A Wolf in Mahora

Chapter 6: Coffee and Flu

I do not own Naruto or Negima


Naruto was tapping his foot looking at the tiny ermine in front of him, Negi and Asuna. "Care to explain what this creature is Negi and to why I am not giving him to Asuna?"

"Ahh Naruto-nii this is my old friend Chamo-kun, I saved him when he was younger when he got caught in a trap." Negi revealed while Asuna and Naruto looked sceptical.

"That's right Aniki showed me that he was a true man's man. He has only helped me from then on in various situations I have accidently found myself in." the ermine spoke with only one person in the room believing him. "However I have heard that you have not made any progress at all aniki?"

"Huh? What do you mean Chamo-kun?"

"Choosing a partner! If you want to become a full magister you need to find a good partner." Chamo shouted.

"Um I have been trying but I have been busy dealing with lesson plans, meeting students and adjusting to the school." Negi said while his voice got softer with each moment as he got embarrassed.

"Then it's a good thing your sister sent me to help you find someone." Chamo made a spectacle by puffing up a cigarette which was snuffed out quickly by Naruto. "In fact why do you think I was at the baths, I was searching for the best girl with potential."

"I don't believe you, if that was the case why were you stealing the tops off my friends?" Asuna asked looking the ermine dead in the eye. Not helping was the hard stare from the blonde in the room sending shivers down his whiskers.

"Hey I was just doing what aniki's sister asked me to do, that's all!" Chamo shouted getting a bright happy smile from Negi.

"Nekane-nee-san sent you to help me?" Chamo nodded crossing his tiny arms.

"Yep, she knows my skillset and knew that I would be perfect and I can clearly tell that a number of girls in your class…" he quickly grabbed Negi's class roster book. "…have the potential partner for you aniki. In fact I think the perfect person has to be…" before Chamo could complete his statement the door to the room opened revealing a refreshed Konoka.

"Hmm oh Naruto-sensei, were you discussing some level plans with Negi-kun again, I thought I heard another voice." Negi was fast to grab Chamo and put him on his shoulder like a normal pet.

"Yes, but I'm just about finished. I'll see you both later okay, keep an eye on both of them Asuna alright." Asuna gave his shoulder a small nudge as he left but nodding knowing a pervert when she saw one and the ermine was unquestionably one.

The loud cries of 'Kawaii!' echoed in the halls no doubt from some of the girls seeing Negi's new pet. But Naruto himself just made it back to his room where Zazie and Chizuru waited. "So what was it in the end?" Chizuru asked looking down at her alternative reading.

"An ermine, Negi's evidently. Still I'm a little surprised on how Asuna managed to catch it considering a lot of you couldn't, well at least without looking out of the norm." Naruto sat down as Chizuru poured him a cup of hot chocolate.

"Well you did take time to help her keep a clear head in her private tutoring sessions; a clear mind allows you to focus better." Zazie spoke out not surprising either in the room as the gymnast spoke normally with them and a couple others easily, she just enjoyed seeing peopled reactions to her silent communication.

"I guess you are right, plus she's making better times on her paper routes from what I have heard."From there the three simply ate while Naruto helped the two girls with the few problems they had with their homework.


A few hours later Naruto was heading toward his favourite restaurant when he spotted Asuna running with an angry look on her face, her eyes caught his mop of hair and like a train headed straight for him.

"Blondie you gotta help!" she shouted getting a tilted head expression from Naruto. "That little rat tried to get rid of this letter, Negi's sister was trying to tell him that he has been stealing panties and he's wanted for it."

"Just how many panties did he steal that makes him wanted?" It was curious how many undies the little rodent managed to steal.

"Over two thousand." Asuna told him flat out before getting back on to why she was rushing. "That little rodent is trying to get Negi to do something with Honya-chan, can you help me find them both and top whenever he'd planning?"

"Sure, I saw he walking in that direction before, come on!" grabbing her wrist Naruto rushed off shocking Asuna by the acceleration of the blonde but also how gentle he was being.

It did not take long to find Negi, Chamo and a blushing Nodoka who was leaning down to kiss Negi with a magic circle underneath them. "A pactio…" Naruto muttered as he snapped his fingers just as Asuna performed a Rider Punch on Chamo stopping the ceremony as the circle was shatter by Naruto.

