Disclaimer; I do not own Neon Genesis Evangelion or X-Men; Evolution. Wish I did, though.

(same time; 'Wave of the Orca; flight deck)

As Magneto, clad in his maroon/purple armor but without his helmet, looks over the tanks, he has a slight grimace on his face. Remembering the deaths of his family members at the hands of the Nazis, along with how his ability came into being. He then hears footsteps behind him before hearing Carey's voice.

"Ah, Dr Lensherr, I believe." Magneto slightly turns back and gives a slight nod.

"That is my humanized name, Instructor Carey. If you wish to use it, you can." Carey gives a minute shrug at that.

"Way I see it, you're as human as I am. You just have something extra is all. Much like Professor Xavier, your associates and most of the young ones. Including the most recent arrival." Magneto can't help but grin slightly at that.

"You're just like Charles, aren't you?"

"How so?"

"The belief that humans, Faunus and mutants can coexist without bloodshed or dominance over one another." Carey gives another minute shrug.

"Well, why not? It'd be more sensible to agree to live harmoniously in equality with one another than going at each other's throats on a constant basis." Magneto can't help but smile sadly.

"While I don't doubt your sincerity, Instructor Carey, there are those that don't share the sentiment you and Charles share."

"Oh, the FOH and others of their ilk. Yeah. They're shaping up to be as bad as the Nazis in WW2."

"On that, Instructor Carey, I fully agree." Curious, he turns to face Carey fully. "You fought in the war as well?"

"Nah. Joined the Army ten years afterward. To this day, though, I do wonder why 'Shithead' thought that killing members of other religions or races was a good idea." Rolling his eyes, he adds, "Of course, he took the coward's way out instead of facing justice like a real man."

"And yet we have those that follow the misguided thoughts of those before them."

"It's an endlessly vicious circle." Both exchange a sad sigh before Carey asks, "What's it like? Being able to control polarity like that?" Magneto takes a musing expression onto his face.

"Well, it certainly cuts down on physical strain of trying to move metal monstrosities like these tanks." Carey gives a nod/chuckle at that as Magneto indicates the tanks. "But it's a feeling like no other."

"I've no doubt about that." Looking over the tanks himself, he chuckles again. "Ironic, isn't it?"

"What is?"

"The Allies faced off against German troops and their armor in the war. Present day, I'm teaching young men to operate German tanks for a match for a women's sport that's based in another dimension." Mulling it over, Magneto gives a chuckle before nodding.

"Yes, Instructor Carey, it is ironic." Looking the tanks over again, he asks, "What do you think their chances are?"

"Provided they don't screw around during the instruction period… I'd say they've a fair shot." Magneto gives a nod before Carey asks, "Just how does it happen, anyway?"

"How does what happen, Instructor?"

"The X-gene activating."

"From our past collaboration before we parted ways, Dr Moira McTaggert, Charles and I ascertained that the X-gene activates during times of great stress and/or puberty. Like mine was in the death camp as…" Musing thoughtfully after his trail-off, he adds, "Of course, some have been active since right at birth."

"I guess being born can be stressful in itself."

"Perhaps." Giving another nod, Magneto looks out over Tokyo-3 and grimaces. "With what young Ikari had gone through so far, it's a wonder he doesn't have an X-gene of his own that's active. Even if he'd been born in this dimension."

"I gathered that much from the introductory lessons the other day. Just how can Gendo face himself, day after day, with what he'd put that poor kid through?"

"I myself wonder that about myself, Instructor. Yet if I were to compare myself to Gendo… I'd say we were about even in what we'd done."

"Gendo reminds me of a soldier on my final post before my retirement. He'd struck his kid on a frequent basis, with the poor kid in the infirmary at times. I made inquiries and found out he'd done it multiple times. So I had him come to my office for a chat, offered him a chance to speak with a counselor before the Provost Marshal would wind up having to get involved. Or if he wanted, we could put on some gloves and duke it out in the gym. He didn't take it that well." Magneto can't help but be aghast.

"He swung at you?!"

"Yep. But I counteracted and arm-necked him against my office door. I told him he will get counseling or he can consider his tenure in the Army over."

"What became of him?" At that, Carey can only sigh.

"One day, before my official retirement, he nearly went too far and the Provost Marshal got involved. His wife got fed up with the poor kid getting beaten up and pressed charges. He wound up getting a dishonorable discharge, his wife divorced him and got sole custody of their kid before leaving the state."

"A just end."

"Kinda." Sadly frowning, he adds, "He hung himself two months later. No note." Magneto can't help but wince in sympathy.

