Hello! I'm sorry for the delay! I hope you'll enjoy this new chapter!

Chapter 14:

Caroline walked out of the bathroom just as the doorbell rang. She looked at the clock on the wall to see that she had been in the bathroom only ten minutes. Maybe the food was here early. She hoped so because she was starving. Klaus walked past her and toward the front door. She watched as he opened the door, thanked someone and closed the door with a bag in his hands. Caroline's stomach growled and Klaus looked up at her at the sound. She blushed and he smiled walking toward the couch. He already knew Caroline loved to eat in her couch.

Klaus put the bag down on the small table in front of the couch and opened it to take the food out of it. Caroline quickly joined him and sat down on the couch making herself comfortable. She took some food and stuffed it in her mouth with a contented moan. She loved Chinese food. She heard Klaus chuckle and she turned toward him looking at him questioningly.

"What?" She asked raising her eyebrows.

"I don't know where you put all of that food," Klaus said shaking his head amused.

"Are you insinuating that I eat a lot?" Caroline asked falsely hurt.

"I wouldn't dare," Klaus said sarcastically.

"I barely ate anything since Friday," Caroline defended herself. "The hospital food was disgusting." And her lunch had been cut short by her somewhat argument with Bonnie.

"Right," Klaus' face darkened a little at the mention of Caroline being at the hospital and she was intrigued.

"Um," she cleared her throat. "Why didn't you visit me at the hospital?" Klaus' eyes snapped up and locked on hers. He was obviously surprised by her question and she hurriedly added; "It's not an accusation or anything. I'm just curious."

"I wasn't sure you'd want me there and…" Klaus trailed off and Caroline knew that it wasn't really what had kept him away.

"And?" She asked not breaking their eye contact.

"And I was angry," Klaus admitted and his answer took Caroline aback. She looked down finally breaking their eye contact and picked up some more food to distract herself. "When I heard that you were awake I wanted to storm into your hospital room and scream at you so I decided to stay away until I knew I could be around you without starting to yell at you."

"Why were you angry?" Caroline asked hesitantly even though she already had an idea of what the answer to her question was.

"You mean why am I angry? I'm still angry." Klaus' tone of voice became a little louder and Caroline started to regret bringing the subject up. "I'm angry because you pushed me away and you didn't say anything. I had no idea something was wrong. I found out the moment I found you almost dead."

"We've known each other for a little over a month. Of course I didn't say anything. We're strangers." Caroline slightly raised her voice as well looking back up at him.

"Strangers? I thought we were on the same page but it looks like we're not," Klaus was still talking loud but he wasn't yelling.

"What do you mean?" Caroline asked furrowing her brows.

"You don't feel that connection between us? Am I just imagining it?" Klaus asked slightly lowering his voice so it was back to normal.

Caroline looked at him in the eyes and didn't answer anything. If she wanted to push him away again it was the perfect time and occasion. She wasn't ready to open up to him about her past anyway so it was useless to give them a chance, right? Klaus shook his head and stood up from the couch. She knew what he was thinking. Her silence was answer enough. She stood up as well and watched him grab his jacket and put it on. Caroline felt tears filling her eyes. He didn't spare her a glance and walked toward the front door.

"Of course I feel it," Caroline exclaimed. She didn't want to go back to not living. She felt alive with Klaus.

Klaus stopped in his track a few inches away from the door. Caroline's tears fell down her cheeks. This was hard for her, harder than she had thought it would be. She used to strongly believe that what was best for her was to keep people at a certain distance. And that she didn't deserve to have a chance at some kind of happiness again. It was hard to truly allow someone to get close again. But she wanted to try. She wanted to give them a chance. It was exhausting to fight against herself and what she truly wanted all the time. She wanted to heal.

It was a realisation for Caroline and it freed her of a slight weight. She was finally admitting to herself that she wanted to heal. She didn't want to live in the shadows of her past anymore. But she was still a long way toward that and she knew it. Klaus turned around and his eyes landed on her face instantly. Caroline turned around and quickly dried her cheeks with the back of her hands. She heard him take some steps toward her but he stopped a few feet away.

