Adventure Series

Summary: Aria is Ash's older sister and is training to become a Pokemon Trainer so she could enter the Hoenn League, but she goes on an adventure with her brother and a few other friends they have known or maybe even some newer friends! Who knows what what will happen on their journey this time? [Book 3 of the Adventure Series]

Disclaimers: I do not own Pokemon! I only own any OC characters like Aria or anyone else appearing that I have created. Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and I have no claims to owning it!

Preface: This was a long work in process, but everything worked out so far. Welcome everyone to the third book in the Adventure Series. For some reason, I thought it would be best to work on this before anything else, but I suppose this works too. Alright, I explained this in book 1, but I'm not going to be doing a recap of how I created Aria, but I will let you know on some events planned. The movies in this book might be the hardest out of the the others I plan to do. The hardest one might be Lucario and the Mystery of Mew, just because of what Ash has to do and what Aria might have to pull off along in it since they are both siblings. Get what I'm trying to say?

Episode I: Part I
Getting the Show on the Road!

"Come on, you can do it Electrike! Discharge, and Houndoom try to dodge it as fast as you can!" A young voice commanded.

The large canine Pokemon then tries to dodge the sparks of electricity.

"Good Electrike! Keep it up!"

There was another canine on the battlefield, but this one was much smaller and looked very different from the other one.

When Houndoom got to close to Electrike the voice from before claps her hands.

"Okay! We're done for today!"

The two Pokemon stopped and turned to their trainer.

"Good work! I'm glad it all worked out well. You're getting better Electrike, just you wait!" She told them.

"I see you are very excited, Aria."

Aria turns around and saw someone walk over to her.

"Hi Joshua!" She greeted. "And it seems I am very excited, Electrike is getting a lot better at battling, I'm happy for him." She turns to the small Pokemon that jumped into her arms as she hugged him.

She looks up at the other Pokemon that walked over to them.

"You did good too Houndoom, thanks for helping us out." She said.

Houndoom cries out in happiness as Aria smiles.

"I hear your brother is coming to start a new journey here." Joshua said.

Aria turns to him.

"Yeah, I can't wait! I haven't seen him since the Pokemon League. He didn't win but he tried his best with his partner, I'm proud of him." She said with a big smile on her face. "He should be here later today, I'm just so excited, I can't stay still!"

She turns to Houndoom.

"Are you excited to see Ash too, Houndoom?" She asked.


Aria smiled. "I guess we both can't wait. He'll love it here as much as we do."

"By the way, we're suppose to be getting a new trainer to be coming today to receive their first Pokemon." Joshua said as Aria returned Electrike to its Poke Ball.

"I see, I still remember when I got Houndoom. We've done everything together and I wouldn't have made it so far without him." She said, looking over at the Pokemon beside her.

"Let's head inside, the new trainer should be here soon." Joushua said.

Aria nods and heads inside the lab with him and Houndoom. When they finally were able to take a break, the two sat down and smiled at each other.

"I'm still excited." She said to Houndoom. "I wonder what kind of Pokemon he caught since we've only got to see him since the Pokemon League."


"Hey Aria!"

She turns her head and noticed Joshua walk over to her.

"Yeah?" She asked as she stood up.

"Your brother is on the phone and wants to speak with you, it seems like he's in a hurry."

Aria looked a bit confused yet surprised.

"Okay, thanks." She told him.

Aria walked past him with Houndoom and they stood in front of the phone as she saw a worried look on his face.

"Ash? What's wrong? What's with that look on your face?" She asked worriedly.

"Aria, there's an emergency!" He exclaimed.

"What happened?" She asked again.

"It's Pikachu, he was starting to get very sick and weak and I don't know what to do." He said. "There's no Pokemon Center here either, is Professor Birch there? Pikachu really needs help!" He asked.

Aria shook her head.

"He's not here at the moment, he went out in the field to conduct an experiment." She said. "But stay put, I'm going to try and see if I can get a hold of him." She told him.

Ash nods his head. "Thanks, and please hurry." He said.

Aria nods and ends the phone call and intimately tried to call professor Birch.

