Hello everyone! This story is going to have similar themes to those in my last fanfic, A Complicated Bond, although the character dynamics are slightly different. I am going to use a lot of songs in here, so let it be noted that I don't own any of the songs OR characters mentioned in this story! It is rated M because there will most likely be lemons later on, as you might have already guessed. ;)

I updated my last story very quickly, sometimes adding two new chapters in one day. I expect to update this one quickly as well, but not quite to that extent, as I am back in school and have to study every now and then (ugh…)

Anyway, I hope you enjoy, and please leave comments! Thanks!

Professor Hermione Granger strode into the dimly lit office angrily, a terrified third-year trailing behind her. "I will leave you with Professor Snape. He'll come up with a fitting punishment for your actions, no doubt."

Professor Severus Snape sat at his desk. Amidst the potion bottles scattered around the room were essays that needed to be graded. He rubbed his temples as Professor Granger came strutting into his office with a squirrelly looking Gryffindor boy behind her. Is there such a thing as knocking anymore?

"Professor Snape. I'm sorry to barge into your office like this, but I just caught this boy trying to light your personal quarters on fire!"

Snape turned to look at the boy slowly, enraged. He was quivering at the knees and looked faint. Hermione felt sorry for the third-year. After all, Snape still favored Sytherins more than any other house, regardless of the promise he had made at the beginning of this year to be more nondiscriminatory. She decided to place a hand on the boy's left shoulder. I suppose I am a little biased as well, she thought. After all, she was Gryffindor Head of House.

Snape stood from his desk. "Professor Granger, I don't see why this matter should involve any discussion. The boy obviously deserves to be expelled immediately for his actions."

Hermione cleared her throat. She would never get used to seeing Snape as an equal. "Actually, professor, I'd like to hear what he has to say first. Maybe there's some sort of…explanation."

The Potions Professor walked towards Hermione, stopping short only a foot away from her. He's trying to intimidate me.

"Oh, I think not, Miss Granger. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you're going easy on him just because he belongs to Gryffindor house."

Her heart beat wildly in her chest. Don't be nervous. You have just as much power here as he does, if not more. Reluctantly meeting his eyes, Hermione said, "I suppose you don't know any better then, Professor Snape. I would not impose punishment of any student in any house before hearing their side of the story."

She stared into his eyes defiantly. Finally, he backed off.

"As you wish. What do you have to say for yourself, boy?"

"I…I…they made me do it! I swear!" The redhead collapsed on the ground in a heap, tears streaming down his face.

"Who made you do it?" Hermione asked softly. Snape scoffed.

"Slytherin…fifth years…poison…" he stumbled out in between breaths.

"Sweetie, I'm going to need you to calm down. First off, who was it? Do you have names?"

Hermione grabbed a blank piece of parchment off Snape's desk. He gave her a bewildered look that she, in turn, ignored.

"Write them down for me, if you could."

The boy's hand shook so badly that Hermione could barely read the three names he scribbled down; Blake Richards, Gaige Coleman, and Flynn Archuletta. Hermione recognized them in an instant. They were the Troublesome Three, a group of boys that terrorized anyone and everyone that wasn't part of their inner circle. They all should have been expelled years ago, in Hermione's opinion.

"I see. Now, what was that bit about poison?"

"They threatened to poison me if I didn't do it," he replied, now much calmer. "Poison they stole from Snape's storage closet."

Snape finally looked up from his desk. He had been bored up until this point, Hermione's tiresome questioning dragging on longer than he cared for. I have work to do. At the mention of someone stealing from his closet, however, Snape's head snapped up.

"What did you say?"

"They stole from you, sir. And they were going to poison me in my sleep if I didn't set your room on fire. I'm sorry, so sorry…" He began to sob once again. This time, Hermione stooped down and put an arm around him. Poor thing.

Snape rolled his eyes at her. She glared back.

"Professor Snape, I think that Mr. Willoughby has had enough inquisition for one day. Obviously it was the Troublesome Three's work, and if I can prove it, they'll be out of here before breakfast tomorrow," she said, seething.