"I don't like it when you hide from me," Klaus said and he seemed completely calm again.

"I don't like it when you're angry," Caroline retorted turning back around to face him again.

"Looks like we're gonna drive each other mad," Klaus said smiling knowingly and Caroline didn't really know what that smile was for. "But it's okay for me because you're adorable." Caroline felt her cheeks burning and a small smile reappeared on her face. She looked up at Klaus' face to see that he was smiling as well.

"It's complicated for me because you're not adorable at all," Caroline said her smile widening. She was really glad that the mood was lightened again.

"I'm not adorable?" Klaus closed the distance between them and pecked her lips. Caroline kept smiling not kissing him back and he kissed her lips once more before kissing her chin. He kissed both of her cheeks and her nose and Caroline giggled.

"Sometimes you are," Caroline corrected herself and she felt Klaus smile against her skin.

"That's gonna have to do," Klaus said before walking away from Caroline and taking his jacket off putting it back where it had been earlier.

Caroline sat back on the couch and turned on the TV. She wasn't hungry anymore so she just ignored the food that was still on the small table in front of her. She was really tired to be honest but she wanted to wait until Klaus would decide to leave. She didn't want to kick him out. Klaus walked back toward the couch and sat down on it next to her. At Caroline's surprise, he put an arm around her and pulled her toward him. She smiled since he couldn't see her face with her head resting on his shoulder. Her smile faded after a few seconds though. She had to tell him.

"I'm ready to give us a chance," she said and paused. It was easier like this since he couldn't see her face. "But I'm not ready to tell you about my past."

"Thank you for your honesty," Klaus said sincerely. "I'll be patient. I'll wait for you to be ready to talk to me. However long it takes," Klaus said in a whisper and Caroline's heart beat faster.

"Thank you for not pushing me to tell you," Caroline said a small smile reappearing on her lips. After that, they both stayed silent and simply watched TV together. At some point, Caroline couldn't fight her exhaustion anymore and she fell asleep.

She stirred in her sleep when she felt herself moving. She groaned and slightly opened her eyes. She was against Klaus's chest and he was carrying her. She furrowed her brows in confusion. How long had she been asleep? She hadn't intended to fall asleep. Klaus was looking straight in front of him and he hadn't noticed that she was awake.

He walked into her bedroom and delicately placed her on the bed. He finally looked down at her and smiled. She was still half asleep she was barely aware of what was happening. Klaus brought the covers over her and pushed her hair behind her ear.

"Sleep," he whispered and Caroline's eyes closed again.

She felt the darkness of slumber take over her senses once again and drifted back into sleep. She couldn't hear anything in the room anymore. Klaus was probably gone now. She didn't know what time it was but he had to work the next day so he had to get back to his apartment and to get some sleep. Her thoughts trailed off as she fell into deep sleep again.

Klaus woke up the next morning because of the light coming into the room. He had forgotten to draw the curtains. He blinked because of the blinding light. After a couple of minutes he was finally able to keep his eyes open and he lied on his back looking at the roof. He loved to sleep late and hated to wake up early. His thoughts drifted to Caroline and he let them. He replayed in his head the previous day.

He had been so relieved to see her alive and well when she had walked out of her bathroom. He hadn't expected her to text him to tell him that he could come with Kol to her flat. He had planned on giving her space and staying away from her until she actually showed an interest in seeing him again. Katherine had forced him to go to Caroline's flat since they were all going. All right, maybe she hadn't really forced him and he had just wanted to see her safe and sound.

He had planned on not bothering her and just being there and then living as everyone else left. But her message had changed everything. The second he had read her message and looked up to see that she was walking out of the bathroom he had changed his mind. She was showing an interest in seeing him, it was exactly what he had said he'd wait for. And he was glad they had talked a little about how she felt even though they hadn't really talked about what had happened.

