Author's Note: Hey all! Here is the final chapter of Sakura Touch. Well I say final chapter and the story may say completed, but I thoroughly enjoyed writing this little story so a fourth chapter may occur, but that is not concrete. In fact, I may just do a normal series were lemon is not the main focus, maybe just a very rare thing or perhaps not at all. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Also, there is a poll on my profile, I would love it if you could just check it out. Thanks!

Chapter Three: Sakura Flame

The sun was high in the sky for the third period of the school day. The teacher continued to drone on and on about a subject no one really gave a damn about, but Haruka still paid attention through it all. Yuu on the other hand, was drifting in and out of her dreams. The petite blonde's dreams had a large range of genres. Sports were rather common while action occurred often too, but something new kept appearing with full force. Lustful day dreams suddenly showed up not too long ago, but Yuu knew the reason why. It was obviously Haruka's fault, although, Yuu didn't exactly mind.

Romance wasn't uncommon in her day dreams, but these lustful dreams were on the other end of the spectrum. Instead of beautiful and heart-warming dates and snuggles while watching movies on the couch, these day dreams were more heated and erotic. A lot of skin to skin contact along with beads of sweat slowly making tracks down their naked bodies, but that was normally as far as Yuu got in her mind. She was still a child at heart and this was too much excitement for her mind to drum up.

Haruka was the same except her mind worked differently. The busty brunette worked hard during class… Most of the time. When her mind was freed from school work at night, her mind dived deeper and deeper into her own erotic thoughts. Generally her thoughts would cause her to slot some private time into her daily schedule.

Yuu's eyes were closed and her mind was occupied as the teacher called out her name causing her to snap her attention to the front of the room. Luckily, all Yuu got was an annoyed look and a sigh before the teacher returned to the learning topic at hand. Haruka glanced behind towards Yuu, giving a caring look, but Yuu wasn't phased in the slightest. The blonde just fixed up the sleeves of her shirt and snuggled her head back on them. Haruka smiled and turned back to the front of the class. That only lasted a short while before Haruka continuously began looking back to Yuu again and again for longer periods of time. Eventually she had no idea what the teacher was rambling on about, but her eyes were glued to the short girl's breathing pattern. Her mouth was slightly open in a puckering fashion. Haruka's imagination was overtaking her school thoughts. The brunette puckered her lips in a similar position, thinking hard about how the kiss would feel. What would occur from it? What would they be getting up to if nobody was around?

The teacher jotted down notes on the board and the students mindlessly copied, although Haruka's pen was resting in the fold of her workbook. She pressed her thighs together, rubbing them uncomfortably as her mind continued to wander further into the gutter. Haruka began to drum her fingers on the side of her desk, feeling strange urges begin to rise to the surface. She felt the classroom get a little hotter as she gulped down the building saliva in her mouth.

A loud thud ripped her mind right out of the gutter and back to the classroom thanks to the teacher slamming her book on the desk. Haruka was starting to hyperventilate from the sudden shock. The teacher turned and began spouting out lessons again. Haruka couldn't focus anymore, not after the lewd thoughts of Yuu that were fluttering through her mind. The uncomfortable moistness she felt between her legs was begin to cause more problems by the second. She needed to sort it out soon, but with Yuu still on her mind, nothing was going to get solved. Haruka still realised she was breathing a little too fast.

"Are you alright Haruka?" The teacher asked, leaning on her desk with both hands, looming over the horny girl.

"I uh, I just… You see…" She couldn't stop her rapid breathing bring forth her inability to talk in a proper manner.

The teacher sighed and look around the class. "Yuu!" She shouted, breaking Yuu's dreams for the second time this lesson. "Since you don't seem to care for learning right now, take Haruka to the school nurse. Apparently she needs a break…" The teacher's voice faded as she sorted through some papers. Haruka's face was an alarming red due to embarrassment. Yuu was still half asleep as she dragged herself to the front of the class and linked arms with Haruka, which in no way helped her colour issue.

By a strangely strong force, Yuu pulled Haruka out of the class while being in the middle of waking. "Yuu…" Haruka muttered, trying to get her to properly open her eyes.

"Yes Haruka…" Yuu replied with a slight smile.