"I'm sorry to hear that. You must've been so disappointed in him."

"I was." Musingly, he then adds, "Matter of fact, Gendo also reminds me of Cyrus Buelton, the 'Sheriff' of Clemmons County, GA." Magneto can't help but note the scorn in Carey's voice.

"From the way you speak… Sheriff Buelton wasn't really much of a Sheriff."

"He wasn't." Looking out over Tokyo-3 himself, Carey adds, "Gendo's facing the same path. Although in a much different fashion." Magneto's lips slightly quirk before he nods in agreement.

"Yes. You don't get much more different than gigantic cyborgs against aliens, with teenagers operating them when they should only be teenagers. Let alone fighting threats to their lives or trying to show normal humans they can coexist."

"I see you thought about that repeatedly."

"I still do, Instructor. The dream Charles has is a good dream. Even if I don't show it myself, I too desire for peaceful coexistence. However, I'm a realist. I'll leave the hopeful optimism to Charles."

"Sounds pretty reasonable, if not cynical."

"I'd put it down to past experience, Instructor Carey. If you'd been a mutant yourself and gone through what I did, you'd be cynical yourself."

"Yeah, I guess so. But I'd also have some hope still and express it." Magneto can only chuckle softly.

"You're just like Charles, alright."

"Without hope, where would we be, Dr Lensherr?" Looking the tanks over again, he changes topics. "I think it's about time the tanks hit the shore so the boys can start driving them for their training."

"How goes the training to date?"

"They did quite well on the hands-on academics. They've got the motions for their tasks down. All they need now is driving and retracking."

"I suppose you have a method for the latter."

"Kinda." Frowning, he adds, "There's also the issue of storage, given what JOFA Ikari had expressed the other day about what Gendo had said."

"Oh yes. 'Give NERV the tanks as to learn would be a waste of time', I believe Gendo had said to him regarding them."

"Nutshelling, yes." Looking over the JSSDF VTOL Iwanaga had arrived in, Carey can only whistle before changing subjects again. "What I can't believe is the duration of the briefing from General Iwanaga to Colonel Fury and Ad-Dir McCormick. From an Imperial standpoint, no less. Along with the interviews with the mercs that survived and are in the brig."

"With matters of Imperial magnitude, Instructor Carey, more information is crucial, not less. Same could be said for the mercs."

"I can't agree more." Next thing both men know, a beaming Iwanaga steps out of the 'Island', Fury and McCormick in tow. Slight grins on their faces. Iwanaga then turns back to them.

"I hope you'll inform JOFA Ikari straight away, Colonel Fury." Fury nods.

"I'll do so, General. I can only hope he's not too shocked by the information." McCormick nods his agreement as Iwanaga chortles.

"Given what'd happened to him in the past, I'd be surprised if it didn't shock him." Both men grin and nod their agreement as Fury salutes before Iwanaga returns it. Turning to the tanks again after the salutes end, he sees Carey and Magneto standing together. "Ah. I don't believe we've had the opportunity."

"No sir. Command Sgt Major Zack Carey, US Army, retired." Out of habit, Carey salutes, with Iwanaga returning it before both men end their salutes.

"Nice to meet you, CSM Carey." He then looks to Magneto. "And you, good sir?"

"Dr Erik 'Magneto' Lensherr, General."

"Most excellent to meet you, Doctor." Looking the tanks over, he asks, "What do you think of the loaner tanks?"

"Most impressive, considering these are used for sport in another dimension." Iwanaga chuckles and nods.

"It still blows my mind that there's a sport involving tanks in another dimension." Magneto can't help but grin softly.

"You, General, are not the only one with a blown mind." Iwanaga chuckles again at that.

"I can only hope I'm able to watch the match next month as it should prove quite exciting. But, with my duties and all, however, I may not be able to watch."

"If it helps, General Iwanaga, we'll be recording the match. However, for full effect, 'Wave of the Orca' will have to be aloft." Fury's reply gets a nod from Iwanaga.

"Of course, Colonel. Consider yourselves authorized for flight." Blinking, he then chuckles, puts his hands by his head and splays his fingers out. "Boom! Flying aircraft carrier! Mind is now fully blown at that aspect."

"Perhaps you'll find this even more mind-blowing, General."

Magneto still has a soft grin on his face as he primes his abilities and levitates all four tanks to where they're simply hovering over the flight deck. Iwanaga's jaw drops as he gazes in awe. The other three share Magneto's soft grin, understanding full well that a sight like this is a treat for the General. Magneto then gently lowers the tanks back down onto the flight deck, Iwanaga recovering his composure.