The abrupt end of the ceremony resulted in Nodoka fainting and Negi looking around very confused. "Oi Negi you're little friend was lying to you." She pulled out the crumpled letter. "Your sister didn't send him. In fact he's on the run for over two thousand counts of underwear theft."

"Is this true Chamo-kun?" Negi asked not wishing to believe the obscene crime.

"We-well the truth is that I had no choice." Both Naruto and Asuna just gave flat expressions of disbelief. "The winters of Wales are so cold, my sister's weak constitution forced me to find clothing to keep her warm and healthy. Is that so wrong?"

'Yes, you could have got blankets for this 'sister.' Naruto thought as Chamo spun his tale to Negi who was already watering in his eyes believing his old friend which in some respects he could respect. But Asuna actually put it best when Negi hugged his friend forgiving his lies.

"A sucker born every minute huh?" Naruto nodded as he helped Asuna take Nodoka somewhere safe to wake up and ensure she was alright.

"So I guess you are getting another extra room mate?" Naruto said while Asuna pulled a face.

"Yeah, seriously it gets more annoying by the minute. At least with this one I can beat when he does something I don't like. Unless you wanna take him?" Naruto shook his head to the question.

"Sorry but I think I'd cook him if he did anything when some of your classmates are round for studying or other reasons." Asuna nodded even though seeing his response to Chizuru in 'akuma-negi' mode would be something to make her smile.

Leaving the room Naruto made it back to his room where Zazie was waiting. "Hey Zazie, need some help with your workload tonight or just come to get some of Chizuru's cooking." The normally mute entertainer smiled at Naruto as she put her hand out waving it back n forth.

"A little of A, a little of B. But before she gets here what are we going to do about the little blood sucker? You really think little Negi can take her on?" Naruto took off his shoes and made his way to the table in the middle of the room where Zazie had left her books.

"He potentially may take on Asuna as a pactio partner if only temporary. She know she can't kill him as a living Negi is her only way out for now. I've asked Kaede to keep an eye on him all the same." Naruto said as Zazie slides next to him, learning her head against his arm as they went through some of the English homework.

It didn't take long for a knock at the door to come, signalling Chizuru who entered when Naruto called her in and her strained smile appeared seeing Zazie's closeness to her favourite teacher. "I see you are joining us tonight Zazie-san, how lovely."

"Hmmm well yeah sensei is available to all of us after all Chizuru-san, so whatcha' cooking tonight?" Zazie said teasing the girl a little as she rather ruthlessly snapped her spaghetti pasta in half to place it in her pot.

"I have a spicy spaghettirecipe I've been dying to try out, but it should be mild enough for you Naruto-kun." Chizuru spoke while not minding Zazie's presence, just wanted some alone time with Naruto for a change.

"Just don't make it too spicy Chizuru-chan I can still remember Chao's last super spicy noodles dish she tried on me, couldn't taste anything for the rest of the day bleh." Naruto never did handle spice well no one knew why considering how many other food types he could wolf down.

"Was still funny seeing you runabout screaming for milk after trying them. Made for a great article in the school paper, I have the pictures that Kazumi took as well." Zazie said with a chuckle that was shared by Chizuru forgetting her annoyance for the moment.

"She never told me she was using Devil's blood in it, let's see you try it and not react like that!" Naruto cried out with a twitching eye. Seriously who used pure chilli extract in a noodle dish for high school students?

Then again Chao did say she was from Mars.


The next morning Naruto arrived at the shoe switch lockers just as Asuna. Konoka and Negi arrived the bel wearer complaining about some animal stealing her underwear.

"Morning you three, trouble with the rodent I take it?" Naruto asked getting his whack to his arm via Asuna who was looking grumpy still.

"You tell me, have you ever had all of your underwear stolen from your draws?" Asuna asked and Naruto looked to the side not meeting her own.


"Why did you take so long to answer blondie?" Asuna said getting close to his face while Konoka giggling in the background before making her way in.

"Honestly why do you find yourself in trouble so often?" a mocking voice asked as the now remaining trio turned to the duo of Evangeline and Chchamaru.

