AN - In honour of the amazing new Steven Universe ep Rose's Scabbord~ =3

Rose sat alone on a beach, the ocean waves gently lapping at her pink toes, and slowly drew in a long, deep breath of the salty ocean air.

Earth was an amazing planet.

So beautiful, lush, and full of so many different, wonderful things like a crystal-blue ocean, that stretched out beyond what the eye could see.

She wanted to protect it.

She wanted to keep this little planet, filled with so many wondrous places and beings safe.

Her decision was made...her resolve firmed.

She would fight for this planet, and the many lifeforms that inhabited it.

"Rose? What are you doing out here all by yourself?" a voice, that always filled Rose's being with warmth and joy, called out softly behind her.

"Pearl," Rose replied just as softly, while looking up with tender affection at the other gem, as she drew near.

Pearl walked up slowly beside her seated partner, and with an elegance of movement that always caused Rose to smile, daintily sat down beside her.

"It's beautiful, isn't it," Rose continued to say, and Pearl tilted her head in that way that Rose always found absolutely adorable.

"What's beautiful?" Pearl asked curiously, as the only thing of beauty within her vision was already seated beside her...but Pearl didn't think that Rose was actually talking about herself.

"The ocean before us...the beautiful clear sky above us...the stars that shine so brightly at night...the birds that fill the air during the day...the very beauty and nature of the planet we're on...the wonderful diversity of the cultures and people that populate this planet..." Rose answered quietly, as she trailed her hand lightly through the sand, until her fingers entwined gently with Pearl's.

"Yes...everything I see before me right absolutely beautiful..." Pearl answered in a voice so filled with adoration, as she gazed upon the shining light in her life sitting before her, she wondered how she could possibly breath. "I love you!" Pearl then suddenly burst out, and blushed profusely as a deep, joy-filled laugh filled the air around her.

Rose then looked over at the still-blushing Pearl and with a tender smile, and eyes that shone brightly with affection, replied, "I love you too, Pearl."