"Fascinating, Doctor." Clearing his throat, Iwanaga goes serious, yet with a faint smile on his face. "I hope we'll be able to speak further, Dr Lensherr."

"As do I, General Iwanaga." With that, Iwanaga nods and turns toward the VTOL. Once he's in, the turbofans power up before the VTOL lifts off of the Flight Deck before flying away. As he watches, Magneto thinks, 'Your dream may yet come true, Charles. It may yet come true.' Feeling a hand gently clamp onto his right shoulder, he looks and sees Carey with an optimistic grin on his face.

"Never lose faith, Doctor. Never lose faith. If you lose some of it, you can rebuild it." Magneto can only softly grin right back at him.

"I wish Moira, Charles and I met you well before we parted ways, Instructor Carey. Perhaps, then, I'd have kept the faith I'd lost."

"No better time to start rebuilding your faith than right now." Fury and McCormick both nod their agreement before Magneto sighs.

"Very well. But it's been so long since I had a significant measure of faith."

"Passage of time is no real issue. Only the amount of healing matters." Looking once again over at Tokyo-3, he adds, "I'm half-tempted to go down into the Geofront and give Gendo a piece of my mind about how badly he'd hurt Shinji."

"You're not the only one, CSM Carey. You're not the only one." Fury clenches his jaw before he grins. "Matter of fact, I think we should fly over and let JOFA Ikari know the most recent developments ASAP." McCormick and Carey both rub their hands together gleefully while Magneto softly smirks.

"Something tells me he won't be the one with a blown mind, given what I've observed of him and the others of this dimension so far."

"You just might be right, Dr Lensherr. You just might be right." Curious, Carey kinks his head to the right. "How soon can you be ready to move the tanks ashore? Say tonight, perhaps?"

"I can be ready tonight, actually. Why do you ask?"

"Those warehouses over there. Any one of those warehouses can easily store the four tanks as they look large enough." Fury nods his agreement.

"They sure do. Of course, there'd have to be a SECDET for them. Just in case."

"Given Gendo's inanely unreasonable demand for the tanks… yeah. I can see how that'd be justified."

"More than justified."

"Yeah, given what we'd observed of Gendo." McCormick then sighs before adding, "I just don't see how Gendo and Shinji can be Father and son when they're totally different from one another." Fury grits his teeth again.

"You're not the only one, 'Skid'. You're not the only one." Magneto nods his agreement before feeling curious and turning to Carey.

"Just what became of 'Sheriff' Buelton anyway?"

"He lost his credentials for Police Misconduct in the Extradition Hearing in TN when his numerous Civil Rights violations, evidence planting/forgery, coercion, prisoner abuse/killing and extortion instances came to light."

"How'd that come about?"

"Courtesy of the FBI, GBI, Professional Standards Bureau and the Criminal Investigation Division for the GDOC. The 'Judge', who was also his Brother-in-Law, and Lead Deputy he'd worked most with didn't fare any better."

"I see. Where is he now?"

"Ft Leavenworth as some of his crimes were Federal under RICO. The 'Judge' was disbarred for Judicial Misconduct/Corruption and sent packing. The Lead Deputy… shot himself in the ruins of the Clemmons County Sheriff's Office." Fury, Magneto and McCormick can only grimace at that before Magneto blinks.

"What Extradition Hearing?"

"Long story."

"We've some time, I believe. But in the meantime, I'm going to need 'Sabretooth' and 'Colossus' to come out so we can get ready to get the tanks ashore and into storage. But we'll have to do it tonight. 'Storm' as well." Nodding, Fury keys his earpiece.

"Fury to Barnes. Page out Munroe, Creed and Rasputin to the Flight Deck."

"Yes, sir."

(4th Level; Library section; same time)

Poring over the list he'd composed, Arcade softly sounds each item out. As he does so, Remy, the X-Men and Brotherhood all come in and see him sitting by himself. Curious, Remy goes to behind him and sees a list of names.

"What's with the names, Arcade?" Lightly jumping, Arcade weakly looks back and sees the others before Remy goes on. "Look to Remy like you're looking for a new name for yourself."

"I… actually am." Fred smiles softly at that.

"Any prospects so far?"

"Yeah. There's one name I keep coming back to and… it appeals greatly to me."

"Oh? What is it?" At Wanda's query, Arcade sighs.


"Hmm. Eugene Torque. Sounds like it'd be a good fit. A far better fit than what you'd been 'given' by them."

