Ro gasped as her head came out of the water and sucked in one deep breath after another then looked around. Corinne nor Sterne were anywhere to be seen.

"Corinne?" she called as she continued to look around "Corinne!" she was about to dive back under when someone grabbed her and they were slowly pulled back up onto the ship.

"I've got her!" Antonio said with relief.

"No!" Ro yanked out of his arms and ran back towards the railing.

"Ro, stop!" he grabbed her again, worry filled his voice as he held her "It's okay!"

Sterne surfaced just then and after taking a few breaths a smug expression settled over his face.

Ro's eyes widened in horror "No! Corinne's still down there!"

Louis spun around, his face mirroring the horror on Ro's. Then before anyone had a chance to do anything he ran over to the side and dove into the ocean.

It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the dimness beneath the water, but he saw her. She was slowly sinking towards the bottom.

He went after her as fast as his could. His heart pounding in his ears as he reached for her.

Her eyes opened slightly and looked at him for a second before they closed again.

"Air." he thought frantically as he wrapped an arm around her waist and started back for the surface "Have to get her to air." What seemed like an eternity later they broke through the waves.

Corinne gasped as the cool air hit her face then began coughing as the oxygen began to fill her lungs.

"There they are!" Viveca shouted with relief to the others who were all pressed against the railing.

Corinne pressed her forehead into Louis' shoulder as she tried desperately to catch her breath again.

He still had one arm wrapped around her, knowing he was the only thing keeping her up.

After several minutes, her breathing finally slowed back to normal.

"Are you okay?" he asked softly.

A giggle erupted from Corinne's throat followed by a laugh.

Louis frowned, grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back "Are you alright?"

"Yes!" she laughed, her eyes sparkling "I'm fine. I'm... perfect."

He pushed her soaked hair out of her face and smiled "Are you sure?"

"Mm-hm." she nodded emphatically, then she laughed again and threw her arms around his neck.

"Should we send down a lifeboat?" Antonio whispered.

"No. Wait til they ask for it." Aramina responded.

Louis held her tightly. No words could explain the relief and joy he felt that she was alive and okay.

Corinne shivered slightly as a breeze blew across the water and smiled at him, hands resting on his shoulders "Thank you."

He nodded. He knew they needed to get out of the water before they caught their death of cold, but first...

His hand caressed the side of her face and he shook his head "You are amazing... and crazy."

She laughed softly "One of my few flaws."

He chuckled as he moved a little closer "No. It's what makes you perfect." then his hand slid to the back of her neck and he pulled her forward and kissed her.

A loud cheer went up from the ship as he pulled her into his arms again.

Corinne laughed again then reluctantly pulled back and looked up at the group staring down at them "How about a little help up?"

"We'll send down a rope!" Renee responded "It's laying everywhere up here!"

"Don't remind me." Corinne mumbled, then she turned to Louis again, a slightly disbelieving look coming to her face "I can't believe you jumped in to save me. You know one, or all three of my friends would have done it."

He smiled "I know. But I wanted to do it." he pushed her long, sopping wet hair out of face "As many times as you've saved me, it's the least I could do... and I'd do it again."

A soft smile crossed her face and shifted her gaze down to the water. A moment later she started to respond, but Renee cut her off.

"Come on you two! Before you both get sick!" she snorted "The last thing we need to hear is 'you man now kiss the – ACHOO!'"

They all doubled over in laughter and a few minutes later Corinne and Louis were back up on the deck.

Corinne wrung the large amounts of water out of her hair and watched as it pooled onto the deck. Then she started ringing out her skirt.

"Alright, I have to ask." Antonio said suddenly "What gave you the idea to switch places?"

"Sterne, actually." Corinne answered "When he kidnapped me, he thought that I was Ro." she chuckled "So we decided to try it at the wedding and it worked. Her mother didn't even recognize the difference. Where is Sterne by the way?"

"Locked down below with his other goons." Viveca answered, waving one of her ribbons "He couldn't swim fast enough."

~*~*~*How to Save a Wedding*~*~*~

"I'm so glad you are all okay!" Queen Melissa sighed "I can't believe Annette would do something like this!"

"Greed is a powerful thing." Corinne shrugged, then she glanced back at Louis and smiled "Trust me, we would know."

