Minerva woke late, well after 8am. She had for the first time since Yule had a whole night undisturbed with no nightmares or emergencies and without the benefit of Dreamless Sleep Potion. Not that Poppy allowed use of the dangerous and addictive sleep draft accept under exceptional circumstances.

Her routine had changed, as there were no elves in the castle, the three ageing witches still on staff were now used to getting themselves up and making their own tea. Food at the moment was being provided by Madam Rosmerta, who sent up breakfast lunch and dinner for the skeleton staff from her inn kitchens in Hogsmeade.

As the acting headmistress washed, she felt better than she had for over two years. It was if the weight of the war and the losses were no longer praying on her. She breathed deeply as she washed, the cold water woke her, it was then she felt the energy thrumming through the castle. Wards stronger, more alive than they had ever been in her long lifetime. The sudden loss of the ancient protections had made the castle seem more a ruin than the damage inflicted by the battle. She dressed quickly and went in search of Poppy, Luna and Pomona.

The entrance hall gleamed as if overnight a team of a thousand elves had polished every stone. The west wall facing the staircase was now covered in a large richly coloured tapestry depicting a hunt for a legendary white hart stag, led by the Mistress of Magic herself, the Morrigan. The flame haired goddess with bright green eyes and pale skin, so similar to the late Lily Evans Potter, that her visage made the transfiguration professor stop in her tracks and the breath catch in her throat. The wall of cloth also showed two esquires attending the central figure, both dark haired youths dressed in ancient plaid and fur lined cloaks. One with long hair, blue-grey eyes and the other had the green eyes like the goddess, suggesting a close relationship and short wild hair in Roman style. All three figures were riding thestrals and had ravens on their forearms, not falcons or hawks.

It was only after Minerva had stood for about five minutes did she notice Luna arrive from the Great Hall. "An owl has just arrived for you, Minerva. Its waiting in the Great Hall. If you require me, I will be in Hogsmeade with Dean and Dennis. Blaise is assisting Poppy brewing to restock the infirmary."

"Is Harry having breakfast with us this morning?"

The blond haired girl paused but did not turn around just stated "Harry left early this morning, he's gone traveling with a new friend of his, a boy he has been corresponding with all summer." Luna did not add 'in his dreams' or the fact it was not in this plain of existence. Harry looked happy. The young witch also wondered how many would note the reason the scenes on the Tapestry would changed over time, reflecting a life elsewhere, where time and mortality were irrelevant.


In late August, a tired Hermione Granger arrived back in London and went to Diagon Alley to see George Weasley. She had been given a message by Tom at the Leaky Cauldron that George wanted to see her, as well as a long rant on the poor state of the postal service. Tom had not heard from his son in Canada for seven months. The floo network had only been fully re-established a week, but things were slowly getting back to normal.

She had read the Prophet that morning. Hogwarts was reopening next week. All students who's education had been disrupted were welcome to retake a year, or just retake their exams using an approved home study scheme. The ICW had helped with five teachers supply teachers for this year. Minerva McGonagall was staying on only as Deputy to the new Headmaster Marcelle Sancerre, a Canadian specialist in Magical Education. Changes included a Magical Culture class, mandatory for all students in years 1 and 2.

George had aged, white now graced the deep red hair above his damaged ear. He was working long hours, but the shop was again full of customers. He was expanding as well with shops planned in Paris, Hanover, Varna and Prague. All helped by the fact, Harry had gifted him a serious amount of gold to get the world laughing again and his apologies that he could not work with him to achieve that laudable goal.

The manager and owner, stopped restocking when he saw the familiar dark blond hair of the brightest witch of the age. He stood and straightened his plain brown work robes and bowed "Greetings, Miss Granger."

Hermione frowned slightly at the jokers formality, but played along and curtseyed and replied in the manner of a Jane Austen heroine. "Come now, Mr. Weasley, call me Hermione."

"You are most kind. Shall we depart this bedlam and take tea at Bessie's Tearooms over the road. I need a break, business has been very brisk."


Over tea and scones, Hermione talked of finding her parents, both of whom were happily settled in Brisbane. Her father had gone back to university to undertake a Doctorate in Reconstructive Dentistry. She sipped her tea. "I understand the mail network is in a shocking state, a shortage of owls and a huge backlog of post. I have not seen Pig and I guess Harry has not purchased a new owl."

George then handed a thick letter to his tea companion. "Luna came into the shop last week and dropped off letters for Fleur and Bill, myself and one for you. As a background, the press, the ministry and well most of the Order have treated Harry like he was not to be trusted. Read the letter, Hermione."

Her face paled as she read the letter, then the detailed notes Harry had left her and finally she looked at George. "He's gone then. Please tell me it was not some fool attempt to follow Sirius?"

