Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, it is owned by Masashi Kishimoto. If I DID own the series I would have stopped sucking Uchiha D#% after the show began, which sadly Kishimoto hasn't stopped doing just yet. This will be my first Naruto only story (having focused on crossover stuff first) so please leave a review and tell me how I'm doing. This is technically a song fic, seeing as how I will be using pre-made songs for the most part, though I MIGHT make something original on occasion. Enjoy!

The Siren Shinobi

"Believe it!" -Human Speaking

'CHA! True love!' –Human Thinking

"Shadow Clone Jutsu" -Jutsu

"Let's make a deal" –Demon/Summon Speaking

'Foolish mortal' –Demon/Summon Thinking

Chapter 1: The Deal

(Konohagakure: Late at night)

In the Village Hidden in the Leaves, there exists an ugly truth. In the day time, when everyone is awake, the village is filled with happiness and joy. The civilians go about their days in peace, knowing that the ninja protect them from danger.

But at night, when the eyes of most turn to try and sleep, there are those in the village who stay awake. They leave their homes, meeting with others to begin something they have been doing since the Kyuubi attacked four years ago.

Tonight, like all those others, a call goes out through the gathered mob. It is this call, said numerous times before, that shall bring on the bloodlust hidden within the village.


So begins another attempt to kill one Naruto Uzumaki, four-year old jinchuriki of the Kyuubi no Kitsune. On that night four years ago, the Fourth Hokage sealed the beast within the child and asked for him to be treated as a hero by the village.

Sadly, his wish was ignored by many of the village. Those who did listen remained neutral to the child at most, save for a select few who befriended the boy. Those he has befriended include the Sandaime Hokage, Several ANBU Black ops agents, and several of the Shinobi clans in the village.

The little boy had just been kicked out of the orphanage three days ago, and has been able to find anything to eat in that time. Tonight, he was digging through the trash behind one of the villages restaurants when he heard the mob coming.

Knowing what was going to happen if he was caught, Naruto took off running as fast as he could. Bursting out of the alley, he ran past the mob of people further down the road and into the dark village.




The chase began slowly, the mob having slight trouble finding a small figure in the darkness as they ran after the boy. However, Naruto was just a boy, there was no way he could out run a mob of adults. Even worse is that there were ninja in the mob tonight, who took great pleasure in using the child as target practice for their kunai.

It was twenty minutes into the chase that the first kunai found its mark, the poor boy's thigh. He cried out in pain before stumbling into an alley by accident, not knowing that he had trapped himself in a dead end.

As he slumped against the wall at the back of the alley, he turned to the mob and whimpered in fear. "…why?" he whispered, "Why do you hate me? What did I do?" he looked into the eyes of the people, finding only maliciousness and hate.

One man stepped forward, brandishing a large club in his hands. Grinning with wicked glee, the man spoke, "you're a fast one you little demon, but I'll change that." Without even a hint of remorse the man brought his club down on the boy's legs, shattering them in a single blow.

"AGHHHHHH!" Naruto cried out in agony, feeling the bones in his legs break. He started crying as the mob cheered the man on, encouraging him to do more. With a vicious grin he did just that, swinging his club over and over again as he broke almost every bone in the boy's body.

After half an hour of this, Naruto laid on the ground as he cried and whimpered in absolute agony. As the man stepped back to rest, one of the ninja from the crow stepped forward. Naruto wasn't able to see him properly through his tears, only being able to notice silver like hair under a bandana.

Drawing a kunai that dripped with a strange purple liquid, the ninja sneered and said, "I'm sick of your voice you little shit. Now I'll shut you up for good." With his piece said, the ninja quickly slammed the kunai into Naruto's throat and through his voice box.

Unable to bear the pain any longer, Naruto passed out.

(Naruto's Mindscape)

Naruto awoke to the sound of dripping water and the feeling of cool water on his face. Slowly opening his eyes, Naruto groaned to himself. 'I'm…I'm in a sewer, a big one,' was the first thought to hit him as he gazed around him. It was when he looked down a hallway that he heard something.

"Come…Come to me…"

Something about the voice…drew him in, told him to follow the voice. Slowly standing, he trudged through the dirty, polluted sewer water and followed the voice. He walked through a maze of hallways before coming into a giant room. The floor was over flowing with water, covering every inch of dry land. At the back of the room was a cage, with bars as thick as a full grown man and going all the way to the ceiling. The gates to the cage was closed with a tag the said 'seal being the only thing keeping the gates closed.