"Darn straight, yo!" At Tabitha's and Toad's replies, the others nod in agreement before Arcade looks around and frowns.

"Where're Lance, Amara, Amanda and Jubes? And the Professor?"

"The first two are on firm ground. The next two are working with Sakura on the 7th Level. She's making great strides. Professor Xavier's intent on establishing a rapport with Adam Taurus." Scott's reply gets a twin blink from Arcade before he goes on. "Of course, Adam's probably going to be reluctant, given what he'd gone through." Arcade mulls it over before sighing.

"I can't exactly blame him, Scott. I mean, how would you feel if someone branded you like that?" His query gets a grimace from everyone before he shudders himself. "I know I'd be outright hateful myself." Next thing they know…

"The presence of 'Storm', 'Sabretooth' and 'Colossus' is needed on the Flight Deck." That gets the teens to blink.

"What could that be about?" Arcade's query is shared by the others.

(3rd Level; same time)

"Good afternoon, Mr. Taurus. I'm Professor Xavier."

"G… Good afternoon, Professor." Adam can't help but blink at the compassionate expression on the wheelchair-bound bald human Caucasian gentleman's face.

'I wonder if he's like Dr Riesman's daughter. Though I doubt it. He looks normal enough.' Xavier softly smiles at him.

'Thank you, Mr. Taurus. It's actually quite refreshing to hear that.' Adam can't help but blink at hearing Xavier's voice in his head without him seeing his lips moving before Xavier goes on. Verbally. "My colleagues, our respective charges and I all know what it's like to be judged unfairly for what we have no say over at all."

"You mean… you are like Dr Riesman's daughter?" At Xavier's nod, he sighs. "How can you keep hope like that, Professor?"

"I have, in the words of the late Dr Martin Luther King Jr, a dream, Mr. Taurus. A dream where humans and mutants can peacefully coexist. Much like I'm certain there are those that share the same sentiment between Faunus and humans."

"Yeah. There're some, but not really enough." Unbidden, Adam smiles softly. "I think, should you meet, you and Ghira Belladonna would get along just fine."

"Tell me about him, please."

"He's a peaceful man, but, if you go after his family… you're asking for trouble as that panther's very protective." Xavier can only chuckle.

"I can somewhat relate as one of my Instructors is very protective of his daughter and our students. There's a new reason he's called 'Wolverine' after all. The old reason… I won't get into as it's really not my place or story to tell." At that, Logan's is heard.

"Great idea, Chuck."

"Right on cue, as usual, Logan."

"Whatever you say, Chuck." At Xavier's eye-roll, Adam lightly smirks as Logan looks him over. "So you're the branded heavy-bleeder that 'Hothead' raged about the other night." Adam quietly nods before he grimaces.

"Even though I don't know who's who or what who did or said… yes. I am the branded heavy-bleeder." His grimace deepening, he adds, "Though, in all certainty, I had it coming."

"How do you figure that?" Xavier's query gets a sad sigh from Adam.

"What I'd done… what I'd wanted to do… I'm a monster. Much like Blake thought."

"Sounds like you've done some intense thinking on the matter." Logan's words get Adam to nod before he asks, "So what now, 'Red-horn'? You gonna wallow in self-pity and feel sorry for yourself in a misguided attempt at penance? Or you gonna work your butt off to better yourself?"

"Is a mix of 'Columns A and B' an option?"

"Not really, bub." Unbidden, a soft grin appears on Adam's face. Getting Logan's notice. "What're you grinning about?"

"You might want to tell Blake that should you meet her."

"Oh? What'd she do?"

"She went to become a Huntress-in-training when the 'White Fang' got so violent she couldn't take it anymore."

"Why didn't you go with her?"

"I was so full of spite and rage toward humanity… I didn't even take the time to think about how she felt about the whole thing."

"Do you regret it?" The new male voice gets Adam to blink as Logan grins before turning back to the new speaker.

"Good to see you're fully awake, bub." At the chuckle, Logan goes on. "Steve 'Captain America' Rogers, Adam Taurus. Adam Taurus, Steve 'Captain America' Rogers." Both give each other nods of greeting before 'Captain America' blinks.

"Why is your head half-wrapped?" Adam can only sigh.

"It's a long story, sir."

(streets of Tokyo-3; same time)

As they walk along the street, Lance and Amara both grimace before the former speaks.

"If this place wasn't half-dead, I wouldn't mind living here. But since it is…" He's unable to suppress a shudder. Getting Amara's attention.

