Disclaimer: Naruto, I own not. With all my heart, wish I did.

*Door slams open* DC518: YODA! What did I say about coming here uninvited?

Yoda: shouldn't do, I.

DC518: that's right, now get! *watches Yoda leave before looking at fourth wall* as for you all, enjoy the chapter! (Also, "Get off of my Back" belongs to company responsible for the movie "Spirit")

The Siren Shinobi

"Believe it!" -Human Speaking

'CHA! True love!' –Human Thinking

"Hello dear friends" –Naruto Talking/ People Singing

"Shadow Clone Jutsu" -Jutsu

"Let's make a deal" –Demon/Summon Speaking

'Foolish mortal' –Demon/Summon Thinking

Chapter 5: Dog eat Dog School

After the classroom had calmed down enough. Iruka brought all attention back to the front. "Alright everyone! Since today's everyone's first day we'll be doing something different today." He cleared his throat and started writing on the board behind him. "Today we'll be having a series of events to find out where everyone ranks with what they can do right now.

On the board were several words 'Taijutsu', 'chakra control', 'weapon proficiency', and 'history'. Iruka clapped as he said, "alright! First up is Taijutsu, or the art of hand-to-hand combat. Everyone follow Mizuki and I outside." The two teachers began walking with the children as they headed outside.

In the back of the group Naruto was walking with Choji and Shikamaru, with the former looking at Naruto questioningly. "Ne, Naruto," seeing his blonde friend looking to him, the pudgy boy continued (A/N: For some reason I feel dread every time I type 'pudgy' and 'Choji' in the same sentence), "not to sound rude, but….I thought you were mute?"

Naruto just smiled at his friend and said, "I was for a long time Cho, for reasons you don't know. For years I've been healing, waiting until I could send people reeling." His friends looked at him funnily when he suddenly started rhyming as he talked.

"What's with the rhyming?" Choji asked, his eyebrow raised in question. Shikamaru was curious as well, but it was too troublesome to ask.

"For years I've been without a voice, now my speech is my choice. I hope to find, through beats and rhyme, a new way of speaking to get behind," he said simply. Seeing their still confused faces he rolled his eyes and said, "I want to have a new unique way of speaking, rather than waste my new voice on normal ways of talking."

Choji made an 'oh' face while Shikamaru just shook his head at the troublesome blonde's reply. Before they could speak anymore they realized that the class was finally outside.

Iruka called for everyone's attention once again as he stood inside a chalk circle on the ground. "Alright everyone, when I call your name please come up and Either Mizuki or I will test your skills." He began calling names from his clipboard, with those from civilian families being taken down quickly. Shikamaru forfeited his match immediately, being followed by Choji who lasted a total of three minutes of the five given.

Kiba's savage brawler style helped him last a good four minutes, while Shino's lack of physical skills and Hinata's shyness barely passed them with two and a half minutes. Sasuke's family style seemed to be helping him stay in for much longer than anyone else, however Naruto was the only one to notice Mizuki holding back on his strikes.

When Naruto was finally called up he noticed Mizuki taking a more threatening stance and immediately settled into his Uzuken style's stance. Iruka held up his hand like a flag, looking at both of the fighters, before bringing his hand down with a shout of, "Hajime!"

Almost immediately Mizuki disappeared from most of the student's sight, only to reappear with his arm pulled back to punch Naruto in the side of his head.


Everyone was shocked when Naruto's arm shot up to block Mizuki's punch half a second before it could connect with his head. Mizuki was shocked as he looked at Naruto's face, which had a small smirk. Opening his mouth, Naruto began to sing.

Well you think that you can take me on

You must be crazy

Mizuki seemed to take offense to this as he sneered and went to kick Naruto's legs out from under him. Unfortunately, for Mizuki, Naruto was able to flip over his teacher and kick him in the backside. This had the adverse effect of sending Mizuki to the ground in a heap.

There ain't a single thing you've done

That's gonna phase me

From the watching class, over half of the girls there were cheering loudly for the blonde. Ino was cheering the loudest, squealing with delight once Naruto started singing again.

Mizuki, even angrier now, flipped up to his feet. Turning around he started sending punch after punch at the young blonde, who just kept blocking and singing.

Oh, but if you want to have a go

I just want to let you know

After blocking a few more of Mizuki's swings, Naruto decided to finish this. So, with a smirk, he caught Mizuki's next punch. Smiling at the teacher's surprised face, Naruto tightened his grip on Mizuki's hand as he sung the next line in his song.

Get off my back!

And into my game

Naruto pulled Mizuki's arm hard, getting a good grip before flipping his teacher over his head. Then he spun around, kicking Mizuki to the very edge of the ring.