"Errr... No. Strange things have been noted at Hogwarts... You'll see when you get there. He's not gone. Its more like being he became a permanent protector of the castle. More than a ghost, not dead, not alive and not in limbo. Its just hard to describe. If you need details talk to Luna and Blaise. Dean was there but he and Dennis have buggered off for apprenticeships on the Hidden Isle in the Laguna Veneta. Doubt we'll ever see them again. I also have to apologise for Ron, as Ronald does not have the decency to personally break things off. Ron and Ginny are being groomed by Great Aunt Muriel, who has decided that neither you or Harry were suitable influences on her family. She is grooming Ron to be the Prewitt heir as Bill has married a 'half breed', Charlie is well... not the marrying kind, Percy has married Penelope... a muggle born and I am courting Angelina, who dares to play Quidditch professionally. Not something a well bred witch would do."

"But Ginny wants to try out for the Harpies?" Hermione had listened for years on how the youngest Weasley dreams to play for the all witch team, the Holyhead Harpies.

"She might, her fiancee is completely besotted and likely to allow her to do whatever she wants, after she gives him an heir of course."

"Fiancee?" The bossy witch was shocked, she had returned to England expecting Harry to be living with Weasleys. She had left suddenly, when Ron and Molly had both tried to tell her she was not allowed to travel to Australia. Harry was besotted with Miss Weasley. He only got through last year because he hoped, wished and pined for her. No wonder he left.


It was nearly Yule, as Hermione now called the Midwinter festival centred on the the darkest days in the year. In her final year at Hogwarts, she had learned much about the beliefs, customs and superstitions on the magical world. It was so very different than all she had previously believed. Crossing the barrier to board the Hogwarts express had been her initiation into this secret society, one only now did she fully understood. She was a witch and proud of that fact. All magical beings, flora and fauna had a symbiotic relationship, magical enclaves were essential for their survival. This year, she had become close friends with Blaise, a perfect gentleman who had asked to court her. He did not care that she was no longer virginal. He stated she would be a perfect companion, not a trophy or a mere housekeeper. She was still unsure to date, as she could still not forgive Ronald for abandoning her after saying he loved her. That had proved to be hot air.

She wandered the third floor corridor on her Prefect Patrol, she was one of two Gryffindors staying in the castle over the holidays. She could not help herself as she retraced her steps to her adventure to save the Philosophers' Stone. The rooms were dusty and disused. In the final room, she silently lit the torches with a flick of her wand. The Mirror of Erised, the ancient artefact described by Harry, still stood in the corner. She wiped clean the ancient looking glass to remove the dust and cobwebs, unlike a normal mirror it was blank, her face was not reflected, although the chamber was.

What did she desire? Knowledge? That was within her power to attain she did not need a magical portal to show her that. She missed the excitement of her previous years at school. Now she socialised and studied, but their was no dangerous creatures, hidden artefacts, dark lords or escaped prisoners to make life interesting now. More than anything she missed her best friend, she missed Harry. Months of soldiering on and her stiff upper lip were swept away as the young woman alone in the depths of the castle broke down and wept. As she slid to the floor in her misery she did not notice the surface of the mirror change and grow darker. A vision of a forest, ancient and dark like the Forbidden Forest was shown. A raven sat on a branch in a moss covered oak. The bird then stretched its wings and took flight.

The surface of the mirror moved like a drop displacing a pool of mercury and the Raven was perched on the ornate wood frame of the ancient portal of dreams, desires and obsessions. The bird swept to the floor and revealed itself to be an Animagus. Harry stood dressed in a fine velvet tunic, matching breeches and soft silk hose.

"Don't cry, Hermione, love."

Hermione looked up to see a dark haired handsome man with neatly trimmed beard and familiar green eyes. She wiped her face and stood, only then realising this was her best friend. "Oh, Harry I've missed you so much… This is a dream isn't it. Luna said you had travelled where no mortal could follow."

"I cannot stay long… do not despair. I left as the price necessary to protect the legacy of the Founders, to safeguard the one place that I considered home. Where I live now is not like here. Time is not relevant, we… its just different. So, hard to describe. Do not lose yourself in bitterness and what might have been… you are the greatest witch of your age. You are needed to encourage change. You will have a long and happy life with three children and many grandchildren and great grandchildren. You will be a matriarch, a law maker and a protector of this world within a world. You will protect our future and I will look on. I will visit when I can… when you need me. I am different there, I cannot always remember my past. Your tears touched me beyond."

Hermione hugged the very real man, warm, smelling of the sea with soft facial hair. "Luna said you were like a ghost but not a ghost. She was very cryptic as usual."

"Angel, protector… companion of the Morrigan… I serve magic now. I must go… the hunt calls. I will visit you in your dreams, beloved friend. Give my love to Blaise and Luna… Minerva and Filus. I must go."

Like a wisp of smoke, Harry was gone. Magic pulling him back to his home.