"Come…Stand before me…" The voice sounded from behind the cage, sounding rough but somber. Slowly approaching, Naruto stood before the cage as two monstrous, blood red eyes opened to look at him. They looked to the boy, showing sadness and regret as they took in the skinny, malnourished body.

"Do you know who I am, Naruto? Or where you are?" it asked in a deep voice that shook the very foundation of the room. The small child slowly shook his head, more curious than scared. The being sighed as it continued, "You are now within your mind, where only you or I may enter. And I?"

Slowly, a giant figure walked out of the darkness of the cage. Standing as tall as the mountains in Lightning Country, was a fox. Its red eyes glowed with pure power, its fur was a dark orange color with black fur surrounding its eyes. It had long, rabbit-like ears that were pulled back against its head. It's long, nine tails swayed behind it as it sat before the boy.

"I…am the Kyuubi," it said in its deep, but sorrowful voice.

Naruto gazed upon the beast that had attacked his home, the one who had likely killed his parents as it rampaged through his village, and was now sitting before him. The first thing that came to mind was said in a soft whisper, "Why?"

Kyuubi had no need to ask what the question meant, it knew exactly what the boy wanted to know. Settling down to stare the child in the eyes, Kyuubi began to explain, "I am sorry little one, for all of the pain I have caused you." It closed its eyes as it started with the attack four year before, "for years I have lived within a host, against my will. Through my imprisonment I grew to hate and despise you humans, much more than I once did. On that night, my previous host was attacked and I was able to escape." Its eyes opened slightly and grew cold, "I knew she would live, because that was what her clan did best. I just wanted my freedom, but it was taken from me yet again. I remember staring into those eyes, the Sharingan."

The beast paused, collecting itself before it did something rash, "my mind went blank as I was forced to attack the village. It wasn't until my chakra was split into Yin and Yang that I recovered my mind." It gazed at Naruto with sadness, surprising considering that everyone said it was a mindless beast, "I have watched your life up until now, Naruto. You have suffered through much, but you do not hate those fools for what they have done. For that I admire you, and…I'm sorry."

Naruto was quiet, just looking at the beast before him as it bowed its head. What the fools of the village failed to realize was that Naruto was very smart for his age. He learned that knowledge will help keep him alive a long time ago, so by no means was he an idiot.

As what the Kyuubi said filtered through his head, the boy slowly walked through the bars of the cage. Walking up to the Kyuubi, he wrapped his arms around its snout and hugged it. As he did he whispered, "It's not your fault…but, I forgive you anyways"

The Kyuubi was shocked, it didn't think it would be forgiven so easily. It looked at the boy hugging its snout and smiled. 'So pure of heart…Father, I believe I have found one worthy to carry out your dream.' Nudging Naruto off softly the Kyuubi said, "I thank you Naruto, but that is not the only reason you are here."

Naruto looked at the fox, confused. Seeing this, Kyuubi continued, "While I will be able to heal your body, the fool who stabbed you used an advanced poison." Kyuubi looked at Naruto sadly, "it would take years to heal your throat to workable conditions, much too late to fulfil your dream of becoming a ninja."

Naruto's eyes widened in disbelief, 'years? I…I can't be a shinobi.' His eyes watered as his dreams crashed down around him. His dreams of becoming Hokage, of making the people see that he's not useless, all gone.

Seeing him upset, the Kyuubi quickly continued, "But…" Naruto looked up when the fox talked, wondering what else it had to say, "If you'll allow me, I can infuse your throat with a mixture of both out chakras and empower it. It will heal in two years' time, long enough to have entered the academy at least, and you will develop what you humans call a Kekkei Genkai."

Naruto's eyes shined with hope, hope that he could actually become a ninja. He quickly nodded and hugged the fox once more, repeatedly saying thank you. The Kyuubi just smiled, happy to finally be able to help. The world started to flicker, the lights fading in and out.

"It's time to go Naruto, you need to wake up"

Naruto looked at the fox, suddenly nervous. "W…will I see you again?" he asked quietly.

Kyuubi smiled and nodded. "Yes…I will always be with you Naruto, you will never be alone again. Now go."

Naruto smiled as he faded from the mindscape, leaving the Kyuubi no Kitsune alone. Looking at where he left, the fox smiled and said, "I will protect you from all around you, Naruto-kun."

Chapter 1 END