Klaus had indirectly asked her if she had tried to commit suicide or not and she had completely dodged the question. But Klaus wanted to know. He wanted to know if the woman he was falling for had indeed tried to take her own life. And last night she had told him she wasn't ready to tell him about her past and it was fine. Klaus hadn't lied to her, he was willing to wait, he didn't want to push her into doing or saying anything. And whatever it was that she was hiding it was obviously painful.

Their conversation just after everyone had left had confirmed one thing for Klaus. Caroline was in pain. Something was tormenting her and making her suffer. Of that he was sure. But did it necessarily mean that she had tried to kill herself? Was this thing she was hiding painful enough for her to actually want to die? Klaus was almost certain that Caroline didn't want to die now. She was even going to give them a chance. And she had admitted that the time she spent with him belonged to the happy little moments of her life. So there were happy moments. It wasn't all dark. There was some light left in her. More than just some light. He had once told her that she was full of light and he hadn't been lying. It just seemed that Caroline couldn't realise it and was letting the darkness take over for some reason.

She wasn't doing that all on her own though. Her words were still resonating in his head. The people she loved were the ones holding her head under water. Klaus felt angry at the thought. He wanted to know what those people were doing exactly, and he wanted to know who they were. He wanted to destroy anyone and anything that had ever hurt her. He wanted to protect her and never let anyone hurt her again.

But why? That was a question he was constantly asking himself. Why did he feel that way? Why was Caroline making him feel what he had never felt for any other woman before? Why did he want to be in a real relationship with her and not just have fun with her?

Klaus had desired Caroline from the moment he had actually looked at her, once his anger at her had drifted away that first day he had met her. And saying he'd gladly get laid with her on that first day had earned him a slap. So it had been a real surprise when Caroline had jumped on him two weeks later the night he had walked her back home. He had stopped her because he had thought she would regret it the next morning if they hooked up if she actually remembered it. And Klaus had actually not wanted her not to remember. He had wanted her to remember every bit of it the day he'd take her. And for some reason taking her while she was completely drunk hadn't felt right. The gentleman in him had finally spoken after all this time.

Then, when she had said she had forgotten about what had happened he had seen right through her right away. He had made her admit she actually remembered. He had felt strongly attracted to her on that day too and had wanted to take her in Elijah's kitchen. He had wanted her, more than he had ever wanted any woman before. And he had asked her out on a date because he had thought it was the only way he would get her. And she had surprised him once more by refusing and suggesting that they could simply have fun together. The truth was that he had been disappointed because he had actually wanted to take her on a date.

But he had been intrigued. And he had seen it as a challenge. Klaus hated when he was said no to. So when she had backed off telling him to forget about it he had convinced her to go through with the arrangement she had originally proposed. And he had had every intention to make her want to go on a date with him.

And a week later, she had come to his flat and he had finally taken her. He had never felt so connected with someone before. And he had realised that he didn't only want her to accept going on a date with him. He wanted to win her over. He wanted her, completely. Mind, body and soul. And he didn't want any other man to ever touch her. He didn't want her to want any other man ever again. He had thought he wouldn't fall for her anyway. He wasn't capable of loving someone who wasn't family. So he had started to spend a lot of time with her. Because he had this pull to her. Because being with her simply felt like the best place in the world.

People said that to make a woman fall in love a man had to make her smile and laugh. He had soon realised that every time she smiled or laughed he was the one falling. And when he had realised that he had thought he would get scared and run away but he simply couldn't run away from her. Everything about her was enticing. And then after only two weeks of their arrangement she had ended things and had said that it was because she was catching feelings. Of course he hadn't seen back then where the problem was with that because it was what he had wanted all along. And she had asked him not to hold her back if he cared even a little about her.

That was when he ran away. He could have held her back and would have probably tried if he hadn't actually been scared of the feelings she was awakening in him. Feelings that had been dormant forever until then and that he hadn't suspected the existence of. He had seen an outdoor in her pushing him away. He had realised that only on Friday night after she had been taken to the hospital though. Finding her like this in her flat had been a trigger. He didn't want to be scared anymore because life was too short. So if he was the one falling for her in the end, then so be it. It was a good thing he was accepting it because he was definitely falling. And he was falling hard.