"Open your eyes fully!" Haruka nagged, tapping Yuu on the shoulder. Yuu's response was an odd, incoherent and muffled moaning. Her lips were puckered to match. Haruka's mind returned to the gutter which was only fitting as that's were Yuu's was too. Yuu carried on making erotic noises as she dragged Haruka through the school corridors. Her handkerchief swayed in the wind caused by the quick head turns Haruka was doing. She was scanning the area, hoping desperately that nobody was near. Once she had confirmed that the coast was clear, she grabbed the door handle of the Janitor's closet and pulled herself and Yuu inside, slamming the door shut behind themselves.

A dying light lit the small room. It was more spacious than Haruka had thought it would be. Yuu giggled a little as she wiggled her body about. Haruka looked at her with a sort of frown, trying to figure out how to snap her out of it. Yuu kissed the air, making the same noises she was making in the corridor. Haruka pressed her lips against Yuu's, causing the arousal of both members. Yuu was now fully aware of her surroundings.

"Gah! Where am I?" Yuu shrieked, crouching down and grabbing her legs for support. She looked up at the girl standing beside her. After taking a rather long look up her skirt, she realised it was Haruka. "Haruka! Where are we?" Yuu latched onto Haruka's body, feeling her warmth that she desired so much.

Haruka couldn't help but smile. "We're in the Janitor's closet dummy!"

Yuu looked around, noticing that she wasn't lying. "Okay… And why are we here…?" Yuu asked, thinking back to her last moments of consciousness.

"You were making… Bizarre noises while taking me to the nurse's office, so I brought you in here till you stopped." Haruka smiled, hugging Yuu back. Yuu decided against asking about the noises and just embraced the hug she was receiving.

Instead, Yuu asked a different question. "Why did you get sent to the nurse's office?"

"Because of you!" Haruka suddenly remembered her situation in class moments earlier. Yuu tilted her head to the side. "Because… You're… You…" Haruka was being overwhelmed by lustful thoughts and embarrassment. Unable to speak the words, she pushed Yuu to the ground. Her lips collided with Yuu's on the way down, just like Haruka's nervous brain had planned. Yuu accepted the kiss will open arms, bringing her classroom day dreams to a wonderful reality. The brunette was hovering over the smaller girl, but soon enough, she wanted her warmth. Pushing down on the blonde, the kiss suddenly became more heated and intense. Yuu slowly pushed her tongue up, breaking the barrier of Haruka's soft lips. The blonde raised her arms up and gripped Haruka's skirt tightly while Haruka pushed her knee against Yuu's crotch. Both the girls had already been aroused by their thoughts and imaginations, but now this was getting too much for either of them to handle.

"Haru…" Yuu whipered as her voice faded into her growing lust. Haruka's hands ran over the petite body beneath her, taking an extended tour of her chest. Yuu fumbled around with the button's on Haruka's shirt, undoing a few at an impressive speed.

The flame that burned between them was growing and growing. Ever since their first time at Haruka's house and then the restaurant, their minds were always on each other. The girls were typically ignorant to this subject, but now, all they wanted to do was continue to please the girl they loved. They were moths to their own flame.

Every last button on Haruka's shirt was undone. Haruka broke the drawn out kiss as she stood tall on her knees, towering over the libidinous blonde. Sweat drops ran down her neck and disappeared in between her D cups. Haruka discarded her loose shirt and that's when Yuu noticed her sakura coloured bra that Haruka loved to wear so much. Yuu wore her normal white bra that she had fond memories with due to prior events with Haruka.

The petite girl imagined grabbing at Haruka's large breasts. She imagined how they would feel on her palm. She imagined how her erect nipples would feel as she brushed along them, teasing her a little. Yuu realised that she could do all of this right now and Haruka wouldn't stop it, in fact, she'd be all for it. Both of them were embarrassed, but that was nothing new to note on. Yuu swallowed her fear and reached her hands up and quickly undid Haruka's bra, chucking it to the new discard pile they had made. She planted one hand on Haruka's left breast, feeling the smoothness and bounciness that Yuu longed to have. Yuu made contact with Haruka's erect nipples, causing her to moan and wriggle slightly. The girl began rubbing herself against Yuu's right thigh, feeling immense waves of pleasure that Yuu didn't realise she was giving her.