"My luck is strange but good morning Evangeline, Chachamaru all the same. Before you even consider it you are attending class." He took note of Eva's eye twitching. "Negi is my assistant after all, regardless of what happened before. Its my class Evangeline, so you will be attending." Naruto left after Evangeline and her partner nodded even if the former was a little grumbly about it.

Her pout turned to a smirk seeing that her prime bullying target was still there. "Oh hello to you bouya, like the blonde idiot says I'll be attending class still. While in class nothing changes but at night who knows when I'll get hungry next." She started to walk a bit closer to the boy while chuckling internally.

"Please try not to tattle to the principal or Takamichi, I'd hate to have to explain why several students get attacked your dear brother suddenly falling ill." A bold faced lie but it did its job as Negi ran off crying. He would be followed by Asuna and Chamo down the hall.

"Uwaaah I really can't stand up to her like Nii-san, I really am a failure." Negi mumbled to himself wiping his eyes with his handkerchief.

"Huh so that little girl is picking on you, let me grab my garlic and spikes. With those I'll set her straight for making fun of my aneki." Chamo claimed while pumping his tiny weak paw.

"She's a Shinso vampire, Chamo-kun."

"Well I best be leaving then." Chami said with his hat and case ready to leave only for Asuna to stop him in his tracks and literally drag him back with his tail.

"Geez calm down you two. It can't be that bad of a situation with blondie around right?" Asuna now knowing the odd world she was in knew that Naruto would be helpful.

"It's not that Asuna-san, Nii-san told me he has to leave the ground after lessons a few days this month. I'll be left on my own to fight Evangeline-san and Chachamaru-san, both of whom can best me."

"She is the strongest vampire class there is Aneki I'd be surprised if you could win. But if she has a partner all you need to do is get your own partner. Ane-san here would be perfect for a pactio." Chamo explained pointing to the female redhead. "With a provisional contact Aneki and Ane-san can beat the each girl one on one easy."

"Wait pactio? Is that the thing me and blondie stopped you doing to Honya-chan yesterday?" Asuna questioned getting a nod from the ermine.

"That's right!"

"Are you telling me our best shot means I have to kiss this brat?" Asuna pointed getting another nod.

"It isn't that bad, I'm sure a girl your age has shared her first kiss already in her life right?" Chamo wiggling his eyebrows gave Asuna the erge to pound his head in. "But if you want to chicken out I'm sure Negi can manage on his own."

"Now wait just a minute you sneak, I never said I wouldn't help Negi. Its just embarrassing having to kiss him." Asuna said out loud. 'Not to mention if someone caught us it would be far worse than last time when I practised confessing.'

"P-Please Asuna-san, if nii-san can't be there I need someone to help me beat Evangeline-san." Negi begged giving his big eyed look like a kicked puppy to Asuna.

"W-W-Well ok, just this once and only to help you beat this vampire classmate of mine." From there the pactio circle was formed and the provisional contact was formed… despite Asuna's cheating via kissing Negi on the forehead.


"Why are you here?" Evangeline asked with her hair tied back as she and other students, her partner included sat for a traditional tea serving.

"Had some free time and I hear Chachamaru makes a good cup. I'm hardly bothering you Eva." Naruto said loving the minor twitch he got from the vampire for the use of her shortened name.

She held her tongue though as Chachamaru in her formal wears came out and ceremony began with the heating of the water and the preparation of the cup. Both she and Naruto enjoyed the traditional style tea before finishing and heading down the path.

"Why are you following me?" Evangeline questioned as the blonde next to her shrugged, which only served to annoy her. Not as much as an elder smirking red head would but still annoying.

Before she had the chance to get any more frustrated she spotted Takamichi walking toward them. "Yo Takamichi." Naruto greeted with a small wave while Evangeline crossed her arms and Chachamaru offered a small bow of her head.

"Hey Naruto, and hello to you two as well Evangeline-san, Chachamaru-san. The principal has requested a chat with you, just you alone Evangeline." Takamichi passed on his message. "Since I'm heading down there why don't we walk together?"

"Right the only reason you're going to be walking with me. Chachamaru don't go wandering off and getting into trouble." Evangeline ordered her partner who nodded.

