Anything you recognize from the Hobbit belongs to Tolkien

Author's Note: Hey, everyone! I'm starting a new story (a Hobbit story). I promise I'll work on my Harry Potter fanfic, Apprenticeship as well! Enjoy the first chapter. Sorry if I get some facts wrong. WARNING: This is a spanking fanfic. Don't like, don't read.

Chapter One

"Uncle Thorin! Uncle Thorin!"

Thorin sighed in exasperation as twelve-year-old Kili ran up to him, wailing. Thorin picked him up. Tears were glistening on Kili's face and Thorin wondered what it was this time. "What is it, little cub?" he murmured, stroking his nephew's hair.

Kili and Fili were brothers, and they were both orphans. Their father had died when Kili was one and Fili six. He had been fighting bravely in battle, and had given his life to save Thorin's own life. Their mother died soon after Kili was born, due to fatigue and illness. Thorin had adopted them, and had been taking care of the two mischievous brothers since. Honestly, he had felt even better after he had adopted them, for he was not that lonely anymore.

"Fili's being rude!" Kili wailed. "He called me a brainless slug, and told me to shut up and go away!"

Thorin sighed in exasperation. His oldest nephew had been in a bad mood lately, and it seemed that he was taking it out on his brother. "Fili!" he called. "Get over here!"

The seventeen-year-old Fili appeared, frowning deeply. Kili glared at Fili, sniffling.

Fili bit his lip and glanced warily at Thorin. Thorin felt a flash of disapproval. Good. At least he knew he was in trouble. "Explain."

Fili's eyes traveled to the sniffling Kili, then back to Thorin before dropping to the ground. "I didn't mean to," he said softly. Thorin merely raised an eyebrow and Kili burrowed deeper into his uncle's lap. "I just ... I just got annoyed." Fili's tone became defensive. "He was annoying me, Uncle Thorin! He kept saying ..." Fili's voice trailed away.

Thorin tugged Fili closer with one hand. "Yes?" he prompted.

Fili bit his lip, then muttered, "It's nothing."

Thorin eyed him. Yes. I'm sure it's nothing. He fought the urge to roll his eyes. Fili and Kili were close, closer then most brothers were, though they did have the occasional fights and arguments. Still, at times of trouble they defended each other, even if they were in an argument. Fili was most likely trying to protect Kili from a sore bottom. "Really?" he murmured.

"Yes, Uncle Thorin," Fili replied promptly.

Thorin leaned forward and eyed Fili sternly. "Fili, are you lying to me?"

Thorin saw Fili swallow hard before answering, "No, Uncle."

Thorin raised his eyebrows warningly. "Are you sure?" At Fili's nod, he continued. "Heed me well, Fili. Should you ever lie to me, I will not hesitate to warm your backside. I do not condone lying. Now, I'll ask this once more, and only once more. Are you lying to me?"

Fili opened and closed his mouth for a few moments. Kili made a few sounds as if he wanted to interrupt, but at Thorin's warning tap to his bottom, he wisely kept his mouth shut. "No, Uncle Thorin. I'm not," he said at last.

Thorin was disappointed. It was obvious his nephew was lying to him, but he had at least expected him to tell him the truth after his warnings. It seemed Fili was feeling more daring than he usually was.

Setting Kili down, he tugged Fili over his lap. Fili fell onto his lap, landing with a soft explosion of breath. Thorin pulled down Fili's breeches down. Fili was frozen, breathing ragged as Kili backed away, chewing his bottom lip. Thorin knew this would be difficult. Fili was a stubborn and proud young dwarf; it would take a long spanking for him to shatter. But when he did, he was always truthful.

Thorin surveyed his young nephew, laying on his stomach on his lap. With a deep breath, Thorin raised his hand up to about shoulder height, then brought it down with a CRACK! Fili and Kili both flinched. Thorin knew it pained Kili to see his brother like this. Thorin began laying down hard swats onto Fili's bottom. Fili remained stubbornly quiet and still, unlike his younger brother.

Kili showed more emotion during a bottom-warming. Kili was easier to shatter than his brother, for the pain in his bottom and guilt for whatever misdeed he had done mingled together and forced out a quickly repentant response. Fili was much harder to break through.

Thorin paused, resting his hand on Fili's warm bottom and feeling his nephew shudder. Fili had gone limp. He knew what his nephew was doing. He was trying to distance himself, trying to detach his mind from his slighty-hot bottom. Then he would not feel the swats.