Yuu shuffled upwards, kissing the side of Haruka's breast, feeling her lust grow more and more as Yuu got closer to her sensitive nipple. The blonde gently bit down on the middle of her nipple. "Ooh! Yuu!" Haruka moaned, feeling incredible lewd, but also feeling amazing. Yuu let her hand drop down to Haruka's crotch. Having done this before, Yuu felt like she knew what she was doing… Sort of anyway.

Yuu made a circular motion with her middle finger, feeling Haruka's aroused body at full force. Haruka covered her mouth with her hands, trying her best to muffle any moans that escaped from her lips. "Ah!"

Yuu could feel her hand getting wetter every second. "How did you manage this?" Yuu giggled, getting curious and tasting it; enjoying the taste she missed.

Haruka dropped a weak punch onto Yuu's shoulder. Her body couldn't muster up much strength while Yuu was at her controls. She slipped a finger under her drenched panties and pulled it to the side, letting herself have full admission. Haruka's pussy was dripping onto Yuu's leg as the petite girl began to massage her. "Ooh God!" Haruka cried out as Yuu explored deeper, pulsating the pleasure through her body. Yuu continued to use her mouth on Haruka's large bust. Soon enough, Haruka began panting like an animal on heat.

Yuu was doing everything right with her fingers, or perhaps it just felt that way to Haruka. They both lacked much experience, but that matter little to the two of them. With Haruka's lack of strength, Yuu pushed her onto her back and scooted her face down to Haruka's exposed pussy. Yuu was excited to get to continue tasting her lover. She quickly glanced up at Haruka, seeing her embarrassed, but erotic face looking back at her. Yuu wanted to please Haruka with this next activity.

Yuu licked up and down Haruka's lips, rolling over her clitoris at few times, testing Haruka's reaction. She was already beginning to create a small puddle on the floor. "Please… Yuu… Don't tease me anymore!" Haruka's flushed face spoke her true desires. She wanted to orgasm with the cause being her lover, Yuu. Her tongue pushed in loosely, sliding against her walls, lapping up the taste. Haruka had pushed her shirt into her mouth while her hands were occupied with holding Yuu's head to make sure she kept working her magic. "Holy… Mmhmm… Yuu… Keep… Going…" Half the words Haruka said were lost in her shirt, but that didn't matter, Yuu was going at it like her life depended on it.

Yuu could feel Haruka's body reacting with a burning passion. The flame was burning brightly as Haruka twitched and clenched due to the undefeated amount of pleasure she was receiving from Yuu. Haruka wrapped her legs around Yuu's body while the busty brunette couldn't even keep her saliva in her mouth. "Oh crap!" Haruka cried out. "Slow down! I can't… I can't… Yuu!" The blonde ignored her demands as she felt Haruka's orgasm rushing closer. Haruka pulled on Yuu's hair, needing something to help her deal with the intense amount of pleasure. Haruka bit her tongue, trying her hardest not to swear at the top of her lungs. She was not use to this sort of pleasure in the slightest. What made things harder for Haruka was chatting and footsteps she could hear outside. Students were moving to their next class while Yuu was busy eating Haruka out in the closet. None of the students were any the wiser. The janitor could show up at any moment, but Haruka's mind set was rapidly changing from 'Stop, someone might find us' to 'Keep going, I'm going to be pissed if someone interrupts'.

"Yuu!" Haruka cried out with nothing buffering the sound. Yuu felt Haruka's walls begin to vibrate and her passage began to get tighter. "Yuu!" She repeated. "I'm going to… Ahh!" Her ejaculatory fluids began to squirt out. Yuu caught most of it in her mouth, trying to keep it from getting on their uniforms. Yuu continued to love the taste as she swallowed the large mouth full she'd received. Haruka was completely out of breath, laying on her back, legs still spread and mind still melted.

The blonde girl sat up, licking her lips thoroughly. "Umm, was that… Good?" Yuu asked, knowing full well, but still feeling the awkward need to ask. Even if they could pass through their walls of embarrassment, they still felt a little awkward afterwards.

Haruka rolled onto her stomach before getting to her knees. Her dripping pussy still exposed under her skirt. Yuu watched as her breasts bounced with every movement. "Y-Yeah… It was… Better than uh, good…" Haruka blushed once again. "I suppose… Uh… We should… Get to class now…" Yuu shook her head like a child before jumping onto the half-naked schoolgirl in front of her.