"Besides she's the one who gets in trouble more anyway." Naruto smirked at the tick mark on the small blonde's head, but his smirk was also shared by the eldest looking there.

"Quiet you, and don't do anything to Chachamaru do you hear me?" giving Naruto her best death glare she turned and walked off with Takamichi who resisted taking any jokes… for now.

Naruto turned to Chachamaru before pointing the direction of the nearest store. "Wanna go feed them again?"


The two went on their way in relative silence while being followed by the trio of Asuna, Chamo and Negi. The middle of whom was plotting against the 'evil robot girl' and how to beat her before the next battle with the vampire.

"Why is blondie hanging out with Chachamaru though, aren't they technically enemies?" Asuna questioned despite she was the only member of the trio that had known him the longest.

"Ahh maybe he's doing his best to find the moment of weakness to exploit and help out Negi?" Chamo reasoned as Naruto wiped the tears of a nearby child and Chachamaru using her rocket jets fetched the small girls lost balloon. "Wow… japan has even has robot girls with jets… so amazing."

"Wait! Chachamaru isn't human?" Asuna and Negi asked together in unison despite how clear that Chachamaru was not entirely normal with her unique body, ears and demeanour.

Then again class 3-A was full of weird people but that's the joke isn't it?

The three continued to follow as Chachamaru and Naruto helped an old woman cross the bridge with her shopping nags included before helping a nearby kitten caught in the storm drains. "Seriously Chachamaru only seems to be a nice person… has blondie always been doing deeds like this with her?" Asuna asked as Naruto petted the little kitten letting it rest on his head as they went off.

"I don't know but Naruto-nii doesn't tell me what he does when he's not working so maybe he could be. Uwaaa it's getting harder to think of attacking Chachamaru-san she's just a good person with an evil master." Negi said thinking about how sweet it was for her to save the kitten and Naruto to dry it off.

The pair eventually stopped at an open area close to the bell towers. Taking a few bowls out the bag she and Naruto filled them with cat food before a small group of cats approached them. Chachamaru lifting the small one from Naruto head to let it feed with the others. Naruto meanwhile casted a minor spell to dry off both their clothes and clean their faces.

"She's so kind..." Asuna and negi muttered together finding the whole scene adorable as Chachamaru smiled at the little kittens rubbing up against her after eating from the bowls.

"W-Wait just a minute!" Chamo almost hissed at the pair who had been charmed by the scene. "This is one of the people after aneki, get a hold of yourselves." Getting right up in their faces broke their eye contact with the feeding scene.

"Now come on, Naruto is distracted; you can easily take the robot girl out in one move. Harden your guts and do it aneki!" Chamo said wearing down Negis resistance to commiting to the attack plan.

"Um...ok..." he said stepping out with Asuna following with slight regret. Both Naruto and Chachamaru turned to them.

"Ah...hello Negi-sensei, Asuna-san. It seems I have let my guard down. Naruto-sensei please look after the little ones." Chachamaru said getting to her feet and walking toward the pair while Naruto looked in disappointment at the two.

"Uhh Chachamaru-san would you please stop targeting me, as well as other people with Evangeline-san." Negi said very nervous under his brother figure's gaze and gripped his staff harder to try and bolster some confidence.

"I'm sorry Negi-sensei but my masters orders are absolute, please look after the cats Naruto-sensei." Chachamaru said getting into a ready to battle stance. Meanwhile Naruto reach for something in his sleeve as Negu began his next incantation.

"Uhhh I wish there was another way, Asuna-san get ready." Negu called out pulling out the pactio card. "Sim Mae Pars! Per Decem Secundās! Ministra Negii, Cagurazaca Asuna!"

'So Negi chose Asuna-san as his partner for the battle with master, a wise choice.' Chachamaru thought as she rushed forward to meet the charging Asuna. Said girl felt Negi's magic flowing through her as she shot of like a rocket.

Chachamaru came in with a punch, but Asuna swatted it out of the way with the back of her hand. The orange haired girl came in and managed to force Chachamaru back with a body blow keeping her busy for Negi to begin his next spell.