"Too many bad memories?"

"Yeah. This place is like how I felt growing up." Looking aside at Amara, he asks, "How about you?"

"I may like warm temps, but this place is really pushing it. Give me our world's Rio any day." Looking toward a patch of water while fanning herself with her right hand, she then asks, "Do you think there's any land to be reclaimed there?"

"There's bound to be. Too bad there're no 'before' maps to refer to. Otherwise I'd probably mess it up if I was to try to bring it back up." Amara gently pats him on his back as they walk on.

(Tokyo-3 High School; rooftop; same time)

As Shinji and Laura eat together, Rei, Kensuke, Touji and Hikari uneasily eye Asuka's grimace before Kensuke clears his throat.

"Um… why is your head half-wrapped like that? And how long does it have to be that way?" Asuka can only snort.

"I've an eye-dominance issue. The half-wrap's just until my eye's equalized. Oh yeah. Something I gotta know, Shinji."

"What's that?"

"Just how long will it be before I can take this off?" Shinji blinks at that before pondering. Only to shrug before replying.

"Don't really know off-hand. But we can probably do a follow-up with the simulator after school today, see how far along you are."

"I can go with that." Asuka shrugs casually at that before Shinji looks over the horizon. With it getting her notice. "What is it, Shinji?"

"We've a 64 inbound." Blinking, Asuka looks toward where Shinji is and blinks again.

"I don't see it." Only for Laura to chime in herself.

"I hear it." Asuka blinks again before her uncovered eye picks up the speck of the AF-64. Along with her hearing Shinji speak again.

"Looks like a 70 is inbound as well." Asuka can only be in disbelief at that.

"Just how can you see all that?!" Shinji mulls it over before shrugging.

"I dunno. I just can, is all."

"But… that shouldn't even be possible! Not with what'd happened your first time out!" Shinji can only shrug again before going on.

"Okay. The 70 is setting down in the warehouse district and the 64 is…"

His voice is drowned out by the loud screams of the VTOL fans. Rei, Asuka and Hikari cover their ears while Touji and Kensuke both grimace. Shinji and Laura, however, revel in it. As the thrums fade away, an irritated Asuka uncovers her ears and grits out.

"I said it before and I'll be more than happy to do it again! Those 64s are outright ear-busters!" Next thing she knows, Shinji and Laura are on their feet and walking to the doorway. "Where're you two going?!"

"To see what Colonel Fury wants." Shinji has a pensive look on his face before Laura goes on. "He's setting down in the same field from the other day."

"But… How can you tell?!" Shinji takes that one.

"Colonel Fury is not given to flying toward or over buildings for no reason. If he flew toward and overhead of us, it's because he has a message for one or both of us." With that, he and Laura walk through the doorway, getting Asuka to grit her teeth before she rises to her feet.

"Grr… Wait for me!" Stomping along behind them, she's unaware that Touji, Hikari, Rei and Kensuke are following behind her. As they exit the building together, Asuka has one more gripe. "I really think you two are reading way far too much into this! It's probably just a coincidence!"

"Rule 39, Pilot Sohryu." Shinji's reply gets a twin blink from her before he goes on. "There's no such thing as a coincidence."

"I see. Any others I should know about?" Laura takes that one.

"Yeah. Rule 9. Never go anywhere without a knife. My personal favorite." Shinji gives a chuckle at that, getting Laura to roll her eyes. "Of course, I'm pretty well covered on the knife front. Shinji, however…"

"I know. I know." Sighing, Shinji goes on. "I think there's a hardware store that sells knives. We'll check it out after school." Asuka blinks at that before Hikari chimes in.

"Any others?" Laura looks over to Shinji and sees a grim expression on his face before he speaks up.

"Yeah. Rule 36. If you feel like you're being played, you probably are. Rule 40. If it seems like someone's out to get you, they are." Kensuke can't help but chuckle weakly at that.

"That… sounds kinda paranoid, Shinji."

"True. But sometimes that paranoia is justified."

(7th Level; same time)

"You're doing great, Sakura!" Jubilee's voice has encouraging glee within as Amanda trails behind Sakura as Jubilee is waving Sakura toward her. "You're almost here!"

Sakura smiles widely as her legs are able to support her weight without assistance from her arms.

"Do you think Touji-nii and Adam-nii will like the surprise, Jubes-nee?"

"I have no doubt they will, Sakura. What do you think, Amanda?"

"I think they'll be tickled pink." Sakura giggles as she reaches Jubilee, with the girl wrapping her arms around Sakura. Sakura returning it before Amanda joins the hug. Sakura right in the middle as all three giggle in glee.