"My turn!" She shouted. "My… Turn…" She muttered again, feeling a little more embarrassed about saying it the second time. Haruka looked up as the light highlighted Yuu's adorable face. She couldn't hold back a heart-warming smile. The younger girl was blushing at the looks from Haruka. The brunette grabbed her collar and pulled her down to another kiss. Haruka gave Yuu the same treatment. First, she introduced tongue into the kiss, then she began unbuttoning her shirt. As the shirt joined the pile, her bra followed along nicely. Although her bust was petite, the sensitivity was greater. Haruka rather enjoyed the soft feeling of Yuu's breasts. They didn't get in the way and they were still arousing. "Ah, Haruka! Th-That feels… Ah!" Yuu mumbled as Haruka continued to tease Yuu's nipples. Her tongue licked up and down Yuu's chest, treating the nipples to an extra service every time she came across them. While Yuu was feeling the pleasure from her chest, Haruka unzipped her skirt and pulled it down. Yuu shuffled to let her legs free from her skirt.

A hand groped Yuu's right breast as her other hand trailed down her smooth stomach. Haruka felt Yuu's increasing heartbeat. The two of them locked eyes as the heartbeat continued to pound within Yuu's chest. The closer Haruka got to Yuu's pussy, the faster and harder it would beat. Both girls gave a shy smile to one another as Haruka began to pull down her wet panties. She brushed a finger down her slit, feeling how wet she had gotten. "How did you manage this?" Haruka giggled in a similar fashion to how Yuu did.

"Shu-Shut up Haru~!" Yuu cried out, feeling bullied. Haruka pressed her lips against Yuu's pelvis, feeling her shaven pubes trying to regrown. She kissed along softly, reaching her wet pussy. A small kiss on her clit already sent Yuu into a deep moan. Haruka carried on, kissing all down her lower lips and then moving in a little further. Haruka indulged in the taste of Yuu, licking her all over. Her tongue pushed in as far as it could. Yuu pussy was rather tight, although it did match the small girl. "Ahh, God…" Yuu moaned. Haruka continued eating Yuu out for a rather long time. Yuu's legs began to shake, her sweat began to run and her vision began to falter. The pleasure was eating her just like Haruka.

Yuu's fingers twitched as Haruka found Yuu's sweet spot. The spot that could send her over the moon. Haruka continuously massaged that one spot again and again, bringing Yuu to tears of pleasure. "Haru! Haru!" Yuu cried out, gripping her own petite breasts for the little support they could provide. "Ooooh, Haruka! Ke-Keep going!" Yuu's back arched as her body sent out shots of her nectar into Haruka's mouth. Haruka collected all of it and swallowed in an audible gulp. "Ahhh…" Yuu moaned as Haruka's tongue left Yuu's pussy. Her body underwent few spasms from the orgasm's finale.

Haruka sat back, admiring the girl laying in front of her. "You… Done?" Haruka shyly smiled. Yuu shook her head. "Huh?" Haruka thought for sure that she had reached her peak.

"I want you more!" Yuu wrapped her arms around Haruka's neck once more. Their lips connected in a sudden passionate fury. Tongues slid along one another as they explored the mouths of their lovers. Haruka brought her hand to meet with Yuu's pussy, ready to wear both of them out. Haruka pushed in two fingers from the get-go. Yuu's tight pussy could only handle two and barely that. The fingers slowly slid deeper into Yuu as her breath was stolen by the sensation of pleasure that began flowing through to her core once more. "Ha… Ru… Ka…" Yuu sounded out, kissing her cheek and neck repeatedly. Haruka hit her sweet spot again, but with her fingers this time. At this point, Haruka began thrusting her fingers in and out on loop. She pounded waves of pleasure into Yuu, giving her exactly what she wanted.

Yuu already felt weak, but this was making her brain melt. Haruka's hand was coated in Yuu nectar and the floor was pooling a small sample of Haruka's own nectar. The petite girl's body was quivering with pleasure. "Haruka!" Yuu screamed. "I want you more!" Haruka removed her fingers and shuffled her body forward so their privates could connect with one another. Yuu suckled on Haruka's fingers, swallowing a taste of herself. Even after all of her fluids were gone, she continued to suckle, giving Haruka a strange feeling of pleasure coming from it. Their carnal desires had been let loose a while ago and now they were partying uncontrollably. Their liquids were dripping everywhere as they grinded against each other playfully. As their clits rubbed together, both the girls would moan as they tried their bests to keep themselves up. Yuu's eyes shot wide open as her second orgasm was knocking down the last wall. The last barricade broke as Haruka's clit pressed down on her clitoris, causing a spike in pleasure.