"Ras Tel Ma Scir Magister, Undecem Spiritus Lucis, Coeuntus Sagitent Inimicum, Sagitta Magica: Series Lucis!" Negi chanted his spell creating eleven magical arrows to use against Chachamaru.

He launched them at the gynoid whose position place her in front of the kittens as well as Naruto. 'By my estimates if I dodge this attack both the little ones and Naruto may come to harm. However the damage I take will be critical. Forgive me master.'

Before the arrows could hit or Negi call back the spell the arrows vanished into this air confusing the three of them That was until they saw the huge kanji for 'Erase' written into the air with what seemed to be ink. Chachamaru, who has closed her eyes, opened them up to see the symbol fade into the air leaving no trace.

"Negi, while I applaud you for acting to send the arrows to yourself, you really should have reconsidered your actions, you as well Asuna." Naruto said his tone making both red heads turn their eyes away from him, their shoes becoming much more interesting. Only Chachamaru saw him push something back into his sleeve as Naruto got back to his feet.

"Why did you save me Naruto-sensei, am I not a risk to Negi-sensei?" the action of the blonde teacher did confuse her, his act was not logical. The blonde just offered her a warm smile making her curious to the glitch in her system in the heat department.

"Eva, yes but you, never. You are one of my students Chachamaru, it's my job to look after all of you, and now Negi don't you and Asuna have something to say?" Naruto said giving both Negi and Asuna a minor glare.

"We're sorry" both said in stereo but sincerely as on reflection they were in the wrong considering Chachamaru was not a psycho killer robot sent back from the future. Chachamaru was a gentle robot girl instead who just happened to serve an 'evil' vampire chibi.

"It is fine Negi-sensei, your attack was logical and strategic." Her monotone response had Negi hang his head as the girl had essentially forgiven him. Meanwhile Chamo walked up to Naruto climbing to his shoulder.

"Ok seriously why did you save her?" Naruto just gave him the same glare but stronger making the ermine shiver.

"Well aside from it being my job to protect my students, Chachamaru is innocent, you say that while you were spying on us. Also if you pull a stunt like this again, be prepared to go bald." The last part came out as a whisper as chamo was quick to vacate Naruto's shoulder and onto the safety of Negi's.


It was a day later when Naruto was looking over his rough drafts for his book with notes and edits from Haruna when he spotted Chachamaru walking about a bit aimless. "Chachamaru!" he called out to the girl getting her attention before beckoning her to join him.

"Good morning Naruto-sensei, I forgot to give you thanks for protection myself and the little ones yesterday." Chachamaru gave him a small bow which was waved off as she took her seat.

"Think nothing of it, I look after my friends, that's all. Now since I have you here, has evangeline been doing her own homework or having you do it?" Naruto questioned since he was curious how lazy Evangeline was being since he took over the class.

"Master has forbidden me from answering questions involving her school work. Sorry I cannot answer your query Naruto-sensei. However I find myself curious as to why you are speaking with me?" Chachamaru tilted her head as Naruto chuckled to her confusion.

"Because you are my friend as I said before. Plus you are a nice person to chat with too." Chachamaru felt her systems heat up unexpectedly hearing the honest response, spotting no signs of a deceit.

Before she could run a self diagnosis Evangeline appeared on the scene. "Chachamaru, there you are..." the blonde took note of the elder blonde who just sat there giving her a cheerful smirk. "You figured out it was her check in day again didn't you?" Evangeline asked since Hakase was behind her with her laptop to check on Chachamaru's systems.

"Who knows, cute dress by the way is it new?" Naruto replied with a small shrug of his shoulders. The redness in the vampire's cheeks made his smirk grow just a little.

"I'm not going to answer that." Evangeline took the drink Chachamaru had bought for her since she usually got refused stronger blends due to her perceived age. She and Hakase sat down at the table with Naruto and Chachamaru where Hakase pulled out her laptop and several wires.

"Hello Naruto-sensei how are you doing? I take it you are here to sign up for my free check up, right?" Hakase's glasses gleamed in the light staring at the prime research subject in front of her.

"Sure, you just have to get Shizuna-kaa-chan to agree to it since shes still my guardian." Hakase hung her head at the road block Naruto replied with since his mother figure made sure to keep her from more research.