"But how did you know she'd pull that?" Peter asked "What would you have done if she'd decided to just shoot the bride down."

An uneasy silence fell over the group and Corinne let out a long huff of air "That's why I was the bride." she shook her head slowly "It was too risky for Ro to be out in the open. It they'd tried immediate elimination... it wasn't going to be the true heir to the throne."

Once again the silence fell over the group until Peter shook his head slowly "I'm afraid I underestimated you girls." he looked at each of them in turn "I owe all of you my deepest gratitude."

Corinne raised an eyebrow, a slight smile crossing her face "And...?"

"Corinne." Louis said under his breath.

Peter sighed "And my humblest apology. You four are cut out to be musketeers and are welcome here anytime."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Corinne curtsied and grinned "I can promise this won't be the last time you see us."

With a nod, Peter then let the room followed by Danielle and Melissa.

"Now we can set up the real wedding." Antonio said happily, giving his fiancee a one armed hug.

She nodded "And this time, it's going to be outside."

"Speaking of weddings..." A mischievous smile crossed Louis' face as he turned to face the blond musketeer "When you revealed yourself as being Corinne not Ro, you told Annette she had the wrong bride."

Corinne stared at him confused "Ye-ah?"

"You can't have the wrong bride unless there's more than one."

She stared at him dumbfounded as heat began to creep into her face "I.. it.. uh... It was a bluff, Louis! And you know that!"

"But you called yourself a bride." there was a slight laugh in his voice as he watched her.

"I'm not. It was just a bluff! I mean, of course I'm not a bride, because I'm not getting married. Obviously." she was suddenly aware that she was probably rambling, but she couldn't stop "I mean, who would I marry. I don't even... I mean I do... No, I don't!" she rubbed her forehead and groaned "Oh never mind."

Louis just chuckled "I guess we'll see, won't we?"

The other three musketeers gasped then quickly smothered their giggles behind their hands.

Corinne stared at him for a long moment then a small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth "I guess we will."

~*~*~*How to Save a Wedding*~*~*~

"I now pronounce you man and wife!"

The whole kingdom began to cheer as Prince Antonio and Princess Rosella sealed their marriage with a kiss.

Flower petals flew into the air and rained down around the couple.

Aramina and Luciana were screaming happily while jumping up and down.

Viveca was wiping her eyes "Oh, that dress looks glorious on her. It is, perfect!"

Renee was standing over with the orchestra, her arms crossed and smiling approvingly.

Corinne was clapping her hands slowly watching as the couple made their way back up the aisle.

Louis stepped over to her and held out his hand "Shall we?"

She grinned and slipped her hand into his "Let's go." then they ran after the newlyweds.

A small group accompanied them to the docks where a ship was waiting to take Ro and Antonio on their honeymoon.

Ro ran over to the musketeers and was enveloped in a group hug "I can't thank you all enough. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you."

Corinne smiled "I'm sure you would be. But we're glad to help." she gave the girl a quick hug "Have fun."

Ro nodded "You'll have to come back for the coronation. King Peter agreed to give us a few years so..."

"We'll definitely be here."

A grin crossed the princess's face "Who knows, maybe I'll have a reason to come to Paris."

Corinne chuckled and shook her head "We'll see... maybe."

With one more quick hug, Ro went and joined her husband on the ship.

Everyone began to wave as the ship sailed away from the shore into the sunset.

Corinne smiled at her three friends at they stepped up beside her "What do you say?"

Renee placed her hands on her hips and grinned "I say we did good. Real good."

"Well, we managed to save the bride, the groom, the groom's cousin..." Aramina counted off on her fingers.

"Got every functional and trap dress made in record time," Viveca took over "Not to mention the real dresses."

Renee grinned "So we saved the people, the place and the preparations."

Corinne nodded "And that, my friends, is how you save a wedding."

They all laughed and did one final high five before they turned and headed back to the castle.

(IT'S OVER! I think I'll cry. I always do. You guyz have been just awesome support on this story!

See you in the next one: As History Repeats Itself.

Sorry there's just one update. TO add to my bad week, I got sick so... yeah. :(


Oh, and to answer lulu's questions:

1. I'm still working on Trials of Love.

2. I don't like telling my age online :)