Klaus rolled onto his side and looked at the object of his thoughts sleeping next to him. She was truly beautiful. She was on her side and turned toward him as well. Her arms were in front of her on her pillow so he could see only half of her face. She looked peaceful. He loved to see her like this. He wanted to reach out and touch her face but he restrained himself. It would wake her up. He stayed like that for at least ten minutes. Caroline stirred in her sleep and slightly opened her eyes before closing them again.

"You're staring," she said with a hoarse voice and a small smile appearing on her rosy lips.

"I am," Klaus admitted shamelessly. "I could stare at you for hours." Caroline blushed.

"I didn't realise you'd stay the night," Caroline said changing the subject. She opened her eyes to look into Klaus' blue ones.

"Is that a problem?" Klaus asked smiling.

"No." Caroline moved her arms away from in front of her so Klaus could finally see her entire face. "Don't you have to go to work?"

"Are you trying to kick me out?" Klaus asked a little amused.

"No, I'm not," Caroline said truthfully and Klaus' smile widened.

"I'm the boss. I decide when I work," Klaus answered her question cockily getting a little closer to her and bringing his hand up to brush her hair away from her face.

"Bonnie has to work all the time but you can just stay in bed whenever you want," Caroline said playfully.

"Bonnie is paid very generously for her work and she has to stop complaining. I'm not as horrible of a boss as she probably lets on." Klaus trailed his fingers on Caroline's face toward her lips his eyes focused on the trail of his fingers.

"I think you're exactly the way she lets on." Caroline's smile faded when Klaus' fingers reach her lips and he heard her intake of breath. Klaus' smile didn't drop. He didn't want to talk about Bonnie. He wanted to talk about Caroline. And he knew it would ruin the moment but there was one thing in particular he wanted to know.

"Did you try to commit suicide?" Klaus asked gently.

He didn't want her to feel accused or judged or anything. He just wanted to know. He watched Caroline's face fall and regretted bringing it up instantly but once he would know at least the subject would be off the table and he wouldn't bother her with this anymore. Caroline rolled on the mattress to be on her back. Klaus' fingers weren't touching her and she wasn't looking at him anymore.

"I don't know," she said after a few seconds of silence. "I can't remember what I was thinking."

"You don't know? So it's possible that it's what you did?" Klaus asked his chest tightening. It wasn't the answer he had wanted to hear. He had wanted her to say no. He had wanted to know that she hadn't done this. But if she didn't know it meant that it didn't seem impossible to her.

"I can't say it's impossible because that would be a lie," Caroline admitted looking at the roof above her. "But, it doesn't seem right to me. I don't think I tried to end my life. And I was honest yesterday when I thanked you. I am thankful you saved me."

Klaus felt a little better after this clarification. So it wasn't impossible but the chances were thin. It was better than a 'fifty fifty I don't know' and it was way better than a clear yes.

"This conversation wasn't really what I had in mind when I woke up to you in my bed," Caroline said with a light chuckle and Klaus knew that she was trying to change the subject without seeming to. "Bonnie said she heard you talk to me while I was unconscious."

She was definitely changing the subject and brining the attention on him. Klaus was a little taken aback though. He hadn't thought about the fact that Bonnie could hear him talk. He didn't want anyone to repeat those things to Caroline. If she had to hear them some day he wanted it to be from his mouth.

"Did she?" Klaus asked trying to look nonchalant even though he wasn't really comfortable with the fact that Bonnie had heard and maybe repeated everything to Caroline.

"Don't worry, she doesn't want to tell me what she heard," Caroline said rolling back on her side to face him once more with a little pout on her face.

"Good," Klaus simply said a smile reappearing on his lips.

"She's probably scared you'll fire her if she tells me," Caroline said an amused smile reappearing on her lips. Klaus was glad that he hadn't completely ruined the mood after all.