"I think not! We have absolutely no proof to release him!"

"Oh? And you think he's lying about Blake, Gaige and Flynn? You would have to be the densest person on Earth, professor."

How dare she talk to me like that?!

"Excuse me, Miss Granger?"

"My name isn't Miss Granger! It's Professor Granger, Snape!"

They were nose to nose at this point. "Don't…you…dare."

"Or what? I'm not your student anymore, Snape. I'm your equal. Treat me like it."

He wanted to strangle her. Oh, he loathed her so much. Since when did the Granger girl have the audacity to talk to him like that? Then again, she does have a point. You need to stop looking at her as a little girl, a small voice inside him said. He ignored it.

The third-year had been listening to the two quarrel the whole time. Wow, they really hate each other. This was to his advantage, of course. If Professor Granger hadn't listened to him, he would have been expelled for a crime that he was framed for.

Hermione didn't wait for a response. Instead, she turned to the Gryffindor student before her.

"Mr. Daniel Willoughby. Do you have any evidence that the Slytherin boys put you up to setting Professor Snape's room on fire?"

"No," he replied in a small voice.

"See? There you have it," Snape said. Blithering idiot.

Hermione spun around. "Use Legilimency."

"I beg your pardon?"

"You heard me." Oh, she was insufferable! It is a good suggestion, though. He shook his head.

"Fine. Come here, boy." Snape drifted into the boy's brain without so much as a wand. Hermione looked on nervously, hoping that this would prove Daniel's innocence. Snape was facing her, and she saw the far-off look in his eyes. It was sort of captivating, to tell the truth. He didn't look as menacing as usual.

A second later, Daniel was thrown to the ground with magical force. "He's innocent," Snape said dryly.

Hermione breathed a sigh of relief. "There you have it," she said smugly. I told you so.

"You may go," he replied, directing the boy to the door. I hate being wrong.

He turned around to see Granger still standing in his office. "Aren't you going to leave?"

"Not before I receive an apology."

"An apology!"

"Yes. For the abhorrent way you treated me in front of a student. In fact, I deserve an apology for the last two years that you have berated me."

His mouth hung open. She was actually serious. No one had ever asked Severus Snape for an apology. He was considered a war hero at best, and a traitor at worse, but no one ever questioned him further. What he said was the end-all of any discussion. And yet, here Granger was, being the insufferable know-it-all that she is, demanding him to explain himself. It was slightly impressive. Slightly.

"I have done nothing of the sort." There, better to deny it than delve into unneeded explanations.

She crossed her arms. "Bullshit."

"Miss Granger!"

"Tell me why, Severus Snape! Tell me why you despise me so much!"

Hermione didn't know she could be so brave. He can't do anything to me, she reminded herself. Still, standing up to Snape was terrifying.

She has nerve. "I don't despise you, Hermione." He meant to say her name as an insult, but it came out too tenderly. It tasted sweet on his tongue. Hermione.

His response caught her off guard. Did he just say my first name? It sounded so…sweet. No way. This is Snape we're talking about, she reminded herself.

"We simply are not…friends." He struggled to find the appropriate word to define their relationship.

"But why? Why do you keep people at such a distance? Lots of people admire you, Severus, and yet you push them away. Just something to think about." Again, she didn't know where her bravery stemmed from, but Hermione turned on her heel and walked out the door, leaving Severus alone, awestruck.

What was that…?

Hermione skipped breakfast in the Great Hall the next morning, where she usually ate amongst her colleagues. She was running late and her head throbbed from lack of sleep.

Pulling on her high heels and running out the door, Hermione thought back to her disturbing dreams. Snape abusing her in a dungeon. Snape kissing her sweetly. Snape trying to kill her. Snape trying to make love to her.