Thorin sighed. This would not do, it definitely wouldn't. He braced himself, then raised his right leg. He heard Fili breathe in sharply, knowing what would happen. Thorin steadily swatted the soft and sensitive undercurve of Fili's backside, the spot under his bottom cheeks. He knew how much it would throb.

Fili's hand was now twitching. A few times it shot toward his bottom, but halfway there to its destination it stopped and Fili pulled it back. "Good lad," Thorin murmured, as usual wondering at the restraint Fili had, unlike Kili.

When Thorin landed an extra firm swat, Fili bucked and then let out the first whimper. Thorin nodded. Ah. Better. He aimed another one, with the similar force, to the soft and pink undercurve once more, and the young dwarf let out a low sob. "Do you know why you're in this position, my dear little lion?" Thorin asked quietly as he forced himself to lessen his spanks.

"Yes," Fili rasped out, his voice steadier than had Thorin assumed it would be.

"Then, tell me, nephew," Thorin prompted. "Why?"


"AHHH!" Fili flinched, then sputtered out, "Lying. I lied to you."

"Indeed." Thorin paused for a moment. "Lying is one of the most worst deeds one can do, little one. It pains me to do this, but it pains me even more that you have lied to me."

Fili broke out in a fresh wave of sobs. Thorin looked down. Fili's bottom was a pretty shade of red, and he knew he should finish up soon. But not yet. The dark hurt inside of Fili was not gone yet.

"Will you ever lie again?" he prompted.

"N-nooo, siiiirrrr," Fili sobbed out. "S-sorry! Really, really sorry!"

"Are you?" Thorin said with a frown. Fili nodded frantically. Thorin hummed thoughtfully, then rested his hand on Fili's head, gently raking his hand through the light hair that fell across his nephew's face. "I think you're sorry I caught you."

Fili turned his head to look at his uncle. Thorin almost melted at the look on Fili's face. Fili's face was flushed from crying, and his eyes were filled with tears. He hesitated, then stammered, "U-uh huh."

Thorin grimaced. It was his fault, he had not made himself clear. He rested his hand on Fili's bottom and his nephew shuddered. The unshed tears leaked out and Thorin wiped them away with his thumbs. "I mean, I don't think that you're sorry for lying to me, being rude and insensitive and arrogant to your brother. I think you're sorry that you're getting this spanking because I caught you."

Fili bit his lip, chewing it. Too late.


"Answer me."

"AHHHHHH! Y-yes, U-Uncle! OwOwOw! S-stop, pleeeeaase!"

Thorin paused again, and said softly, "Tell me what you are sorry for, little lion, and then we shall be done."

"B-but, you already kn-know," Fili began to protest. "AHHHHH!"

"Answer me, little lion, before I give you another deserving swat on your bottom."

"S-sorry for l-lying t-to you," Fili rasped, finally seeming to submit. He gasped and buried his face into the palms of his hands. "S-sorry to K-Kee for b-being mean. W-was naughty."

Thorin landed one last swat before ending it. It was light, but it still made Fili cry out and jerk. He gently drew his nephew into an embrace and Fili snuggled into it. "Are you going to tell me what Kili said to make you so annoyed?" he murmured softly, rocking him.

Fili sniffled and shuddered. "He threatened he would tell y-you that I-I disobeyed you when you told me last week that I should do the studies you gave me."

Thorin shook his head in exasperation. He reached out with an arm and pulled Kili closer. "Sorry," Kili offered softly. A tear leaked out. "I was just bored."

"Mmmm." Thorin drew him into the hug. "Are you two going to apologize now?"

"S-sorry, Fili," Kili whispered. "Didn't mean to."

"It's all right." Fili mumbled. "I'm sorry."

Thorin couldn't help but grin. Then he drew both boys into a warm embrace.


"Shhh," Thorin hushed, quickly raking his fingers gently through Fili's light-coloured hair. He set his nephew beside Kili on the bed on his stomach, and Fili wriggled slightly. "Sleep well."


Thorin hid a grin and turned away. Just as he was about to shut the door, a voice drifted out.

"L-love you, Uncle."

Thorin paused. Then he softly said, "Love you, too." And then he turned and headed away

End of Chapter One

Author's Note: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REVIEW! They make me happy and I update faster!