Especially after last time... so much equipment needed replacing.

Sighing Hakase got started running a check up on Chachamaru's systems via cables attached to the back of her head. "Chachamaru, did something happen yesterday after I had to leave, you were acting weird when I got home?" Evangeline questioned since she could have sworn Chachamaru was smiling a bit more when she got home.

"No, nothing." Evangeline didn't look convinced so turned back to Naruto.

"Nothing springs to mind." Naruto gave Chachamaru a small wink that Evangeline couldn't see based on their positions on the table.

'Beep, Beep' the noise could be heard from hakase's laptop. "Chachamaru, you seem you be overheating, can you detect the source of the problem?"

"It's nothing Hakase-san." Chachamaru replied despite not fully comprehending why the feeling of heat in her chest was increasing slightly.

"Alright I have to ask this, why haven't you been fussing about like the brat, you know a full moon is here soon." She questioned since Naruto had spent enough time around her to get the change in her on a full moon in concerns to her power.

"I have faith in Negi, plus knowing me do you really think I should be fussing over my cute student after my little kohai?" Evangeline gritted her teeth at his response with her blushing cheeks at being called cute 'again'. Plus he was right since she was somewhat aware of what Naruto was doing when not on campus grounds.

Meanwhile Negi was currently making his way far from the dorms on his staff after being freaked out by Chamo. Thankfully the area he was going to crash land was somewhere a certain ninja was training and came up with a great prank.


When morning came round for class the next day we find Naruto sat behind his and Negi's desk while I was making some note for his books but for some reason kept getting shivers like someone was looking over his shoulder.

He'd gotten a message from Kaede that Negi has crashed landed where she has been training and offered him some training to get a minor boost in confidence. She had also pranked Mana by testing her she was having a private training session with him which made for a shock for Negi. The gunslinger had burst into the area just as Kaede was introducing Negi to the drum bath smirking all the way at her successful plan.

Of course she had left out said prank from her text to Naruto.

Eventully Negi came into class holding a letter in his hand, a challenge letter, Kaede had given him the inspiration to call out Evangeline.

"Good morning... is Evangeline-san here?" Negi asked not managing to spot his current rival in the classroom.

"Hmm Evangeline, she's not here yet." Yue answered while her friends greeted Negi.

"Oh is that so." Negi said his shoulder slumping now that he couldn't give Evangeline his letter of challenge. While in his slump Ako came over to hand a note to Naruto who gave it the once over.

"She's off with the flu again it seems, sigh. Negi I'm gonna head down to Evangeline's cottage to go through today's lesson so I'll leave you with the rest. Everyone better behave themselves." He said smirking at the class which in turned earned a few girls blowing raspberries at him.

Leaving the class it did not take Naruto very long to arrive at evangeline's home and knock on the door. "Chachamaru I'm coming in to check on Evangeline." Walking inside the home he found it full of the dolls Evangeline was partial to making in her spare time.

"Naruto-sensei?" turning his head to the maid's voice he found Chachamaru was literally wearing a maid outfit. "Do you need something with master?" she asked him to which Naruto just shacked his head.

"No really, just wanted to check up on her since I know her health can be an issue what with being practically naked on cold nights. Also I see you found a new design to try on Chachamaru, gotta say you wear it well." Naruto compliments had the gynoid question the random heat spike in her systems.

Before she could run a full diagnostics for Hakase late her master's voice called out. "So the boy sent you instead of himself, was he too scared to face me again so soon?" Eva said standing by the banister her face flush with sweat and looking rather frail.

"Hardly, I just knew you'd prefer me seeing you when you've caught a bug than the nosey boy Negi can be. Now you should get back to bed." Naruto said a tad worried since Evangeline was close to falling since she leaned over the banister.

"Naruto-sensei is right master please return to your bed." Chachamaru's normal straight tone had hints of concern as she observed her master while taking her temperature with her sensors.

Both climbed the stairs and the maid helped Evangline return to her bed, Naruto sitting alongside it. "Just so you know Negi does plan to challenge you but I think I'll let him give you his letter once your condition improves and you can return to class."