Whatever her mind was trying to tell Hermione, she wasn't getting it. So many mixed messages. She hadn't thought about Severus Snape hardly at all since becoming a professor at Hogwarts. Mostly, the two steered clear of one another and sat at opposite ends of the table at meals. It bothered her deeply in the beginning, since she quickly became good friends with all the other professors, but she had quickly learned to let go of it.

Now, however, his absence from her life was maddening. "Oh, why hadn't I just taken care of the Daniel situation myself? Then I wouldn't be having these ridiculous dreams!"

Hermione walked into her classroom where she taught Muggle Studies. The class automatically became quiet at her entrance. She smiled to herself. I can control my students without being snarky and uncouth.

"Hello, class. Today we will be entering Unit Three, Muggle Technologies. As many of you from Muggle families know, technology is a bit like Muggle magic. Only, it has taken centuries of hard work to achieve some of the things that Muggles have. Who here has ever heard of a television?"

About one-third of hands flew in the air. Figures that Muggle-borns would take this class for an easy A.

After class, Daniel Willoughby made his way to the front of the room. "Professor Granger?" he asked shyly, startling the professor who had been filing away her papers. "Hello, Daniel! Is something wrong?" she asked with concern in her voice. Those three bastards were supposed to have been sent home already.

"No, nothing's wrong. I just wanted to…um…give you something. A present."

Hermione's heart melted. How sweet! "You don't have to do that, dear!"

"I know, but I really want to." He pulled a small device out of his pocket and placed it in her hands.

"Daniel!" she scolded. It was an mp3 player. "You know that students aren't allowed to have Muggle gadgets like this at Hogwarts!"

"I was afraid you'd say that, Professor. But it isn't Muggle – it's magic. I made a few alterations to make it play music to match the mood of whoever is around. Well, whoever's emotions are strongest, anyway. I tested it out with my friends."

"That is very thoughtful of you, Daniel, but technically it's still against the rules."

"It isn't mine, though. It's yours."

Touche. She looked down at the device. "Well…alright then. Thank you very much, Daniel."

The boy beamed as he left the classroom. "I suppose I haven't listened to music in a while." Hermione thought back to her childhood and teenage years when she always had music blaring in her room. I wonder if this thing is any good. She flipped the "on" switch and a song began to play.

I stop to catch my breath
And I stop to catch your eye
No need to second-guess
That you've been on my mind
Well I, I dream days away, but that's okay

Hermione didn't recognize the song. "It's cute and all, but how does it match my mood exactly?" she wondered.

It's like I want to hear a silent sound
And then hold it in my hand
But a rose won't blossom from a ground
Of desert sand, but I like to pretend that

One day I'll turn around, I'll see your hand reach out
I'm only fooling myself
But maybe when you smile
It means you'd stay awhile
Just maybe you'd save me now

I'm only fooling myself

Well, now it's etched in stone
That I can't survive alone
You have the missing piece
That I need so desperately
Yes, I slip away to a day that'll never come

It's like a splash of water to my face
When I suddenly realize
That you could never find a place
For me in your eyes, and I don't know why I keep thinking…


It's love in disguise
I'm lost in your eyes
Lost in your eyes

She flipped the device off immediately. "Must be defective," she thought as she imagined Snape's raven eyes staring into her own.

She remained at her desk grading papers for another hour, occasionally glancing up at the mp3 player. Maybe I should give it another go. After all, Daniel probably worked hard on it.

The song started off with loud drums.

There's a drumming noise inside my head
That starts when you're around
I swear that you could hear it
It makes such an all mighty sound

There's a drumming noise inside my head
That throws me to the ground
I swear that you should hear it
It makes such an all mighty sound

Louder than sirens
Louder than bells
Sweeter than heaven
And hotter than hell

A knock on the door caused Hermione to nearly jump out of her shoes. Waving her wand, she muttered, "Come in."

In her doorway stood Professor Snape, the usual scowl plastered on his face. "Yes?" she asked in what she hoped to be a nonchalant voice.

