Thanks to Elvira and Alena for the mental support.

Ming Hua feasted her eyes on the untamed beauty of the South Pole. She was nearly shaking with excitement to be surrounded by that much water again, to go back to her old secret training areas. The others weren't as pleased.

After nearly a year of trying, Zaheer managed to persuade them into executing his master-plan. He went on and on of how they could finally change the world, with one plan that is absolutely air-tight and cannot go wrong in any single way. It was bullshit, of course, but eventually they agreed. They've had some plans backfire on them before, but they were always strong enough to handle any changes that may come and get the mission done. This is an actual challenge for them, one they should be able to handle.

They've been practicing diligently for nearly two years, until the new Avatar was announced: some kid named Korra. A few days later, they were already on their way.

She loved Zaheer like a brother. He was the first person who was ever kind to her, but that seemed to slip away. Lately he became less of a friend and more of a leader. Nobody seemed to notice that but her.

"Let's review this again. Ghazan, Ming Hua, you have two weeks to create these exact tunnels," he provided them with a full map of the South Pole, filled with secret underground tunnels they must create, under the ice and earth, and keep hidden. As if it weren't a big enough of a headache as it is, they must memorize the map as well.

"We strike on the next full moon. We need you at your best," he told her. "Ghazan and P'li will burst in through the front door, no need for stealth. Keep everyone busy until Ming Hua and I sneak through the back. I suppose one parent will either stay with her or run – it shouldn't be a problem for us to procure the Avatar either way. Once we're safe, Ming Hua will form a fog to signal you to retreat through the tunnel back to the rendezvous point."

"Isn't she guarded by twenty White Lotus soldiers or so?" Ghazan raised an eyebrow.

"No. According to my sources, there are currently three of them at her house, and they're not fighters. You should be able to take them down easily. We go in and out; they won't even notice she's gone."

They spent two weeks tunneling, training and adjusting. P'li and Ghazan had it the hardest. They were out of their element, and had to find some creative ways to get by. For P'li it was a massive coat. For Ghazan, a shuriken made of lava. Ghazan's solution was much more to her liking.

On the night before the mission, Zaheer and P'li went off to their room, as usual, and she was left alone with him, third wheels once more. Although they were incredibly confident of their abilities and imminent success, they both knew there's a chance this will go horribly wrong. It might be her last chance to tell him.

"I hate kids," she muttered. Not exactly what she was planning to tell.

"That's because you're dead inside," he grinned.

Everything always went so easy for him. Nothing surprised or rattled him, he was as calm and steady as it gets. She loved everything about him so much it hurt; his stupid smirk, stupid tattoos, the stupid way he could talk to her about anything in the world, besides this.

Since Unalaq she's had many lovers who came and went, none of them managed to get him off her mind for more than an hour. What would he do if she tells him that? Either way, it'll only distract them and get in the way of their most important mission so far.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine, just a bit nervous about tomorrow." She could tell by the look on his face that he picked up on her lie.

"Me too," he pulled her in for a hug, a bit closer than their usual. She couldn't comprehend the meaning of this. Did he realize? Does he somehow know –

"Good night, Ming Hua," he looked right into her eyes before he let go.

This is it. This is the time. I have to tell him. Do it. Do it.

"Good night," she said, as they both went into their respective rooms to get plenty of rest before their big operation.