Aramis stirred, blinking slowly as he broke into a huge yawn before looking around the room, confusion clouding his eyes for a moment before they settled on the seated form of Athos. The light of the last candle danced across Athos' face as he leaned into his chair, swirling the ever present goblet of wine in his hand and raising it in a toast to Aramis, a half smile on his face as he noticed his wakened friend, before taking a lazy sip.

Aramis glimpsed his other friends in the darkened room, each slumped in sleep from their positions of vigilance. Quiet snoring issuing from both men's mouths.

"I didn't actually get a chance to thank you for putting me back together," Aramis whispered to Athos, a grin evident even in the near darkness before his voice took on a more serious note, "in...more ways than one."

"You have patched us up more times than I care think about without asking for thanks," Athos replied, also keeping his voice quiet so as not to disturb their slumbering friends, his heart tightening for a moment as he understood his brother was not thanking him for stitches alone.

"Yes, but then I have had more practise and I know you haven't exactly taken to field medicine," Aramis said. "You did well."

"Perhaps I should think about paying closer attention in the future incase you decide to go get yourself injured again and leave us in this predicament once more," Athos said, amusement in his voice although there was a graveness to his words. There had been a real moment where he thought he might lose Aramis, and it was then he realised just how much his brothers meant to him. If keeping them safe included learning how to properly patch them back up then so be it, much as his stomach rebelled at the thought.

"Well I'll try harder not to be wounded in the future I'm sure," Aramis said with mock hurt. "Although I wouldn't be opposed to you trying your hand at the needle, under my careful eye of course. The Lord knows your stitches leave plenty to be desired."

"That is a point, I'll remind you of your thanks when you see my most recent work for yourself and perhaps no longer feel quite so grateful..." Athos said, a smile curling his mouth at the corner once more.

"I'm sure it can't be all that bad," Aramis replied, returning his own smile though with a slight tightness in his voice which spoke of a little trepidation. Of the group, it was his own scars which tended to be the messiest. Especially when they were in places he hadn't been able to tend to himself. "Now I really must apologise but I can't seem to keep my eyes open any longer my friend."

"Rest Aramis. I will see you on the morrow."

Aramis nodded before settling back into his pillows and closing his eyes. Athos smiled before losing himself as he stared into the darkness of what little sky he could see through his window, not stirring even at the quiet shuffling sounds which started coming from the bed.

"Bloody hell, I think you've managed to make this one the worst one yet!"

Ok, it's really finished this time. I just couldn't shake this little moment from my mind so I got it down on 'paper'.

Thank you all once again and I hope you enjoyed the ride!