Louder than sirens
Louder than bells
Sweeter than heaven
And hotter than hell

As I move my feet towards your body
I can hear this beat it fills my head up
And gets louder and louder
It fills my head up and gets louder and louder

"Can you turn that infernal noise down?!"

"Oh. Yes, I suppose."

Her heart slowed down. Why am I…disappointed?

"Thank you," he said without an ounce of meaning. "I took care of the Troublesome Three." Just when she thought he was going to walk out without another word, he turned back around.

Music lingered in the background.

There's a drumming noise inside my head
That starts when you're around
I swear that you could hear it
It makes such an all mighty sound

"Professor Granger. I…apologize for our…miscommunication yesterday."

Hermione's jaw dropped. Severus Snape was actually apologizing to her. I wish this thing doubled as a recorder, she thought, looking at the mp3 player.

"Thank you. That means a lot to me."

The two remained in awkward silence for a moment before Snape noticed the music player on her desk. "What is that thing, anyway? Some sort of Muggle device?"

"Yes. It was a gift. It plays music that matches one's mood."

Snape raised an eyebrow, but asked no further questions. When he left the room, Hermione realized what she had just said.

She slapped herself on the forehead. "Now he probably thinks I'm crazy! I mean, really? There's a drumming noise inside my head?!"

Severus returned to his room across the hall. What a lunatic. As long as she kept that infernal music down, he would politely ignore the fact that she had an illegal possession in Hogwarts.

He sat at his desk pondering why Hermione's mood was that of lunacy. Who was that song about, exactly? "Doesn't matter," he chided himself. "Why am I thinking about Granger, anyway?"

It was dinnertime. Hermione made her way to the Great Hall, glancing up at the High Table only to realize that Hagrid had taken her usual seat. "'Ope yer don't mind, Hermione! I 'ave somethin' I need to discuss with the Headmistress here."

"Not at all, Hagrid," she lied, taking a seat next to Severus Snape.


She reached into her pocket to feel the mp3 player. She had listened to it all day, but thought it was probably time to turn it in to Professor McGonagall. She did hate breaking rules, after all.

She slowly set the device in the middle of the table. Severus looked up. Good, she's getting rid of that blasted thing.

The professors' conversations died down as the mp3 caught their eyes. "Professor Granger, what is it you have there?" Professor Sprout asked.

"It's something I confiscated from a student," she lied, stealing a quick glance at Snape. I hope he'll keep his mouth shut, for Daniel's sake. "It was modified to play Muggle music based off the person's mood around it. If there are multiple people, it plays a song to match the thoughts of the person with the strongest emotions at the time. It's a very interesting device, you know."

"Well, keep it, then! I assume you placed it here for me to take?" Headmistress McGonagall asked.

"Yes, that was the intention," Hermione said confusedly. "You want me to keep it?"

"Why not? Let's try it out!" Shouted Professor Flitwick.

"Yes!" Pomona said, clapping her hands. "I am so very curious!"

Hermione nervously switched the device on. A song began to play.

Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On Jupiter and Mars

In other words, hold my hand
In other words, baby, kiss me

"Frank Sinatra?" Professor McGonagall said amusedly. "And whose song might this be?"

Argus Filch hid his face in shame. Madam Pince winked at him from across the table.

Fill my heart with song
and let me sing forever more
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore

In other words, please be true
In other words, I love you

Hermione was trying her best not to giggle. This could be a lot of fun, she mused. Perhaps it was the effect that the music had on her, or perhaps it was due to something else in the air altogether; but suddenly she suddenly felt giddy that Snape had not told on her. "Thanks," she whispered.

He looked at her questioningly.

"Oh, don't play dumb. You know what you did." She returned to her plate, smiling and feeling oddly blissful.

Severus continued to stare at her. She is a unique witch, indeed.

A/N: Not much to say down here, except I hope you liked the chapter! As I said earlier, I will try to update soon, probably in a few days or so.

The songs (in order) are: Only Fooling Myself by Kate Voegele, Drumming Song by Florence and The Machine, and Fly Me to the Moon by Frank Sinatra.