Ash, what have you gotten yourself into this time?

Ash sat on the bunch, holding his Pikachu in his arms in a towel and noticed that Pikachu was getting worse by the minute.

"'re going to be okay." He told his pokemon.

Ash was then startled when he heard a jeep come to a break next to him.

"Are you Ash Ketchum?" The man in the jeep asked.

Ash stood up.

"Yes, are you Professor Birch?" He asked.

"That would be me, you're sister told me you were here. Let me have a look at Pikachu." The professor looks down at Pikachu and noticed the sparks coming out of its red cheeks. "Not good, let's get to my lab quickly." He said.

Ash nodded his head in response.


They climb into the jeep and Birch starts it quickly before they took off.

Aria and Joshua stood at the entrance of the lab waiting for the professor and Ash to arrive.

"I hope he's alright." Aria spoke up after they have been silent since they were waiting for them to arrive.

"Ash will be fine, we just have to help his Pikachu." Joshua said.

"I hope so."

In a few minutes, Ash and the professor finally arrive and they entered.

"Everything is in place and ready." Joshua said to the professor.

"Thank, this way Ash."

The two lead them inside and they were now in the lab where they hooked Pikachu's cheeks up to a machine while Ash and Aria stood back to let them do their work.

"What's that?" Ash asked, gesturing to the machine that they have on Pikachu.

"A device that will rig Pikachu of all of it's trapped electricity." Birch replied as he looked over at Joshua. "Power on, Joshua."

"Yes sir."

He flips the lever and the machine turns on and started to suck away the bad electricity out of Pikachu.

"Pikachu, just hold on." Ash told his Pokemon.

Electricity was sparking everywhere and even the machine couldn't handle it all of that bad electricity.

"Ah, p-professor!" Joshua exclaimed.

"Keep going!" Birch told him.

"It's not going to work!" Aria exclaimed. "The machine is going to explode!"

"Everyone down!"

Everyone jumps onto the floor as everything glowed a bright color and the machine exploded. The windows were broken and even parts in the walls were too. Pikachu then stood up and shook its head as it jumped out the window.

"Pikachu!" Ash called for his partner as he jumped out the window as well.

"Ash!" Aria does the same like Ash and follows him from behind.

"Do you have Pokemon that a strong against an electric type?" Birch called to Ash.

"I don't have any other Pokemon with me now!" Ash shouted.

"I do professor, nothing to worry about!" Aria said.

"I'm coming too!" Birch walks back into the room and picks up three Poke Balls and jumps out the window as well.

"Wait! We had set those Poke Balls aside for May, remember?" Joshua asked.

"There's no choice! When she gets here just tell her to wait!" He said.

"Ash! Aria! Wait for me!"

They two teens come to a stop once they saw the professor running over to them.

"Pikachu's eternal electricity is too high. A disturbance of any kind to Pikachu's electrical field could cause a massive explosion."

Aria and Ash gasp in shock.

"Pikachu is in much more trouble than I thought." Birch told them.

"Now what?" Ash asked.

"I think we'll have better luck if we split up and search for it."

"Yeah, your right. Come on Aria."

Ash started to run ahead as the professor ran the other direction and Aria followed after her younger brother.

"Ash, hold on a sec!" She called.

Ash comes to a stop once Aria held out a Poke Ball.

"Houndoom, come on out!"

She tossed the Poke Ball as her Pokemon appeared in front of her.

"Can you help us look for Pikachu?" She asked.

Houndoom nods in response.

"Is that..."

"Yeah, Houndour evolved a while after the Pokemon League. He's great when it comes to tracking, so let's go find Pikachu before something bad happens." Aria explains.

Ash nods his head, understanding her explanation.

Houndoom then started to lead the way for the two once he got the scent.

"Pikachu shouldn't have ran off to far, so he should be okay for now." Aria said.

"I just hope so." Ash mumbled.

Sooo, was that good? I was sure if this was a good first chapter since this is based off Season 6 in the anime, but is it good so far? Aria being Ash's sister and all? And what do you think will happen to Pikachu?