"She can be." Of course Klaus wasn't serious. Even if Bonnie ended up telling Caroline he wouldn't fire her. It was a part of their private life and it had nothing to do with work.

"So you are as horrible a boss as she pretends," Caroline accused, her smile widening, and Klaus' heart skipped a beat. Every time she smiled he was the one falling, it was still true.

"That's a good thing you don't work for me," Klaus stated.

"It doesn't mean you can't be bossy with me," Caroline whispered seductively and climbed on top of him making him roll back to lie on his back.

"You want me to be bossy?" Klaus asked bringing his hands to her waist. She was straddling him and bent over him her face inches away from his and her hair cascading around Klaus' face like a curtain. He could already feel his manhood hardening in his boxer briefs. It was the only thing he was wearing since he had taken his clothes off to sleep.

"Mhm," Caroline nodded and pushed her hips downward against him. Klaus groaned at the feeling. "Are you going to tell me what you said to me when I was unconscious?"

"Are you trying to seduce me into telling you?" Klaus asked looking straight into her darkening eyes. He had no doubt it was exactly what she was doing but she was obviously getting turned on as much as him.

"I wouldn't dare," Caroline said pushing her hips down once more and slightly parting her lips when she felt how much effect she had on him.

"Maybe someday," Klaus said.

He had actually told her again a little bit of it. The part of them driving each other mad. But she didn't need to know that he had already revealed a little. Caroline pushed her hips down on him again and Klaus looked away from her face and at the clock on the bedside table. He sighed upon seeing the time and looked back up at Caroline above him.

"What?" She asked.

"As much as I'd love to stay in bed with you, I do have to go to work. I'm already late and I have a few meetings I can't miss. I have to go back to my flat to shower and change," Klaus explained and Caroline pushed her lower lip out in a small pout.

Klaus' hands left her waist and came up to cup her face. He pulled her face toward his and kissed her lips tenderly. Caroline kissed him back and even tried to deepen the kiss but he pulled away with one last peck on her lips. He gently pushed Caroline off of him and stood up from the bed. He looked at Caroline to see her seated in the middle of the bed and looking at the bulge in his bower briefs before looking back up at his face.

"Don't look at me like this," Klaus growled. If she kept looking at him the way she was his erection wouldn't disappear.

Klaus took his clothes that were in the corner of the room and quickly put them on. Of course he felt Caroline's eyes burning into him the whole time. He would need a very cold shower before going to work. Once he was dressed he walked toward the bed again and cupped Caroline's face in his strong hands. He kissed her lips and smiled.

"Don't pout, love," he said amused and frustrated too. "I want to do things in order this time around anyway. We take things slow. First, I want to take you out on a date."

"You just spent the night in my bed. That's not in order," Caroline pointed out.

"Saturday night?" Klaus proposed ignoring what she was saying.

"What? No sex until Saturday night?" Caroline exclaimed and Klaus chuckled.

"Well, that is if you accept to go on a date with me on Saturday night," Klaus stated raising an eyebrow.

"Okay for the date," Caroline said with a smile and Klaus smiled as well. He was still holding her face and bent down over her so his face was inches away from hers. "What if I don't do sex on the first date?" Caroline asked playfully and raising a defiant eyebrow.

"You won't be able to resist." Klaus' smile widened.

"I thought you wanted to take it slow?" Caroline asked biting her lower lip to keep herself from laughing. "No sex on the first date." Caroline said looking straight into Klaus' eyes with a seductive look.

"We'll see," Klaus simply said with a wink. "Goodbye, Caroline," he whispered millimetres away from her lips before kissing her again.

Caroline parted her lips against his and Klaus deepened the kiss. Their tongues danced together and after a few more seconds Klaus pulled away. He placed a last peck on her lips and straightened back up. He smiled one last time at her and left her bedroom and her flat. No sex on the first date. Klaus took that as a challenge. He would make her want him so bad she'd beg him to take her but he'd resist. Klaus took his phone to see that it was dead. He had to hurry up if he didn't want to miss his meetings.

Please leave a review and let me know what you think about it :)