"Well, now. It looks like the odds on Sakura's recovery went right up even more." Adam's voice gets their attention before all three look to him and see that he's not alone. Sakura's face alights in glee.

"Adam-nii! I made it!" Adam smiles widely before Sakura looks up to Amanda and Jubilee. "Can I… see about making it to Adam-nii?"

"Go for it, Sakura. Jubes and I'll be right behind you."

Sakura nods determinedly before stepping toward Adam, the red-haired Faunus smiling encouragingly at her as he waves her toward him. When she reaches him, she feels his arms wrap around her and returns it while giggling.

"I made it, Adam-nii!"

"You sure did, 'little sister'! You sure did!" Adam has a wide and proud smile on his face as he adds, "I can hardly wait for Touji to see you!" Sakura giggles before nestling into Adam's torso. Only to hear…






Blinking at the sound, Sakura and Adam look around before seeing Katie on a butterfly machine.

"She's been doing that since night before last." Jubilee's voice gets their attention as she goes on. "She's trying to burn off her energy for relaxation."

"To what end, Jubilee?" At Xavier's query, Jubilee sighs.

"Her first race is next month and… well… she entered into a bet with 'Skid' regarding she and Barbara."

"What kind of bet?"

"If she wins the race next month, she and Barbara come in out of the cold, so to speak."

"That's a pretty reckless bet for her to make, 'Firecracker'. But if it's next month, then why is she burning the energy now?"

"That's just the way she is, 'Wolvie'. For midterms before…" At the trail-off, she gets nods from Amanda, Logan and Xavier and blinks from Captain America, Adam and Sakura before she goes on. "Whenever we'd study together, it'd be at a gym. We'd alternate between question/exercise while we did so."

"How'd you do?" Amanda's query gets a soft smile from Jubilee.

"Passing grades." Looking back over to Katie, she softly frowns. "Looks like her session's over for now. Sakura, I'll bring your wheelchair right back."

"Okay, Jubes-nee." As Jubilee wheels the wheelchair over to where Katie is, Sakura looks over at Amanda. The latter noticing.

"What is it, Sakura?"

"Is the race that important to Katie-chan?"

"It seems to be. Granted, I only just met her the other night. But given whose genes she has, I expect she has a very impressive lineage to live up to. But she really should've waited until after the first race before making that kind of bet." Xavier then chimes in again.

"Because of the pressure she's now under, she's working herself into a frenzy."

"That's right, Professor." Silence reigns for half a minute before Sakura speaks again.

"Why would they 'come in out of the cold' if they were together still, Amanda-nee?"

"It's because 'Skid' has a lot of enemies from before and during his time as ADA, Sakura." The girl can only blink before Adam sighs and chimes in himself.

"Think 'White Fang' against the corruption of the Schnee Dust Company as it currently is and you'll see what I mean, Sakura. Only 'Skid' is the 'White Fang' in this scenario."

"That's a lot of enemies." At Adam's nod, Sakura sighs. "I hope things go well for them, however it goes."

"You're not the only one." Logan looks over at Captain America and sees a curious expression on his face. "What is it, bub?"

"Just curious, Logan, but what is the year?" Logan grins slightly at that.

"Now that, Rogers, is a very interesting question. In our dimension, it's 2004. In this one, it's 2015." Rogers nods his head at that.

"Ah." Blinking, he then adds, "Wait. What?"

"Put shortly, bub, the future you were expecting... kinda long way off still."

"I get that. But I was referring to the 'dimension thing'. You mean I was defrosted and healed in another dimension?"

"Yup." Rogers blinks again before sighing.

"Someone put me back in the fridge, please." Logan can only chuckle softly as Adam, Xavier and Amanda softly smirk. Only for Sakura to chime in again.

"Why would you want to go back into the fridge, Rogers-san? It's dangerous in one." Logan then gently tousles her hair.

"Not that kind of fridge, squirt."

(Tokyo-3 fields; same time)

"Oh wow! Lance…"

"I know, Amara. Aside from the holes and craters… it's perfect!" Grinning widely, Lance primes his abilities and concentrates. "I'll just do a little bit at first before expanding."

"Sounds good. Any resultant debris I can incinerate."

"Sounds good to me. Here we go!"

(NERV HQ; Central Dogma; bridge; same time)

"Unusual seismic activity on the outskirts of Tokyo-3! Measuring… this can't be right!"