Regaining his balance, Mizuki growled as he charged Naruto again. 'YOU LITTLE DEMON SPAWN!" he shouted in his head, holding nothing back as he tried to split Naruto's head open with every swing.

Get out of my way!

And out of my brain

Get outta my face!

Or give it your best shot!

I think it's time you better face the fact

Get off my back

Naruto was dodging again, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. He found it when Mizuki over extended one of his swings. Capitalizing on it, Naruto jabbed at Mizuki's elbow which resulted in a quick snap.

When Mizuki felt the bones in his arm break from the 'demon brat's' hit, he instinctively winced from the pain. This was his downfall though as it gave Naruto even more openings to go on the offensive.

You know it's all just a game that I'm playing

Don't think that you can't find a way in

That's what I'm saying

Sasuke watched everything from his private corner of the field. He had to say, the blonde kid was good, REALLY good. He smirked as he saw blondie go on the offensive, 'looks like I might just have a rival after all.'

Oh if you want to have a go

I just want to let you know

Oh! Get off of my back!

Naruto delivered a quick, but powerful, kick to Mizuki's ribs. Following this up with several jabs to his teacher's abdomen. Naruto jumped back to get a breath and let Mizuki recover a little, it is a spar after all.

And into my game!

Get outta my way and outta my brain!

Get out of my face!

Or give it your best shot!

I think it's time you better face the facts….

Get off of my back!

Mizuki was shaking with pure anger as he looked at Naruto. Slowly, he started reaching into his hip pouch. Grabbing his kunai, he quickly charged Naruto and started swinging fast enough that no one should have been able to see the weapon.

Naruto, fortunately, was accustomed to Guy's super human speed and could easily see the sharp, pointy weapon heading straight for his jugular. His eyes narrow as he starts getting serious. He starts channeling chakra to his legs to increase his speed, just like Yugao taught him.

Oh but if you wanna have a go…

I just want to let you know…

Get off! Get off!

Yeah! Get off of my back!

Iruka noticed Mizuki losing control of his anger and began sweating. 'This is getting out of hand, I have to do something.' Making sure none of the students were looking, he formed a cross like hand sign and whispered, "Shadow clone jutsu."

Once his clone silently popped into existence it nodded and took off to look for some ANBU or to get the Hokage. Turning back to the fight, Iruka was surprised to see Naruto taking the offensive again, and he was still singing!

And into my game!

Get outta my way!

And outta my brain!

Get outta my face!

Or give it your best shot!

You know this train is coming off this track…

Get off of my back!

Mizuki was really getting pissed now, the damn demon just wouldn't die! "STAND STILL YOU LITTLE HELL SPAWN!" he screamed in anger, causing the students to jump and finally notice how serious the fight had become.

Naruto just ignored him and grabbed the arm holding the kunai. Getting a good grip he brought it over his knee and-


"AUGH!" Mizuki screamed, cradling his broken arm.

Yeah get offa my back!

Get off! Yeah!

Naruto threw a hard right jab at Mizuki's face.


When Mizuki's head snapped to the side from the hard hit, Naruto began sending hit after hit to Mizuki's chest.

Get off!


Get off!


Get off! Get off!

Get off of my back!

Naruto finished everything with a final punch to Mizuki's solar plexus. As the demented sensei went flying back into the school wall, Iruka's Shadow Clone returned with the Hokage and a squad of ANBU black ops.

"ANBU! Arrest Chunin Mizuki!" Sarutobi yelled, having seen the weapon fly out of Mizuki's hand as he was hit. Once the unconscious teacher was taken off the field, Sarutobi addressed the worried students with a calm and caring tone. "I'm sorry you children had to see this. It appears that Mizuki's last mission left him with a small case of post-traumatic disorder," he lied smoothly. Smiling, he calmly continued, "Once he visits a special doctor he should be just fine."

Sarutobi nodded to Iruka and took off with the ANBU to have a… 'talk' with Mizuki. Iruka clapped and shouted, "ALRIGHT! Now that all of that has been taken care of, I'd like to congratulate Naruto for lasting the full five minutes." This received a loud cheer from the newest 'Naru-fan club'.

As Iruka continued on explaining the rest of today's tests, Naruto was talking to Kyuubi inside his head. 'These next few years might not be so bad, don't ya think?'

Kyuubi just smiled, setting her head on her front paws as she said, "no Naruto-kun, it might not be that bad at all."

Chapter 5 END

A/N: to those against me using the actually songs, I have two things to say:

I won't be using a song every chapter, so don't get your panties in a twist.

It's my story so :P

Also, for those calling for Mizuki's death but are disappointed with me NOT killing him off earlier…I have plans for him during the scroll incident *Smiles cruelly* so don't worry. Also, Naruto will have dates before his final Harem. If only so he can have experience trying to have a relationship beforehand.