SPOILERS: Through the current manga and anime.

NOTES: Normally I do not write OC-centric stories, but while helping a friend develop this, it was abandoned by the writer and became my own. While many readers may disregard OC-centric stories, I am hoping those familiar with my other work will give this a try. It'll be a long one with a humor-centric theme. This is set about five years after the war.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Naruto.


Yatsumi was fully prepared to accept that she would die an old maid—literally. Her chances of becoming anything better than a servant were slim to none, for she was too old to become an apprentice and had never learned to be anything other than a noblewoman.

False accusations regarding her father's death had caused her mother to be cast out of her father's clan, forcing her mother to find work and housing at a shrine in order to survive. Only the kindness of Lady Reiko, a friend of Yatsumi's late paternal grandmother, had spared her a similar fate. Although her father's family had seen to it her betrothal was ended and no noble family in Honey would have her, Lady Reiko was determined to find Yatsumi a husband, and she knew just where to look.

While often more difficult than being part of a noble clan, becoming part of a ninja clan would secure a comfortable future for Yatsumi. There were always some looking for brides for their young men, and Lady Reiko had the resources and connections to have them come to her under the pretense of guarding her from unknown enemies.

Although she wouldn't dream of spoiling Lady Reiko's fun—for the spirited elder did so enjoy having handsome young men protect her—Yatsumi didn't know why Lady Reiko had yet to accept defeat. After the parade of shinobi who had been hired over the last six months, she really didn't see the point. First there had been the very uptight, pale-eyed young man with the lovely hair and chilly disposition that the full force of her charm couldn't even begin to warm. Then there came the jovial, rotund fellow who never stopped talking about the girl back home he was clearly planning on marrying. Most recently had been the wiry, misogynistic fellow with shifty eyes and a diamond-sharp intellect. He'd seen through their ruse in less than 18 hours and had managed to get reassigned in 18 more.

Since the end of the war, a lot of young men from Konoha had married, so there weren't many single shinobi left to choose from. What hope was there of finding one who would appreciate the likes of her? Yatsumi had no delusions she was a great beauty, nor was she more than competent in domestic or musical arts. The only thing she was especially good at was talking, which she didn't consider a particularly useful talent in a potential bride.

Sighing, Yatsumi resisted leaning against the gate as she waited for the latest victim of Lady Reiko's scheme. She wondered what unconquerable attribute this one would have. Perhaps there would be an arranged marriage he couldn't get out of, or maybe he'd prefer men?

No, it was worse than either of those. For some unfathomable reason, Lady Tsunade had sent them a kunoichi this time! With her assured, athletic stride and shrewd gaze, the lovely blond woman walking around the bend could be nothing but a shinobi.

Just as Yatsumi's heart began sinking to her toes, she spotted the mysterious figure behind the kunoichi. As soon as she noticed, she knew from the way the second ninja moved that it was a man. He was tall and heavily clothed, despite the warm day, and dark goggles covered his eyes. Between his high collar and hood, almost none of his face was revealed, but what was visible suggested a strong, straight nose. His broad, smooth cheekbones implied an attractive jawline, and the hints of his hair showed dark, unmanageable locks that might be unattractive on a woman but seemed suitable for this tall, enigmatic man.

His slouched posture and hands in pockets, combined with his disinterest in the kunoichi's ambivalence toward him, made Yatsumi wonder if he was not a favored son of Konoha. Regardless, if he was here, he must belong to some clan. His apparent gaze, for it was impossible to be sure where he was looking with those goggles on, shifted from a dragonfly buzzing by to her. His furrowed brow furrowed further. Having been caught staring, she felt a blush creep up her neck to her cheeks. Fortunately, they were close enough that she could cover it with introductions.

Bowing deeply, Yatsumi straightened with an inviting smile. "Welcome to Lady Reiko's residence. I'm Yatsumi, Lady Reiko's lady-in-waiting. Would you do me the honor of sharing your names?"

The kunoichi gave her a smile that probably broke hearts wherever she went. "I'm Ino Yamanaka."

From behind the man's collar came a deep, toneless voice. "Shino Aburame."

Such an effeminate family name for such a manly man, for now that he was close, she couldn't help admiring the breadth of his shoulders. Yatsumi repressed a sigh and fervently hoped he had no betrothal and didn't prefer other men.

"I hope your journey was a pleasant one, Lady Yamanaka, Lord Aburame." With a wave, she beckoned them inside then closed the gate behind them. "I shall guide you to refreshments and inform Lady Reiko of your arrival. Please feel free to ask me if there's anything you need."

She was neither tall nor short, thin nor heavy, stunning nor ugly, but she was impossible not to notice waiting by the tall wooden gate in her remarkable kimono. The bottom of the body and sleeves were a riot of colorful flowers over a grass-green background. Above the embroidered blossoms was all variety of garden-friendly insects. But it was not just the kimono that caught Shino's eye. She had noticed him fairly quickly, which was exceptional in and of itself, given he was partnered with Ino, who many considered the most attractive and distracting kunoichi of their age. When the young woman at the gate did notice him, her face lit with avid interest. Of course, she didn't know who or what he was—that his clan housed and controlled deadly insects that lived beneath their skin—but it was still an unusual reaction. Then, when he turned his head in her direction, she blushed. That was definitely noteworthy. A member of the most attractive clan in Konoha had already worked this assignment. Why would she blush at him? It was curious and would require further observation.

Introducing herself as the lady-in-waiting of their employer, her polite greeting was delivered with earnest cheer that made him feel sincerely welcomed. As she turned to lead them into the noble's complex, he couldn't help noticing the barrette that held her straight brown hair in a simple but fetching knot. It appeared to be made of silver, yet it was not the metal but the design that interested him. The barrette was fashioned into the shape of two dragonflies chasing one another, with semi-precious stones coloring their bodies and eyes. While the whims of fashion didn't interest him in the least, he was aware enough of what was popular to know it was an odd and probably dated ornament. For some reason, it pleased him an insect-themed item held such sentimental value to her that she would wear it openly, for sentiment seemed the most logical reason to motivate a young woman to so distinctly fly in the face of fashion.

Despite the naturally cautious, reserved nature of shinobi in general, and Aburames in particular, he couldn't help but be inclined to allow his first impressions to influence his perspective. She seemed perfectly charming, and he chose to think of her favorably.