't mean to, alright?" He said desperately. "Just—don't tell the rest of 'em, alright? I don't need them givin' me shit about shaggin' somebody's Nan."

I shook my head, laughing. "Alright, whatever. But you owe me one," I said, pointing a finger at him.

"Will a joint work?" He asked, pulling a pouch with green flakes out of his pocket.

I debated a moment, before shrugging my shoulders. "Yeah, alright," I said, both of sitting down. We sat like that until the others came out, passing the joint between us in silence.

A/N: Alright, I'm really sorry about this, this is definitely not my best work. I screwed up. I said I would update every other Thursday, so I'm keeping true to that, but this chapter is kind of shit. I procrastinated writing, and I just did most of it today and yesterday. It's really short and I'm really sorry, I have no excuse. I was even on break. I should have prioritized it more. I'm going to try to rewrite this and fix this and update it when a post the next chapter two weeks from now. I promise the next chapter will be better and a lot longer, so bare with me. Thanks for reading everyone, see you in two weeks.