What would be the point, I'm stuck at this age and in that class remember, I could ace university at the point but I can't graduate." Evangeline said as Chachamaru wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"Because I want to see if we can find a way around Nagi's seal finally, there has to be a loop hole or two we can exploit if we look hard enough." Naruto said shocking the vampire who gave him a startled look. However before she could question more she fell back into the bed, her body giving out.

"Shit are her allergies acting up again Chachamaru?" Naruto asked place his hand against Evangeline's head finding her to be burning up.

"Yes it seems so, master's magic-less state takes it toll on her in the spring season with all the pollen. Can I trust you to look after master while I head to the university for medicine?" Chachamaru asked getting a nod from Naruto as he quickly fetched a bowl of cold water to wet a cloth that he placed on her head.

After leaving the house Evangeline started to cough her throat sounding very dry. Naruto could hear her mumbling so moved his ear close to see wghat she wanted. "Thirsty..." he managed to make out before she started to cough again.

"Geez, I guess I better give you what you need." Elongating one of his nails he sliced a cut into his first two fingers to make them bleed. Placing both digits into Evangeline's mouth proved to be thee correct option since she started to suck down his life blood.

Her cough levelled out thankfully but Evangeline started to squirm. "Uuuuugh...too hot." Hearing her mumble Naruto closed the curtains on the sunlight blasting his student and then looking down at how her pyjamas were slinging to her skin as a result of the sweat.

"Gonna strip master now stud?" Chachazero asked watching from a shelf.

"Just don't want her getting more sick from a lack of care now shooosh you." Natuto said slowly undressing the blonde, finding that despite her body's age her underwear choice was quite adult.

"Oh she went orange and black today, guess you were lucky." Chachazero laughed as Naruto fought off a blush while redressing Evangeline. She seemed to settle down after that resting rather peacefully. He began to pet her hair in a soothing manner remembering what he had been told in regards to evangeline's condition and exactly how she had ended up here in Mahora.

"I promise I'm gonna help you Evangeline." Naruto muttered out loud as he kept trying to sooth her as she seemed to be having a nightmare and muttered the name 'Thousand Master'. However the very feel of Evangeline's silky hair had a minor effect on Naruto who ended up taking a nap.

When Evangeline eventually woke up she found Naruto resting his arms on the bed, holding her hand. "What the...? wait did I collapse again from fever?" She looked down at Naruto's sleeping face. "You are too kind sometimes." She started stroking his head.

"I could get rid of you so easily right now too." She said but in all honesty she couldn't hurt him right now when by the lack of soreness in her throat and changed pjs, she had him to thank for her improved health state.

"Hmmm oh your awake." Naruto stretched out his arms. "How are you feeling?"

"Better, I think thanks to you, but don't think this means I'll go any easier on that boy." Evangeline answered giving him her best glare... which looked more like an adorable pout right now. "Now get out of here, I don't want you snooping through my things."

"Sure, sure hope to see you in class soon then Evangeline." Naruto hopped over the side to the ground floor before making his way out.

"Chachazero...did he go looking anywhere while he was here?" she asked her doll who she liked to use as extra surveillance.

"Wellllll~ he did get a good look at your undies if that's what you are asking, its was funny seeing the stud blush a bit looking at your body or gently stroking your hair." The doll giggled to herself as her master turned red. "Guess it was lucky he got to see your new orange pair."

When Chachamaru returned later she found that her master was attempting to choke her elder sister (even if she was taller in every way) forgetting that she had made the doll neigh unbreakable. "Seems as though Naruto-sensei did a excellent job looking after master."

XChaptter EndX

Yeah another chapter done, hope everyone like the small changes to story. Yeah trying to get back into writing but ergh, work keeps finding subtle yet simple ways to depress me, I know its small but could they at least ask me before they put me on a weekend 8 hour shift.

Anyway progress on own story is being made but as expected for me its going slow but deffo want it done by years end. Fingers crossed I can get other job in local game store to help improve my moods.

Thank you all for being patient and leaving reviews, I only hope I can make a story everyone can enjoy and I can start to do this for a living since I don't now how to use parteon (yes its misspelled I think there's a filter.

Honest question that ill be putting on my profile, how would people feel about me making a discord for my stories and just to chat since friends give you joy or so I hear.

Until next time, Bye