"What can't be right, Lt Ibuki?" As Gendo's preoccupied with thoughts of how to get the tanks into NERV control, Fuyutsuki's query gets her attention before she responds.

"The Richter Scale can't even begin to class it, sir!" At that, the monitor 'relaxes' its signaling, getting a sigh of relief. "Looks like it's tapering… this can't be right!"

"What is it now, Lt?"

"There's… magma coming up from the ground in the same location as the tremors, sir."

"Hmm… unusual seismic activity and magma… you don't suppose it could be young Mr. Alvers and Miss Aquilla, do you?" Maya blinks before shrugging.

"Given what I'd heard while Dr Akagi and I were speaking with the others while the other two were outside… it could very well be, sir." Nodding, Fuyutsuki issues his next command.

"Purge the extra data from the MAGI, Lt. it's ultimately not relevant to NERV or its purpose. Is that clear?"

"Yes, sir." The alert blares again, getting Maya to sigh. "Sir, if it is them, they really should have someone supervising them. They may be meaning well, but they could wind up…"

"Agreed, Lt." Picking up his line, he goes on. "Major Katsuragi, an issue's come up and supervision is required. Lt Ibuki will tell you where."

"I understand sir. Matter of fact, she can accompany me while I go out there."

"I see." Ending the call, he looks back to Maya. "Lt., sign out a portable terminal with maps of the area."

"Yes, sir."

(Tokyo-3 High School field; same time)

Shinji's jaw is dropped so far, Laura can't help but giggle as she brings it back up for him. Asuka, Rei, Hikari, Touji and Kensuke, however, are awed at that before the redhead's visible eye gleams.

"I smell shopping spree!" Fury, however, puts an end to that.

"It's not a license for him to shop intensely, Pilot Sohryu. If anything, it's compensation from the Emperor for what JOFA Ikari had gone through at Gendo's hands." Fury grins softly, adding, "Besides, I've seen him shop and he usually keeps it light, even when told to."

"Well of course he would. He's so obedient. Maybe a little too obedient…"

"I wasn't talking about that. If you were in his position, and you were told to keep it light, would you do so?"

"Nope! I'd max out the account and not bat an eye!"

"Exactly. Shinji is quite far from being a typical teenager. Living a Spartan-like lifestyle." His good eye roving over Shinji, he relishes in seeing him slightly squirm. "Although it would do some good to see him go wild."

"It would." Looking over at Shinji, Asuka then asks, "If you were to go wild, Shinji, how would you do it?" Blinking, Shinji mulls it over before grinning softly. Asuka liking it. "What is it? A car? A motorcycle? A boat?"

"On the first two, nope. But the third has some appeal. I wonder what it'd be like."

"Owning a boat?"

"Nope. Building a boat. In the lowest level of 'Wave of the Orca'. With your permission, of course, sir." Shinji's intention has Asuka blinking blankly, Laura and Fury chuckling, and Rei, Hikari, Touji and Kensuke curious before Asuka clears her throat.

"You did say… build a boat in the basement of the heli-carrier, right?"

"Yup." Nodding, Asuka scratches the back of her head.

"How do you expect to get it out and why would you want to do that?"

"As to the second one, so I can work on it when it's raining. The first one… I've an idea or two about that."

"I see." Shrugging, she adds, "It should be something to see, in any case."

"Yeah." His body shaking in excitement, he adds, "After school, the lumber yard and then the hardware store."

(Warehouse district; same time)

"I see… and you expect to be done with the warehouse within the month?"

"That's right, ma'am." Carey's expression is casual, with McCormick and Magneto standing asides him as he goes on. "Of course, the Security Detail for the would-be contents of the warehouse are all volunteer and very good at what they do."

"And… just what are the contents to be, Mr. Carey?"

"Four WW2-era tanks." The clerk of the warehouse complex blinks before shrugging.

"Not the oddest thing I've had in my complex… should be quite interesting." Looking her screen over, she nods, adding, "I can rent out '654' to your contents. 16,000 yen a week, given what they are." Curious, she then asks, "Do they belong to you?"

"No ma'am. They're on loan for a match to take place the middle of next month." At head-kink to the left, Carey adds, "Long story, ma'am."

"I don't doubt that." Shaking her head in bemusement, she then asks, "When do you expect to put the tanks into storage?"

"Sometime tonight."

(Tokyo-3 field; same time)

"I think that's good for the day, Lance." Amara's words get a mute nod from him before the two hear an electric motor whine to a halt behind them. Turning around, they see a battered blue Renault Alpine A310, along with Misato and another woman exiting it. "Hey, Major Katsuragi! What brings you and your friend out here?!" Misato can only sigh at that.