"Ah, Haruka!" Yuu cried, squirting her nectar all over the busty brunette's skirt and her breasts. "Oh my G-!" She cut herself off as her body could no longer control itself.

Haruka continued alone, massaging her pussy as Yuu could no longer provide support after being completely worn out by her second orgasm. She pushed two fingers into herself, feeling close to her second orgasm as well. "Yuu… Yuu… Yu-Yuu!" Haruka moaned on repeated as her body rapidly became more active. The random sudden jerking of her body was actually helping her reach climax. "Yuu!" Haruka quickly removed her fingers, letting her squirt out over Yuu who was still resting in front of her. The second she finished, the arm supporting her collapsed.

Their flame was burning brighter than ever, edging ever closer to an uncontrollable inferno. This was no teenage fling; it was much more. The girls gathered around the fire they'd made, bringing themselves warmth. They wrapped their arms around each other, drawing closer to let another spark loose.

Haruka awoke in a daze. "Yuu?" She muttered quietly, struggling to open her eyes. "Yuu?" She spoke again, looking to her right to find the small girl curled up in a ball, still mostly naked. Haruka felt for her phone and checked the time. "Yuu…" Haruka's tone was suddenly different. "Yuu… Wake up." She began to poke her best friend in the shoulder until she awoke.

"What~…" Yuu rolled over.

Haruka was standing, fixing up her panties and skirt. "School is over!"

"Huh?" Yuu finally decided to sit up.

"School has finished. It's almost five!" Haruka cried out, now fitting her bra back on. Yuu looked up at her lover.

"Good… Now no one can disturb me…" She smiled as she rolled over to go back to sleep.

"Yuu!" Haruka frowned, shaking her back and forth.

Yuu sighed and forced herself to stand. "If I go home now, my parents will wonder what I've been up to…"

"Then come to mine. My parents aren't home until late tonight. We can shower and perhaps watch a movie or something. Thank the gods it's a Friday!" Haruka was finally done dressing herself.

Yuu was still without a shirt, bra, skirt or panties. She finally noticed bringing her face to the same colour as Haruka's bra. "Gah! Haru~!" She cried out, covering everything she could, although it didn't really matter due to their prior activities.

"I'll be waiting outside then!" Haruka giggled a little. The hallway was completely empty, but that didn't stop Haruka from being rather nervous. Her hair was dishevelled, she reeked of sweat and other strange smells, and her clothing was oddly creased. If someone were to bump into them, it could only mean trouble or unavoidable awkwardness.

Yuu slowly stepped out of the closet, her eyes watching every cautiously. "Okay, let's get to your house as quick as possible."

"You embarrassed like this?" Haruka grinned, feeling embarrassed too.

"Yes, but I also want to spend more alone time with you. Your house is always a fun place to be with you." Yuu pressed her face against Haruka's arm.

Haruka smiled, pulling the small girl in for a hug. "I… I love you Yuu… I really… Really do…"

Yuu grinned, hugging the brunette back. "I love you too… But… I love you more!"

"Do you want to start this again?" Haruka laughed, but with fists clenched to show her willingness to fight to Yuu.

Yuu linked arms with Haruka. "We'll start this once we get to yours!"

Both girls walked out of the school with bright red faces, still never getting use to the couple feeling. They looked messy and informal. Their uniforms had a shabby look to them and the two girls looked utterly worn out, but they had an eventful day filled to the brim with activities. The closer they got to Hakura's house, the more they felt at ease although the fire was always burning, keeping them warm even through the winters to come.

Author's Note: Thank you all for reading Sakura Touch! It's been fun. Hopefully you all enjoyed the whole thing. Please review or PM with your thoughts and if you would like either a fourth chapter or maybe a Sakura Trick story with more than 3 chapters, but lemon is not the main focus.

If you haven't already, please check out Just a Movie Night? It's a Sakura Trick one-shot I wrote before I started this. Not smut, but just fluffy romance.

Thank you all! Have a wonderful year!