"Please, Amara, you're not part of NERV. Just call me Misato. As to your question, I'm thinking you two already know." Amara and Lance both blink before looking to each other and sighing, getting Misato to smirk. "That's right. The MAGI picked up your usage of your abilities, throwing Maya into a bit of a tizzy." The other woman whips her face toward Misato as she goes on. "Thinking of, Amara 'Magma' Aquilla and Lance 'Avalanche' Alvers, meet Lt Maya Ibuki. Maya, meet Amara 'Magma' Aquilla and Lance 'Avalanche' Alvers."

"Hello." Maya gives a courteous bow before she goes on. "I've so… much to ask you both. Along with possibly assist if needed." Lance kinks his head to the right at that.

"How's that on the second, Lt?"

"Please, 'Avalanche', it's just Maya. Much like Major Katsuragi said, you're not part of NERV. So it's really not necessary." As he nods, Maya goes on. "As to how I can assist you, I can access the maps of the area from before…" Lance and Amara's faces take on expressions of awed understanding as she brings out a portable terminal. "So… what'd you like to know first?" Lance takes that one.

"That big wasted zone at the top of the hill about three miles back. What happened there?" Maya mulls it over before accessing her terminal's data.

"I'm going to show you battle aftermaths, one at a time. Stop me when you see it."

"Okay." Turning the screen to them, Maya swipes the screen before Amara blinks.

"That one, Maya." Maya turns the screen back to herself and grins.

"That was where the 7th Angel met its end at the feet of Units 01 and 02."

"That was the Angel that split in half, wasn't it, Maya?" Amara's query gets a nod from Maya before the Brazilian girl rolls her eyes. "I still don't see how Shinji and Sohryu could've avoided falling over one another like that." Lance, however, blinks before speaking up.

"You mean they kicked both halves of the Angel at the same time? Hence why you said the feet, not the hands?" At that, Misato smirks.

"That's right, Lance. Anything else?"

"Yeah, matter of fact… what's with the foot-shaped potholes from three different directions with the big crater in one of the earlier pics?"

"That'd be when Units 00, 01 and 02 all stopped the 10th Angel from doing the ultimate belly flop from high up." Lance and Amara both shudder before Misato goes on. "We can discuss that later."

"Oh? How's that, Misato?" Lance's query gets Maya to sigh before speaking.

"Any particular reason you two are reshaping the ground today?"

"Oh… right." Lance sheepishly rubs the back of his head before Amara rolls her eyes and chimes in.

"It's for when they get ready to train on the ground for the match next month, Maya."

(McCormick/Johnson quarters; same time)

Knocking on the outside of the hatch gets Barbara's attention. Rising from her seat, she opens the hatch and sighs at seeing her precious daughter zonked out in a wheelchair. Jubilee right behind her.

"She did it again, didn't she?" At the silent nod, Barbara sighs before chuckling. "Alright. You know the drill."

"All too well, Mrs. McCormick." Barbara sighs wistfully as Jubilee wheels the wheelchair over to the cot in the room. Once in position, Jubilee gently lugs Katie's tired form onto the cot. Only for Katie to blearily open her eyes.


"Shh. Get some sleep, Katie."

"I can still exer…" At Katie's trail-off, they soon hear soft snores of slumber. Jubilee moves the wheelchair away, allowing Barbara to cover Katie with a light blanket. Gently brushing Katie's forehead, Barbara then turns to Jubilee and sees her trying to sneak away.

"Just where do you think you're going, Jubilee?"

"Gotta take the wheelchair back to where Sakura is."

"Alright. But first… how're you holding up?" Jubilee's face loses some of its cheer before her eyes lightly well up.

"It still hurts, Mrs. McCormick. Sometimes, I wonder if it'd have been better if I'd di…"

"No." At the stern rebuke from Barbara, Jubilee can only blink. "Out of the question. Your parents wouldn't have wanted that."

"It's because of me they're dead, though."

"No. It's because HYDRA doesn't care about the families or lives they've destroyed and are intent on destroying." Hugging Jubilee, Barbara murmurs, "You cared deeply about them and they you." The broken-hearted girl can only softly sob as Barbara holds her. "It's okay, Jubilee. It's okay."

"I'm sorry…"

"No need for you to apologize, Jubilee. But if anyone has to apologize, it'd be HYDRA." Jubilee lets out a soft snort.

"Somehow, I doubt they even know that word or what it means."

"Somehow, I get the feeling you're right."